The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 01, 1893, Image 4

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The hullebtloo about the country going to the drvil is all bt«b. A good manv of the people urj going to a ; the devil, but the country is all right. tVhat is nee Jed is a more coascicnti u-i administration of the laws and moi e “old time religion” in the ,hearts of the people. That’s fiat’s needed.—Ex. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Da yen weir them 7 When next h mifrj a pair. Best In tho werid. $5.00. $4.00. /ifi» There is wisdom in ihc fol’owin^ from the Bainbridge Democral: Speedy trial-, convictions and pun ishment <>l the guilty, ami the certain ty that quibbles will not be allowed to eoterlero with justice, would soon destroy th; influence of Judge Lynch in this country. Ou {account of his wile’s i'lueBS, Curt right Speaker Crisp will not be able to speak at Tammauy Hall on the 4th He has notified Mr. Croxer and the committee. Receiver Comer is being congratu- lited on every hand. His vindica tion is complete. If you want a tine DRESS SXCc', mn!: b the latest styles, don't pay $6 to $3, try my $3, $3.30, $4.00or $5 Shoe. -They fit equal to custom mac'o p.nd look and wear as well. If you wish to cconomizo In your footwear do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes, Name and price stamped on tho bottom, look for it when you buy. I.. DOUGLAS, lirecL f o'~, T7a?a. Sold'by £?.-::a5 /l. When this cruel silver war is over, everything will be lovely; and we mey bi happy yet JOB WO! CURES ALL SKIN AW\ j MJPll » ' . 1 . Mill'!*. c!d • ■-.r-ct. Ci :«r.h, ^ •I -c-; 3^ Iwt ^ kvi rOlDOa ssf2%iSE5« J ( ■' Chyouie Ulcer) tr t i- -a Biepst Office, f CURES MmasiA cleansing rroparties cf F. Best Workmen, A CAVTATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc, MUNX & CO.. I Oldest bureau for Kvory put Mil taki the public by a no fricntific JUnm&m Bottom Price a* Laivoct circuit! :r>n of World. Splendidly tllti year; tl3l M x mont h “ DUHEISUEU;. 3G1 L UPPMAN BRC:.. Wo/rh .r : -, Druggists, Uppmar/a L'lcc^. 3.V.ANr:A‘i, CA. Call and See Us. ikhuh mfsui.a, OESIGN PATENTS* COPYRIGHTS, etc. ft*Information and free oc'. to ~Bunn * CO- an Broadway. new you*. OHart bureau f or securing patents in America, wery patent taken out by us i. bofnro ■>V*lilHilira mull i givea free ci chargeintho jFmtttific jUHwiou t drenJatinn of any reiontlfie paper in tho -**-*•- * M * * N’(, Uitellieent -.^vSVfe 't 3IU Bresnway. Kcir lot* City. The Puliraan Gar i;\ Bi.’iWEKN Loutsviih', Cinciisi. INDIA HA PC US AND uilii/AEo /,.•» dti Hbi.i.* 1 •. - lit)! R. 8. of Georgia! J. EL JR~EO VE, ■■ IRENTAL AND INSURANCE AGENT, 158 Broad Street, :‘ii SiliirlTH DM AS YILLE, : : GEORGIA. SM’A If*, *r 16i» AKiiiyVilhs j Th. I'ulii.nti Vt»lilmle<l Hi- Night Tniiiib, Parlor flm or, I lay • r~li '•Iff.-. K ! , h W. HA 11iK, Gou. 1-iWh A#‘ faVHniiiih, ‘•.V **. Trallo MtUtitgrtT, VUo M. non Trains - time between the SimiJi*: * • Cities and Hunitf.; torts of the Nordwt W. II. SluOOKUUeiiVi jas. n.vKKKtt.ot u. : Fxifartht'r Information addns ihstTMli.ids.iu i ' f'lNGINMA I'l AN1) FUlltlDA LIMIT. f) f-’IU f V! TtlnMASVIU.K, St A. Alabama Midland Railway 'X'lD.oam.a.s^rille I3o* to Florida U.I>i t.KTAKINt; KKIf'KCT .1 AN. 22.1M»X uoi.MV im At> t:e. uoiNfi wnar-uEAUdown. UTATIOKS. LfPALIMBEO Carriage Shor^. I.o.vsr Ur*mil f ?'-».•* v’r» kvft 11% m<Kt uu-1 2 ? : ‘ CAfsfil/.GE AND WAGON Xmm HoaaK mt :.. at re*tsoaRDie rat* Having ut : A p;ir«;t»H3rd a number ol labor-savitic tccIs’. ar.a having tha Best Equipped !r<l;oi.t n Southwest Georgia, w- use ;*rv;-tre-'i <v. do all kinds of work : n oi r lire • ii--- i-fcfc'VP HDti r*'h J ’ UNI! 3 , . W -i m LHTHAIT BHJS., Broprfstsn, Onjgfcts, Ltpisuaab i■‘.:A, LA" Z'Siji,GA, Gcientifio Amorican Ajoroy 'far r.tifc pnper in tho i. No ini*11 sen* ’ iv. !*;|.oo i i MI NN A CO. New York City. BUiST NEWGROPT CABBAGE, 1D< . DELIVERED AT THOMASV LIE FREr At following prices: Turnip seed crop 18t»3, per pound 2.v..’ ; : half pound 15c., per quarter pound loc. Buist’s Imp. Flat Dutch and Dn rr.hci.i Cabbage per lb $2 00, per halt lb ■jd.'A*, p : ; tjuarter lb 50c. Bulst’a Premium Fiat Dutch and Drum head Cabbage per lb $1.00, per hUf lb 7b per quarter lb 40c. Buist’s Florida Header Cabbage, u-v !*jp.25, per half lb $1.25, per quartt-r lb 7 *»<■ Dark blood Turnip llec. 30c per lb. Long Se^rlet Radish. 30c per lb. And all other seasonable seeds ;il t , : iii; low prices. As we arc shipping no seeds to Thuutus ville this season semi your orders direct t* us and you will get true and correct ; t-. vl.- in our SEALED CARTOO.NS which is th* only sure way to buy Buist’s feeds. Address ROBERT BUIST, NBCD OBOWKR, PHILADELPHIA, PENN. SHORT LINE TO WORLD’S FAIR. Sletping Car Palatka to Macon. PILL51.0 IEEP1NG CAR AlUUi ' wtl WITHOUT I'lUNKK, Omticctk In Union Domit at Mr.roa with M. h N., On. n. It., C. K. U., ami ^.Uthwc-t.-m it ll„ north and Houth, and in Uul<m I»* ;> t at l'alatka with all trains from l’oluta In Florida east, wrat nnd south. H. UUIINB, A. C. EX AIT, Trav. Pass. Agt, Trafllc Mau'tzr. .*•'1.11, S. K h W 1 1 •• (limited).. 4:35 lUl LKi) TlCAfNB KKO't W ..*»8 TO CINCINNATI. . S. K. A W ti.OU II. T . V.& G 0.10 >Jtou 0:13 8:00 , ■ Ol.artmioog.i Q. k U 8:20 a v Cif.Jnnitl, “ 7*20 a . i i:::in Card Thoinasville to Way crus olid trains from Waycross to (Jinoiu- via Matron, Atlanta nnd Chattanooga . H. W. WRENN, Gen. Pas. k Ticket Agent. . biu 41 11 ..'mo i 8 ji ,.! t'J C4b s'J 35 ii a* 61 i h7 eu c ..I »1 OJj ,. 8*j 2u 1 ;G if. i» ra tot* r.i 521* ■»> SJ| 1* f *» t ;j ]» ri al 5? 1» lu f t 4u i> U, at 23 p u, ri os i» in 13 :y i»in IIJ 40 P ni 83 33 p Ui f 3 31 p qj 13 to p ni (2 5‘J p m fi 43 p m 23 p in dl 12 P 0 20 a n) 7 00 am ...Montgomery ..Clay rt». Yard.... .. Deruiid ,..8nowdowu ..Lcgruid ...Sprague Juno... ..Ibtnwr.r ..Grady ..Kent* ..Youngbloods. . • .Troy ..Banks . Drondridge ..Tennlle .. Ariosto ..Dillards ..Ozark ..Newton ..l’lncknrd ..Midland City ..Dothan ..Cowarts ..Ashfonl ..Gordon ...Alaga ..SaJiold ..Donalaon ville.... ..Iron City ..Brinson ..llainbrldgo ..Thomaarlllo ..Barannah..... ..Jacksonvlllo..^.. ..Dp! 7 35 0 0 ..... • Dp I 7 00a ni 17 17 ain'sT 10am '17 53 am si 32am :fs us a in's7 63 am a* ov a ib sH 00 a in tH 22 a ui p8 32 a m 1 M 40am |s» 32 a m fv 37 am ni 62 a m 10 60 siOTOkm f 10 41 slO 52 am HI 35 am f 1162 am ..... all 57 aui f. ...|sl267 pm ..Ar. s‘200 pm ..Ar; k 32 pm ..Ar. 7 56 pu. »0 65 a m 810 so am sioidaiu all 18 am all 32 am sll62am siaiopm 812 45 pm si 50 pm at to pm s2 io pm 02 8-Jpm sl4l pm s313 pm S3 83 pm 53 88 pm s4 10 pm 54 24 pin si 40 pm 8513 pm 87 00 pm oso am 7 30 am 4 oo pm •t 05 pm 84 SSpiu a! 37 p m a4 50pm a5 ospm a5 28pm aft 42pin 80*25 pm so 52 p m a7 2>pm 87 50 urn 88 lapm 88 85pm 88 50pm aO to pm at 45 pm 10 co pm “S” indicates train st*'* s, **F” indicates train stops ou algnal. Train leaves Jlont, . < ry for Luverne at 4 03 p m. dally except Sunday, arriving at uverno nt 3 4 j u. m. i cave Luvcrno at 5 15 a. m. dally except Sunday, arriving at Moat* goaiery 10:00 a m. Trains 78 and ^7 curry Pullman Vestibule Sleepers betwoeu Cincinnati and Tampa, 1 « xk n n - Thoiimsvlllo, Wayeroaa and Jocksouvlllo. Train 78counects at TbomasvlllewithB,r, 48 W.train 2002 & UinaingGain K* K» tonncctlons. 78 f,,r savannah, Chailcsion, liichniomi, Haitimure ( l’hiladeli hia and New York, carrying Pull At'BUST SI hi* IS915. mfro\s. , Lin " r...Macon....Lvi M. & B. ....Hufkeo.... m\ * .. .Llzclla... 4 ..M'<ntpolicr.. 44 . ..Cullodou... j .. Yausvil o.. j M. & .with A* 4b F.. j & bm lest on, liichmond, Daltuuure, rhiiadeli NVaycrcss to New York wltliuut change. • ■ns at Montgomery for all western points. .Thomaston. | Th’dTgn l__ LWuf.dbury.., ! hi'/k B. . Harris City. 111. kB. I ..Columbus... U, It. U. i .Greenville .Art 44 I Kead Dawn Cl*»so connections hi Montgomery W. M. AVJDAO.V, O. P. A. Jacksonville, Fla. Florida Western 12 00 N’N. 12 45 »« 130 2 05 P.M. C30 WA Y l RGSb BllUllT LINfc- TIME CAM) Ur El FIAT JAN. 1,1893. CHKDUI.E OF THROUGH TltAlNH TO FLORIDA AND SOUTHERN GEORGIA. irOlNG SOUTH—READ DOWN. GOING NORTH—HEAD Ul* b R. i 3.16 1«M. ; v w ivlth Atlanta & West Polut It. It. a. a ksaI'P, v Agt., Trafllc Manager, Li'i Macon, Oa. “ . Agt., Thomasvllle. Oa. tiserpis Southern and Florida R. R. RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA. V ! a a.3:laxo, ! a._ Read Up. ..Palntka Ar .Jacksonville 12:65 am 7:00 aru 10:40 urn 7:65 am 2:00 pm 4 :*2h ant 0:25 am 0:26 am 9;00am 11:45 am 4:45 am 3:00 pm 8:00 am ili:25u : 10 am! 2:25 p .65 pm 1 11:00 am 4:4o pm 8:65 pm 9:40 pm 3:60 pm 2.35 pm 11:28 am 1:02 pm 3:25 p 2:38 p 12.00 4.40 pm 8.65 pm 0.40 pm 3.60 pm 2.35 pm 11.28 am 1.02 pm 3.25piu 2 38 pm 3.05 am ....Savannah....' losup..... . ...Waycruw ... Jacksonville.. ■ Sanford..... * Taiuva •...-Port Tampa.. ....Live Oak '....Gainesville...' Valdosta r....Thouiaaville.. r..M Montlcello... r.r'.Halnbrldge... r.. Chattahoochee. r Macon r....Columbus.... r Atlanta r -Montgomery*... r Mobile 7:00 am 1;Uain b :iv pin 7 so* pm 3:ooam 3 30 pm ijt. 11.50 pm LvJ 7t8Upm Lvf lle-d Hoy ..LukoClty.... JasiKjr -Valdosta.... -•Tilton .(.’ordelo ... dune... .Ma M;u. •. Atlanta Chattanooga... Nashville - .. i vausvllle... . . St. Louis . .Chh'ago.. 78 CO bdJ2 pm 6:20 pm 5.-20 pm 12:86 am 10^8 pm 9.25 pm 7.10 pm 2 :U0 pm 72i5am 6.66 pm 12>5<q*ni 8.-00 am 8:28 pm 2:07 put 11:45 am 12:60 am K.uo pm b:uo pu 7 *66 am 1220 out 8^0 am 8^8 ntu Ison 7;15 pa 3:15 pn» 6*2n pm* pm 7 :V6 plU 1 4U1>P« 6:1b piu 2:1b tm iu.18 pm 12.05 pm BLEEPING. CAR HER VICK AMD CONNECTIONS. Trains Nos. 11 and 27 have Pullman Sleeping Cara between New York, Jacksonville and Port Tampa. No ' has Pullman Bleepers between Jacksonville and New York, No 78 atop# at all regular station* t it ween JackaenvDle and Savannah when pa*-tug era me to get on or off. Trains Nos. 14, c, 27 and 5 connect a Jesnp for 2ffacou, Atlanta and the west Train No 15 connects at Wayoroasfor Albany, Montgomery,New Orleans, Naehville, Evansville, Cincinnati and St. Louis. Through Pullman Sleepers from Wayeross to St. Louis. Trains 9 and connect with AlalmmacMidlandrailway at BalsMldge for Montgomery and the West. Tickets sold to all points and baggage checlmJl through alto sleeping car bertha and sections secured at passenger stations. P. M. VANDYKE, P. St T, A. it. G. FLEMING, Superintended M. DA 71DSON, GeneralFasaenger Agent. j 1 k 8iJ A. NEW K,OTTTE —BETWEEN— <3-E0230-I-A.. AND Macon, Ga Uaoon, ga. ut In his pelitiou duly fllcd that h ' rally administered said estate. Tills is tl foro to clto all persons concerned, heiis creditors to show cause if any they can said administration should not »>*> alseha from his ndmiuUtrotion an*l receive lott*:i diHintssiou on the llrst Monday in Heptej next (1S03). •1. 8. Ul'.KKiLi., Ordiua GLOUGIA - Thomas County. OitDiNAitY’H Office May loiters of dlsmltnlod from sal<\ id I will pass upon said application nt olheo on the first Monday In August, I-vli. Jos. b. Meruill, Ordiua: VS V -J Edward McQueen ) rlor (. T«i Edward McQueen you are hereby HmUH-.M olie and appear at the next superior court to >o held in for Thomas county Georgia on Hie third Monday in October, next, then ann (her.* b) answer the libel for divorce in tho ca-e «,r Oharlott McQueen vs Edwin Mctjueon n* •• iiemllng In said court, which s&i l court will ». * held moro than three months irom this dat •. Witness tho honorable A. H. ilauscll. Judge < r tlie Superior Court of tho Southern circuit « : Georgia, under whose order thin notlco 1.“ put>- lished this, the 13th day of June, 1893. J. W. GHOeVEB, Clerk, S. C. V. C. Ga. A, M'P, M OliO. H. HOLLISTER, lMITSICIAN AND SURGEON. Otlirc over f’teyermiia’g, on Broad St. n>vicE llouw.—9 to 12 A. u., and 2 to 6 *. m. dec‘25-ly. Physician and Snrgeoa, ,;r l.TUIK, - - - GEORGIA. O'feM l»i3 services to the dtizens of olq’.iiit and adjacent countica. oCU W IY . g c;7 M« I.KNUOM, ATTOKXKY at law, Brunswick, Thomasville and Jacksonville, —VIA— E. T. V. & G., G. M. & G.. C. 8., B. & VV., S. F. & W. RY’8. 4 lit p r 6 03 pi 8 15 p 1 115 m 11 50 a i 7 10 a i 6 53 at 8 35 a ii 4 03 p i: 0 43 p r JUNE 4th, 1803. hTATtONB. Columbus Richland Dawson /. Albany ihomoavllle... Brunswick Jacksonville... K T. V. & G O. M, & G. O. S. 8. F. & W. B. k W. 8. P. A _NORTH BOUND Hid. 6 8 io u m T 85 p at 8 55 p m IK pm I 60 a m 6 20 pm 6 20 p m 0 30 a m 7 13 a in 5 30 a m 4 00 a m r Dally. 1 Daily Except Sunday. Closo connection made In Uplon Depot, Atlanta, for all points, North, Eaat and Weft, CECIL GABBBTT, Qen’L Manger.. =fc= Sale. Agroeablo to an ordet from the hom.-rabl :ourt of ordinary ut Thomas county, Ga.. v.lit he sold before the court houso door In Thom asville, Ga., between the legal hours of sale ou the Urut Tuesday in July, 1893. the following property towlt: The vacant lot hot ween the NV. A. Davis etablcs on Jackson street, Th -u\- anvlllo. Go., fronting 70 feet on Jackson etrct,t and runulug back 105 feet. Sold an the prop, erty of Geo. R. Smith, deceased, late of Wau, Co., Fla. E. M. MALLETTU, j Administrator Est-tto «>r | OEOltGE It MI1TI1. \ bOUGIA—Tuomas County, Ohdinaby’s Office, Arril 13,1893. Tho return of the commissioners appointed to set apart a years snpport for the widow aud minor children of Eugene H, Smith liavlng been filed In office, all persons Interested an* hereby cited to appear at tho June term, 1893, of this court of ordinary of said ccunty to show I cause, If any exists, why said returns should not bo made the Judgmontof said court, and almilted to record. Jot. 8. MEhaiLL. Ordinary. j T-on*«vi"o, • . . . Ga, i Prompt attention given to all business eu- I iruL-tto to him. | U^Oflicc over Watt’s store, corner Broad j Kii.1 Jr.ckson streets. j G. C. LANEY, M. D- | l- HYSICLAN AND SURGEON. j MOULTRIE, COLQUITT CO..OA. i (jSlots hI2 sen ices to tho people Colqklt ! u a iieuit Uountics. : Moultrie, (ia„ Oct. ii, 1889. KORCU - -TUoMAa Codffv. ouniN.VRY’s Office Jprll lb, li93. John W. ClHTord', adiulnlAtrnli.r on the estate 1. J .unes M. Ear nest. Jih, 1;»'- «*t said county f ' daccr.ceJ, haw applied t*An.* for letters of ills- . missions fiom ^tiid mln l ^.-tratlons, and I will ) piss upon said ap| lit';'* u at my ofllco on the brat Monday lu July 1 .4. lb*J3. I Jo., j. Mi'uuu.L, Ordinary. Citation of Diimistlon, I U KOI LG I A—^THOMAS COUNTY. , M. A. Fleetwood, administrator, dc honle . 1.0K. c-*.tatc of John Hicks, deceased having • applied to mo for letters of dismission from j wi t administration, this Is to cite all con* ccrne-l to show cause, It any they can, why : snlil dismission should not be granted ns ap* P'.I'mI for tho dm Monday in September. 181-3. Given under my hand and olheial seal tills 15th d^y of May, 1893. JOB. 8. MERRILL, Ordinary. iUtl RAILWAY.- SCHEDULES OF DAILY TRAINS IN EFFFCT JUNE 12th. 1892. Q C Lv Jacksonville. I.v Callahan.. I. v Waycros* UfiSSr:::::: J. v Macon Ar Atlanta. Lv Atlanta. Ar ChaitanooKa. I.V Chattanooga. Ar llurgin. Ar Cincinnati.. Lv Cincinnati.... Ar Chir.Ty^....... Lv burain ... Ar Louuviile. < Lv Chattanooga ArMemphi*... 1 Pullman builtt bleepers 1 Jacksonville to Cincinnati and elegant day emehes Jacksonville to Cliatta* nooga without change. (i 30p 7 2&p 9 Wp, 11 15pl 6 05a 6 10a 8 35a 1 00p 7 OOp 7 20p 3 22* 7 20a S 33m! Lv Collehaa Lv WaycrokS Lv )rsup Ar Macon Lv Macon Ar Atlanta Lv Atlanta Ar Chattanooga.. Lv Chattanooga.. At Uurgtn Ar Cincinnati .... Lv Cincinnati.... Ar Chicago 19 15a JO 30a I4S5P 4 40P Isiop 10 Mp 1645a 7 00a 2 COP 5 COP ooop 8 OOp >lann Sleeper* Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. Day coaches Jacksonville to Jcsup, and Jesup * ga witk( * *- Ar Morristew*..... Ar Bristol Ar Roanolw.... Ar Shcnahooli J8..»j Ar Washlngni' Ar Baltir»ort ._ LLti±t Chhttanoofr.a without cl tickbi| •* sale from May t» Sept. 30. Limited to Oct. *114 theft. A O. II. TO AM. Ui:»OaTa.°KV^j U|t .. RaT ,|BlMU rail infor furnished, "berth • j FRANK ?. if. wnrst* ashlnrton via Sh-.pandoah T■■cUo* - . theB. JkO.R.. L, connecting with TO AM, NtjiIU.SOUTS. “WCX" Ui,..Ha«l Iliac U if.” formation r**lfive f.» m*it, hoiidi, etc., eheetmllv Limit*4 r+tt* A %U , , Kvrv 1- •l«T«ri:uii -y it wired lo detail. * Urv *» /.-w *t cTc " , , y Jjgj- "■ ■.ill,. as, N K SNKNAKooawv nuv ww," r. 7 OOaJ flop 810p tS Lv Jacksonville ... Ar Atlanta Lv Atlanta Ar ChattaoMf*..; Lv Chattanooga... 10 00p Xrilacenton.... Ar Harrisburg Ar Philadelphia,... Ar New York Lv Uorristowa,...... Ar Ash ville mvti im 10JS. 1< ■b,I; Sioi 9 1 iso; in llklll tin. 4M, JOOpJW. Both train, cut, nffiai, Rutfil sleepers Chattiaoof a to Now York via Harrisburg. The otso a.m. train from w - • Harrisburg. ^ . -JjS^vRthattanooga atoocarries i atw f * fwai ‘ * ‘ J “ gi U* <hr«-Mvh»^tt V ert. Am •» Bio fUGUl * -ms m