The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 09, 1899, Image 1

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L VOL. IX—NO. 311. THOMASYILLE, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1899. $5.00 PER ANNUM LOCAL HAPPENINUS. Worth Reading 500 Yards colored Piques, worth 12 1-2 and 15 cents, your choice for 7 1-2 cents. 200 Yards colored Organdies, regular 20 and 25 cent quali ty. Come and get first ehoice for 10c, 300 Yards Madras Cheviot, all in desira ble patterns.and good value at 12 1-2 cents your choice, 10c. L —nKAnqnAKTKKN for— The News of the Day Told In Brief Personals, Etc. The street spriukler is a bless ing these days. That long looked lor rain is still shy. The hot. wave (perhaps you have noticed it) is still on. Mr. T. D Hawthorn, of Cairo, was in town last, night. See what Mr. Fein berg says about bis closing out sale. Mr. Poston is spending a day or two down on lake Miccosukie. Emmett Mitchell went, down to boston last, night on a short visit.. Tom Bottoms went up to Alba ny on a short business trip yester day. ' Sam Wolff left yesterday after noon for a trip through West Florida. » Joe Smith is behind the base ball movement and we expect to see it move. Marshal Stephens is having the street crossings about town re newed and repaired. Snpt. Fitzsimmons, of this di vision of the Plant System, wan a visitor in the city yesterday. Bice and Dink Sills, of Ochluck- onee, were shaking bands with their Thomasviile friends yester day. Mr. S. B. Patou is spending a day or two at home. Mr. Paton is again with the Plant System people. During the temporary absence of Mr Parker, Mr. Taylor Mitch ell is tilling the position of night clerk at the Stuart.. Mr. C. T. Stuart and Miss Lula Stuart left yesterday morning for Charleston, where they wiil take in the confederate rennion. The commencement sermon of Young Female College will be preached this yearin theMethodist church, on,Siiiiday,June 11th. Mrs John Wauu, who has been occupying her cozy winter borne on Warren street for some mouths, left, yesterday afternoon for New York. Mrs. D. Elias is spending a few days iu Charleston, the guest of relatives. She will remain dur ing the reunion and perhaps longer. The OchlocKonee Sunday schools will picnic at Miller's spring on the Ocbiockonee river, ou h'riday. And they will no doubt have a good time. Atteutiou is called to Thomas & Dickinson's new ad. They have just receive l a fresh supply of bon bone, buttor cups, mixed candies, etc. Qo out to the huso ball meeting at the ball park to-morrow after- iioou if you waut to assist in the organization of a ball team iu Tboinaaville. (lothing. Gent’s Furnishings, Dry Goods and Notions. —AO KNT FOR — Standard Fashions —and-— Dutchess Trousers. Phone JOS. Tom Bottoms is tixing up his excursion banners and soon be and his lioeu duster will be very much in evidence all along the line of the Plant System. The public will be interested in Lavine's new ad elsewhere. He will have a special sale of certain goods on Tuesday and Wednes day, the ltith and 17th. Head the ad. The military boys were glad to see Col. W. E. Wooten iu town last, night. The young Colonel of the 4t.ii Regiment, is very pop ular witli the Thomasviile Guards. And we are pleased to know that Col. Wooten thinks well of the Guards. Mr- Homer Reed and family, who have been at the Musury Hotel for the past six mouths, left yesterday for Cordele, where they will speud a few days before returning to their home ill Mari etta. Their friends will be pleased to know that they expect to return to Thomaiville next | winter. , I Clovernor Thomas, of Colorado Talks I Plainly—He Wants Colorado Troops Discharged. Denver, Col., May 7.—Gov, Thomas has announced that within a few days, if President McKin ley and the Secretary of War con tinue to ignore his communica tions on the subject, of the Colo rado Regiment iu the Philippines, he will tako steps with a view to securing the immediate recall of the troops. “I cannot, as yet, Bay just wliat course I shall follow,” be said, ‘‘but I will exhaust every resource at my command to bring these boys home. I have tried quiet, peaceable means and have failed Now I will be obliged to resort to something more forcible, and it will be made public. "Of course, 1 do not desire to take any action that will unjustly hamper the administration, for 1 am an American; but I do not pro pose to sit idly bv and see the volunteers from Colorado lighting and dying in the Philippines in defense of the policy which is actusting those iu charge of the movements of our armies abroad.” Where the Next Battle will be Fought. Manila, May 7.—To clear the Filippinos out of Bacolor, about five miles southwest, of San Fer nando, will be the next task of the Americans. The rebel General Mascardo has a force of 7,000 men there, well armed and possessed of plenty of ammunition. Hi» troops have never met American soldiers, and they think, according to reports canied to San Fernando, that they can whip the whole let of them. Bacolor is well en'rencbed, and thousands of natives aro working like beavers, digging trenches and carrying the dirt in baskets. The insurgents use their riflemen for fighting only, but compel the bolo men and Chinese to labor in cessantly. What Porto Ricans Want. Washington, May 7.—honors J. Jullio Henna and Manuel Zeno Gandia, commissioners from Porto Rico to the United 8tates, have presented a memorial to the Presi deut. They ark the following concessions: 1. The cessation of military government and the establishment of civil rule in the island. 2. The establishment of abso lute free trade between Porto Rico and the United States. 8. The reduction of American troops and the enlistment of Ponto Ricans. 4. The right of American citizenship in the island. State Fair Exhibits. Atlanta, May 0.—The manage ment of the state fair to-day an nounced that the railroads have agreed to haul all exhibits for the fair to Atlanta at the regular rates coming, and return free. This docs not apply to race horses, which will have to pay regular tates both ways. County exhibits of all kinds will be hauled free to Atlanta, but charged full rates goingback These regulations are expected to bring about the best results iu securing large and representa tive exhibits. The President on a vacation. Washington, May 6.—Arrange ments have been completed for the President's trip to Virginia, and according to the | resent plans he will leave Washington Monday. He will be accompanied by Mrs. McKinley, bis physician, Dr. Rixey; Assistant Secretary Cortelyou, and probably a sten ographer. McArthur Failed to Connect. Manila, May 8. — The army gunboats Laguna deBav and Cavadonga, which started up the San Fernando river for Guagua yesterday morning to establish a base of supplies lor the troops engaged in the northern cam paign, returned to-day, Gen. Mc Arthur having failed to connect with the expedition. The gun boats found the rebels entrenched at Sosmoau aud at Guagua on the water fronts of those towns. The vessels steamed by their works, shelling the occupants aud driv ing them out. Landing parties from the boats entered both the towns, capturing at Sosmoau a Spanish captain in uniform, ostensibly a prisoner in the bands of the rebels, and also a native officer. The Situation as aiven by uen. Oils. Washington, May 8.—Gen. Otis cabled the war department to-day that the situation was as as follows: “Gap. Lawton is at Massiu and Balignag with scout- iug parties north aud east. Gen. Gen. McArthur is at San Fer nando. The population between Manila and the northern points held by our troops are returning home aud appear cheerful aud contented. The army gunboats operating on the rivers have cleared the country west of Gen. McArthur of insurgents. Signs of the insurgents' weakness are apparent every day.” Serious Division Between Filipino Generals. The demoralization of the Fili pino army has culminated In open revolt, Gen. Mascardo -having re volted against Geu. Luna, second to Aguinaldo in command. Agui- na/do has ordered a courtmartiul to try Gen. Mascardo Gen. Luna sent ordeis to Gen. Mascardo a*. Baclar to hurry reinforcements to him jilBt before the battle ofSauto Tomas. Gen. Mascardo flatly re fused to obey the order aud sent back word that he would only take orders from Aguinaldo. Not For The Public. Washington, May 8 —While the War Department officials pro fess gratification that the insur gents are weakening, it is ad mitted that General Otis's dis patch contains news which it. is not considered well to put before the public. Speaking of the ex purgated part of the dispatch, Adjutant General Uorbiu said that it rofeis to “what we do not caro lo discuss.” Big- Arrival of New And Up-To-Date Summer Wash Goods TheBigStore We never got tired in showing to the public that we appreciate their kind patronage, and always take pleasure in catering to their wants. So this txek we invite you to call ar.d see the new novelties on display in our store. 15 New styles of the latest Parisian Novelties in colored Piques, which is'he most popular fabric of the season for shirts and waists, The goods were bought to sell at 30 cents yard, but as its late now, we place them on sale at about cost, 19 cents yard. BIG PLUMS. 20 Styles extra fine colored Lawns and Organdies, which arc worth from to 10 to 15 cents yard. We will sell at 8 cents yard. Your choice. New style of Dress Linens in plain and changeable and silk stripes. Superior value for price. Beautiful new Black Silk and Wool Crepons for suits and skirts. ! he handsomest we had this season. Immense assortment of Indian Linen and Victoria Lawns. 10c. Quality down this week to 8c. yd. Buffalo’s Quick Passage. New York, May 7.—The Unit ed States cruiser Buffalo arrived to day from Manila, after a very quick run of forty-four days, in cluding stops f t Singapore, Port Said and Gibraltar. The Buffalo brought about 500 officers aud men of Admiral Dew ey’s squadron. They will be die charged. The Buffalo flies a “homeward bound peunant” 280 feet long. Recruits Leave. New York, May 8—Four bun dred cavalry, artillery and infan try recruits leave Fort Slocum this afternoon bouud for Cuba and the Philippines. The cavalry and in fantry will be sent »o Sa-i Fran, cisco to take transport for Manila. The artillery will go direct to Cuba and garrison the forts there. These soldiers were enlisted iu New York, Boston and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Williams, Miss L'ly Williams and Miss Ossie Groover left on the 0 o’clock train yesterday morning for the I confederate reunion iuChailes- 1 ton. 1 l 12 1-2 c: 16c. 19 c. - 25c. 1 30c. 10c. 12 l-2c 15c. 19c. 25c. Persian Lawns, Kgytian Mulls, French Nainsooks, French Organdies, etc , complete. 5 Pieces -10 inches “fide India Linen worth iqc. yard, this week ioc. 5 Styles of Homespun Linen finished suitings, the pop- ular fad for summer skirts, to be sold at noc. yard. Full line of everything for spring in dry goods and notions, a' The Levy Mercantile Co„ Mitchell House Block. Look like silk and wear better.