The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 05, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. IX—NO. TIIOMASVILI.E. GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1899. $5.00 PER "ANNUM Here 1 Am -with tiii: LOCAL HAPPENINDS. The New* of the Day Told In Brief Personals, Etc. Raiii is badly needed. Business is unusually quiet. Yesterday w^s the hottest of the season. ... ,, , , We regret to learn that Attractions and Prices itei,ry Mucbai1 uq,iite >il dav Mr. -TO- ttYilllll! 1 Lot of laces in various width and floods f»() per cent ahead of any th’ll); I sold last season, take any quantity ami pieco I have on sale tor 5c. yard. Black Sicillian. 50 inch wide, good value for 50c, to close out at 35c. White Checked Nainsook, Superior quality in cliecka large and small efieci patterns. Price for this week, 5c. Colored- Organdies-. Nice line of dress material welf worth 20c. for this week, 10c. Fancy Linings. This line I can show some of the prettieat thin;-, of the season Prices 20 to 35 cents. Zaza Belts. This is something new in the belt line and you should see it, something without any buckle, simple and easy to fasten, a! though a novelty they are sold at popular prices. Kd Kingt-berry caiue over on a short burl liens trip yesterday. Beppo lias an interesting letter fiom New York in to day’s paper. Several parties will go nut to tbe picnic to-day on their wheels. The little folks will he very much in evidence at. ibe river to day. Quite a delegation will go from Thomasville to Charleston next week. MORALITY IN HltiH LIFE. Mr. Feinberg's closing out sale is now in full blast. Read bis locals elsewhere. Mies Marion Hayes spent yes terday in Pslbaui with her friend, Miss Florence Hand. A new crossing was put in yes terday at the intersection of Madison and Jackson streets. Capt. Hammond went down to Monticello, Fla., yesterday after noon on a short business trip. This is Children's Day. And may it be a very happy one for each and all, large and small. Care should be taken to day uot to allow ;he children to tum ble into water over their heads. There will be manv tired but happy little tot* tucked away in their beds to-night. And bow sweet will be tbeir sleep. Judge Roddenberry returned yesterday from White Springs, via., where be has been spend ing a few days. Tbe absence of hundreds of children from town to day will shut. out. a great deal of siin-hitie. Tbeir bright faces and merry chatter will be missed. L —RKADQnARTBIW FOfl— Clothing, Gent’s Furnishings, Dry Goods and Notions. —AGENT FOR— Mr. T G. Cranford, of Valdos ta, who is interested with Mr. A. M. Watson in the race horse business, came over yesterday ami spent <he afternoon in tbe city, Charley Obi, John Andrishok, Tom Thornton, Bill Britton and Sydney Bond will make a raid on tbe tinny tribe at Oclilockmiee ri ver to-day. They expect to catch every thing in the river. Quite a number of members of Ray'e imtnunes, who were iuiis tered out in Macon a few days ago, passed through the city yes terday and the day before on route to thoir homos in various portions of South Georgia. Beppo Discusses The Four Hundred, Dewey Day And Other Inter esting natters. Nkw York, May 2, 18l»!». Dkar Timur Enterprise: Since my last many things have occurred in Gotham that not only gives themes to talk about, but much food for thought. Just now the morality of the “Four Hun dred" is passing under a hot fire of criticiem from all sides, caused by the Sloane divorce and Belmont marriage four hours later. Last year the domestic troubles in tbe household ol Henry T. Sloane fi-st became public. Sloane's brother married one of the Vanderbilt girls, hence they are all in tbe millionaire set. Henry’s wife that wae, Jessie, ie tbe most beautiful woman of the “Four Hundred” and hence tbe most popular. Her husband was worth $9,000,000 and treated her royally from a financial point ol view. She was in everv social function like a queen. But be was of a quiet, domestic turn and did uot joiu her iu her mad career of social conquests, so she went it alone. By and bye it began tu be whis pered about that Perry Belmont, worth $0,000,000 aud a prominent social aud political character of national repulaliuu, wis invading bis presence. Like a self-respect ing man, be called a halt, aud a row resulted. He look his two daughters and left the palatial home, making his erring wife a present of it, worth $500,000. The unpleasant disclosure made her ill for weeks Then she grad ually recovered, the gossips got their second wind and started iu again. Her rich relatives, to en able her to keep her standing iu society, received her conspicuous, ly, gave receptions in her honor aud otherwise evinced their iuteu- tion to stand by her. Then came rumors that her hus band was going to sue for divorce, and as infidelity to tbe marriage vow ie the only and sole cause for divorce iu this state, society stood aghast. Both sides denied , that a divoice was even they will tight its enforcement to tbe last, ditch, but the people will win. Platt is tu-ned down in a measure, and a big revolt against his boss-ship is now on again. There's blood on the moon over in the republican camp and scalping knives and tomahawks are much in evidence. Beppo. Depew on the Coining Campaign. Cleveland, 0., May .3. — In an ! interview here to-day Hon. Chauncey M. Depew said that, be favored the continuance o’ Sena tor M. A. Hanna as chairman of tbe Republican national com mittee. Speaking of the campaign of 1900, Senator Depew said the Re publican party would have no op position. “Bryan has read the New York Democrats out of tbe party, and they will not again get together," he said. “What will be tbe Republican issue in 1900?” was asked. “The platform will reassert evert,bmg tbe party has ever said, and Ibe party will declare in favor of expansion." “How about trusts?” “Undoubtedly the Republican party will adopt a plank con demning trusts, and I also think tbe Democrats will adopt a similar plank. The Republicans will reaffirm tbeir declaration for tbe gold standard, and there is no doubt the Democrats will again take up silver." Damage By Prairie Fires Sioux City, la., May 3.—Defi nite reportssliow hundreds of thou sands of dollars damage by tbe prairie tires in various parts of South Dakota. In Sanboru county several dozen farmers lost everything. From Jerald county comes a like story. South of Armour a large number thought | of farmers were burned out. of, and many believed them 1 it Northern Brule and Southern Suddenly the news came that the 1 n, l( r„i. „„ i ,, . ,. / , , . j : BiittalJcoiinties nearly three town- divorce had been secretly granted, I , . , and, four hours later, Mrs. Sloane 8b, P s were b " r, ‘ ed over - Near| y and Perry were married over in . 3,990 head of live cattle were lost Connecticut. Tbe decree gave j Damage iu these comities Jim Jones, who lias been with Ray's iiuiuunes since its orga nization last summer, caiue home night before last from Macon where he was mustered out a few days ago. Like all the balance of the boys Jim is glad to be at home. On a brief business trip to Bainbridge a day or two ago a Timer Enterprise man found Capt. Hicks as busy as be could be arranging bis new drug store. When be gets straightened out, Capt. Hicks will bave one of the handsomest stores in t)ie stpto, Captain A A - Cassady and wife left yesterday morning for Indian Bpriugs, where they will.spend some Weeks. Captain Cassady has been quite sict for some mouths, and we hope he will be greatly benelilted by his stay at the springs. the two daughters to their father, aud prohibited her from marry ing duriug his lifetime. Now the public is discussing the question of the secret divorce. It is claimed that the Sloane and Belmont millione bought favors from tbe court that are denied to poor people. A poor woman has to face a gaping public when her soiled linen is under examination, but tips pet of the “490” escapes the ordeal by reason of the mil lions of money that envelope her. The disappointed gossips who piued to hear the story of her frailty now froth and foam at. the mouth, aud ask why it is thus? will amount to thousands, and it. is reported two men lost, their lives. Near Castlewood, Mrs ^Erickson was burned to death while trying to save horses. Dr. Cooper Dead. Quitman, Ga., May 3.—Dr. W. H. Copper, pastor of the Baptist Church here, died this morning. For several months he had been sulfer’ng from heart ditease. He was apparently better for the pact few days. Ie was sitting up in bed this irorqing when be fell Am3 so is Our Entire Stock of Warm Weather Clothes lor Boys and Men. It will n it In' tvi'.c for you to wait any longer to select them, as you run chances on not getting the pick of stock. You know yon will aeed Summer Clothing, Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts, Cooler Underwear, etc., and now is as good a time to pick them out as any. We have an immense selec tion. with lowest prices on them. M’oii.sidereil. We are catering to your wants, with the only complete slock of ready-made gents and boys apparel in this market, and we want you to call in and inspect. Shoes! Shoes! Perry’s brother took VV. R. Van- oyer ami expired i-i a few rniii- Standard Fashions and Dutchess Trousers. Phone JOS. The colored revival continues and ie spreading to other cburcbee. Several hundred new members will be added to tbe various churches. Tbe baptism at Cubaua Sunday morning will doubtless be attended hy au immense crowd. A large number of new converts of the Baptist church will bo mersed. derbiIt’s divorced wife, who is ibe mother of tbe young Duchess of Marlborough. They seem to bave a penchant for other men's got 4 looking wives. What a pity the sou’heru idea of such things does uot prevail here! Most south eru men administer a dose of lead to the despoilers of their home. It doesn't oure the trouble, but it puts it out of tbe power of the gay iotbario to repeat the game. Yesterday was Dewey Day aB over the country. Dewey is easi ly the hero of the war, aud his groat achievement in Manila Bay places him amotig the great naval heroes ol the world. It will be come a second “4tb of July” in America. It was like one here yesterday. I enjoyed setting off dozen camion crackers myself and came near being arrested for it. They were just a little too demonstrative. But the old man likes to do the whole thing, you know, being still “one of tbe boys." After a tremendously hard tight the legislature passed the “Ford Bill," which taxes franchises as real estate, and the corpora tions are furious. They will have to pay at least $29,000,000 a year • I in the way of taxes, that now go j into tbeir pockets. Of contse utes. lie has been pastor of Al bany, Ciillibert, Uartersville, and Oedartown churches, was a re markably strong man intellectual ly, kind aud sympathetic, aud he was unusually loved. His loss is deplored by tbe whole commu nity. A New Lynch Law ropnsrd. Atlanta, May 3 —Representa tive Morris will introduce a bill relative to lynchings at the next session of the legislature. Mr. Morris' bill providos for the trial of the accused within tive days after his arrest, and upon conviction the measure pro vides for a public banging live days after, A unique provision of tbe act-is that tbe testimony of the assail ant's victim may be takeu in private hy a special commissioner in the presence of the accused while the trial is in progress. Aud now Chicago, uot to be out done by New York, is going to get | up a $1 democratic dinner. Ofl course Bryau is to be ou baud, ' Our shoe department is a veritable least of spring styles, both for men, boys, ladies, misses and children. It is an acknowledged truth, that we carry A i Good Shoes, Ami every pair sold with a guarantee. We have as complete a line of shoes as can he found in a town double the size ot ours in Georgia, aud can lit you. Give us your shoe trade and we will give you ihoU best goods for the least money of any house in this city. Yours for business, The Levy Mercantile Co., Mitchell House Block.