The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 07, 1915, Image 2

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O.ULI TIMKe KNTERPRMK TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DKOKMRKR 7. IBIS. DAILY TIMES-ENTEDPRISE MKMBKIW ASSOCIATED I'ltKSS. K. It. JKItOKIt Editor VI. D. HAlUiHAVE Bub. Mgr. Daily and Semi-Weekly Times En- 'eipriee. Published at the Times-En- terprise Building, by the Timei-En- terprls* Company, ThomaaviUe, Oa. Entered at th« ThomaaviUe Post Office for Traobmission through the as second class mall matter. To Insure insertion. All Changes Kor Standing Advertisements Must Handed in by Nine O'clock of the i.»\> on Which They are to Appear. SI BHCllirTlOX RATES .. Daily. One Year $5.00 Daily, Six Months 2.50 Daily, Three; Months 1.15 Dally. One Month .10 PHONE NUMBERS:— Business Manager 12 Editor* Desk fg If Villa Is mad. its with Chrranza and the United States. DO YOU KNOW— Ever dream you were Quite realistic, isn't it! fish? | That wisdom and moderation are closely allied? That teams hauling merchandise should not be allowed to cross the school grounds on Jackson and Jefferson streets; that it Is a private roadway for school use only, and that teams have no right there? That the Commercial Association is taking up the Organized Charity and the paving of sidewalks in a imsiness-llke and systematic man ner? Both are old-time pets of ours, and we hope to see them suc ceed. That this Carnival hand isn’t j nearly so good as that of others j that have been here? I That Shop Early Is the best pol- : Icy? j That you aren’t stylish unless J you have at least two colors to i your high boots? That autolsts are beginning to realize that Mayor Mitchell means speeding and Current Comments Tift Now Albany's Mayer— As the result of the regular muni cipal election, held in Albany yes terday. M. W. Tift was elected Mayor to succeed H. A. Tarver, and Aldermen Joseph Erlich and R. L- Jones were elected aldermen to succeed themselves. H. A. Peacock was elected aldermen to succeed Mr. Tift on the Aldermanic board. All these officers were nominated at the primary a week ago. j what he says about 'muffler cut-outs? That the annual election of off! cers for the Odd Fellows occurs tonight and for the Masons Thurs |day night? j Christmas, That the taxes of the county must J ill eventual- be paid by the twentieth :»f this j 'month, and for the city by the first I — -O—»- of the year? Only about five hundred people T-tut (here have been .'ewer ,|resj were killed In New York this past this wl ln ThomaaviUe than in a!-' year, due to reckless driving : m09 , an> . town Its size in t ie state? •' That the street force I, Business is business, but there is pleasure In it. when there is profit also. Be pleasant to tl shopper and he or she ly decide to buy. (RAILROAD SCHEDULES SHOULD BE PUBLISHED. The Times-Enterprlse has, on! more than one occasion attempted to Impress upon the railroads the necessity, for the convenience of tlie traveling public, of publishing the schedules of the arrival and depar ture of trains in ThomaaviUe. No less than one or more people each day request information of The Times-Enterprise in this mat- On some occasions the offices of the local railroads are busy with matters that demand their time' I •••••• and attention in the natural course \Vaut<« h, iiu j issue 111-year-old Boy Isa Giant— of business and in one instance the! A bond issue is being advocated! Harry Connelly, a Colquitt coun- ticket agent is absent from the of-j aB a solution of the problem for tra- *7 y° ut *» of 14 7earfl. St * em8 to bfi fice attending to other matters for j proving (he roads and bridges of! Qualifying for a freak, as ho Is fil er three hours during the day. j Brooks county. This l.- sue i s rec- This necessitates the calling of the j O nirm*mlo*l by Engineer tfearcy B. newspaper o r other places for train [slack, of the Good Ronds Depart- schedules. It is a small matter, of University of Georgia, but one that would afford comfort j wllo has be en making a survey of to the traveling public if the rail-; froads, turnpikes and bridges of i roads would have their schedules : p rooka j published each day in their regular • # r • • • (advertising space and use what ex- Itra space they needed for giving jdata and calling attention to excur sions and special rates. It should be done in Thomas ville I by all means, for it is needed by the traveling public. RED CROSS SKAIA. .Ml-miy IbtMdiA l Club !!«*!P<h1— Albiny is just drawing a lone jbreith after a week of carnival, the , chief atraction of the jubilee week celebration there. The Con. T. Kennedy shows were there all of : last week, and the money realised . from the carnival goes to help the Albany baseball dub. le of Red Cross Seals is en- working If there Is anything upon which , on Jackson street from t fur la not used, It is not shown to road to the county line and that the *yes ot the staring public. | Smith Avenue is so bumpy that one' tb ^ ou ^ bout tb< * United ■*' ■ 1 !of the Aldermen, who rode over it,, Several auto dealers were in the wa s jostled Into a realization of how city yesterday, driving around their had It is? new models and makes. That mighty few people pay taxes q. without grumbling and kicking on Have you been to the carnival and the amount assessed? spent yoar little stipend as fool- That a poker game camp mighty i ishly as you expected to? 'near being raided the other night? changeable wl,h »® 'i* 1 " of vislon .anything that would make llf*» worth while. Many people suffer with consumption in this Country, Hud Blood Wreck.** Vengeance— There seems to b« a lot of bad ' grossing the time and the attention : blood cropping out in some of the of many charitably inclined people ■ counties of this section of late, and States, at;tap reports of fights and killings this time. The motive actuating are very fre^ent. Colquitt county the sale of the stamps at one cent comes to ths front with one man each is worthy of attention and con- fatally cut. another dangerously sideration. It is founded on the wounded and another bruised up great principle of charity for suf- considerably and from other coun tering humanity, that portion of it ties similar tragedies are reported which in the light of the apparent every few days, approach of the Grim Reaper, eon- •••••• tight on Sundays, but ns the recent grand jury, in session tuere, said nothing about keeping It down. It was decided to try. the effect of lift ing It a little. For Sweet (Tiarttj’w Mako— Atlanta society girls say they are getting tired of the mad rush of balls, teas, receptions, etc., and are going to work to try and help the poor of Atlanta during the holidays. They have agreed to raise $2,500 for this purpose and probably more. Good move! ready 6 feet. 5 inches high and still a* growing. Clothes bought for him on Monday are too short by Sun- j day. and with winter here he can't | find a bed long enough to keep his feet from sticking out from under the cover; that is, if he can find anything long enough to cover with. STATEMENT OK TH E CONDITION OK THE OnPE SAVINGS HDD TRUST MW Located at 8avannah. da., at the Close of iluslness, Sept. 21. 1916. RESOURCES. Demand loans $ 482.7S7.25 Time loana 1,229,3(4.63 Overdrafts, unsecured. 8.00 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 122,439.42 Other real estate .... 7,747.44 Due from banka and bankers In this state 421,485.15 Due from banks and bankers ln other states 67.621.41 Currency . . $5,493.00 Gold 120.00 Silver, nick els. etc . . 629.07 Cash Items . 112.76- 6,314.83 Other resources (item- trod) 43.899.37 TOTAL $2,381,604 50 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.I 125,uh(i.l)0 Surplus fund 126.0011.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses, In terest and taxes paid 138,94 7.49 Due unpaid dividends. 207.00 3avlngs deposits . ... 591,195.99 Demand certificates . . 159.701.22 Time certificates 882,496.57 Bills payable, Including time certlflcates, rep resenting borrowed money 300,000.00 Other liabilities (item ized) 68,653.2$ TOTAL .$2,381,604.50 ATLANTA FIRE LADDIES ARE handicapped m r shortage Atlanta. Dec. J—That the city of AtUnta has fallen far behind other cltlee of similar alxe in the class of her Are apparatus Is declared Fire Chief Cody, who says that there Is a serious need for more Ore ap paratus at once. "We have twenty six souare mile: to rover, and I know of only two southern cities more difficult to rover—Knoxville and Richmond." The fart that Atlanta baH had few disastrous Ores during the past few years Chief Cody attributes more to good luck than to the city depart ment's present mechanical adequacy In faring a big city biaxe. The proposition Is before council and baa been for some time, but whether a material appropriation will be obtained any time soon Is a problematical question. Fancy Crackers HALF PRICE Buy those Red Cross Stamps and put them on every package and letter you send off this season. Somebody said there was going to be a wedding next week ln Ttiom- iisville, but they won t tell who. The Red Cross fund stays at home, by about sixty per cent., and aids a most worthv cause else where. The Sixty-Fourth Congress is a reality, but It hasn't gotten down to work yet. It Is expected to prove j our one of the meg*, memorable and Im portant of this decade. That fashions are as the winds or the temoerjture? That it isn’t certain yet that Ros- coc Luke won’t be a candidate for Congress? That the rural auto route i*. caus ing lots of just kicks, from t.u ;*>o- plp who have, heretofore, been ac customed to satisfactory service? That the new Post Office is being equipped with key boxes instead of the combination kind, now in use? That a fresh egg is a most homes? That you can buy at home and isave money? i That with the added two pages, j work has increased practically : fifty per cent., yet the paper Is is- j who are unable to receive even the necessities of life. Their emaciated forms, awed and fearful souls and despnirng thoughts make a pitiful tigur»* of American life. It is for the relief of these dis- treseed people that the Red Cross is :it work. It works throughout the noveltv in b ' n * th ; * nd breadth of the land, to rais** a sum by a subscription meth od that is simple and Just to alle viate the suffering of the hopeless, and care for those who may be cur ed of that dread malady called the “White Plague.'' The cost Is trlv- Xo ‘‘Tainted’’ Money Kor Him— Officer A. Belcher, in chirge of the Salvation Army corps in Rome, Oa., has declined to accept money i for use in the work of the corps , that has been made by the exhibition j Cl’S, CoCORIlllt JlHTlbleS, of moving pictures on Sunday i Fig Bars, l^emon (Thins, | Honey Jumbles, Marshmal- I low Sandwiches, Marshmal- [low Rosettes, Vanilla Waf- Syrup Crop Mighty Short— The Grady county syrup crop is badly “off” this year and there is hardly half a crop made. It Is be ing sold in a hurry and some of the large syrup dealers over In that county have already sold out en tirely and are not able to fill the orders earning In to them. Indies tions are that before the season is over, the people in this section may * . .. ; ial to each man. the object is worth sued at the same hour every after- have to fall back upon sorghum, or (ten times what it costs any mm 'Marshmallow Sweets, Gin- j ger Snaps, Etc., all 15«IB. (Sold elsewhere at 25c or more per pound) Beat Fancy Chocolate Candies ...,20c lb Extra.Fancy Line Candies.. 15c lb Nice Marahmallow and other Fancy Candies 10c lb STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—Before me came Al len Sweat, Caahler of The Oglethorpe Savings & Trunt Co., who being ■inly sworn, «ava that the above and foregoing statement Is n true con dition of (tald bank, as shown by the hooka of Die In snld bank. ALLAN SWEAT. Sworn lo and subscribed before me. this 25th day of 3ept., 1915 E. C. WAY. Notary Public. Chatham County, Ga. W. H. ROCKWELL. M.o.ger, C. S. MALLARD. AccminUor ThomaaviUe. Georgia. Stag Semi-Paste Carter's Paint White Lead INSPECT Our Complete Line of Brass Beds and Bed Room Furniture. Watt Supply Co. Sash - Doors Glass, Oils and and Blinds Varnishes Yes. friends, the dog that bit tho little child on tbe way from school is dead, and his head Revered from his body, the body buried and the head sent to Atlanta. noon? That lots of men are doing busi ness on borrowed capital and their business ability to manage success fully other people’s money? That we hope you have received aoine benefit from having read the abov«» few paragraphs? The Christmas for t‘je Thomas County children tbis year will be s« metliing they will have every rea son to remember with much ptaat-| T|||a . ENLARGED PAITR PLEAS- We hope that Thomasville will share the feeling of many other communities and that it will buy liberally with the spare change these stamps which cost one cent each and which are sold for tlie some otfier kind of syrup for lack of the usual supply of Georgia cane. Boll Weevils In Mitchell— They have been finding a lot of boll weevils over m Mitcaell county ure. Now, wouldn't jou haw goo** il Henry had aeul you an invitation and you would have been impress ed with the solemnity and glory of the mission? Sensationalism is the hobby ol tome newspaper owners, notably \Y R. Hearst, and wherever his news paper is published, there is the same lurid treatment of affairs The Dixie Highway had another accident in which a life was lost, at about the same hour Sunday af ternoon juikt one week iater than the unfortunate Masse) accident, near thia city. When Governor Harris says waat lie is going to do. there will be some others who will look the sit uation over and make up their minds If they haven't already done Roumanla la holding off. like Italy. Turkey and Bulgaria bare done, but tbe end la In sight and Roumanla and Greece will both get Id at the finish and wind up that little Balkan hall of yarn -The Birth of a Nation" has been requested for Tbomasville by one of the Picture shows here, and It Is expected that sufficient showing will be made to Induce It to come within Che next month or two. KH PATHONH. T.i« six-page Times-Enterprise J w*ms to be pleasing the people of this city. One of the merchants a ho took tlie extra space for the month said the other day that he had seen any number of new fac**a in his store sin*e his •’aJ" arpeared and he traced It to The Tlmes-En- ‘••rprise He was enthusiastic in his Praia** of the efforts of t le paper. •:nd said he would be on** to make ! t a standing thing to insure the en- 1 irged newspaper for Thomasville. This is one of the gratifying •hings that have been said since the f *xtra two pages were started, and we feel that our efforts are being n ['predated in all sections. We would like nothing better—difficult ns it would be with our present equipment—to have regularly six pifges, with eight on Saturdays. It the merchants will continue as they are doing, and t'je people show their appreciation, aa has been manifested. It will be a paying prop osition from all sides. Don’t you think it should * be done’ We wouldn’t object to Carnivals, if they were confined to shows and amusements, minus those everlast ing and seemingly alluring devices for getting money and giving only chances in return to the many and a prize to the few. purpose of raisin* money to aid » nd - ln «>»“quence. the farmera the distressed. The Red Cross So- are * et “ n * •“"«* “P on sul> - ciety has adopted a plan whereby lect ° f n « htln * the P** 1 and “»"* sixty per cent of the proceeds of have * one t0 * orl1 “> ,urn undpr the sale In a town is left there for thelr flelds and wl11 P 1401 an early - the purpose oi alleviating the suf ferings -and aiding the poor to ob tain treatment and relief. The re maining percent goes to the ex pense of printing and distributing the stamps and aiding the general fund, whic.i, ln many instances. Is of great val.'e to hundreds of bod ies. Buy >our share of Red Cross Seals, and aid a worthy charity. They are on sale In all drug stores, and they should adorn every let ter that is sent from Thomasville. from now until the beginning of the year maturing variety of cotton that will fruit before the weevil has a chance to get in much work on It. Bunday Lid Off in Amerieus— For the first time In twenty years. Amerieus lifted the lid on Sunday and soft drinks, cigars, etc., were *»oM to customers. Amerieus has heretofore had the lid down very Santa Gans is here: We have the largest line ol Toys ever in the city, buy now and jet us put them away for future deliv- ery. Give us a viait. Open even ings VAUGHAN’S 5c—10c AND VARIETY STORE Broad Street Next to Cocroft Dr. A. D. Little OFFICE: Over Neel Bros. Broad Street. Special Attention to General Surgery and direarrs of women and children. Phone office 144; Rea. 267 Somebody till the -i rego- Lr pokor machine in town some where, that Is operated at Bve cents per., but not knowing the game, we wouldn't understand how It works and, consequently, If we ever run upon It, won't spend our nickels In that fashion. Savannah Is said to have put taboe oa them. Henry Ford and W. J. Bryan were given a mighty sarcastic rap ln the English Parliament yesterday, hut It won’t act as a determent. Henry Is going to keep right on and Bry an la going to join him sooner or later, when his engagements per mit Ws ought to furnish some trans portation for Boy-Ed, et. at. svon If It eosta th« real money to get rid of Chat kind. WEEK OF DEC. 6th. ALL WEEK AT PINEY WOODS LOT. Greater Sheesley Shows TEN HIGH-CLASS ATTRACTIONS Headed by the World Toured Trained Wild Animal Arena. Free Band Concerts Free Ariel Performances Free Fire Works. Grounds open with all attractions every afternoon and night. Aisplees Thomas County Music Club Bund. («S*M**£«*^ Your Christmas Dinner will have the real Yule- tide Spirit in it if it is topped off with— STONE’S RICH FRUIT CAKE Deliciously good, with the nifty home flavor you hanker for. It could not be made better. In I-lb Cartons. 30c 4-lb. Lithographed Boxes, $1.25 RECEIVED DAILY BY EXPRESS CMNTHJ & LESTER Phene 10—310 Photographs for Christmas Gilts? Of Course! Fine Framing at Reasonable Prices Moller’s Photo Studio. BROAD STREET Wood For Sale » 500 Cords Oak nnd Pino ♦ Wood. Mixed ♦ Store Wood, cut 16 to 18 ln. ♦ House Wood cut 20 to 24 In. ♦ Sold by Isind or Cord. ♦ Phone 690, Golden’s 3tore. ♦ Wm. D. BYRD, ♦ Young St.. Near Magnolia Park. -* The “Dixie Gem* Guarantee Read it over— Then think it over. We guarantee Dixie Gem to give satisfaction or we will take back the coal and give you back your money. We don’t hesitate to make this Guarantee because we know that Dixie Gem is better than any state ment that can be made about its excellent quality. Dixie Gem is not only big in size but it is big in Heat Value. Sold-only by BURCH & SON, Phone 187. Call Us Up For Apalachicola Oysters Cranberries Celery Choice Assortment of ORANGES AND APPLES S. Sampson, PHONE 121. FOR SALK AND RENT A good Hat of furnished cot tages for rent, for the sea son. Also, desirable prop erties for sale of every de scription. In city and coun ty. Office at Court phone 57 and 256. House, J. 3. MONTGOMERY Farm Loans 1 am now prepared to make loans on farm lands in Thomas Coun ty. If you want a loan come to see me, I can give you prompt service K. T. KaCLEAN ; The Massachusetts: ; Mutual : * LIFE INSURANCE CO. I ? A Policy-holders Company. , Organized 1851 John W. Bonne//, Dlst. Agt. 229 Warren Are. ThomaaviUe, Co.