The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 02, 1893, Image 1

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Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods for the next 30 Days af your own price 132 Broad Nt. 8 LSteyerman&Bro. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. The News of the Day Told in Brief—Personals, Etc. Melon men will get a much needed rest io-day. Tlue mercury has commenced to climb again. ‘ It is said that the heaviest part of tbo melon season is over. (‘end your printing to this office if you would have first class work. Miss Carrie VanDykewcnt down to Savannah yesterday to visit friends. Lot Ensoy, everybody knows Lot, is aulhographed at the Stuart to day. St. Tom Bottom’s excursion to Simons on the. tenth will be well pat ronized. Dr. T. S. Hopkins returned yester day from Brunswick and other points on the coast. Mr. J. L. Pringle will leave to-day for St. Marks, where he will spend several days. Do you wish to increaso your bus- nies? If so, adveitise in the Times- Ekteiephise. Next Tuesday will be a legal holi day. The postoffice, banks etc, will observe the day. Miss Mir.niu Pittman, of Meigs, came clown last night to spend Sun day with home folks. Mrs. Dr. Taylor, who has been spending some dajs with relatives in C<m 'la, returned last night. wife left Capt. A. It. Miller and yesterday f r Charles.on, after spend ing a few days tilth Irn.-ids in this city. Mrs. \V. H. (..'airoil and children left yesterday for Wht c Springs, Fia., where they wiil-.-pand-' next two months. Citizens Banking and Trust Company. In another column will be found the statement of the above well known banking institution, which will speak for itself. The temi-annual meeting of tile board of directors was held yes terday morning, and after going over the affairs of the bank the board, in stead of declaring a dividend, passed up about four and a half per cent of undivided profits to the surplus fund This is a most creditable showing and speaks well for the manner in which the business of the bank has been managed. This bank hue only been in business about two years, comparatively short time, and not withstanding the panicky condition of the financial world and the universal lack of confidence on llio part of the people in all banking institutions, it has enjoyed a paying business from the start and made a good interest on the money invested. It is one of the solid, substantial institutions of the town, and under tho management of such capable, clearheaded business men as Vice-President Reid and Cashier Culpepper will coutinue to n-Asner. Head the statement else where. Mr. Dixon Tharin, of Florida, is in the city on a yirt to his mother. Dixon’s Thomusviile friends are glad to see him. Mr. Wm. McDonald, formerly tele graph operator at the depot at this place, but at present located at Ua- conton, came down last night. Mr. D. F. Kirkland, one of tho clevor and popular train despatchen making their headquarters here dur ing the melon season, went down to Waycross yesterday to spend Sunday Among those registered at the Stuart last night were: Geo. A, Fob mer, Luvcruo, Ala.; E. L. White- head, Rome, Ga.; J. R. Young, New Orleans; C. H. Williams, Winston N. CL; W. B. Brooks, St. Louis; Jno. W. Gans, Jacksonville. We regret to learn of the death of the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Allen, which occurred at the home of ita parents iu Fuirview yesterday morning. The remains were taken to Naylor for interment yesterday afternoon. ' Melon shipmonts arc still heavy. On Friday 171 cars were shipped. On the same date last year 93 cars went forward. Up to and including June 30th, 1892, 2,058 cars had been shipped, while at the same date this year 2,279 have gone forward. Miss Monroe Cargylc, a most charming young lady of Bruoswick, who has been spending several weeks in this city the gucu o( Miss Hattie Smith, returned home yesterday. Miss Cargyle is a most fascinating young lady and made many warm friends and admirers during htr stay here. A statement of tho condition of the Bank of Thomasville at the close of business on June 30th appears in these columns this morning. A care ful perusal of the statement will show that the bank is in a healthy and promising condition. As was stated in yesterday’s paper, the board of directors has declared a semiannual dividend of three and a half per cent. The Bank of Thomasville is all right. Cheap Rates to St. Simons. Mr. T. J. Bottoms informs us that he has secured a low rate to St, Simons tor July the 10th. No;special train will be ruu, but the tickets will be good for teu days. Parties wish ing to take advaotage of this low rate t) take a few days off and get a breath of salt air tv'll take the regular pas senger train, No. 78, which leavts here on Monday, the 10th of July, at two o’clock. A special train will take th- m Iroiu Wat cross to Bruns wick, aud they will arrive at St. .'inions at 7:45 o’clock the same even- iug. The fare lor the round trip will bo only 83 35. This will afford our peoplo a splendid opportunity to take a dip in the sea aud enjoy a few day’s rest at small cost. We know that a good crowd will take ud vantage of the low rates to go down. Moonlight Picnic. Quite a number of vouog people spent Friday evening on the banks of the Ochlockonce and enjoyed one of those most delightful of alt occasi ons, a moonlight picnic. The following were among those who participated : Misses Matsy Hopkins, Eva Jennings, Evelyn Mallard, Ljllie Parnell, Nellie Jennings, Ada Kuder, Belle McDowell, and Messrs. John Chisholm, Sam Baker, J, R. Dekle, Tom l.akc, Tay lor Mitchell, Will Mash, Geo, N. Pat terson and B. L. Mallard. It was past the midnight hour when the party returned to town. All expressed themselves as having spent a most delightful evening. CHANGES IN THE TRAINS. The Fast Mail to be Discon, tinued To-Day—The New Train South. The new Atlantic Cost Line train, to bo known os the Atlantic Coast Line Express, to run from New York south and which will take the place of the fast mail, will be inaugurated Sunday. At the same timo train No. 27, the fast mail, now leaving New York at 12:15 at night, and Wash*, ington at 10:57 a. m , will be discon tinued to points readied by the Atlantic Coast Line south ot Weldon, North Carolina, The new service offers material reduction in time from New York to Charleston, Columbia, Savannah, Brunswick, Albany, Thomasville, Montgomery and Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Ocala, Sanford, Tampa, and all points in eastern and middle Florida; also to Havana, Cuba, with only one night eu route to the Gulf. The Atlantic Coast Line impress will leave New York daily at 9:30 a. in. giving equal passenger facili ties for reaebiog points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, as afforded by the fast mail newspaper train that has been 'caving New York at 4:35 a. m. and Washington at 10:57 a. m.. and will reach Savan nah at 8:18 a. m. The new train will carry Pullman buffet sleeping cars from New York to Port Tampa, via Jacksonville, New York to Charleston, and New York to Columbia, Train No. 23, 9 p. tu. from New York, will be continued on the pres ent schedule, leaving Savannah south at G:10 a. m. and will be the firet train out ot Savannah for Florida and points Bouth. - - The abandoment of the fast mail is due to the failure of the At’anttc Coast Lise people to submit their bid iu time to secure the contract, which was awarded to the Richmond and Dauville. The change will not affect the ar rival and departure of trains Thomasville. Train No. 27 wilt lie discontinued, but train 23 will take its place, arriving and departing at the same timo as No. 27 formorly did. Wo understand that the Alabama Midland trains will, after to-day, run irough Bolid to Jacksonville instead ot to Waycross. Texas Ships ths First Bale. Galveston, Tex., June 30.—The first bale of new crop cotton was ship ped yesterday from Duval county to Houston. Senator Voorhees, chairman of the finance committee in the Senate, and one of the heretofore strongest advo cates ot the free coinage of silver, says he now favors the repeal of the Sher man act, without any conditions. As showing the changes being wrought among ihcjadvocates of free coinage, this is significant. Please keep revolving over and over in your mind that fact that three-fourths of the motey made in Georgia goes abroad for manufactured articles. Who is goiug to build the factories?—Cuthbort Liberal Enter prise. A great many republican office holders are refusing to accept the situation with proper resignation. Waycross Herald. They ought to he resigned—to t! 0 situation. If that ice trust in Washington can hold its grip, it will be elected when congress meets in August. Its stock will pay better than u gold mine. A silver mine would bo no where. Boss Buck stepped down and out yesterday. Let the procession pro ceed. There are more Bucks in Geor gia. Clean 'em out. Stanton knows how to itacd off col lectors: Hear him: Foreman—Six men at the door with bills. Editor—TeuB, or fives ? The Quitmau Free Press teisely says: The only good thing about the cigarette is that it is sure to kill the fellow who is fool enough to smakc it. - . He Uot Six Months. Lucius McCloud, colored, wits nr raiguedin the county court yo.-terday on two hills ot indictment, ouo charg ing him with pointing a pistol nt an other and the other with adultery. He plead guilty on tire last named charge and was convicted ot the former. Ho was sentenced to pay a fine of thirty-ouo dollars, including costs, or three months on the gang in each case. He will work. McCloud is tho negro whom Willie Harris assaulted and was sent to tho gang at the last term ot court for cutting. General Darbney H- Mauray, of Virginia, has been offered a sa’ary of $30,000, per annum to assist in super intending the drawing of the Louisiana lottery in their new island home. c are glad Mauray declined the offer. Speaking of it, he said: "I prefer to go down to the gra *e as 1 mi and not place my childr en m a position that might require of them au explanation." Will some oue please write am essay with a title something like thier “How to Be Hot and Happy at the Same Time." Sprirg poetry of the early green variety should lie ex- eluded. Cool facts are what’s wauled. Tho cooler the better. They are arresting auarchiits in Europe, and we aro turning them loose owr here. They turned our r«“cn : s out four years ago; now let their rascals be turned out. A prediction : Congress will prompt ly repeal the Sherman act without any conditions. How is M! I had a malignant breaking cut « telfW the knee, aud vuj enrol souli ..HU twe nnil a half bottles of BKSgJV. Other blood medicines had failed to do me ivu.v j;cixl. Will C. Hk WAi.LACU M\SN. — NT .i.ii.ti’. . I *1 a nil Skin Established 1857, JOSEPH JERGER Base Ball on the Fourth. We understand that some of our ball players are endeavoring to ar range a game for the afternoon of the fourth of July, which is next Tues day. There is no reason why this cannot be done and wo hope the boys will be successful. Anything for amusement. There are quite a num ber ot good players in town now and we think an interesting game could very easily be gotten up. The big ex-Confederate excursion will leave Birmingham on the 21st ot July, for Chicago. Fare for the round (rip, $10. it is thought in Atlanta that serious trouble may grow out of the quarrel between Rountree and Westmc relaud. Scrne say that Rountree will be forced to challenge Westmoreland, while others say that Westmoreland would uot recognize a challenge from him. A number ot Georgia colvacts who didn’t get there, are on their way home from Washington. Let ui hope that the blackberry (crop in Virginia ard the Caroheas is holding out yet. It is said that Tom Watson will begin setting off his fireworks on the 4th. Better save your works and wind for next summer, Tommie, you may need ’em then. Parties desiring good milk uui be sup. plied by addrewing Jersey Farm. An in- „ - spection of the cows and the milk invited. died in Carlsbad, Germany, yesterday. | toti J.T.ttumix. A. J. Drexel, the great banker, DEALER IN Wilt dies, Diamonds, Silver Novel lie*. And Bric-a-Brac, Complimentary andSouvenir Presents 5 Clocks, Musical and Optical Goods. ,104 BROAD ST. THOMASVILLE, UA. NOTICE. Tbe Bank of Tbomasville, the National Bank an 1 the Citizen’s Banking and Trim Company will close next Tuesday, July 4th, it being a legal holiday. B. H. WmciiiT, J. A. BaaxDos, J..T. Ctitrirrxa, Casbieri. GOOD MILK. T nut (D T lx H p "j c Mg £ V 0 £ m M P H ft 3 0 ft ~ f J he most elegant line of sti»W hats ever shown in Thomasville now on display. Call and see them. Curtright & Daniel jfrfrV v fM