The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 02, 1913, Image 1

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LOWER CALIFORNIA SCENE OP HOT SCRAP WHEN INSUR GENTS ABANDON TOWN FOR THE HILLS. (Dy Associated Press.) Nogales, Arls., May 2.—The In surgent forces evacuated Em Palm today, after which the Mexican gun boat, "Guerrero," began shelling the California Gulf town, prelimi nary tb a laud movement from Guaymas, where the Federal garri son was strong re-lnforced ' yester day. Many American railway men re side at Em Palm. Uncle Sam Orders Too of His Boats ■ to Scene of Battle. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 2.—In answer to Ambassador Wilson reports of the precarious conditions on the West Coast of Mexico, a naval aux iliary ship and gunboat, has been ordered to Maxatlan, to guard the American Interests FI BURNS WINDSOR ROTE SPLENDID AMERICUS HOTEL SUFFERS SEVERE LOSS IN FIRE EARLY THIS MORNING. UNEXPECTED EXPLANATIONS OF HOW NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN ROAD DID BUSINESS. (By Associated Press.) Amerlcus, Ga., May 2.—A lire which originated on an upper floor in the Windsor hotel, at an early hour this morning, caused a loss of more than.fifty thousand dollars. Many of the gudsts lost practically all of their clothing, hut no one was Injured. — (By Associated Press.) Boston, May 2.—President Charles THE JERSEY LEGISLATURE TO MAKE SOME CHANGES IN PRO. POSED REFORM W'HICH HE BELIEVES IS WRONG. (By Associated Press.) S. Mellen, of the New. York, New*_ Jersey City. N. J„ May 2.—Preal- IN CALIFORNIA Reported Federal Leader Has Join ed With Rebels in Movement Against Huerta Regime. (By Associated Press.) Eagle Pass. Tex. May 2.—Offl- clals of the Carranza regime an nounced from the Constitutional headquarters at Pleres, Mex., today that General Trucy Aubert, the Huerta leader In Northwestern Mexico, has joined the . ranks of Governor Carranza. Did Not Believe Aubert Would Join Carranzas. (By Associated Press.) El Paso.'May 2.;—The Federal forces In the State of Chihuahua are not exrected to turn against the Huerta Government unless General Felix Diaz should reach an agree ment with the Revolutionists. The Constitutionalist agents here believe that Gen. Trucy Aubert, the Federal Commander of Coahulla and Nuevo Leon, is more apt to make a direct understanding with the In surgents. Reports received here say that Gen. Auburet has done every thing but actually assist the Car- ranzlstas. S. G. NEGRO IN GEORGIA Eluding l’ossee From Allendale, Criminal Goes to The Georgia Swamps, Along Savannah River. UNTIL THE ALIEN LAND RILL MATTER HAS BEEN SETTLED— CHANGED HIS MIND AHOUT IT TODAY. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 2.—Secrotary of State William J. Bryan 1 today telegraphed officials hero that ho had reconsidered his purpose to start immediately for Washington, and he said further that he would remain In Sacramento until the alien land legislation had been concluded. Official here therefore Infer from this decision of Secretary Bryan that he feels he has not exhausted all his resources and still hopes to influence legislation In accordance with the administration ideas.- Action on Rill Postponed Again To day, and Mr. Bryan Will nnve to Walt a Week at Least. (By Associated Press.)" Sacramento, Cal., May 2.—The Anal action on the antl-allen land bill law was postponed again to day, and the Senate will not act on the measure until next week. INVESTIGATION OF ALASKA! MAHERS Haven and Hartford Railroad, while appearing In his own defense before the Interstate Commerce Commis sion today, gave unexpected explan ation of some of the figures on the New Haven's books. According to the Government ex pert. David E. Brown, there pcared ah apparent profit of hundred and two thousand dollars, which was made by Mr. Mellen per sonally by trading In {he company's stock. Mr. Mellen testified that this mon ey in question had been used for po litical contributions In 1904. Fifty thousand dollars went to the Repub lican state campaigns In New York. Connecticut and Rhode Ieland. Mr. Mellen advanced the money And the road then re-lmbuned him, "On closing up said stocks men tioned, it appearing that an unex pected profit had been realized, my directors, cognizant of my contri butions to the Republican party, thought It proper to make me this allowance. I never personally re ceived or re-loaned one dollar,” ex plained Mr. Mellen. dent Wilson used personal perauo- son today as he conferred with the Democratic members of the State Legislature, upon Jury reform, seek ing to convert those honestly op posed to the bills because of their objections to thtf form of the pro- ap-. posals. one Speaking of these, as against those he denounced last night as be ing affiliated with Nugent and bia political machine, the President told a big crowd here. "I want to tell NEGRO SEEMS TO HAVE NOT I1EEN IMPLICATED AND EVI DENCE AGAINST FRANK NOT SATISFACTORY. Atlanta, May 2.—The mystery In the Mary Phagan murder case Is If anything deeper than ever this morning. The one fact of which the police are still confident Is that the little girl never left the factory alive after she went there Saturday af ternoon to get her pay. But there their knowledge ends. It is now known that when *he detectives were quoted as saying that they had the key to the mys tery and would be solved to the public's satisfaction within a few hours, they believed that Newt Lee, them n an affectionate warning that Che negro janitor, knew all about some men who do not love the peo- * an d that he would make a true pie, are trying to use what they be- j confession. Implicating Sunerlnten- lleve to be their 4onvtctions, to mis- dent Frank as the principal and lead them and to disappoint the! himsolf as the accessory. But no people of New Jersey." |*uch thing has happened. The po- Presldent Wilson Is due to moot I !‘ c n e . ( ar « fc aow ’“ tis "? d ,‘5 at ‘ h « ne « r ° today not only the Democratic mem- j an J ° r 1 A asb L k h T! : fi bers of the Legislature, and state ‘*7, party leaders, but Acting Governor l*!;!hadV n *UiMS Fielder, and Mayor Wlttpen, v.-ao j Jfih.™L n “' ad are the rival cand.dates for Oov^! AFTER I.ATTEIt HAD HANDED OVER THOUSAND I KILL A US ON TRAIN IN MISSOURI—ROBBER BELIEVED TO BE WOUNDED, TOO. n ° The ftESTSF pTa'r d y ' “r «« “Vtdenro ^ P^^l^u^r^el^ - ^-^for= this afternoon, the party leaders !n 1 “ ™ the Legislature, agreed that the Democratic members will on Mon lay get together in the hope of drafting some sort of jury reform bill. SOUTH CAROLINIANS WERE ARRESTED IN ATLANTA. (By Associated Press.) Tallahassee. Fla., May 2'.—The amendment for equal suffrage for| women was defeated ln the House today, after a short discussion. Atlanta, May 2:—Mrs. Mary Kel ly and Allen Fox, ol GreenvlMe, S. C„ were arrested here this morn ing, ns the result of a telegram from the husband, saying that Fox had run away with his wife. 4 (By Associated Press.) Augusta, Ga., May 2.—Richard Heary Austin, the negro who for the past two days has eluded a posse of white men after killing two of their number and wounding four, has crossing the Savannah river, and gained the Georgia swamps, ac- cording to .advices from Allendale, S. C., where It Is said offleors are now making preparations to follow him. 20,000 MINERS STRUCK IN WALES TODAY. (By Associated Press.) Cardiff, Wales, May 2.—Twenty thousand coal miners today struck ln South Wales, as a protest against the employment of non-unlo-ilsts miners. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 2.—As a result of the testimony given, before the Senate Territories Committee today, the representatives of the Morgan and Guggenheim Intercets in Alas ka will be asked to tell what they know of the alleged threats to re tard development of that territory, J. E. Balalne, of Seattle, told the committee today that Georgo W. Perkin* had told him him several years ago that the Morgan Interests never would permit the proper de velopment of the Alaskan railways until the coal claims there wore ob tained under a government patent. UBIT5 USE NITRSGLYCEfllllE (By-Associated Press.: London. May 2.—A bottle filled with nlttro-glycerine was discover ed today at a tube station. Scotland Yard officials say It was undoubtedly left there by a Suffragette "bomb squad.” Base May Ball 5th T VS. 100STI OPENING SAME OF SEASON Closed Gone to baseball game, will open immediately after game. This sign will be on our do or the afternoon of the opening game from one o'clock until after the"game. We are going ont and give THOMABVILLE n record breaking attendance ou op ening day. 2. Peacock-Mash Drug Co,' Atlanta, May 2.—A fight for free school books In the public schools j of Georgia will probably be made at j the coming session of the Leglsla- . (By Associated Press.) ture. Representative McCrory, of Opelousas. La., May 2.—Ju'ia Schley county, has already framed a Anderson, of North Carolina, after measure under the provisions of a second examination ot the child which the "tato would publish Its I this morning, declared that she be- own text books and furnish them to . ]j CV ed the boy taken frojn ythe al- all the schools. Ileged kid-napper, W. C. Wallers, aid The expense of Purchasing text identified by Mrs. C. P. Dunbar, as i ' h er long missing son. Robert, hor son Bruce. WOMIW CUIMS BV JRBJPOI D hooks for the public schools is now, of course, directly on the people, and it Is said to weigh heavily amonk the poorer families, particu larly in rural districts where cash is scarce. Many states of the union, particu larly in tho middle west, have long been using a free text hook system. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED. Brother and Sister Observe Time- Honored Custom of Celebrating •May Day Together. Mr. A. F. McCollum of Haconto i. a visitor to Thomasville today, having come yesterday to. spend the S. REUS CHINA The attitude of the public mind reflects the situation at police head quarters. Yesterday, however, un just as It may have been, inflamed public sentiment was focused on Frank.Today nobody knows what to believe, and everybody is coun seling against hasty formation of opinion. (By Associated Press.) Kansas City, Mo., May 2.—A bandit, believed to be badly wound ed, who escaped from a Kannas City Southern and Gulf Coast (rain, after seriously wounding Jesse M. Short, millionaire mine owner, of Jop lin and robbed the passengers soon after the train left here about mid night, had not been captured early today. Short and the robber engaged in pistol duel In the sleepev, after Short had handed over a thousand dollars and a diamond stud. The robber left a trail of blood, and the millionaire was very badly injured. T T HAD HERN AIDING FLOOD SUF FERERS IN STRICKEN MISSIS SIPPI VALLEY SECTION—20 NEGROES DROWNED. WEST VIRGINIA TROUBLES TO BE AIRED IN CONGRESS, AC- CORDING TO PRESENT DOPE. (By Aaaoclated Press.) Washington, May 2.—The settle ment of the West Virginia Paint Creek Coal Strike will not affect tttP senatorial Investigation of the con ditions that caused it, the drumhead trial of "Mother" Jones and the military regime, said Senator John w. Kern, the majority leader today. Senator Watson had asked that the investigation be abandoned. Senator Kern declared that the Senate wants to Add out If thebe Is peonage, white slavery or the reign of terror, as reported. He said he said of one Insta ice of those who had gone to report the trial ot 'Mother” Jones being deported from the 3tate, and another instance where the strikers had been forced to flee for their lives. FRUIT RITE SETTLE THIS (By Associated Press.) St. Louis, Mo., May 2.—'"Upon our sense of justice In deal|iig with such matters as the Panama Canal tolls question and tho treatment of (By Associated Press.) Natchez, Miss., May 2.—The steamer Concordia, which has boon engaged in rescue worn in the flooded sections in this state, struck an iron railroad bridge near Clay ton, Louisiana, this morning and sank. Twenty negroes, most of whom were refugees, wero drowned, and one whito man is missing. GOVERNORS MANSION A WREfiK Cl LI FORMA OBJECTS TO LOW ING THE KATE BECAUSE IT WILL BRING IT INTO COMPE TITION WITH FOREIGN PRO DUCTS. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 2.—The fight over the proposed reduction of tho duties on citrus traits, opened to day's debate on the tariff hill in the House. The California delegation opposes the cut of fifty per cent of the pres ent tariff on fruits, claiming that it will open the gatee to the foreign fruit Industry. Unless there Is an unexpected pro tracted struggle against free raw wool, tho schedules [elating to bev erages, cotton, wool, silk, paper and sundries, will likely be acted upon before the close of tonight’s session. Representative Victor Murdock, i the Progressive leader in the House, h—...... ...„ „„„„„ ul Atlanta, May 2.—The fate of the . the aliens within our limits, depends! ^ amoa9 0 ** ? aa Horse Shay Is Kave notice that when the admin- our international credit,” said Pro-! about ‘° over tnke the Governor s istrative provisions of the bill are fessor Paul Rolnsch, of the Univer- I Man9lon - 11 ha > beea PHtc.ied and . reached, he would propose an slty, of Wisconsin, while addressing' ,>ropped and plaa tered up with tom. .amendment for the creation of a the American Peace Congress to-! porary makeshifts until the whole • r ,, a | aa ,( no ( a sham” tariff corn- day , | structure is little better than a dl- mission. "No single thing would weaken lap ldatcd architectural crazy quilt, j whiskers figured conspicuously In the position of American leadership j t ' b,ink9 of 119 wal| s have fullen ‘lown -he interchange of personalities bo- more than If we should refuse to 1 from tlmo to time, aad the whole tween Representative Thomas, of arbitrate or settle In somo other i bulldlnK bas become so ramshackle; Kentucky, Mann, of Illinois, and WH9 satisfactory manner, the question of'^ ba *' Governor Brown and his family others, in the House today whito the Pnnama Canal tolls.” j would not bo very much surprised If. the tariff hill was pending. Mr. Meaning and Future Promise.' £ MILEAGE FOR SENATORS ‘(By Associated Press.) Washington, May 2.—The new Chinese Republic was formally re cognized today by United States Charge d'Affalres Williams ah Pe kin, who cabled the State Depart ment that he had delivered the for mal recognition as he was authorized to do upon the complete organlza-j (By Associated Press.) lion of tho new government. j Washington, May 2.—The p;r- The recognition thus brines to a'sonalitles between Representative Professor William Hull, ofl tbB wbole thing would come tumb-: Thomas advised Mr. Mann to get Swarthmore College, spoke on "Thoi lln * down over thoir heads some' shaved. Mr. Mann ended the lncl- Hague Tribunal — It's Present ] "tormy night. As it Is, they are in dent by declaring, "The gentleman . constant danger from falling Idas-, from Kentucky says f am bewhls- Iter. , kcred. That's true, hut at least I j Committees from the legislature! am not uc» iiiskled.'' ! this summer will be given an op j _______________ % i portunity to see with their own I ————— ieyes Just how bad conditions are.j Chapter Meeting. \ij nd it is expected that some deflnl'ej There wll , be a meetlnK ot the Cause* Scrap llewecn Two Con gressman over the Hate Which In ttaid For Transportation. point the intentions of the five other | Palmer, of Pennsylvania and Repre- parties to the six-power loan, the ne- jeentative itumphreys, of Washing- first day of May with his sister, j _g 0 tlations from which the United ton, which the latter attributed to Mrs. M. J. Williartns, as has been hiSi gtatOT recently withdraw, thus ere-;the recent light led by Palmer habit for tno past fifty-seven years. I at [ n g an interesting international sit* j against the present system of pay- The spending of this special day • uat | 0n in every year together Is a pleasant j custom of this brother-had sister, ] — the only break ln It coming wnen Mr. McCollum was a soldier In tho civil war. During those years of separation, letters were always ex changed at that particular date, with the exception of one May day, | when the brother was a prisoner, j Even then, though be could not hoar ATLANTA PI OF INFANT REGBRO Atlanta, May 2.—.Not even the from his sister, he managed to get a! Savannah editore who have beea so letter sent to her, showing that ua-| often inclined to poke fun at Atlan- der the most trying cirmumstanccs , ta‘s perennial bids for fame, can the memory of this custom was still;fail to congratulate this not alvays with him / modest town on its latest statistical The day was most delightfully j bouquet, handed by the U. S. ceasus celebrated yesterday and proved | bureau. Atlanta has the substantial one of the most enjoyable of these honor of leading all American cit- i time-honored occasions. I lew in the decrease of infrnt mor- ing mileage to Senate and Repre- {sentatives to and from their home, | today caused renewed discussion (•regarding the mileage reform mat ters. It is freely predicted tnnt tuoro will be a reduction in the allow ance which now aggregates one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars at each session of Congress. M. Rushin Chapter Royal Arch Masons this evening at seven thirty All members t important are urged to attend The one which is said business will be transacted, the most advanMgeni* ________________ action will be taken f;om sheer necessity. Several interesting prop osltions are before the legislature In “ t “^“ Masonic'Hall. connection with providing - mansion, to offer terms is the proposal to furnish the state with a handsome new execu tive mansion in Druid Mills and an .annex to the present state capitol, in exchange for the present mansion property, which is now available for business purposes. Naval Store?* Market. (By Associated Press.) Savannah, May i.—Turpentine as firm; Rosin firm, type F., 46); tality for the past ten years. The decrease, according to tho statement of local health officer's, has been the direct result of an ac tive fight to improve sanitary con ditions among the poorer dieses and to protect the purity of the city’s milk supply. BASE BALL MAY 5th , THOMASVILLE vs. VALDOSTA Opening Game of Season. CLOSED Gone to baseball game, will open immediately after game. This sign will be on our door the afternoon of the opening game from one o’clock until after ih* game. IVe are going out •nd give THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance on op ening day. / IH.,; Base Ball May 5th THOULIT VS. 1D0STI Opening Game of Season CLOSED Gone to baseball game, will open immediately after game. This sign will be on our loor the afternoon of the opening game from one o'clock until after the Aine. We are going out an^give THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance on op ening day. j