The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 06, 1913, Image 1

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. Vr IH PUAGKN CASE IFIRST HELD IN HOUSTON TEXAS IS HONORED 0 WAS POUND SOIUMNG IX HOTEL IUX»I AND EXCLAIMING "WHY 1)111 I 1)0 IT."—LETTER FROM GRIL SIGNED MARY, FOUND AND BLOODY SHIRT IN TRUNK—NOT KNOWN IN ATLANTA, SAY POLICE, WHO HAVE BEES SEARCHING FOR A RECORD TO FIT HIM. (By Associated Press.) Houston, Texas, May 8.—A man Sivlnft 'nlB name as Paul P. Bowen, is held here on telegrams from tilt Atlanta police, say that he Is want ed In connection with the finding of the murdered body of 14-year old Mary Phagan. Mrs. A. Blanchette first caused the arrest of a man, when she told the police that she heard him sob bing In an adjoining room of the hotel, and over a transom she saw him bending over a trunk, and heard him say: “Why did I do It?" The police report finding a bowle knife in his hand, declaring, "If I had a pistol you would not touch that trunk except over my dead body.” The police say they found in the trunk a girl’s vest, with dark stains on it, and several letters, postmark ed Atlanta and signed, "Mary." Atlanta Police Fail to Definitely Identify Bowen. (By Associated Press.) Atlanta, May 6.—Little la known here regarding the man, Paul B. Bowen, who was arrested last night in Houston, Texas, and held as a suspect. In connection with the mur der of Mary Phagan here. The police’s effort to ascertain if Bowen was here at the time of the murder, have been unsuccessful, thought a young Ulan of the same name, according to records, spent several months here last spring. LANGLEY TABLET PLACED SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE—OTH ERS WHO HAVE FOLLOWED HAVE BEEN GIVEN MEDALS. |T HOTEL DOOIII FOR I (By Associated Press. ■» Washington, May 6.—a tablet to Professor Samuel P. Langeley, as the father of advanced aviation, was unveiled today at the Smithsonian Institute, in the preeence of a nota ble group of scientists and officials. Today is the seventeenth anni versary of the flight of the first heavler-than-air machine, on the banks of the Potomac, Medals were presented to Glenn H. Curtis and Gustive, who "have car ried on the work Langley left. Am bassador Jusserand, of France, ceived the Medal for Effel. uncus hit ET THE TBOPHT METHODS >;IF HIU XSWICK AND W.AAOID'Wi yiESTIOXED — —THOMWsVILLE HAD I2**7 PEOPLE '-IN HALL PARK — GREAT ENTHUSIASM. KING SLAYER SUICIDE TODAY SCHIN.AS WHO SHOT KING GKO HOF OF GREECE, THREW HIMSELF FROM POLICE STA TION WINDOW—WAS DYING WITH TCBE IMT'LOSIS. WOMEN VOTES DESPITE DEFEAT OF BILL IN- HOUSE, SUFFRAGETTES MAki, WAR OX STATE SENATE FOR | PASSAGE OF IIII.L. | CAUSE OF LOVE ’FEAST 'IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TODAV — MIVOKITV LEADEB MANN CONGRATULATED HUM. (By Associated Press.) Athens, Greece, May 6.—Aleko Schlnae. who assassinated King George, of Greece, on March 18th, at .Salonika, committed suicide this morning by flinging himself from a* window of the police station in taat I city. I Schinas killed King George as he | was walking along the streets of He gave as his explana- WAS HOT SOLD The attendance at yesterday’s game was t^jfelve hundred and eigh ty-seven paid admissions, the lar gest crowd that ever witnessed an athletic contest of any kind in this city. The crowd was made up al most entirely of Thomasville peo ple, several '’cars coming from Mo: tlcello and Cairo, and a few from j Salonika Boston and the Albany branch. ition for the rash act, that in 1911 The parade started from In- he applied for assistance at the Pal- gram’s Drug 3tore at two o’clock, ace, but was driven away. re -^and was headed by the Thomasvil'e A few days ago, doctors examin- , team, the band and the Valdosta | ed Schinas and announced that he team, all on motor trucks. they {was dying from tuberculosis, were followed by three trucks load ed down with -rooters and about thirty autos. A parade lasting about half an hour went practically over the city. The grand stand and bleachers were well fil'ed at two thirty amt by three o"iock the side lines along left field was a mass of men, women and children, all standing or sitting on the grortnd. Just under the ropes to see the game. The men in the grandstand, with a few exceptions (By Associated Press.) Tallahassee, May 6.—Undeterred by the defeat in the House of the I day of Representative Underwood resolution for a Constitutional today was made the occasion of a (By Associated Press.) Washington. May 6.—The birth* JUDGMENT WAS TRANSFERRED TO FIVE MFWItFItK nv Till?' 6" auuDl «"u. "*i“ « *ew exceptions ,K3I,KIW moved out and about six hundred ladies occupied tfiat stand, making METHODIST CHURCH, PENDING FURTHER DEVEliOI\MENTS. WHERE MANY AMERICAN TOUR- BI.EASK AND TOWNS ISTS WERE STAYING WHEN POLICE GRABBED SUFFRA GETTE CROWD. (By Associated Press.) London. May 6.—While in the ac* of placing a bomb at the entrance of the Grand Hotel, which was crowded with American tourists, a Militant Suffragette was caught by the police this morning. The fuse was lighted and th'3 bomb bore a placard, "Vote For Women.” The woman gave her name as Ada Ward, when she was arraigned for further inquiry. Suffragettes Accused of Burning Church. (By Associated Press.) London, May 6.—St. Catherine’s Parish Church, located in Southeast London, was destroyed by Are this morning. The ploice charge that the Militant Suffragettes are respon sible for his latest outrage. STRIKE TROUflLESJI SYRACUSE Militia Called Out, When Police Foiled to Quell Riot of Five Hundred StrikitiK Italian-. I SOUTH CAROLINA OFFER REWARD FOR ARREST OF DESPERADO, SUSPECTED IN GEORGIA. (By Associated Press.) Syracuse, N. Y„ May 8.—The lo cal militia companies were sudden ly called out for strike duty here today, after a riot, la which fifteen institute.' persons were Injured, seven of them ' belnjr policemen. * The riot started when live hun dred striking building laborers, all Italians. Interferrcd with men who were pulling down an o'd house which at one time was occupied by Bishop John Grimes. Fifty policemen fough* the etrlk (By Associated Press.) Columbia, S. G., May 6.—-Gov nor Blease today offered Bve hun dred dollars reward for the body of Richard Henry Austin, the negro desperado, “Just eo there is enough to be recognized ns him." The towns of Allendale, Luray, Fairfax and Hampton have each of fered a similar amount, Austin killed two white men and fatally wounded another last Wed nesday. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE (By Associated Press.) Rome. May 6.—The General As sembly of the International -Institute of Agriculture, was Inaugurated here today in the presence of delegates repreeentlng fifty three countries. Among those from the United States were Dr. Alfred G. True, who Is director of the U* S. Government Experiment station at Washington. Prof. T. J. Brooks, of Mississippi, and others. The inaugural address was deliv ered by .Marquis Rafaele Capolll, who is president of the International ADVANCE IN FREIGHT RATES SANCTIONED BY I. C. COMM. The Young’s College property, which was advertised to be sold this morning at regular Sheriff’s sale, to satisfy a judgment held by Mrs. Maggie Wade, of Athens, was post poned. The judgment was trans ferred to a number of men of this city and is being held by them, sub ject to further developments. The gentlemen who have taken over the judgment are members of the Methodist church and it is sup posed that they are waiting to as certain if the property might not bo taken over, to be used for a school under the same management as the Vashti Home. They, however, have given out no plans which they may have, at the present time. The in tentions and desires of this party of gentlemen will be given to the public as soon as they have deter mined upon a course of action. one of the most beautiful sights ever seen at any con’est of any kind in any town in any state in any country.* Many brought chairs out to the grounds and occupied them and oth ers sat oh*the cushions which were sold by the concession men. About a hundred autos were parked out side of the grounds. The game be gan prom atly at three twenty-seven and lastc-i and hour and forty-five minutes. There was not the slight est kick on the umpiring of Mr. Carter, who made a hit with the fans by his strict attention to busi ness and the business-like methods he adopted. Attendance Trophy in Doubt. The attendance for the six citj#>s so far are as follows: Waycross 2726. Brunswick 2615. Amoricua 1630. Thomasville 1287. Valdosta 1170. Cordflle 1152. The following protest however makes the awarding of the trophy doubtful until the methods! adopted by Brunswick and Waycross are in vestigated. Attendance Trophy May Go to Americutf. Brunswick, May 5.—A meeting of the directors of the Empire State ALL E BUT Em Democratic-Republican love feast, as the consideration of the taxing i Tovisons * of the tariff bill drew to eso- a close. the' Minority Leader Mann announced th**'’h?» he wished to put aside partisan ! feelins for a time and to talk per- \* a -Unnally. He said that . fifty-OlO .ire 1 years ago today ‘‘one of the ablest ■ here to aid tho Florida suffragettes men in public life first saw the light In their fight for “Votes for Worn- of day,’’ and congratulated ’'the en.’’ Democratic party and the American people that during the fifty-one ——— ; years of his life there has grown to greatness and bigness the able gen tlcman from Alabama, Mr. Under wood.” Amid a roar of applause from amendment granting suffrage women, Suffragettes from all pa of this state assembled h* re tod to urge the Senate to pass the re; lution pe^ihitting the vote of t State to settle tho question at t 1914 election. Several delegates from the tional Suffragette headquarters (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 6.—The with drawal by railroads of the oom- j modtty freight rates on ground ore ers, ar.d it was a case of revolvers, from Alabama, Georgia and Tennea- against bricks. Two strikers Wi*i\»jsee points, other than Chattanooga, shot through the body. | to North Atlantic Coast Points was After the first outbreak, a fire < held by the Interstate Commerce hose drove the Italians back, but I Commission today to be Justified, al- when they made another a’tempt, though this action will put higher the militia was called out. 'oluss rates Into effect. (Bv Associated Press ) League will probably be called to u ! } decide which city wins the alien- Washington May 6.-A protest „ ance „ ' „ > onlght against the statement of Secretary th Amerlcua wll , capture u Worcester, of the Philippines Com mission. that slavery existed in the Philippine Islands, was filed today with Secretary of War Garrison by Manuel Quezon, the Resident Com missioner, who says: "Prompt ac tion should be taken to relieve the members of the Philippine Commis sion, from the Governor-General down.” Resident Commissioner Earnshuw joined Quezon, in his statement. WEATHER REPORT. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 6.—Tho changed adoption of the adminis trative and income tax features of the Democratic tariff bill, which was all that remained, will be dis posed of, it was confidently expected by the Democratic leaders, when the House convened today. There is strenuous opposition by insurance companies against ‘h»* provisions of the income tax, on the ground that their policy-holders will be limited where greater prem iums were Issued. As the House has not entirely agreed upon the detail? of the income tax, ‘hose interested are counting on the Senate to make some minor changes In the bill. One of the changes which will be urged in the Senate is to provide that the tax shall be levied upon in comes for the calendar year, af*er 1913, but to apply to this year onl from the date of the ratification of the constitutional amendment Feb ruary first. REBELS SENT TO PUBLIC HEALTH •LANS FOR GENERAL MOVE MENT TENDING TO BETTER CONDITIONS—WOULD NOT DIS- 1 CUSS CALIFORNIA ALIEN IHLL. (By Associated Press.) | Washington, May 6.—President • Wilson was today urged by a com-! mittee of the American Federal As-' iation to call a general conference to discuss plans for a Federal f)e- •artment of Public Health, and cv- rything pertaining to the conserva tion of human life and efficiency. Professor Irving Fisher, of Ya’°, declared that the President ex pressed a keen appreciation for the necessity for public health legisla tion. Senator Owen discussed curren- reforrn with President Wilson CITY DAOS 1 IN SESSION (By Associated Press.) Lisbon, Portugal, May 6.—The Portuguese Government lias trans- as It j ferred about two hundred political leaked out tonight that both Bruns- prisoners, who were arrested for al- wick and Waycross, the two leadlag I leged complicity with the ulta-Re- cities, packed the gate receipts in J publicans In their last attempt to order to win the trophy. For in-1 overthrow the Republic, on April stance, Brunswicks manager at] 27th, to Azores, for trial and pun- Waycross this afternoon took upjishment. 681 children's tickets, and the Way- The families of the accused are cross manager later said he wanted terrorized avid express fear of what to pay for 1.006 In order to swell may happen in the so luded strong- •the attendance. {hold of ‘lie Azores. Brunswick did practically the] same thing Thursday. Therefore, it ■ appears that Americas with an nr-! tual attendance of 1,300 has captur ed the trophy. The action of Way-1 cross and Brunswick is being criti- jHumors of Anarchistic Designs ALFONSO GOES TO !clsed all over the circuit. The Finest Candy 1 Made iUALITY !§|t There can^jbe no purer, more delicious candy than the kind we handle. EVERY PIECE A LUSCIOUS MORSEL THAT MELTS IN YOU MOUTHJ Perfect freshness is one of the many reason’s that NUNNALLY’S candy is always good. Put up in neat boxes that ’make a, fitting con tainer for this delicious candy. Peacock-Mash Drug Co, PHONES 105-106. Local Office U. 3. Weather Bureau Thomasville, Ga., May ti, 1913. Weather forecast for Thomas- j ville and vicinity: Generally fair | tonight and Wednesday. Observations at 2 p. m.: Highest temp, past 24 hours. . .90 Lowest, past ‘-4 hours 3d Mean temperature 74 . . .72 Against llim Are Worrying the French Government. Normal lor this date Temperature, 7 a. m. . . Temperature 12 m. .. Temperature 2 p. m. . . Dep. since Jan. 1 plus Rainfall, past 24 hours. Dep. since Jan. 1 plus. Wind direction East Wind velocity. . . 6 miles per hour O. M. HADLEY, Observer in Charge. . . 2.20 .00 ins. 2.64 ins. ITALY MOST PAY For Ships Seized During the Italian War, According to Arbitra tion Agreement. (By Associated Press.) The Hague. May 6.—The France- Italian Arbitration Committee, deal ing with the seizure, by the P.aliai warships, during the Turco-ltalian war of the French steamers Car thage and Manouba. today con demned the Italian Government to pay $32,000 and $800 in the respec tive cases. ANOTHER GAS FRANCHISE PETI TION IS IN THE HANDS OF COUNCIL—MANY WANT SIDE WALKS, THEY AGREEING TO FURNISH CUBBING. Council held a short session last nieht, the meeting being called to order by Mayor Pro-tem McDoug- ald, there having been a misun derstanding on the part of the cotm* cilmen and the Mayor as to the time for meeting, the councllmen being under the impression that they were to meet two weeks from the last today, arranging for an early con- session and the Mayor that they, terence to get Mr. Wilson’s view. J were to meet when he called them Did Not I>isctn*n California Affair, j into eession. The Mayor came In President Wilson and his cabinet .Just after the reading of the min- did not discuss the California a:iti- jUtes. alien act today, but gave some at-j A petition for another gas fran- tentlon to the Mexican problems, ichlse was read from Mr. Frank L. President Wilson took up the mat- Fuller, that gentleman stating that ter of prospective appointments In ; It was his desire to spend ninety various states. 'thousand dollars In erecting a plant. A test of the constitutionality of The matter was not discussed, ex- the California bill, is proposed In a pept informally, resolution introduced in the House} The Chairman of the Finance today by Representative Britton, of. Committee. Alderman Jerger, atat- Illlnels. ed that the bond people had all been writing, stating that the bonds ' would be sold within thirty days; and requesting bids if they desired , to purchase them. | Alderman McDougald introduced an ordinance proiding forfeit ure of license and whatever fine the Mayor might mak». if hackmea *t- pted to soli' it business or wait n customers while drunk. This 1 NEGRO PROPERTY BURNED Texas, When Negro .Murderer Was Respited by Governor Colquitt, at Omaha. (By Associated Press.) DaitK'erfield, Tex., May 6—Two negro churches and a negro resi dence wer«» burned at Omaha, Tex as. last night, when Governor Col quitt respited Gus Finley, a negro, » was sentenced to be hanged for murder of Constable Tucker. «>f Omaha. lane The give a In honor < from Vald delightful ig men of the city wil e at the Armory tonight r the visitors to the r it j 4*a. They expert a ver) flair. was put on its second reading. The cemetery committee reported the contplev cleaning out of that spot and the Mayor instructed that committee to inform the Sexton of his duties in keeping it that wav, •»nd requesting ‘hat they be strictly and persistently attended to. Several petitions were reported from citizens asking for sidewalks to be built, they agreeing to furnish curbing of wood ns the Mayor re quires before the sidewalks are laid. The body discussed several ques tions informally and ‘hen adjourned after paying the regular current bills. t By Associated Press.) Madrid, May 6.— King Alphonso, of Spain, and Premier Count Alvaro Derotnanones, with a large suite left for Paris today. Precautions For Safety of Alphonso Being Token at Paris. (By Associated Presa.) Paris, May 6.—Rumors of anarch-1 i*t design* against tho life of King Alphonso, during hla coming visit here, have caused considerable anx iety to tho French government, nnd comprehensive precautions are being taken to safeguard the life of the Spanish King, during his stay in this country. We sell CLOTHES TAILORED-TO- i ORDER, by Ed. V. Price & Co., because there are none better ob- 1 1 > tainable. 2 0 a I $ Wear a suit from them this spring 3* fi) B 1 0 and be up to the minute. We c a 3 1 | w 5T 3 guarantee to fit you. $15. to $50. i Shirts Smith - Harley Shoe Co, PHONE 33 116.SOUTH (BROAD ST. M AYBE 1 ▼ i nnlv you think the only way to get good clothes is to have them made- to-measure. There are a lot of men who think that way. It’s a good way to get good clothes if you get the right man to do the measuring and the making. But the men who know how to do these things are so rare that they charge big prices for doing them; $50, $60, $75; and even then ) ou don’t always get things right by paying the price. The truth is, Hart F chaffner & Marx make suits that sell at $25 that the average custom tailor can’t produce under $40. In style, in materials in tailoring, in fit, you’ll find their $25 suitsfextreme value. Louis Steyerman, The Shop of quality On the Corner.