The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 07, 1899, Image 4

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Mole Alcohol. : Mr .1. II. Kmithwick, a iiromi The firjt case in the county nei.t. youn* attorney of Moultrie. court tfrowiiijr out. of the probibi- 'bo ci^y. lion law was tried yesterday by On account of the a he e nee •In'life RoHdenbery. when .John |j ; ,| lfs there will be no services in was ar t j ltf |> reg t,y terian chinch to ni^ht Joiipp, ftliftp “iNVw < ’ooti, rai^ned before him for stealing bottle of alcohol. According *<» »he evidence John found a whit* 1 man by the name of Reynolds w!»o bad been imbibing too much ale * hoi and bad fallen adeej*. an ! proceeded to go through him. 11 * relieved the sleeper of a bottle • f alcohol and a bottle of Date * medicine, which he found in lie - nold’s pocket. John saw the ev - was agpinst him ai d pie.- i guilty, whereupon the court st-D* iei eed him to pay a line ».f y debars and costs or work eig ' menti s on the gang. “Mew C> 01. will WtJlK. At the Stuart ysterday: l. A. Browner, Baltimore; W. S W*.- . Vajdosta: G Holmes, B. A. II v. •*, Savannah; R<»ht S Sh pp, J H. Smith wick, Mmiifrl ^; A J. G-.t indv. f If Manief*. Quitman; ' . M. f-ooper. t’itv; If. K Benina . Baltimore; \V. .1 Benswang* r. Richmond: i'. P Porter, <’iii* a^: W. J. IF zier, St. Lnti*; J F Lon Kelly, Boston, Mass ; J. W. Simpson, .Atlanta; ('has F Har dy, Greenville, S. t’ ; M. 9 Hun- 1 ter, Atlanta: 1L) Mtrd Harris, Savaninb: W. If. Gherrv, Md?. f - ifomerv; Ja«- Baird, (’» nri t nat ; W 11. Williamson, Mon trie; I* K O’Keefe. Richmond. A few nf our northern visitors linger with u* yet. They stand rlie heat incompiainingl> . Business was a little off yester fay for Sitnrday. Fishing is the order of the day Parleying and fighfing is still filing on m the Pliilippities i G ; a day rounds. They t v\ o and t hen light .A nd thus it goer fctnekh * I d T r S Meeting. Ti<*> inut.-t! -»f the sb*«-kh*»id •is ..t th-> Til i i:iM\il!»* K*a I K*» ate and |uspr-»\^iner.t l'"iii|'.iiiv will he held at Mi- i■ Mice ..f It.ias,>H & tleiriil, Tlitunas ’die. Oa , <n: Tiles lay, > ay 9tii. 1**99, ;ii 1 ..*«•!..rk |> 1.1 •IN<> F BARKER, fn. sun. no* S-ety and \ F li• • • v r 'V'Hi'i —In unity hi stanees i p >r -Lt-ut e.nich toll.*wn an iti.ick of measles. In *.?;»*;*Uin^ .<f tin.. Ur. " liter R. Ke. d, i-di*,.r ..fthe Elkin N t ■ ) ! Illl-s. SIV'J ** 1‘tiree Wet-k'i ago 1 had nr. attack .»1’ m-a-l-s which let’: me •auli t.jfd cough. I t.*..k several >l".-e- -t rhanibcihiin's C-ttgU Ib-uieny au<i fhr cengh Ims entirelv disappeared i;pb*r <’li;iii»i>r-rl:ii;iV medicines the —i on the ma; kef.” lor sale l»v . A Pick in, druggists I .■'herif! GumuU, of Brooks (’* came up yesteiday afternoon «ii d carried buck with him two mo e men for Brice’s camps. The la'- est contributions to this camp from Thomas county are Jol.n Jones, sent up for stealing ale— hoi, and Han Curry, the hicyc ej thief. Both these negroes ae hard character*. Thomas coni 't has sent a good many convicts re Brice’s since the convicts we-e I lea.-ed to him. We regret. to learn that an in dusirious old colored man, (ie<.rg*• Hamsun, had his bous-* burn* d on the plnitation of Mr. Mi• * !• •Jones, on Friday morning dim house and cm.tents were c. ». Filmed. The old man and 1 s wife were well fixed. It is' thought that the house was set on fire. I’ ’‘IT* Ti'is Ai Promptly Reaches the Seat ot all Blood Diseases and upon her by puhih'Htio:. •f mtvv:- ho perfected by t.c officii! gazette of the :outh for two month. A ru H. Hansku, Ju.LeS C C. 'J*. tli, lft;. du mauler it not only a pleasure but a I owe to mv neighbors to tell about rlie wonderful cure effected in my case by ihe timely use of Chambt-rlaiu's t’olic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, i was taken wry badly with flux and procured a bottle of fliia remedy. A few d.ees of it effected a permanent • ire. 1 tak>* pleasure ia recommend in j' if t.*«.tiiers suffering from that dreadful dis-ase.—.1 \V. Lynch, Dorr, W Vi. This remedy is sold by Thomas & Dick- iuswi, druggist. A iKORR! A— fhonms County. J sines McKinnon having applied t> me | tor letters of (1 Emission from the gimrdinn- Our clever friend, Mr John I. i -hip O’ Daniel t’arroll tins is to cite all Pinker, in consideration, y r- r^ne brnMo day iu’lolle’ hoo’ haps, of the advice we have given should not him about farming', bus promised ; *3 upp hand -nd otlicial signature, this 4th day of May, lw.'»i>. ’ J. H. Montgomery, Ordinary The ancieuts believed that rheumatism was the work of a demon within a man \uv one who has had an attack of sciatic <»r inflammatory rheumatism will agree the infliction is deicsniac enough to warrant the belief. It lias never been claimed tha* Chaiuberlaiu’s Fain Ball? would cast out dem >r.s, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear testi mony to the truth of this statement One .application reliexes the pain, and this of the charge pa~&ed bet ween hi.- i quick relief which it affords is alone p uee> | worth many times its cost. For sal that we mav pick blackberries < 11 one of his plantations this year on the halves. And he says the her rie« will be there, too. His offer lias been accepted. Mr. Charley Ward, while out. in the woods on Friday, accidental \ shot, himself through the foot with a Winchester rille. He was resting the muzzle on his ft- »t when the gun went off. The bulk Thomas & Dickinson, drug-gists. Chief Martin is making things hum around the tire department headquarters. Mr. Martin will! make a good chief and his elec tion gives very general satisfac tion. John Chisholm has imported a 15, M pack of hounds and t ext season 1 sh.. he ami Cal Cochran will catch tv- lit* IA— Thomas County; • iTt!-#, M. A, public »«1- *rator ot I fi. hassef*>r, deccrtscd, rep. ' p*-" tits to ti.c o .'iirt in his f elition, <lul\ til,.] niid entered on record, that fu* Iihs fully julministered I, U La-s^ter’a estate. Thi* i< ‘ticrctor-- to cite nil person# con- | . c-rtK d, h-irs ntci er*dit«. p s, to show <11 use, | i* «nv tti« v -an. why said administrator .1 nut !e d'setiHtge I f'ri.m his adminis .,u. and reiVue ivter- ot nismitsion on *••• - ’ . . , r ,1 » I the ti st Monday in Ju’v next, IHOO. ery fox and cat in this end of the ! j s M ’ state. , lotttgotm-ry, Ordinary. Miff Eifiiora Martin, Mr. VVilJ Jas. Gribben Martin ami Mr (liven lliiller, of Montgomery, A la., ate ppendinj; ; .Sunday with Mre. I’a'on.on Rein-! in^to , avenue Mr. and Mib. W. J. Daniels, nl Mariana, Kla., came over yenicr day afternoon on a visit to rela- j nvee and friend- in this city. Contractor and Builder, riiomosville. - - Ga i AtSi r.e r :-i-i to tn»Ktr :ontracu for, or uf rtr’c'c’ ft'.** ciasset ot huildinya, public '.r 1 rivutv, tn eithe r nrick or wood. Will : jroirtu plh*.a ••1*1 -i-;*c.r.cHliona it required. 1 • jo.j tuy * uildiQ/ <l( ne call on me aau l will rihraii -atimatee, whether con- tract ia awarded mo or not. I will £»tran- .Now 1 .mt the (xandy case hss: ^uiJtHctmr: :n .xl* my wtrk. I tater to . . . , ... . »>,r■ .uauv vjil-hngii -reeled ny me is Thom been settled, there will be no grille, aui to aii pr.rue* fer whom I have further trouble in making sewer ^, )rx ..<d. Shot- on Kt#t- h#r itroot, 2d door connections. 1 b It 1m every test mnde S. S. easily demonstrates its superiority over other blood remedies. It matters not how ob stinate the case, nor what other treat ment or remedies have failed, S. S. S. always promptly reuches and cures mmv Cures the Worst Gases. bland distunes know. Mint tliprn tu-p no nil- ments nr troubles so obBtinate ami iliflirnlt to euro. Very few remedies el.-tim to cure Kuril real, deep-seated blood diseases as ,S. S. S. our s, and none emi offer such ineontrovertible evldeneeof merit. S S. S. is not merely n tonie it Is a euro! ft, goes down to the very seat of all blood diseases,^nnd gets at the foundation of the very worst eases,and routs the poison from the system. It does not. liku other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily only to break forth again more violently than ever; 8. S. 8 forces out every trace of taint, and rids the system of it forever. 1 Mrs.T. \V. Lee, Montgomery, Ala.. writes: "Some years ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and ulcers from hood to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed to die. Several prominent physicians treated me. Imt all to no purpose The mercury and potash which they, gave me seemed to add fuel to’ the awful (lame which was devouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift’s Specific. I im proved fron the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct to the cause of tlie trouble and force tlie poison out. Twenty bottles cured me completely.” Swift’s Speciiic— S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD —is the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical, it never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Sores, etc. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. CLOSING OUT SALE From low Until July 1st. g I s itire >tock of Dry Goo<l* v Clothing, Notions, B »ote, Sht.cs, Store Fixtures, etc., to be Sacrificed A r r and Kiqjlow Cost* I intend t<> go into another linn ,.f hindu.-s.- every tiling in my store must he sold between n Tins is no dodge to draw trad--, hot an ah*, j facts. It will pay you to see my good* a*:d p* i / I mean business and if you have 3 Jinn* mo store than anvwhere el-e. •re t 1 r- is i -ss competition and md July 1st. •ly c• led statement of I !„. bet-• re you buy el Hew licit*, it will i>m imwe goods at me •W IF 1 Z Z'T D3 Z1 kid \v. Jackson stu 1:i:r. rc a- PLANT STEAMSHIP LINF. Three Sailings Each Week Be tween Port Tampa and Ha vana via Key West. Riant System trains run direct to ship side connecting with steamers leayiug Fort Tampa 0:00 p. m Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. For any in formation as to rates, schedules, and reservations address Three ships a week to Cuba. Leave Fort Tampa 9:00 t>. m.,Monday’s, Thuis- \ day’s and Saturday’s, arrive Key West J:00 o. in. Tuesday’s, Fridiy’s and Sun days; arrive Havana *5:00 a. in. Wednes day’s. Saturday’s and Monday’s. B W. WRBNN, Pas. Traffic Mg’r. Savannah. R. L. TODD, Div. Pas. Agt. Montg-unery, A a. Central Oi Georgia Railway Co. It Effert Sept. IStli, IhPS. — > KTWKF.N — . i, v VTA. Aj.iljlicrs. AIJ’.ANA AND TIH IM ASV11,1,E. null,. I Uall, Fiymauth Rock Eggs. I have a few dozen choice A. Haw kins Royal Blue strain Plymouth Poet eggs for sale. Apply C. W. WINTER. P. O. Box 315. 3-23 ly LV At!ui»U... ir Vtaoou Afitv»rjcu-... ve.sin’tbrlll?.... ir Vhmuy Mi'auy.. . i licmnnvlUe Lv. Tlioi.. - kr. Albany.... . Lv Albany !.▼. WTDlthvm® ... Lv. Aiuoricna. . Kr Macon.... VnfaulA at. Montgomery toavlUe.. S..K.SW. 9 r»0 a ni The Wagner car Line. BKTWKKN LOUISVILLE, CI NOINNA r ll, CHICAGO, - INDIAN APOLI6 Che Northwest. Wagner Vestibule service on Night Trains. Parlor Chair Cars on Day Train Get your tickets by the Monet Route for Chica^oa ad the great Northwestern Summer Resorts W. II. McDOKL. Omni Manliie. r. J. ItKKD Urn. I\ A.. Chicago. f o farther infortuation addmis R. W. QLADIMi, tirneral Aaent, 16S Broad utrat-r. Thouiabvtlin. ^LKGaNT PARLOR CARS BKTWEE1* ATLANTA AND MACON. rot- artner iuforiuMtion apply to J.0. HAILE, Genl. Pass. A*t. Bavannab Oa. K. H. HINTON, Trallic M’g'r. THKO. D. KLINK, Don. Rupt. I G CAKI.ISI.K T. P. A., Macon Ga Citavon, (4KOIUIIA—Ttxmms Comity; To whom it may concern: (hnugi i Had. !-'y, Imvii g iirolc Hppiic.ii;on t(* me in tine form to he appointed permanent Mltnini J - trairix upon die estiiti* of James Clarke, late of saul count v. •J-*cci5« d. Notice is Merely pivtn tlmt sed ap.ilication w ill he ii ard at the regular term ot the c urt o' ordinary for fuid county, to he on the lira! Monday in June, jmiji I Wi ners my Imnd and cthcial signature, this 1th day of Mav, IblW. J. S MomnovKiiy,Ordinary. Notice o! Application for Leave to Sell City Properly. Notice is hereby given, that W. M Hammond, executor of the last will and testament of the late Clara W. Ilomeister, deceased, has made application for ' leave to sell at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in July, next, all the real property of testatrix, ensis ing of three city fids in the city of Thomas- j ville, Ga., in lot No 1 Block **\V” ; fronting 105 feet on FLtcher street, 4f.' feet on Broad Htreet aud 130 feet more or ; less on Madison street, which applica- 1 tion will be pass-d upon by me on the first Motiday in June, next. John S. Montgomery, A prill 27th, 1899, Ordinary. 4-28 4w Georgia Northern Railway Company of Georgia. Local Time Table KHcdive Inn. BO1I1, ..Oafel.iWli . M-oviik . .Hulls 1 10 I 12 ftt 1 • IS ! Train Vo.connects with so. 67 from 8 iilr-u?- h f «r N * 310 from Thoouiavilln Tiato Vo. He » nect> with Plan 1 Hys ••all. No. 6S TI1011111-vtlle and watt- 3 ,317 and 37. Train No. 7 wai h ou<- hour - ii Plant Sjstinn tram 33 tiom SHvann di Thli coinpauv r ea the ri*;lit to change the rimning of its tnilu without notice. A coach will carried on the •.011th hnimi! !• •• iratn No. «■ t( rtlie acc-.mmoiL.tioi asst livers »s may wMi to ride on that train wlii< h will leavi* Mtuiltriu about 9:1 pillar leaving time to guaranteed I’aesenec's cumin fr in Thomas.-iUe, or I r* ■ train and co e to Pidc-ick and tnv i t hotel, o our « trai-i for Voultrio or t d e No. «>H Iro • i •a*ch our N’o 7. I’raln No. G will wtit half hour For rates and other information npplv t<. an '• “ K. K. PIDCoCK, «. I that illrcc 1 ion. car take the ft:3t: or 9;0o p. n». else leave Thor. .1-ville at t :M' a. in.mid catch . n’Hsvl Ie w lii< h h aves lliete 11 :fl() a. in. and II this connection. Plant System, Florida and Cuba. Time Card, in effect. J in. ill.t, IS'.’!). No. So. j No. •«. No. 68. I Via Dupont and West Co: 1 PC a mf.... 3 l-Mj.... 3 36 a tn fi .Oh in .... ft 40 a tu Ar. fnio ir. Ar l 3H p m •'* 50 in ... .(>/ark — IMnckard .Thopiasvillc.... .. • I.-v 1 Oak.. Jlluh Springs... ..(J :iI pes \ i fel"":. .l.-kflniid Tampa .Tampa it y Hotel . Fort T»»n pa No. 17. No. 33. ; No. 8fi. fi *8 n 1 I f> (*o n 1 1 r 5 a 1 VIh.IACKSONVII.LK and P XI.ATKA. Leave l'inckaid Five ships a wet l.*ave Port Tamp IMWa tn. '•omtays, Thursdays and Saturday Arrive Key West 3.00 |». in. Titodaxs. Fridays and Siiml-iys Arrive Havana 6.00a in. Weduwsdays, Saturdays amt Alomla's. Direct service Leave Port Tampa 2.00 p. m. Tuesdays and Fiid -y-. Arrive Huvnti.1 A 00 p »• . Wednesoaj • and Saturdays. • PttUmati sleep rof»t*ai-s 7 and'8 Montgomery and St. Pet. r-lxirg vi Fal'itka and Tampa via Dup<mi an ♦ West th as| I.hih. Nos. 33 and AGnitgi v.o .Nekaouvllle and Satllord. All trains daily. For i ny information, addre-a WrtK.vf*. R I.. TODD, i' mg Troy it. 16 p. m„ Ozark arrive .\Tiui 1’totrery lo.^o a. 11 Pass. Tranio Manager. Savannah. Qa. I>lv. Pa Monti'olliery, Ala. Summer Coats and Vests. Telephone 33. We ask your inspcctioi.s ef «*ur stock of Blue and lllack Serge Ooats and Coats and Vests. We take sjiecul pri le in this branch of our business, and can show a nice sole^ s t,. c li just a little better Ovci the goods you find elsewhere, Prices are low. Selling them in connection with onr other goods without additional expense, the slaving thus made is satisfac orv to us. l'hi.s saving is yours if you will have it. We are also agents for one of the host Tailoring houses in America They have n< ver made us a misfit. Let us measure you m>, if they d n’t fit you to your satisfaction the goods are tluirs. Cuv .-tock’of Shoes and Men’s Furnishings show up handsomer than ever, you know what that means. Thomasville Shoe Co. . A^.-ntn lor Knox anil Stotnon iinl.H and Manhattan Sturts