The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 14, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. XII—NO 161 THQMASVILLE. GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14. 1901. >.00 PER ANNUM Dress Goods This week we will put sale all our woolen dress goods at greatly reduced prices: Fancy Colored Jacquards formerly 35c, at 24c 46-in. Henrietta in colors, formerly 65c, at 49c 42'in all wool Venetian, formerly 65c, at 50c, 32-in all wool Skirting, formerly 60c, at 48c, 64-in a'l wool Homespuns, formerly $1.25, at 98o 64 in all wool Venetian, formerly 81.25. at 98o 54 in Broadcloth formerly 81.15, at 98o Court 46-in B'aok Jacquards formerly 65o, at*48c. -in Black Henrietta, formerly 85o, at 73c 44-in Blaok Poplin, formerly $1.00, at 83c 42-in Black Sa ! iels, formerly $1.00, at 73o 50 in JBlack Peble Cheviot, formerly 8125, at 98o 54-in Black Crovenet, formerly 81 50, at 81.23 These goods will be sold only for this week at the above prices and if you are in need of suit or dress call early and secure some of these bar gains. L What we Advertise we Sell, What we Sell Advertises Us. Crossett’s Shoes, Duchess Trousers, Howard Hats, Broad and Jackson Sts, aoxnt ton— Standard Patterns, State Relieved If Supreme Says It Is Legal, Atlanta, Dec. 12.—The house by a vote of 99 to 44, to-day passed by substitute, the Howell resolu tion, providing for the payment of interest on the bonded debt for 1902, out of the public property fund, if the courts say this can be done. Gov. Candler will sign the reso lotion tomorrow, and will at once notify State Treasurer R. B. Park to tranfer $325,800 from the pub lic property f.und to interest ae count. Treasurer Park will refuse to do this, and' Gov. Candler will then instruct the Attorney General to bring mandamus proceedings against the Treasurer, and the matter will go through the courts. The bill will be ready to be filed in the superior court by Saturday and it is expected the supreme court will render a decision with in a week or ten days, Gov. Candler is anxious to have a decision, in the matter before Jan. 1, as the interest on the bonded debt mast be paid at that time. Gov. Candler will be represented in the matter by Attorney General J. M. Terrell and the state treas' urer will have as his counsel form er Chief Justice Logan B. Blech' ley, who has taken a great iuter est in this matter, and Orville A. Park, of Macon. In Our Shirt Sleeves DowniHere, Fergus Falls, Minn., Dec. 13.— Twenty-five below zero here. - Liebon, N. D., Dec. 13.—The temperature is today thirty-two below zero, the coldest in twenty years. Cbsynne, Wyoming, Dec. 13, The blizzard that is raging throughout southern Wyoming is terrific. Rock Springs, Wyoming, Dec 13.—Charles Carnes, a stock herd er, has been frozen to death in the blizzard. Kansas City, Deo. 13.—Reports from Kansas and Western Missouri show that rain fell all day yester day, turning to snow at night. The First Ticket.' Following the ordering of a white primary, we publish-else where the first ticket suggested for mayor and aldermen. The ticket embraces some of the best men in the town, and will no doubt command a good vote. Read what Mallette has to say about “the home” Alass Meeting. The mass meeting at the court house on Thursday evening was called to order by Capt. R. P Dose. Se nominated Capt. Cbas M. Smith as chairman. Cap' Smith was unanimously elected Upon motion Mr. Wyche Linton was elected secretary. Capt. Doss moved that the meeting order white primary for municipal officers, whereupon Judge Hopkins offered the following resolutions: Resolved 1st, That the white citizens of the city of Thomasville without regard to political affilia tions,and in order to promote por- ity in our mnntoipal elections hereby deolare in favor of and do so permanently establish the “white primary” method of nom inating all munioipal officers of the city, who are by present laws and those that may be hereafter enacted,elected by the vote of the people. 2nd, Be it farther resolved that said primary elections shall be held on the first Monday in Jan uary, 1902, and annually thereaf ter upon such dates as may be fixed by the executive committee at least 20 days before the gener- election day of each year under the superintendence of three man agers td be appointed by the ex ecutive committee hereinafter pro vided lor by the duly qualified registered white voters of said city in all respects .as the general elections for mayor and'aldermen are'now held, except that the re turns of said eleotion shall be made to the said executive com mittee who shall declare the re sult by publication of the names of those receiving tbe highest vote for tbe respective offices as tbe nominees of tbe white oitizens of the city. 3rd. That all contests resulting from said eleotion shall be deter mined by said committee, whose judgment shall be final. 4tb. That tbe execntive com mittee shall consist of five citizens of said oity who are white voters thereof, who shall be elected at this meeting, and who shall hold office for two years, or until their successors are elected by mass meeting, and who eball have pow er to elect a chairman and secre tary and to fill vacancies occur ring from any cause. And fur ther to aot in all matters necessa ry to carry out the trae intent and spirit of this resolution. Bacb resolution was adopted separately, and then the whole highest number of votes were de> dared tbe executive committee, as provided for in tbe resolutions: J. L. Beverly, A. H. 8. Cooke, W. Pringle, J. 8. Montgomery and A. M. Watson. There being no further busi ness, tbe meeting adjourned. C. M. cim.tb, Chairman. Wyche Linton, Secretary. The Street Fair and Carnival. Blsewbere will be found the ad vertisementeof ’Andrews Carnival Company. It will open on next Wednesday and run four days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and 8atnrday. Mr. Jacob Edi moods, the general agent, was busy yesterday swinging stream ere across the streets announcing the coming of tbe carnival. Mr Edmonds bas the indorsements of leading citizens wberever.his com panies have exhibited, testifying to the high and unobjectionable character of tbe ebowe. One of these companies recently visited Milledgeville, and Dr. Chappell president of tbe Georgia Norma) and Industrial school for girls after .going through the shows, gives a high endorsement as to its features; and Mr. Edmonds as' eures us that the shows coming here is of equal merit, if not bet ter in every way, than the comg pany which showed in Milledge villa. The company comes here under the auspibes of tbe Thomas ville Guards, which company will share in the receipts. Sweet Charity. As has been their custom for years tbe Epworth League will get up a Christmas box for the poor tbis year. This little body of workers keep in touch with the poor aud needy of tbe city. By eetual canvas they ascertain tbe wants and needs of tbe needy and it is tbeir intention to provide for these in tbe shape of a present on Xmas eve. They will canvass the town within tbe next few days for donations. Be prepared to help them in some way, thereby encouraging these good people in their work, besides helping to make happier tbe Xmae of those less fortunate than yourself. Oneoannot be foo careful about fires during tbe holidays. It is always a dangerous time for i conflagration. MARKET REPORT. Oorrbotbd Daily by Saudbl W Mays & Company. Dec 13, 1901. New York futures are quoted as follows today: On motion the meeting went in open, close. Yes. Close to an election for an execntive Deo. 8.21 8.22 committee January 8.16 8.17 8.17 Tbe following receiving the March 8 21 8.22 Closed steady. Savannah closed steidy. Middling m. Savannah opened steady. Middling V/ a . Receipts 801,870. Until They Are Closed Out TTsTIEi- WITL OPPEE All Wool French Flannel, 35c. 85c Taffeta silk, all shades, 67 l-2c. 54-inch double face Skirting, worth $1.75, at $1 49. 36-inch Henrietta at 24c. Guaranteed Kid Gloves, 89c. 36*inch all wool Flannels, 35c. Blankets, Comforts, Jackets, Capes and Woolen Dress Goods At greatly reduced prices. These goods are all new and desirable, but we are determined not to carry any over. Harry Steyerman. ftr/Wrs/T STOR£ Mitchell House Bloch. HOLIDAY TRADE. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT We are making reductions in prices. These remarkably low prices will hold good only uni il further notice. OUR $i.2s KID GLOVES Reduced to 98c OUR $i,oo Klu FLOVES Reduced to 89c 'fsiSp** *" Ladies Fancy Hosiery, 65c grade at 47c. Ladies Fancy Hosiery,! 50c grade at 39c. ‘‘ “ “ 40c grade at 32c. “ “ “ 25c grade at 19c. *' “ Handkerchiefs, 350 grade at 27c. “ ,, 30c grade at 24c. “ “ 15o grade at lie. Linen Towels 60c grade at 49 cents 35c grade at 28 cents. Fancy white table scarfs 393 red u ted to 293, 1 *‘ “ “ 50c reduced to 39c, x Ladies Belts, The Best and Newest Assortment in [ThomasviUe. Our 65o Belt, Special 54c. Our 60c Balt, Special 49c. Our 50o Belt, Special 39c. , Our 40c Belt, Special 29c, A big line ot ladies purses at remarkably low prices. A. Few Spec-'als in Our Nhoe Department. Ladleb’ fine Kid Button or Lice Shoe, Our 82.25 Leader special 81 89. Our $2,75 Leader, special $2,29. Ladiea Walking hats, $1.25 grade at 98c. A Few Specials in Our Clods and (rent’s Furnishing Dept. You never heard of anything like it. No old stock, or carried over stock to be closed out. but fresh, new, stylish, perfect fitting garments to be Bold at remarkably low prices. PANAMAS are all the go and all you want iu a gents’ perfect fitting hat. Sold everywhere at $2 25; we are offerihg tbe same goods, same styles, $1 49 A big variety of mens’ and boys’ stiff bosom shirts, cuffs to match at 44c.J Mens’ white unlaundiied shirts, the best in tbe world for the moaey, re duced to 44c, Tha Boym Want Sttmotlxiug New loo ilk© Hulldayifs 8) we are offering a $3 50 line ot boys’ suits, sizes 8 to 16, at $2.69. Uur $4.50 grade of boys’ suits in a fancy worsted. Very dressy, and guaranteed, at $3 89. The finest and best grade of mens’suspenders, kuown all over the world The great “Hams Suspender.” A new pair if not satisfactory. 19c. Mens’ garters, best silk elastic, special at 13c. During ttis sale we will make you a special offer in our die department: 1 goods A DISL0UNT UF 10 PER CENT. Every $1.00 worth of goods bought in our Dress Goods Department cost you only 90c. The above special bargains are for Spot Cash only. Positively uo charges made on these prices. Mitchell House Block. Our motto: ‘‘More goods tor the same money, or the same goods tor less money.”