The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 01, 1913, Image 2

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DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. MAY I, 101.1. DAILY TIMES-ENTERPDISE MEMBERS ASSOCIATED PRESS. E. K. JKRGKR Editor. W. D* HARGRAVE Bus. Mgr. Daily and Semi-Weekly Timea-En- •erprise. Published at the Tlnies-En- terprise Building by the Timee-En- lerprite Company, Thomasville, Ga. Entered at the Thomasville Post- office for transmission through the nails at se-ond class mail matter. To Inaure Insertion, All Changes For Standing Advertisements Must Be Handed in by Nir.e O'clock of the Day on Which They Are te Appear. Subscription Rates: Daily. One Year $5.00 Dally, Six Months 2.50 Daily, Three Months 1.25 Daily, One Month *5 Phone Number*— Business Manager 12 Editor's Desk • • <$ They ought to swat the baseball trust. ' MODERN DANCING. Almost universal is the eondem- nation of religious people for the J new dances which have been intro- J duced in some instances into what is commonly known as good society, j places where the charm of the , younr woman should be accentuated .and heightened by her modesty and innocence. In addition to this, til* j newspapers, as nearly unpartisau in , matters of this kind as any agency ; can be, have almost without excop- j tion, voiced their disapproval of '.he j fancy stunts which young folks, {either through ignorance or reckless j bravado, have Indulged at “decent i functions,” where dancing is prac- T.\.\ NOTICE—Second Round Barwick, Monday, May 5th, from 0 a. m. to p. m. Pavo, Tuesday. May 6th, from 9 a. in. to 1 p. in. I’atten, Wednesday. May 7th, from 1*» a. in., to 3 p. in. Merrillville, Thursday. May Mb. from 9 a. in., to 3 p. m. Coolidge, Friday, May 9*h from 9 a. in., to 1 j>. ,ii. Thomasville. Saturday, May lo’!i from 9 a. in. to 5 p. tu. Meig<. 'iond.ix. Ma> 12th, from 9 a. m.. to ! p. m. Ocbloiknee. Tuesday. May l.Jtli. from 9 a. in., to I p. m. Ellabelle. Wednesday. May 1 Itli. from 1U a. m.. to 2 p. in. Metcalfe, Thursday, May 15. from 10 a. tn., to I p. m. Boston, Friday, May 16th, from 9 a. ni., to 4 p. m. Thoniasville, Saturday, May 17th; from 9 a. pi., to 5 p. n. P. .4. NORTON. T. R., T. C. James Hamilton Lewis—ever hear of the gentleman? Hovr do you like the name for Ihe Tbomaeville club? There was some crowd at the game in Valdosta today. Those millinery bills that were unpaid last month are duo today. The picnic season is at hand and the red bugs are already licking their chope. The fellow tnat buries the bone of contention, usually marks well the grave. They say that no insect will in f cc*. the castor plant. Very few insects relish its products either. In Way cross they are all going to attend the first game from the black smiths and artisans down to tne highbrows. The Atlantic and Gulf Mill, at Quitman, is in trouble financially, some of its creditors having filed a peti’ion for bankruptcy proceedings. The only trouble about women be ing policemen is the clothes. They don’t relish having to discard hob bles for the stern duties of the chase. Ladies, your trunk must not bo over forty-five inches long, and must have no extending curved surfaces If you desire it to travel on the rail roads of this country. It is most reckless extravagance not to paint your house once in every three years. The failure to do so will make you build another one before you are able. The "unwritten law" has been given a jolt by an Atlanta Judge who -refused to charge it in the Dar den case, in Atlanta and forced the jury to come to a manslaughter verdict. The educators of the state s- bools meet in Atlanta tomorrow and Sat urday for their annual convention. Some of the school superintendents of this section of the state have been placed on the program. The Journal had three small news items on the front page yesterday. The balance was the sensation*’ murder that fills a good aizod news paper every thirty minutes as hand ed out by the Atlanta reporters. | The -New York Sun is one of the j most direct and forceful of those { newspapers, and in a recent editor- . ial, under the caption. “The Revolt ] of Decency,” reproduced in the IJl- i erary Digest, that metropolitan newspaper says: ‘That the police authorities of New York should be driven to a clos? inspection of the many dance halls now open to those whose idle or weak dispositions have drawn them to the miscalled ‘new danc?’ was in evitable. Great as is the popularly of these graceless contortions and numerous tho their practlonere are. ther* remain a saving intelligence and morality in the community which recognize their signficance and loathe their indency. “Let the seemingly incredible protestations that innocence and virtue may indulge in these excess es without realization of their ori gin and meaning be accepted. Po liteness and optimism dictate this insult to intelligence. There re mains on those possessing knowl edge and conscience the inescapa ble duty of protecting the ignoran’ and the weak as much from their folly as from the design of the vic ious. The task is to exert every in fluence to prevent the loss of such ground as has been gained by so ciety in i’.s history-long struggle for moral progress, a loss that is inevitable if such dances as are now under consideration are tolerated. “Ear from beiug ‘new,’ these dances are a revision to the gross est practices of savage man. They are based on the primitive motive of the orgies enjoyed by the abo riginal inhabitants of every uncivi lized land. Their movement and steps have been described with ex actitude by explorers and mission aries to those peoples we are accus tom ?d to regard as inferior. The culminating extravagances are iden tical with the ends sought by the benighted heathen, save only that the heathen is redsemed by a frank ness of terminology and conduct that has not yet *been attained here. •Preserved through all the ag?g by the habitues of low resorts, by strumpets and their patrons, the«e dances have never lost their origi nal reason for existence or been deprived of their appeal to tie proflligate and the debased. Today whether practiced In the lowest brothel or In surrounding* more °x- pensive, they retain without change their meaning and are unmodified, in their effect. That for a mome it persons of respectable antecedents have Injudiciously endured their In troduction in places where decorum guards chastity has not changed 1 their nature or obscured heir men-' For the ailments of women, DR. SIMMON’S SQUAW VINE WINE \* an effective remedy. It corrects ir- regularies, builds up a strong body, promotes cheerful s- irits and re stores a clear healthy complexion. T’rire $ 1 .Do per bot’lp. Sold by R. Thomas. Jr., and the Pea ock-Mash Drug C’o.adv. Auto Tire Troubles Ended By Use of Clarks Resilient Tire Filler A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR AIR. TESTED AND FOUND PERFECT. Office and Factory Thomasville, Georgia. |* '®@® ®® ®0®® ®® ®®® ® ©@®®®® Womans Column BARGAINS. of I’NITER STATES OE AMERICA, In the matter of J. L. Philips & Co.. Bankrupt in Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of the above- named Bankrupt: You are hereby notified that the above-named bankrupt has applied for a discharge from all d^hts prova ble against him in bankruptcy. The said application will oe heard by the Honorable Emory Speer, Judge of the Fnited States District Court for said Division and District at the Uni’od States Court House, in Albany, Georgia, on the 90th day of May. 1913, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. All Creditors of said bankrupt are notified to appear at the time and place stated, and show vause. If any they can. why ‘.he prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Albany, Georgia, this 30tn day of April, A. D., 1913. JOHN D. CREWS, Dep. Clk. JI STICK 1*01'RT NOTICE. GEORGIA, Thomas County. Justice’s Court of the 637th Distric* G. M., April Term, 1913. Present: K. P. Doss, J. P.; J. S. Mallard, N. P., & Ex. Off. .1. P., Thomas County, Ga. Whereas, the fourth Monday in each month, tko time heretofore regularly appointed for the holding of the Justice’s and of ’he N. P. Ac Ex. Off. Justice's Court in and for snid District and County, not In frequently conflicts with the session of the City Court of Thomasville and of the Superior Court of said Coun ty; Therefore, now, it Is ordered and adjudged by the undersigned au thorities that the said term here tofore appointed for the holding of the regular terms of said Justice's Court be, and the same is. hereby changed front said Fourth Monday to the Second Monday of each month, at 1 d A. M. And it is further ordered that a copy of the foregoing rule and or der be published once a week for 60 days in the semi-weekly issue of The Thomasville Tlmes-Knterprise. and that the change provided be of force and effect only after sixty days from the date upon first publica tion. Witness our official hands, this April 28th, 1913. R. P. DOSS. J. P., J. S. MALLARD. 5-1-tf. N. P., & Ex. Off. J. J. • BASE BALL MAY 5th. i Tlioinasville Vs. Valdosta. • OlK'tiing Game of Season • —CLOSER— Gone to Raseball Game; ' Will <)|K»n Immediately 1 After Game. This sign will be o:i our door the afternoon of the opening game, from one o'clock until after the game. We are going out and give THOMASVILLE a record- breaking attendance on the opening day. GEORGE SAMPSON, Prompt Delivery. s Phone 64 FOR ASSOCIATED HACK AND DAO- G.WJE SERVICE. DAY OK NIGIIT. 51 AUTO'S I SPECIALTY. DO YOU WANT GOOD BREAD AND CAKES Try CITY BAKERY, Phone 7ft. PHONE 278 For Fine Groceries and Prompt Delivery. We guar* antee to Please You. CLARKE BROTHERS. Successors to Golden Iho.. Phone Ooft For 0 Choice Cut Beef, A Mutten ana Lamb, • Kid and Pork. Meadow Gold Butter. A BOl'CHELLE’S MARKET. 4T Phone 52, For The Best Native Meats at A. P. CANADY’S The West Jackson Street Butcher. FRESH SHIPMENT MAJESTIC HAMS JUST RECEIVER. We’ve sold you this ham before and you know it’s 1 value. 1 Favor us with your order. « H. H. VANN, < Two Phones—15. < • Official intervention, the blow | ociety instinctively strikes for self- ireservation, can do no morb thu l ; ircums ribe the field of sordid ex-j ploitation of mankind’s basest pas sions and weaknesses. Ye’., re- ( strieted though the field of its use-' fulness is, it indicates wide-spread recognition of the necessity of pre serving those standards of conduct that irk ’.he Teckless, who in their folly forget that evil communica tions corrupt good manners." Bee Des Way I g: Systems and methods come and go. There’s one that will s/ay—the T 'Bee Dee Way.” It has stood the hardest of all tests—the test of experience. Mix STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE Z BASE BALL MAY 5th. ThnmuMillc Vm. Valdosta. Opening Game of Season —CLOSED— Gone to Ifcisehall Game; Will 0|M>n Immediately After Game. This sign will be on our 1 door the afternoon of the opening game, from one o'clock un’il after the game. 1 Wo are going out and give 1 THOMASVILLE a record- break ina attendance on the < opening day. < PAT SMITH, “C. O. I).,’ t We bid to have ’.hat silver trophy for the biggest attendance in our office during the summer months. with the feed for your animals and fowls. It ~ beats all regulators, tonics, powders, etc., because It brings better results, and costs but & fraction of what the ready made foods do. Price 25c 80c and $t00 per can. . It relieves conitipitlon and makes Atlantic Coast Line Schedules. ! Quickest and best train serv‘c^ j Thomasville to Chicago, Cincinnati land St. I.ouls, via Montgomery, i Smoothest road-bed and beat alecp- 1 ing car service, to Atlanta fl:>0 1 P. M., via Albany and Macon, con necting with the “Dixie F*lyer,” for Chicago, and the “South Atlantic Limited,” for Cincinnati and Clcve- lrad.adv. DISTANCE WILL NOT PREVENT you from enjoying all the privileges and con veniences of having an account with this bank. Checks, drafts, or other remittances which you receive may be endorsed “Payable to The Ogle thorpe Savings and Trust Co. with your, name signed below', and mailed to us for deposit, to your credit; receipt will be seqt you at once. You can then draw your checks against amounts so deposited. THE OGLETHORPE SHIES Hi TRUST GO. SAVANNAH and thomasville gfokgia. W. H. Rockwell, Mgr. Cyrus S. Mallard Acct. BASE—BALL MAY 5th. Thomasville vs. Valdosta —closed— Gon e to Ila«eball Gn?np—Will Open Immediately After Game This sign will bo on our door the afternoon of tho open in.? came, from one oMock until after the game. We are going out and give THOMASVILLE a rec ord-breaking attendance o'.i opening day. LOUIS H. JFR6ER m SUITS s SUITS TO WFAR. SUITS THAT WILL WEAR. It Is not necessary to sand off for your suit. I will make It for you right in the city—make it up out of the cloth of your own selection, and to your own Individual meas ure. All suits guaranteed to Bt. M. Warshaw, Ppposite Post Office. --BULL MAY 5th. Thomasville vs. Valdosta G«n<* to llnsclmll ({time—Will 0|M»n Immediately After Gumc This sign will be on our door the afternoon of the opening L r ame, from one o\ lock until after the game. We are going out and givo THOMASVILLE a rec ord-breaking attendance o'J opening day. GRANTHAM & LESTER BASE BALL MAY 5th. Thomasville vs. Valdosta Opening game of season - CLOSED -- Gone to base ball game, will open immediately after game This sign will be on our door the afternoon of the opening game, from one o’clock until after the game. We are loing out and give THOMASVILLE a record-breaking attendance on op ening day. Watt Supply Company % MHJBBf mpinf IN Bicycles, Supplies, Guns Etc WEST JACKSON STREET. Thomasville, I $5.50 THOMASVILLE TO Tampa, Fla. AND RETURN MAY 14th 1913 Via Atlantic Coast Line Special Train Will Leave THOMASVILLE 6:30 P. M. @ Returning oa aay regular train within 7 day«. tfr Take advantage of the Low Rates and visit Tampa! ® Low rates for Boat Excursions have been arranged on ® Historic Tampa Bay. St. Petersburg and many points on the if? famous Manatee River. ® 0 See ticket agents for Pullman reservatloas, and other ln- @ formation desired. ® H M NORTH L. P. GREEN. p. c. west: E. M. NORTH, A. G. P. A., Savannah, Ga. L. P. GREEN, T. P. A. T. P. A. Thomasville, Ga. Montgomery PLUMBING! If you have any Plumbing or Re pair Work to do, give ua a trial. We will guarantee to giv. satisfaction In work and’ prices. Phone 31. fo‘ prompt service. RUSSELL £ MURRAY MAY. N. M. HOPKINS, Farm and City Sub-dlvIslons and surveys. Plans and estimates pre pared and construction superintend ed for drainage, railroads and hlgn ways. Williams Dine.. Thomasville, Os. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. FOH ELECTRIC SERVICE PHONE 300 EVERYTHING ELEGTRIGAL Beverly Electric Co. 8. C. Beverly W. Q. Bexar lj. Phone 300. Mitchell House. William* Block. Ten thousand persons have pe i- tioned the Postoffice Department to hare the olfivee open Sunday. Those are the traveling folks who are per haps inconvenienced by not befog able to get their mail while in town ! on Sunday. The negro Janitor in the A’lanta murder ‘ase will, in all probabili’y, ■pend several torturing houri .be fore the hangman’* noose gets him. The testimony as developed by ex perts points to him unmistakably as the guilty party. The firxt day of the mouth, fel low cl’izens—the day wlien the bill collector eoraeth with his smiling face and unsmiling account—when (fee creditor pu.he. »nd tho debtor mils, until st Isut s part of that which Is swsd Is ssttlsd. Schedule of the Empire State Baseball League CLUBS— AT AMEIIICUS AT CORDELE AT THOMASVILLE AT VALDOSTA AT WAYCROSS. AT BRUNSWICK. A.MKRKTS May 1-2-3* June 19-29-21* July 3-4*-5* May 13-16-17* June 23-24-25 July 21-22-23. May 26-27-28. June 9-10-11. July 31-Aug. 1-i* May 12-13-14. June 30-July 1-2. July 17-18-19* May 22-23-24* Juno 5-6-7* July 28-29-30. CORDKLK May.5 6 7 July 4M0-U-12 Aug. 11-12. May 22-23-24* June 5-6-7* July 28-29-30 May 8-9-10* June 26-27-28* July 14-15-16. May 19-20-21. July 7-8-9 July 24-25-26* June 2-3-4. June 16-17-18. Aug. 7-8-9. THOMASVILLE May 19-20-21 July 7-8-9 July 2 I-25-2C* May 29-30-31* June 12-13-14* Aug. 4-5-6 May 1-2-3* June 19-20-21 . July 3-4 *-5. June 2-3-4. June 16-17-18. Aug. 7-8-9* May 8-9-10* June 26-27-28* July 14-15-16. VALDOSTA June 2-3-4. Aug. 7-8-9. Aug. 7-8-9* May 12-13-14 June 30-July l r 2. July 17-18-19 May 5-6-7. July 4 *-10-11-12 . Aug. 11-12 May 22-23-24* June 5-6-7* July 28-29-30. May 19-20-21. July 7-8-9. July 24-25-26* WAYCRO.SS May 8-9-10* June 26-27-28* July 14-15-16 May 16-16-17* June 23-24-25. July 21-22-23. May 26-27-28. 9-10-11. July 31-Aug. 1-2. Mny 29-30-31. June 12-13-14* Aug. 4-5-6. May 1-2-3* June 19-20-21* July 3-4 *-5* liRl’XSWfCK May 29-30-31* June 12-13-14 Aug. 4-6-6. May 26-27-28 June 9-10-11 July 31-Aug. 1-2* *«ay 12-1.3-14. June 30-July 1-2. July 17-1 »-l». Mny 15-16-17* June 23-24-25. July 21-22-23. May 5-6-7. July 4M0-J1-1*. Aug. 11-12.