The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 28, 1913, Image 2

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DAILY TIMESJCNTEUPRISE, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 23, 1018. HIT TIMES-ENTERPHISE MEM BEKS ASSOCIATED PRESS. E. II. JBIV3EH Editor. W. !)• HARGRAVE Bu«. Mgr. Daily end Semi-Weekly Tlmes-En torpriae, Published at th* Tlmes-En- Wrprise Building by the Time*-En- lerprlse Company, Thomaaville, Ga. Entered at the TUomasvllle Post- office for transmission through the naailJ as second class mail matter, To Insure Insertion, All Changes For Standing Advertisements Must Be Handed in by Nine O'clock of the Day on Which They Are to Appear. Subscription Rates: Daily. One Year $5.00 Dally, Six Months 2.50 Daily. Three Months 1.25 Daily, One Month 45 Phone Numbers— Business Manager 12 Editor's Beak 6$ Ty—but what’s the use? The mosquitoes are hiding out. in Thoraasviile Those who stayed at home fishing for compliments. Extremely narrow roads are al most ae bad as extreme’.)' poor ones. Savannah is raising sand a dustless street sweeper. “The chapeau chic’’ is tile way they call the latest results of the milliner’s art. “Just keep an eye on Apalachi cola,’’ says The Times. Would if we could find the place. Mrs. Applebaum s days of adver tising are over and she paid well for every line the papers gave her. The provisions of the new tariff bill sound good to those who have been hungry for these many years. Suppose we don’t win any of the first series, wont there be a howl when the boys come home to roost. “J am as innocent as the angels in heaven,” was the statement of the latest celebrity around Atlanta. That hatchet buried by Champ Clark and Bryan didn’t get its full allottment of dirt, according to the latest dope. Mexico has floated a seven mil lion and a half loan. ThlngB are looking up right sharply across the border, it would seem. It is aBklng too much to expect Champ Clark to forget. That little affair at Baltimore will be in his of a recent tiff between Ty Cobb and President Navin, of the Detroit Club, to which he belongs. Mr. Cobb believed that he was worth fifteen thousand dollars per year. The Detroit club wasn't willing to pay that amount. The matter ue- enme one of national interest, be cause of ’.lie prominence of Cobb, and the remarhab’e record OLD AC»K DEFERRED. Echo From lW Medico-Legal So ciety. A few generations back a man at 50 was considered old, gray-headed and waiting for death. " Note the change today; at a meeting of the Medico-Legal Society, it was s'ated that a man of »o ought to have forty good years ahead of him and thus .at ninety, hi? in the fullness of ma- which turity. he has made since entering highest league in the country. The , \\ hat if you have seen sixty, or en seventy birthdays—temperate I habits, fresh air and exercise, with contract was secured which he was a simple diet and a sufficient amount asked to sUn and presented to Con- of * Iee I’ ' vl,! Kuard your health. If .perchance, your circulation 13 gross, as one of the bits of evidence poor, if you become run down— which would convict organized base- and ao appetite—nothing in the world will tone up those tired ball of a violation of the Sherman back-sliding organs — enrich the •blood and create strength so quickly as our delicious cod liver and iron j tonic, Vinol. | We ask every feeble, discouraged old person in this vicinity to try anti-truet act. Cobb was worth the fifteen thou sand because he actually received an offer of that amount for work in another line of business, but that offer was made not because of the real worth of Ty himself in the' business, but because of the worth which his baseball career has givo.1 to him. The result was an agree ment of some kind which gives Cobb the right again to play on the De troit team, with a salary which is somewhat commensurate with his demand*. The matter is not settled, how ever and it is more than probable that there will be a big shaking up of contracts In the big leagues an smaller ones, too, when the gov ernment orders an investigation, as now seems possible. Baseball has become one of 'he most etupenduous business enter prises in the country and acting on that score, the government is privi leged to Investigate both Its meth ods and contracts. In justice to the players that would seem to be the thing to do, but It may completely disorganize baseball ae we now know it, if the present contracts are changed. Vinol on our agreement to return their money if It fails to give 6atis faction. R. Thomas, Jr., druggist, Thomasville. Ga. P. 3. Eczema Sufferers! We guarantee our new skin remedy, Saxo Salve'adv. Famous Atlanta Specialist Will Visit THOMASVILLE, G EORGIA. German American Doctors And staff of Expert Specialists, who are permanently lo cated at 16J North Broad St., Atlanta, Ga., at the earnest solicitation of their friends in this locality have agreed to have their Chief Consulting Physician at Stuart’s Hotel, April 30th and May 1st. Remarkable success of these talented physicians in the treatment of Chronic Diseases creates great demand. Offer Their Services FREE of CHARGE DISTANCE WILL NOT PREVENT IMPROVEMENTS AT LANARK SPRINGS. Popular Resort on the Gulf Will be More Attractive Than Ever. GRANDSTAND PLAYS at Rooney, hurling, and Pierre receiving bis benders, put the fin ishing touches to au untrained and untried team from Fitzgerald Sat urday afternoon, to the tunc of sev enteen to one. The lade from tne Fitz town never had a chance to score except when they did one time in the fifth, the last laniug, when Barfield asked Pat to put one straight over and easy to see if he could paste it. And it said to his credit, he did, right over the right field fence. One other hit only was secured off Pat, being in the first on a short fly, which Murphy* his lads fanned the breeze fruitlessly. Pat was going good and made a uplendid impression on this, his first appearance on the local ground, The Empire scored in every In ning, making two in the first on one hit by Barnett, and two errors and base on balls. One came in the second, on a hit by Pierce, a sacri fice and a safety against the left- The Lanark Hotel Company are in many ways improving their prop erty at Lanark Springs, with the view toward making that popular Gulf-coast resort pleasanter aid more comfortable for visitors dur ing the approaching season. The hotel is being thoroughly renovated, paint freely applied and new walkways with rustic bridges add to the natural beauty of tne surroundings. A wire fence surrounds the grounds and before the bathing season opens the pier- and bath house will be given a general over hauling. The low places between the hotel and shore have been filled with sand, one thousand car loads being used for this purpose. New streets have been opened and several cot-! tages are to be built. Unless all signs fail, the 1913 season will be the busiest, brightest and best in the history of this famous pleasure resort.— Bainbridge Post. MRS. APPLKRAUM PUTS ROSES ON GRAVE OF HER HUSBAND. Atlanta. AprB 28.—The first act of Mrs. Callie Applebaum, after she became a free woman, was to go out to the West View Cemetery and put a big bunch of red roses on the grave of the husband she was accused of murdering. Since her acquittal. Mrs. Apple- baum has been in a local infirmary, where she will remain a few days longer, before leaving the city. Tho German-Amcrlcan Doctors, li censed and authorized by the State of Georgia for tho treatment of all Ner vous, Chronic, Blood, Skin and Special diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this visit at Stuart’s Hotel, April ttOOiay 1. 1 consultation, examination and advico free, making no charge whatever, ex cept for actual medicines used. AU that is asked In return for these valua ble services is that every person treat ed will state tho result obtained to their friends, and thus prove to the sick and afflicted In every city and locality that at last treatments have been discovered that are reasonably sure and certain in their eflTect. These doctors are considered among America’s leading Specialists in tho treatment of Nerve, Blood and Skin diseases, and are experts in tho treat ment of Chronic diseases, and so great and wonderful have been their results that in many cases it Is -hard to find the dividing line between Skill and Miracle. Diseases of the stomach. Intestines, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, rhetima- tlsm, sciataca, diabetes, bed-wetting, j leg ulcers, weak lungs and those af flicted with long-standing, deep-seat-] ed chronic diseases, that have baffle* tho skill of tho family physician, should not fail to call. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall-ston* tumors, goitre or certain forms of cancer. They were among the first In America to earn tho name of 'Bloodless Surgeons,” by doing with the knife, with blood and with ail pain in the successful treatment of these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder trou ble bring a two-ounco bottle of youi urine for chemical analysis and micro scopic examination. Deafnovs has also been cured in Their Methods are Painless Their Cures Are Quick and Lasting. Consultation, Examina tion and Advice FREE be. you, may have had It will bo to them at once. tied In y< curable they will givo y advantag ’ * *vei Is in- __ Ji ad- may relievo and stay the dls- There will be aa all-day sing at Fredonia next Sunday, May 4th. Everybody is invited to come, and bring a well-filled basket, a-nd es pecially would they be glad to have all the good singers go and carry song books. hooka'on It. St* o( the Fitzgerald ]Womans Column of put ofT this duty > yourself and friends or relatlv suffering because of y . a visit at tills time may help you. Avoid Dangerous Operations For Appendicitis, Gall Stones and Stomach Trouble. It you suffer with Stomach. Liver and Intestinal Ailments, Gastritis, In digestion, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas around tho Heart, Sour Stomach, Din ar 0 tress After Eating, Nervousnt-a», ui*.- xlness, Sick Headache, Fainting Spells. Constipation, Congested and Torpid Liver, bellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and Gail Stones, consult these experts and learn the truth about your condl- Chronlc Diseases of Women. thoughts until the last breath, and j field fence by Murphy. In the third, the locale came to bat twice, really you can’t blame him much. The Macon County Citizen trie* to tell “why boys leave home.” They leave most of the time because they want to and the parents cati’t keep them there. with the exception of Pi?ue, garnered thirteen runs and made ten safeties. Kates got two safe ties in this one inning, so did r*ai Rooney and five players each made two run*. Bat Rooney made two hits in one inning and was up only one other time when he sacrificed in great style. Wonder if the South Carolina j . ... . .. Barnett got three hits in four Cheese is peeved be.ause he wasn t I ut ba , Saturday and did the asked to make a talk at the 4o«do’-1 same the day before in Cairo. ogical Con trees week. in this] Piedmont of the A moonlight duel Park was staged b dancing Bet of Atlanta last week. •Nobody was hurt oT course, but the pai*ers go*, a story. Boston comes over Tuesday for a I game and the final disposition of the players will probably be made at that time by Manager Dudley. It will lie the line-up which will go into the urst .-tame in Valdosta Thursday. A*old boy sat up in his It now looks like Roth, Mey Rooney, with the other i Place unsettled. Welch has been released by Man- . .. , v . . ager Dudley and he went to Opelika coBln while the funeral ceremony , Ala yc8ler(Jayi to p | ay -emi-p-o- was being read. His ei -thty-year-old • fessional ball. Welch was a heady Itwirler, but he didn’t look as goou , as some of the younger twirlers j here lor a try-out. grandmother expired and the you died also a few minutes later. BASER\LL AS A BUSINESS. Few people who are familiar with i the rules governing organized base-1 hall wou’d deny that it is one "f j the most Insistent trusts that this country knows. In every cense of! 4he word it fills tne bill and does it ao conclusively and absolutely that there is no escape by one who has violated some of Its provisions. A man Is hired for what the rluh which posse^sef him wants to pay, pr he does not play In what is term ed “organized’’ baseball, and that tneana anjr league of any class or ataadlnf. Ha must take the salary which In many Instance* Is cot.- fnenrarate with hi* worth, but whether It be or not, he has to take ft or teek other fields of endeavor. This matter hat been brough* to the attention of C^ngreet, because V It is going to be a mighty hard job to select the four ; itchers w ho will he retained. All of them look migh'.y good. Hunter, the risht-flelder, has been released. He was a good hall play er and fielded well, but his hitting "■■imi'i as strong as would be neces sary in an outfielder v. ho pla>»*u that position alone. Hunter, with • \|, v ill make good in Class Iball alright. ' Jordon has improved more than any one player on the infield. He J is gettln ■ ground balls in Jam-up : Myle and plavin? without any ;*r- I rors in every contest. BARGAINS. • Fresh Water Flab, • and Trout Received Brcrj • • Day. Pone 243. • • GEORGE SAMPSON, m • Prompt Delivery. • DO YOU WANT GOOD BREAD AND CAKES Try CITY OAKERY, Phone 7ft. Diseases peculiar to their sex, such as Falling of the Womb, Displacement, Unnatural Discharges, Nervous In cline, Dizziness, I'uin in tho Back. Inflammation, Displacements. Lac< tlon. Cervlch Ulcers, Endometritis. Subinvolution, Lucorrhoea. Irregulari ties and Sterility cur*d to stay cured. 75 per cent, of tho Invalid women and nervous, hysterical wrecks are due to these neglected and curable diseases. It Is strango to see our women, who ’know they have some disease of this character, go on suffering from year to year, and every clay see themselve s rapidly growing weaker and less com petent for their daily labors, life really becomes a burden and they finally givo up tho fight. Now, all these complaints are cura ble. and why not take advantage this opportunity and not only relievo yourself of atarnal suffering, but bring happiness In your homo r . . < njoy tho life God has intended for You owo it to yourself an to get well, when euro is oflP i Married ladies must be am . ; by their husbands and minors their parents. rl humanity “ d^you. We Advertise What We Po. We Do What We Advertise. Are you a Sick, Diseased, Worn-Out, Run- Down Man? Have you the dread B!ood Poison? Are you suffering Nerve, Blood and Skin Diseases, STRICTURE, Prostatic Trou bles, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases? Wo successfully treat all nervous, deep-seated and serious ailments of women and men. You Can Be Strong, Active, Healthy, Husky and Happy you from enjoying all the privileges and con veniences of having an account with this bank. Checks, drafts, or other remittances which you receive may be endorsed “Payable to The Ogle thorpe Savings and Trust Co. with your name signed below, and mailed to us for deposit to your credit; receipt will be sent you at once. You can then draw your checks against amounts so deposited. THE OGLETHORPE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. SAVANNAH AND THOMASVILLE GEORGIA. W. H. Rockwell, Mgr. Cyrus|jS. Mallard Acct. Stag Semi-Paste Carters Paint Whitehead INSPECT Our Complete Line of Screens—Windows and Doors. WATT SUPPLY COMPANY. Sash - Doors Glass, Oils and and Blinds | , Varnishes Courage — daring, bounding vitality—sure —these the attributes that make admired and sought after. Norvous Debility-Lost Vitality Tito result of youthful Indiscretion, caus- ousness, pimples and blotches face, ami forgetfuln aged el Are y Young and middle- uffering from drains and losses? vitality on tho decline or lost? Our treatment is not a mere stimulant; it gives satisfactory and permanent results. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Troubles, Acuto or Chronic Inflammation cured permanently, leaving no stricture, gleet or discharge. The pain in tho back and dher distressing conditions disappear quick y. never to return. Tho complicated ailments of these organs Diz- are rapidly overcome. There is no guess work about It, Wo remove every obstruction, stop every waste, allay all Irritation and in flammation, revltalizo tho weakened organs. % mnm Bicycles, Supplies, Guns Etc WEST JACKSON STREET. Thomasville, EXCURSION and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure.. German Remedy for Blood Poison, Salvarsan ”606,” Neosalvarsan “914,” and such newly discovered remedies for this dls- . We scientifically use theao cures, and cleanse the blood. Every germ of the dread poison will bo removed. Wo have cured many hopeless men. Why not you? Catarrhal Conditions Cured. Catarrh of the Nose, Throat and Lungs successfully treated by my .new Inhalation ly .... ....thod. It removes all irritation, pain In the forehead, “dropping,” hawking and spit ting, and prevents lung complications, chronic bronchial and pulmonary diseases. Piles Are Cured—No Cutting. Hemorholds, Plies, External and Internal, Blind. Itching and Bleeding, all positively ed by a painless and harmless method, knife necessary. . you are suffering with any form of tho above, why contlnuo to allow your wholo svstem to becomo undermined and life made only an existence of torture, when poaltlvo ire is offered you? Constipation, the cause of moro reflex dls- ises than any known malady, cured by reet improved treatment. Ulcers, Fissures, rietun s. Catarrh and diseases of tho lower nvel i*ositive!y cured for good. Hernia (Rupture), VarlcoceJo and Hydro cele cured by painless treatment. PHONE 278 For Fine Groceries and Prompt Delivery. We guai* ontee to Please You. CLARKE RROTIIEKS. Successors to Golden Bru... We are long established and Thoroughly Reliable. We never Disappoint Our Patients. We fulfill Every Promise. We never hold out False Hopes. Remember this Grand Offer is for this Visit Only. I*hone 038 For Choice Cut Beef, Mutton ana Lamb, Kid and Pork. Meadow Gold Butter BOUCHELLE'S MARKET. PEACHES! PEACHES! For a few days: 3-11). can Peaches, 10c. 2-lb can Table Peaches, 10c. These are guaranteed first- class or your money back. PAT SMITH. “C. O. D.,* Phone 32, For The Best Native Bleats YOU CAN’T BUY More than we show today at the fairest prices in this city for FL.WVLES8 geijis of perfect color. All sizes—Loose, or Mount ed In the newest seWna* of Rings, Brooches. Lockets etc. Don’t fall to see our Dia mond display. LOUIS H. JERGER, Jeweler & Silversmith. Atlantic Coast Line Schedules. Quickest and beet train serv'e. Thomasville to Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis, via Montgomery. Smoothest road-bed and best Bleep ing car service, to Atlanta 6:3b P. M., via Albany and Macon, con necting with the “Dixie Flyer,” for Chicago, and the “South Atlantic Limited,” for Cincinnati and Cli-ve- laad.adv. Tin. i.xi matter to seCIc in to choose between Kales, Plane id | Fmltty for the Infield positions at | eeron.1 and third. Manager Dudley, wont let either of the three go be fore the tenth or May, In all proba bility, and they have had a try In A. P. CAXADV'S Tile West Jackson Street Itutrlier. real ball. That hoy Pierre lias got soate' ginger and he makes good every tint.: he gets a chance. Ills talk alone 1s worth the price ol ad.n ■Ion. We Are Now^ Cutting the <S Host Native llcof Kvcr Cut Q In riiomasvllle— Fine llerelurd Steers. m H. H. VANN, Two Phone*—15, HACKS & BAGGAGE SERVICE Phone 64 Fort ASSOCIATED IIAGK AXD GAGE SERVICE. WAV OR XIOHT. s, AOTO'S A SPECIALTY. sz SUITS SS SUITS TO WliAR. SUITS THAT WILL WEAR, It is not nccessaty to send off for your suit. I will make It for you right In the city—make It up uut of the cloth of your own selection, and to your own individual meas ure. All (ulta guaranteed to fit. M. Warshaw, Opposite Post Office. RATES= © Via Atlantic CoastjjLine 0 ATLANTA, GA.—April 21-25, return limit Apr. 21. $7.05. 0 ATLANTA, GA.—May 12, 13, 14, 15, It, 2t, return Halt 0 June It, $7.05. _ BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—Apr 22, 13, 24, retura Halt April 30th, 0 $0.35, C. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. — May 24-21, retnrn limit June t. (■*- . tension), $7-70. rtf •ALLAS, TEX.—May I, 11, return limit May 25, (Eztenelon), 5 $30.75. • EMBERTON, OA.—April It, 23, return limit Apr. 30. $13.15. 6 KNOXVILLE, THNN. — June-Joly, return limit II daye (Extea- 0 tlon), $14.00. 0 MONEAGLE and SEWANKH, TENN.—July-Aug., return Halt Sept. 5, $18.*' 0 Ml'SKOGEE, OKLA.—June 1-2. return limit June 14, $37.55. 0 NASHVILLE, TENN.—June 19-21. return limit July S, $15.55. 0 1UCIIMOSD, VA April T-14, r-turn limit, Apr. 23, $31.35. 0 SAVANNAH, GA Mey 26-18, return limit June 2. $030 0 ST. LOVIS, MO.—-Apr. 28 St, return limit May 6. $20.85. 0 ST. Lona, MO—May t-14. return limit May IT. $20.35. 0 WAYCROSS, GA May lt-21, return limit May 21, $4.4$. 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 Further Information from nearest A. C. L. Ticket Agent, er: L P. GREEN, T. P. A., E. M. NORTH, A. G. P. A.. TfcomaarlUe, Ga. Savannah, Ga. FOR Fancy groceries, Huylers candles, Horse feed, Cow feeds, Poultry feeds and supplies. i LESTER. Sole Agents Richelieu Goode TOO ELECTRIC SERVICE PHONE 300 EVERYTHING UIGIL Beverly Electric Co. S. C. Beverly W. Q. Beverly. Phone 300. Mitchell House, Williams Block. Pringle Co. FINE GROCERIES E NO II 111 South Broad Street. N. M. HOPKINS, Farm and City Sub-dtvislons and surveys. Plans and estimates pre pared and construction superintend ed for drainage, railroads and high, ways. William. Itlila., Tbomasvllle, Ga. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. PLUMBING! ■ ' It you have any Plumbing or Re pair Work to do, give ue a trial. We will guarantee to <iv a eatisfactlot In work and prices. Phone 51, tot prompt service. BUSSELL « MURRAY 1 ri h I • -/i'ArtaiftiiiiifiBf