The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, March 07, 1916, Image 4

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S S 8 3 5 5 5 S S 5 5 0 S 0 5 5 * B * 5 5 A 5 S ff 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 This Card when properly signed and punched entitles its owner to one of our famous Style B Enlargements. Black and White or Sepia in the 5x7 size, Free of Charge. Ingram Drug Company Tho.nasville, {Georgia. CUSTOMER'S NAME to to to 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1010 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ASK FOR A CARD LIKE THIS. MEAT | being the most essen tial part of the Menu, it is very necessary that you get the best there is—We have it. We Appreciate Your Patronage. Prompt Service Quick Delivery H. H. VANN, "The Meat Man" 2 phones 15 B. C. WRIGHT Architect See me for your house plans At Thomasville Variety Works. LEGAL SALES IT COURT HOUSE 15 MING The following dispositions THE EAST CITY OF KIUE, PENN., CUT FROM WIRE AM) RAIL SNOWBOUND. (By Associated Press.) Erie, Penn., March 7.—The City of Erie, which has been .cut off from wire communication with the out side world for the last twenty-four hours, .was still isolated today. i terrific aleet and rain-storm, which has raged unceasingly for several days, tore down many miles of telegraph and telephone poles. Tratna through this region are sus pended, and alT interburtan traffic la stopped. The property toss is estimated at one hundred and fifty thousand dol lars. HEAVY 8XOW, FOR SECOND TIME THIS YEAR, STOPS TRAFFIC IX COLORADO, (By Associated Press.) Denver, Col., March 7.—For the aecond time this winter, the south ern part of Colorado is anow-bound, Durango, whloh la in the center of the storm, has been cut off from outside communication for the last twelve hours. Railroad traffic la seriously de moralized in the San Juan basin. ORPET 1XDICTED BY JURY FOR MURDER OF GIRL. Chicago. March 7.—Will H. Or- pet, University of Wisconsin stu dent, was Indicted by a Lake coun ty grand Jury late yesterday on charge of murdering his former sweetheart, Marian Lambert. The case probably wiil be called tor trial next week, but a continu ance on request of the defense la expected. j The grand Jury heard twenty- j five witnesses, including E. O. Or-, Ipet, father of the defendant, Frank were ' Lambert, father of the girl. I Want Ads | == For Best Results. Try One |J H PHONE 12 or 66. |j FOR SALE—Fine Methusek Piano. Apply at iRandall House. 3-4 3t PURE—Clarified Milk for sale. Phone 736, Sanitary Dairy Asso ciation. Old Post Office Building. FOR SALE—5-passenger auto, good condition; big bargain. Address P. O. Box 291. 2-1 Ot. fOR RENT—The Dr. Ramsey house on N. Dan-son St. Address Box 291, City. 4-1 Gt FOR RENT—Seven rooms and bat.i, $18; one room $2.50; three. $6; Clean, very ' desirable;' Jiteam heat a minimum cost. C. E. Wildman, Young's College. LOST—Near Corner Stephens and Jefferson Streets, plate artificial teeth. Return this office and get reward. 7-3t. DRESSMAKING — For up-to-date dressmaking, come to Mrs. R. E. Carr’s sewing room at Neel's Dry Goods Store. 3-l-6t STRAYED—White steer with small red spots; had rope on right hind foot. Reward for return to Hom er Williams. 7-3td-ltsw. WANT TO BUY your Wool, Hides. Furs, Wax. Tallow, Metals and Rubber. We also buy and sell second-hand furniture. Jarvis B Watkins & Company. LADIES—Make Shields at home, $10 for 100. Work sent prepaid No canvassing. Send jtamp. Ivnnhoe Mfg. Co., St. Loi re, Mo. FOR SALE—Bloch baby carriage. Cost $50.00 new. Will sell cheap. Apply Mrs. Bonnell, Jackson Ter race. 4-6t. WANTED—Second hind, five pas senger Ford. Must be in good condition and reasonable price. Apply H. c/o Tlmes-Enterprlse. 6-2t. WE HAVE as good horse as there Is In Thomas County, eight years old, weighing about 950 pounds, perfectly gentle, that we would swap for a second hand Ford automobile. Address p. O. Box 188, Thomasville, Ga. 1-tf AUTO FOR SALE—Am going to leave city. Will sell at sacrifice my new Dodge Bros. Touring Car. Only run 1,400 miles; had the best of care, not a scratch *1: look as If U never had been run. Extra tire; none of tires ever been puncture. Address .P. O. Box No. 226. 6-4t. MILT. mm.. ENTERPRISE TUESDAY. March . . Open. Close. P. C. . .11.53 11.44 11.51 May .... ..11.77 11.64 11.71 July. .. . ..11.97 11.85 11.08 October . . . .12.15 11.98 12.13 December . .12.33 12.15 12.30 Tone, barely stead?. Local spots, 11 cents. XBW YORK COTTON. (By Associated Press.) New York, March 7,—The Cotton Market opened Irregular, six points down to four points up. May and July, soon after the call, reached 7 to 8 points higher, while March, which opened six points down, rose to a shade above last night's close. Liverpool sold the new crop months, and May and July dropped to about three points under last night. Prices were fairly steady at mid-day, apd close to last night's dosing prices. NEW YOrtk STOCKS. (By Associated Press.) Wall Street, New York, Mch. 7.— The active Issues seemed to show less confidence at the opening of the Stock Market today. The gains ruled at the outset, but only Mer cantile Marine, preferred, which rose a point, made material advan ces. Later, .some of the gains be came extended, but others lowe-ei) to points of weakness The marxet was more confused by the dulll trading of the early afternoon, and the forenoon’s strong features weak ened. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. (By Associated Press.) Chicago, March 7.—The following closing figures were posted at the Board of Trade here this afternoon: YOON, MARCH..7, 1010. THE FAIR Is now displaying the newest Spring Coat Suits Only your inspection will convince. We are not always the ear liest, but assure you of a saving. Also displaying a comp-i e ol Tailored and Wash Skirts Asfe your Neighbors— “They Know.” THE FAIR The One Price Outfitters. WHEAT— May.. . . CORN— May Close. .*1.13% .. 1.1076 .73% .7574 .40% .43% P. C. 1.15% 1.13% .44% • 42% 11.92 12.08 T TO 15,000 VISITORS ST. THOMAS CHURCH. made of advertised property, at the' Josephine Davis and Verne Jackson, legal sales held before the Court school friends of hers. House door this morning: | It is charged that the tragedy was i 261 acres of country land in the: culmination of a lalson, that It I 13th district, sold as the property of precipitated by Orpet's trans-1 J. T. Waters, J. R. Waters and R. Iferrlng his affections to another; V. Waters to the Valdosta Invest-! ‘woman and that he provided a vio-1 ment Company for 61,800.00. I ,ent poison which the girl swal- j A mule belonging to Alex Abrams '—TiL - ---1 sold under execution of the Mer- . .. i n'tnnla p Cnrmars H«nlr llnotnn , UQQ6T CXGCUtlOH ID IttVOF Of tliG Oltl” ] bid in £ Mr. Luke for MO.OO. ' I La Gardlne Jsnd WiiMI Another mule, sold under execu- change, sold to Mr. j. Fondren Mitch- 1 tlon in favor of E. <3. Duren against 0 \\ f or 3171,50, ^ ^ r * D uren for, i s acres country land sold as tho [ $135.00. {property of William Simmons, un-1 A lot of farm lmpdements, the dor execution in favor of Dove Coop-: property of E. G. Davis, sold under ev. bid in by Capt. C. P. Hnnsell tor | execution In favor of John G. Bur- $160. j ney for $18.00. I The real estate of the Milliard j 40 acres of land In the 13th dis- Rauls estate, consisting of three trlct levb .1 on under execution |u I house on North Broad Street, and favor of M. Sampson, sold as the' two lots near the Albany branch of Rev. Wm. H. Higgins, Rector. Ash Wednesday. SE RVICES 11 a. m.—Celebration of Holy'down Broad Street, and Communion. 1 5 p. m.—Evening Prayer, prtperty of J. P. Rogers for $40.00. Eight barren ryrup. a lut of fod der and com, levied on under exe cution against J. B. Wilson, In favor of J. T. Stewart, sold for $145.25. A remodeled Ford auto, levied on the A. C. L. Railway, In this city, sold for $1,720.00, under proceed ings from the Ordinary’s Oburt. The real estate belonging to the estate of W. F. Thomas, consisting if the residence on Colton Avenue, ,r t 'n rear.'sold for $950.00 to F. 3 .Tore, of Bnlnbrldge, under Administrator's sale. 3br Sczetna md oUisrSkm Troubles SaxoSatve to stop tho itching and begin healing with the first application or return your money. There ere lota of skin reme dies not Saxo to the only one we guar, ante* like this. Why don’t yoa try It T tU THOMAS, DRUGGIST. for the birth to three Long Should "Overfecdlnx K ars old. “How urse,”“How Of. "SB* the Mb- Bottle.” M -Sommer Care of Baby ” are a few wm * Writ, telt today, gfvtas mm cX,, C.S. Moffett. U nratass.1 Not The Cheapest———But The Best Red ^ Coal •THE COAL OF QUALITY” Only 1.10% Ash. THOMKSVILLE ICE UNO MIRTH G0MP1NT ffr.i a a. ii The laxative tablet with the pleasant taste If you are bilious or constipated They keep your System as dean as a stone jug rinsed with cold spring water We have die exclusive idling righto for this greet laxative The Ijj&xa&SL S£ju* R. THOMAS IHAUTAUQl'A PROVED GREAT SUCCESS AND NOTABLE SPEAK ERS, INCLUDING GOVERNOR HARRIS, DELIVERED ADDRESS- ES TO VAST ASSEMBLAGE. Psvo, Oa„ March 7.—(Special.) The great crowds be- Dr. J. Frank Harris met the Gov- rnor at Moultrie, going up In his new Hayne’s car. After breakfast ing with Judge Covington, they started toward Psvo and arrived at eleven o'clock. At 11:20, the pavo band marched escorting the Pavo School of about 330 pupils, who mere joined by several hun dred pupils of the, Berwick and Coolidge schools, making a great display, there being about 800 chil dren In the line of 1 march. As the Governor'entered the big Chautauqua tent, followed by the faculty, and prominent men of Pavo, the Pavo Band played the old tune, "nixie.” Upon reaching the plat form, Governor Harrlr, was intro- •d , ced to about eighteen old soldiers whose ages ranged front 65 to 85. MeninrtUile ij(leech. The Governor made a great speech and the meeting with so many old soldiers and the tune of Dixie fired bis memory with scenes of the old •Jays on the battlefield. The Gover nor stated he did not intend to make a political speech, but would make a few "preliminary remarks on the political situation,” which lasted about nn hour. He then made an apology, and spoke for half an hour longer. He made a decided hit, carrying the crowd with him at every stage of the addfess. The Governor was introduced by Hon. Hugh C. Ford. Cashier of the Bank of Pavo. The address of .wel come to the Governor, schools and visitors wits made by Marshal I.. N. Carrington. Pnvr.'H Rig Day. Fcrd. In his short talk, said that this was Pavo’s biggest day READY FEI OUR SPRING SUITS AND COATS ARE HERE EBESTIKi DKS. JERKINS & STUART DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. MOULTRIE. - - GEORGIA Patients may leave over the A. B. k.A. at 706 A M. or -»u A. C* L. at '6:50 A. M. or 146 P. 51. returuinx over the A. CL. at 4X0 P. M. or over ths A. n. a A. at 6X0 P. M. CHIEF ATTENTION PAID TO NA VAL ESTIMATES, WHICH ARE TO BE SUBMITTED BY BAL FOUR — CHURCHILL MAY DE FEND HIMSELF ON FLOOR. (By Associated Press.) London, March 7.—The chief in-. terest at the re-opening of Parlla-1 ment here today centered in the ex pected Important statement by Ar-! thur J. Balfour, First Lord of thej Admiralty. He will introduce the naval estimated for the coming year. Colonel Winston Churchill, Bal-; four's predecessor, iwa expected to participate In a debate from the op-, position bench. It to understood he' will reply to the criticism of the; organization of the naval air service: during his tenure of office. There also were rumors that his speech j would touch on Important political i events. Another prominent feature of the session was the reply of Premier: Asquith to a question regarding the projected moratorium for the obli gations of men called to the colors., This questlun has aroused much discussion, ns the time approaches' for married men, who attested nn- j der the Derby scheme, to Join the muiy. Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed— I sell it, 1 sack to a carload. F. B. HARRIS Phone 184 with so many distinguished state! house officials and visitors present, j and ‘‘If we had gotten a tew more such men here. Pavo would easily! settle the dispute between Atlanta j and Macon as to the location of tho! Capitol." i Price and Brittain in Afternoon. J in the afternoon, at two o’clock, State School Commissioner M. L. Brittain held the people with close attention on the subject of Educa- , tlon. Mr. J. D. Gardner, who in troduced him, said that Mr. Brittain is one man who does not know haw | to make a political race; that the. beat way tor him to run wan not to run at all, for the less effort made by him, the greater were his votes. I Among the other distinguished visitors present were 'Hon. J. A. Wilkes, Col. James Humphreys, Col. T. H. Parker. Dr. G. E. Borough, and others. ; Hon. J. D. Price wired the com mittee that the duties of his office kept him from coming. He express ed genuine regret over this fact. The Pavo. Band played the famil iar air, “It's a Long Way to Tipper ary," with such effect that Mr. Brit tain made a request that It be re peated. Monday was a great day for Pavo ■ and Pavo entertained her visitors In great style. SCREENS Window and Door Black, Galvanized aad Browse Wire. Sleeping Porches and other openings screened. MANUFACTURERS Thomasville Variety Works Phone 139. | HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED J | FOR I • ELECTRICITY g I THIS SPRING ® g A good time for it. g Estimates Cheerfuliy Given. Q • Newton Electric Co. § ••QUALITY WIRING” g f 'Phone 242 North Broad StreeL g »»o®»«e®®«««®oooooooo»«ooooo State of Ohio, City of Toledo, 88 senior partner oi inn isrsn at r.<i. lii wjr A Co., doing business In tho City of »’o- ledo, -County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURB. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me nntl subscribed fn my presence, this Cth day of December, A D. MS. (Real) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall’n Cntarrh Cure Is taken Internally rnd ai’tr* directly upon the b!oi>d nr.d mu- mo* Mtirfnron ' of the system. Send for Ualimonli.l*. free. F. J. CIIWNBT Sr CO. Toledo. O. Rold l»v nil Dnuntlsts. TV. *■ ' ““ ' nnetloatlor liali'M Family Pitta fo; ad V. Fight your FIRES before they grow with a J. M. FIRE EXTINGUISHER Combines the advantages of both f.te Pump and Air Compression types as can be used by continuous pumping or bv pumping up presnure before opening noz zle n steady slretm can be gotten. Will extinguish fires of nil kinds—Gasoline. Ull. Chemicals or Electric—without danger to the operator. "Sole Agents.' . ’’Neck Fixings" The Latest in Neckwear and Rnfflings JUSTilN. Neel Brothers. The possesion of a J-M Extinguisher entitle, the Automobile Ovner to a 15% reduction on his Auto In surance. The J-M Extinguisher IS Insurance to a large ex tent against a fire loss, for with one of them In your homo anybody can put out a fire at the start. Price only $8.00, with Bracket to fasten to wall. Yon can’t afford to tie without one. JAMES WATT & BRO. AFTER THE GRIPPE TAKE YHwl Our Cod Liver, Iron and Beef Peptone tonic g IT > 9 » ; • s . Restores Strength. R. THOMAS The Rexall Store.