The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 29, 1913, Image 4

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a ! Dont Swat the Fly Bfcap&rd’s House Fly Driver and Insect Exterminator la the only liquid driver and exterminator on the market. It If a disinfectant, deodorizer and germicide, and is harm less to people. Kills Alee, mosquitoes, and all other ta- fects instantly. Endorsed by your Uncle Sam’s Health De partment, and guaranteed by INGRAM DRUG CO. Other seasonable articles of extreme merit are Ashe’s Roach Pepper, the most satisfactory roach exterminator we have ever sold. White Tar paper that takes the place of moth balls. Cedar Raps for storing away furs, euits, over coats. etc. These Bags are moth proof, dust proof, and the article can be takon out and worn any time. © INGRAM DRUG CO. Phone 9 or 99. »; ggg © * ©e©»©@@© ©g ©©© © ©©©@©g JURY ACQUITS HR. DILLON (Continued from Page 1. terson had cursed Dillon at the sta tion while his sister was near, that he had told several of his intentions relative to the a:air and that he would kill Dillon when he ^ go’ a chance. That Dillon tried to shake hands with him at the station when I XationaMliginf BE PREVENTED IH first disagreement took plat.:, common brotherhood and that Patterson refused; that Patterson was fixed for him if he hadn’t: that Patterson was a habit ual carrier of pistols, a man of vio lence and a very turbulent charac ter; that on the date of the shoot- HM! STETEMK. FOR $10 YOUR CHOICE OF ANY SPRING WOOLEN DRESS IN THIS STORE. NONE OF THEM ARE WORTH LESS THAN *10.30— MOST OF THEM WORTH $23.00. Made of fine Serges, Bedford Cords and Worsteds, in wnite cream, champagne and light grey. Handsomely tailored nd trimmed in the prevailing spring styles. The workmanship alone would cost you the price •ve’re asking for them. ***************** : WANTS : (By Associated Press.) Kansas City. Mo., April 29.—That the Civil War might have been avoided had the various states been linked by an rd.^nuate system of making for a i, was suggest ed in an address by Charles Henry Davis, of Cambridge. Mass., which was read today before the National Old Trail Association, which is meeting here. Ing that Patterson cursed the m.i .' famous "nohlc'cr °rnntl? nB t0 , linlt the Dan Williams and threatened HI!- j [hcm whh W^h^ , ' and . toJ " ect Ions life;that Dillon was trying to get York in £ J J, n aaJ Nev the account settled and searched for g ^ Patterson for that -purpose, hoping! * to get things straight and avoid fur-|nri| Tlirin Pfll!l 0 ther disagreement about the master. jjMI I fir In h[l||| Jl After .^oing into the details of the * wwuuu matter, from start to finish, Mr. Ti tus stated that he would expect a verdict of acquittal. If these things were shown and that Dillon had acted In self defense. Ho then called Mr. Dillon to the stand. Defendant's Statement. Mr. Dillon gave a very exhaus’ive and conclusive resume of the trou ble between the two. Said he had been peaeable all along and had no j befng "used Fill CMS | Atlanta, April 29.—There are : men and women in Atlanta who Are ; daily selling their souls for clothes . declared Dr. W. L. Poteat, in an ad- ;dress here today. j "Think of it.' he said, -the beau- | tiful body which God gave us is .... j -- _ display rack fur i fashions Intentions of violence against ...c, : ,, . . l-lANO COR SALE Oil KBiT-M- £ K?V£ wVSSSff.-5“ “ •i-'l> to S. Sampson. 2S-tf. J up had hoard the threats through u he charge has been made .*e- 1 the men and approached Mr. Pat* c f n ^>’ by other visitors to Atlanta, cot "i terson only when he was with the I tllat respectable, high-toned Chief of Police, believing that he, °. f this city dress more flashily on ; could get It settled better than with-; t “ le 8treet than women of the same Jout any violence to ills person: that* 0888 an * °t^ e r city in America. any, quantity. } le had a pistol in his cont pocket} — and one in his other pocket, whi?h ; Naval Stores Marker, had been wet before In an auto trip I (By Associated Preee ) which he had taken the day before; J Savannah, April 29. Turpentine OLD RAGS WANTED—Clean ton rags. Apply at this office. j WANTED—Empty beer bottles. Wi pay 10e per dozen Hot-Tom Co. SEE WINDOW. Exclusive Agent for— Menilian Shoes, Ka)>o Corsets, DeRevolse Rrassieres. FOR SALE—Smal poTiy, harness and buggy. Apply to Joe Gold berg. 2S-6t. that be called to him pleasantly and i was firm; rosin firm type F. 460* tried to be peaeable and that Pa*-i G., 470. terson said. "G— d— you, I’ll set-' fo* h h t .. no p^-» an pSck r :r h wh 1 ?.':!^ 011 s n c d »r.h h a e t^,c 9 g ri!! court when the case was called and had disappeared he knew not where, for the Sheriff to make dili- I.OST—Gold bracelet, engraved U. R. N. Reward for return to j making this statemen*. Dillon Southern Express Co. 3t|he reached his hand to the horse's |nnne and that the gun in his eoatjp ow ». C. C. TOXIC— :E, 0 ; k< ; t u^ 0 r, P . < ‘ d on ‘l*® , pa '' em ®“t-, gent'BeaKir'for“Ihe“negro was giv- Cures and keeps off fevers. Foi 'L®, p thl" ’>P and 'jhen he saw e n by the Judge, but they would le at City ->rng 3to-e. i Pat *" son , n,n J" s „ haad in '° J' 8 slde have to proceed. rant s pocket, ho fired as he brought . vniin „ tpe-oy 'the gun up. hoping to wound his arm _ The , 8tate . then Put up Mr. Joe 3 * i so that he could not use the gun. j er * 8a .^ that he saw ’.he He stated that he could have ki!i**d •, a , * hat Dillon picked up toe him easily as he had eleven she’s | !* 8to l an i as soon as he ra,8Gd 1,1 and a gun that would fire very rap- . 0 sao * Patterson. He said that idly. ! 1 atterson was sitting on his horse. The statement was made in a vary \ do J a3 , nothltlg < hat ™ a M clear voice and without any affec-I ' ,,>a ' ,e '\ as t * iat Patterson tatlon or constraint of manner, j rled to * et , 0,f t ?® hor8e ° n the °‘" When he concluded, Mr. Dillon left I , ’° [ tB „ de f , rom ?' n ° n ’ a,ter hl ‘ " the stand nnd resumed his place fJ’n’,,, He also , 8ad that K looked the side of his council. , if D.llon was trying to shoot again Other Testimony. Peter Hill, a negro, who was sit ting at the corner of Neel’s Gro cery, said he saw Mr. Dillon pick up the gun and Mr. Patter3on rui | The state then closed its case and THE FAIR. Kimona Crepe Values 25c for 14c NOW ON SALE The Fair. Steln-Bfoch Clothes. FOR SALE—Nice Cow. giving milk; 3*4 years old.' W. T. Cheshire. Cherokee street.! McLaughlin Height. 27>-(»t. FOR SALE—1 book case, 1 bed-room set, 1 gasoline engine, 1 pony, 1 billy goat. Jarvis B. Watkins & Company. WANTED—Two copies of Weekly Times-Enterprise, date, Dec. 27. 1912. Will pay 25c per cony. Times Enterprise Company. while Patterson was trying to get off the horse and he, Dillon, was turning around the bridle of 'horse being in his hand. H s w?;XcT!r meL corner Hansell St., and Smith Ave. !*uply at Times-Enterprise. 22-lL’t FOR SALE—2,000 bushels sound mixed peas, $2.00 bu., delivered 10 yoke fine work oxen; 32 fine milk c&ws, for sale cheap. Wick er Bros., Sandersville, Ga. II \VOMEN—Sell guaranteed hosiery; whole or part time;goods replaced if hole appears; big money-saver; large profits; experience unneces sary. International Mills, 4029 West Philadelphia, Pa. 19-tf. that Mr. Dillon fired then. 1 "ho said he saw it and that the shot. H. C. Hicks said that he had attracted his attention. He saw Mr. known Patterson for eight years A Patterson trying to get his hand i'J and that he was a violent man and) 18 pocket when the thing happen- pretty rough by reputation. Had I 0 *’’ Tae defense then closed and known him to carry pistols lots of| the ca8e wa ® Riven to the jury. the time. Said Patterson had told) / him about meeting Dillon at the d>! The Grand Jury pot ana said he had -cussed him _. _ . out,” and that It was a good thing I, T 10 ,vr aad #» Jury w Probably ad- he hnd taken It for he was "fixed] j ourn . ^afternoon. The commit- for him. “If he ever crosses my “A GREAT EVENT” GEXLltAL ASSKMHL1 MS PRESBYTKHIAX Cill UCHHS IX V. 8., rXITRD I’ltKSUYTKRIAX nimrH OK XOUTII AMERICA. Atluiiln. Georgia. MAX' Hth, to June, 1st. 101:1. ne of the iar.test denominational, meetings ever held in tills country. TIIE ATLANTA HIRMI«JW\M AND ATLANTIC It. It. Will sell round-trip excursion tickets at STeatly reduced fares. Tickets will be sold May 12. 12, 14, 15, 19 and 20, with return limit June, loth, 1913 and limit may be extended *.o June 30th up on payment of tee of $1.00 Further Information cheerfully furnished. W. H. LEAHY, E. H. FELL, Gen. Passenger Agt. A. O. P. A. ATLANTA, GA. path, I am going to kill him,” Mr. Hicks said Mr. Patterson remarked J. W. Brooks, a negro, said he snw the thing and his testimony was about the same as that of the negro Hill. J. H. Finch said that the first thing he noticed was the pistol on the pavement. That Dillon picked It up with his right hand, and rais ed as Patterson put his hand to his right pocket, that Dillon tried to pill' , n i bis hand away from the pocket with about^SO «5 r e«,e^*™d|hls (Dillon’s) left hand and falling He said he thought Patterson had dropped the •ylng to put it back in Patterson’s pocket. He (Finch) got away as soon as t*»e thing happened. Mr. Popple said Mr. Patterson “most generally” carried a gun. He said Mr. Patterson was considered a violent man and used to cuss peo pie behind their backs. Mr. Thariu then testified that he was at dinner with Mr. Pa*terson that day and that he, Patterson, said If he and Dillon met, ‘‘some body would ^et hurt.’’ Mr. Hicks and Mr. Thari.n were former employees of Patterson, and nre now working for Mr. Dillon, as brought out In the cross-examina tion. The neero, Dan William*, also works for Mr. Dillon. Mr. Titus asked for Dan Williams, stating he wanted to prove ‘hat Pht- terson had threatened him on the day of the shooting; had asked for FINK FARM FOR SALE The nicest sort of little farm, Just three miles north of the thriving town of Montlcello, Fla., on the fine hard surfac 0 Thomasvllle road. Sub stantial and pretty, and brand new, home, with all necessary outhouses, hj^ha'nd 120 acres—about 80 acrea cleared ( jam. and under hi?h«tate of cultivation |n , h ^hoV one“time -nil aurrounded by strong » M thoU ght Patterson had f 7, rP It!* ° f ° wn , ers K'in ^nd that Dillon was wife, couldn’t be bought. For fur ther particulars, write— KVA .NS REALTY COMPANY. Montlcello, Fla. 11> *f| DANIEL, T. P. A. Farm Loans. I am prapared to neg otlato loans *n Improved firms on shirt notlcs. Havs been in ths business About fifteen ysira, «nd my facilities ars bettsr than ever before. My eonasstloni promise me an abundant supply of money, s*. interest rates ranging from six % seven per amt. I will be glad te corres pond with anyone desiring a loan en farm lands. My terrl- tsry embraces Cohiultt, Mitchell, Thomas, Werth, Brooks and and Baker counties. EDWIN L. BRYAN, Att’yal Law. MOULTRIE, QA. For The Toilet «$$$$$ G GGG GG 0GGGG6GGG GGGGGG GGG G « G « G • O G G O © Q © « G G G G • WE HAVE JU8T RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OF TOIL- ® ET WATERS, INCLUDINO SUCH POPULAR ODORS AS AZ- © UREA, LA TREFLB, HUDNUT8 VIOLETS, LAZELLS, ETC. ® ONE OP THE MOST COMPLETE LINES OF TALCUM S POWDERS IN TOWN INCLUDING ALL MAKB3, ODORS, AND & PRICES. 0 IT WILL PAY YOU WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING FOR © THE TOILET TO INSPECT OUR LINE AND OET OUR PR1C- G ES. © gThe City Drug Store, g g PHONE 284 © •©•••00©©««©©©*©*©©© •©«••• oooc BICYCLE STOLEN—I5.J0 Reward for return. Columbia Mo lei 59, Chablesn. black enamel 26-lnch frame, black wheels, red rubber handle grips. Return to Tlraes- Enterprise. tees have been out performing their several duties and the general pre sentments are being prepared to bo read in court after their adoption In the Grand Jury room. There Is nothing which Is expected to delay their adjournment for the term be yond the afternoon. SOUTHERN STATES COTTON ' CORPORATION AT DALLAS. (By Associated Press.) Dallas. Tex.. April 29.—The de cision to move the headquarters of the Southern States Cotton Corpora tion from Macon, 0a„ to Dallas was made at a iheeting o( the stockhoid ers here last night. The three days cotton convention which is beini held in connection with the meeting will he addressc today by promtneat cotton men, in cluding Alfred Aldrich and J. McTaurln. of South Carolina. IIOT SPRINGS. ARKANSAS REMEDY ENDS CONSTIPATION. Don’t worry and don’t take Calo- Put your slujgish liver in fine condition and get rid of sick heai- ache. blltlousness nnd dizziness. Get a box of the famous HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS of any worthy druggist to-day, 25 cents. Gentle, blissful, wonderful work ers they surely nre: take one to night and free the bowels from pois onous waste and gas. You'll feel bright and happy tomorrow. There’s nothing on earth so good for Constipation and stubborn liver. Free Sample of HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS from Hot Springs Chemical Co., Hot 3prlngs, Ark. Red Cross Drug Co., special agent In Thomnsville. (»Jr.) Auto Tire Troubles Ended By Use of g Clarks Resilient Tire Filler A PF.RFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR AIR. TESTED AND FOUND PERFECT. Office and Factory Thomasvllle, Georgia. Stove Wood TRY A 75c LOAD OF OUR STOVE WOOD BURCH & SON. Phone 187 Sir, It Makes No Difference, How Short you are, In Style, Cut and Fit We are particular. Sotto Voce—A ready-made would make you look like a boy, But we’ll make you a suit that will give you joy. Yours truly, Thomasville Tailoring Co, 124 N. Broad St, Phone 429 E. J. Tillman, Mgr, * HOUSEKEEPING A JOY -WITH- —Half Price— COAT SUIT SALE Our entire line of WOOLEN COAT SUITS at half price Wednesday and Thursday Neel Brothers. NEED STRENGTH •f- * WE WILL RETURN YOUR HONEY IF YOU DO NOT VINOL HAS HELPED YOU, AFTER TAKING ONE BOTTLE. DON'T THIS SEEM FAIR? Vinol DOES YOU GOOD OR • t COSTS YOU NOTHING. J A REAL COD LIVER TONIC WITHOUT OIL. This Dell clou. Cod Liver ud Iro* Toole Is • Wonderful Rod, Builder and Strength Creator For Feeble Old People, Delicate CUldden; Weak Women; AU Run-Down Conditional Chronle Cough*, Cold, aad Bronchitis. Try It On Onr Guarantee. Thomas Drug Store, THE REXALL STORE PHONE 41