The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, March 09, 1916, Image 1

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White Calf Pumps SMITH-HARLEY SHOE COMPANY 116 South Broad. Phone 33 Cepy For Change <H Advertising mast be handed in at office by 5 A. M. to insure insertion. Change of copy received after that time will be inserted on following date. VOL. XXV1U. No. 23fl. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 0, 1010. $3.00 PER ANNUM. The Weather Pair Tonight. With Frost; Friday Fair and Warmer. Washington Officials Admit Situation Is Very Grave and Intervention Seems Probable Q NO STATEMENT FROM WHITE HOUSE BEYOND THE DARE AN NOUNCEMENT THAT PROMPT AND VIGOROUS STEPS WOULD BE TAKEN TO PUNISH BANDITS — AT STATE DEPARTMENT IT WAS SLIID THE SITUATION WAS “VERY SERIOUS," AND SOME LEADERS BELIEVE THAT INTERVENTION IS ONLY THING LEFT FOR THE PRESIDENT TO CONSIDER. (By Assoc! '.tod press.) Washington, D. C., March 0.—The crisis caused by the Cntnmbus, Non- Mexico, massa-re early today, makes It ex tremely difficult for President W llson to refrain longer from ac tual Interference In Old Mexico, high Administration officials admitted today, after considering the situation carefully. The leaders who favor watchful waiting, fear an early out break in Congress, ns well as the effect the border disturbance will have on the whole country. The Senate has Just settled down form the flurry over the Cusl masacre, in which seventeen Americana were brutally murdered, after being dragged off a Mexican passenger train. The situation Is "very ver otis," said officials at the State Department. There was no an louncemnt of what action would be taken until Investigations, already begun, are finished. The draft of a new memorandum to General Carranxa la understood to have been begun. It Is based on information contained In General Funston’s report.’ ’ The only word from the White House waa that “vigorous steps" would be taken to punish the bandits. It was not In dicated whether General Carranxa would be called upon to pun ish the bandits, or whether American troops ore to be sent over the Internationa] line. Senator Fall, of New Mexico, bus wired railroad officials and prominent cltlxena residing In the vlclnty of Columbus for fullest details. He Is one of the foremost opponents of the Administration In its handling of the -Mexican situation. The news of the Columbus massacre startled the capital, coming os it did unheralded irad wholly unexpected. Senator Stone, of the Sen to Foreign Relations commit tee, communicated at once with the State Department;' and asked Senator Fall for a conference. Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, sold: “This means' intervention—| don't v we what etse,-can bo ;; done, considering the aggrava ted nature of this latest Mexican' outrage." , Senator Benjamin R. TUI —in. of South Carolina,' declar ed the nows wAs almost Incred Ible to lilm. . .. “There never lias been a President who has tried os hard to keep out of war ns has President Wilson," he wild, "but If this is true, It looks an If General Funston and Ills men sta tioned on the International border wUl have to get busy at once. In order to prevent a repetition of further outrages." SERIOUS TURN HINTED BY WASHINGTON OFFICIALS. (By Associates Press.) Washington, March 9.—The news or the Mexican raid on Columbus. New. Mexico, received. the greatest concern at the White House this morning. The first report came while President Wilson was having his first conference with Newton D. Baker, the new War Secretary. Administration officials admitted that the. raid had put a very serious aspect to the Mexican situation, and some of them declared It open ed the question of whether that raid was not sufficient evidence of General Carranza'* Inability (o deal ■with the situation, and to warrant the sending of troops over the bor der. The Administration policy has been to look to Gen Carranxa to deal with the bandits. Baker Takes Office. President Wilson and Mr. Baker discussed the reports briefly, and It was decided that Mr. Baker should take charge of his office Immediate ly. President Wilson signed his com mission and he went to hie new of fice to take the oath of Secretary of War of the United States. Ontbnrst Expected In Congress. The Colnmbns raid 111 expected to start a new agitation In Congreea. Those opposing the Administration policy have openly charged that the attack proved their declaration* that General Cflrranxa was helpless to deal with the situation. The Indications this morning w that a new outbreak undoubtedly will occur In the Senate. Officials moat familiar with the President's policy are Mlent. It waa clearly indicated though that the sltuaUon had been brought to a critical point, where It might be difficult to stand by hia' non-inter ference policy.' Official reports an coming In to the War and State De partments - and Carranza Embassy. One probable course most discus sed .In official circles waa to send troops noross the bonder, in order to clean out the bandits.' hut with the express decIaratUA that such a move iwas carried out with., on In tention of Impairing Mexican sov ereignty. It waa said at the White House this afternoon that "vigorous stepi" would-be taken to punish the ban dits. President Wilson hat directed Secreary of War Baker to do every thing possible to. protect the lives of Americans on the border. GENERAL FUNSTON GETO IN OFFICIAL REPORT. (By Associated Press.) Washington. March 9.—The first official report of the Columbus mas sacre came from General Funston. who said that three United States troopers were killed and Jour oth ers seriously -wounded. The firing ceased at sixty thirty, he said, and United <3tatea cavalry Is punning the fleeing bandits. An unofficial report to the Car ranza Embassy said the Thirteenth cavalry had crossed the border, and wan now In hot pursuit. s Massacre of Many Unarmed Americans Occured This Morning at Columbus, N. M. PROBABLE PRELUDE TO AFFAIR AT COLUMBUS WAS ENACTED WEDNESDAY ON RANCH FEW MILES SOUTH OF THE INTER NATIONAL BORDER!. (By Associated Press.) Columbus. New Mexico, March 9. —Arthur McKinney, foreman at the Palomas ranch; William Corbett and James O'Neill ware captured by Villa bandits Tuesday and hanged and their bodies burned, according to information received here early today. The three men were hanged at the Boaques Grandes ranch, where Villa drove off cattle. J. J. Moore, a merchant, living on the ranch a mile west, was kllte^, and an El Paso chauffeur, whose name la unknown, was also killed, their bodies being burned. FIVE HUNDRED TROOPERS OF REBEL LEADER ENTER TOWN *»!■?*’ J® 1 ” 1 ..V* f STEALTHILY AND THEN SHOOT DOWN - ALL AMERICANS doIen dead , bandlta “ THEY COULD ENTICE FROM SHELTER — HOTEL SET AFIRE , Quit Town at 0:80. AND GUESTS SHOT DOWN AS THEY ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE— i The Villa buglyers aounded the UNITED STATES CAVALRY A RRIVES IN TIME TO RUN THEM n ° tc °‘ re ‘ r *» t uhortyl be,0 f® •** ACHOSS BORDER AND BEGIN PURSUIT. by s^x tMrty *“ Cle,r#d Walter Walker waa taken from he reported last night seeing two his wife's arms In the Central llo- parttes of Vllllstaa movifig eastward tel, as she begged for mercy (or from the Boaques Grandes ranch, him. The bandit said he -wanted toward Palomas. six miles directly Walker "to shake hands with Ms south of here. Chief.” The wife, a mln-ute later. Homes Fired Into. heard the shots that killed him. He The light began in the center of. on< * his wife were here as dele- town. M. puche, a merchant, waa 1 flates to the State Sunday School shot through the head. The light- She was saved by two DIAZ IN NEW MEANS State Department Learns the Noted Malcontent la in Hiding and Not In His Native Heath. (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 9.—State De partment agents have Just received Information to the effect that Gen. Felix Diaz la .hiding In New Orleans. They are now satisfied that he has not landed In Mexico, with an armed expedition, as has been re ported. 11 EMIT MBiING BUTTLE ARMORED FORT CLAIMED TO HAVE DEEN CAPTURED BY THE GERMANS, IN A SHORT STATEMENT ISSUED FROM BERLIN— ENURE FORESTS DEV ABATED BY THE INTENSE A ii TILLER! FIRE WHICH GOES ON UNCEASINGLY — PARIS CRITICS BE- LIKVE PRESENT GERMAN ATTACK WAS BEGUN TEX DAYS TOO LATE TO DO ANY GOOD FUR THEIR SIDE. (By Associated Press.I Columbus, New Mexico, March 9. —Five hundred Villa bandits at tacked thlq town at four thirty o'clock this morning. They killed a number of civilian men and wom en and had possession of the town for over an hour and a half. The bandits were driven off by three troops of the Thirteenth Cav alry. When they retreated at six o'clock they left part of the town in flames. Scores Mexicans Killed. A large number of Mexicans were killed, and their bodies dotted the street where they were posted, pick ing off Americans who were trying to escape. No wounded mdn were found Several guests ot the Central wud' oiudreu The attractiveness and in fluence of your home is made or marred by the appearance of the floors, woodwork end furniture, more than anything else, and their appearance de pends almost wholly upon their finish. Now is the time to brighten up tbo home—reflnlsh shabby wood work, doom or furniture. Yoa can do It yourself-easlly-with per fect success. And no expenditure briows quite so much satisfaction as tb* few cents spent in ‘toothing up" the boom. * You ean change the old oak dresser Into nr any-thirusty looking porch rocker. Into at green, fa fact, yoa can reflnlsh the entire t— your tutu with m - ‘— The finish That U»ts With It an Inexperienced person may pro expensive hard woods. It fa easily epplted. stains snd finish one application and works equally well on hard or soft wood. FIXALL has n multitude of uses in yocr borne and too ean nave no idea how many placet, nnd bowmany pieces of furniture need re juvenating until you get a can of FIXALL and.* brush in jroorhands. • - # Flats at IS esuis np te GsUsm el -roe_>-U-E BY- ‘ MASH-MILTON DRUG GO. Two Phones 105-106. LOUISVILLE VARNISH CO., 1«MMaplaStreet . .. . ' o' - LOUKVHXE, CT. (By Associated Press.) Paris, Marcn • 9.—The Germans wore repulsed (today between Dou- aumont and Vaux, after several heavy attacks, accompanied by an Intense artillery fire, says an offi cial statement Issued this afternoon by the French War Office. The attackers were .completely defeated after having entered Vaux Tillage. ■ THE GERMAN -STATEMENT. (By Associated Press.) Berlin, March 9.—The Germans have captured the village and ar mored fort of Vaux, anye the V'ar Office, in a brief official state mure Issued here today. RESPITE TERRIFIC FIRE, FRENCH ARE ABLE TO HOLD OFF TEUTONS. (By Associated Press.) Paris, March 9.—The offlelat statement, pnblUhed here last night haa done much to' relieve the ten sion existing In the public' mind, caused by the expectation of a great onslaught on the main French defenses on the west bank , of the river Meuse. The press and public are now more than ever convinced fltEt the Germans can’t take Verdnn. Military observers betleve the Germans originally Intended that 11)0 frontal attack should he accom- proprietor, and W. R.j Walker, guest, who were trying' to escape. - C. C. Miller, a druggist, was kill ed while trying to enter the Hoover hotel. Mr. and Mrs, Melton James, and J. B. Dean, a merchant, iwere also killed in that neighborhood. Four soldiers of the. Thirteenth cavalary were killed, and seven oth ers seriously wounded. The Hoover hotpi, .whicn is a * the fight raged. Soldier* Camp'Attacked. The Thirteenth cavalry camp was attacked first, and a number of cav alry homes ridden off. The attack came as a complete surprise. Tie Villa men apparently crossed the border here, and -Carranxa soldiers are reported to have Joined them. The Villa sent .bis men cp a deep ditch parallelling the road skirting the United States army camp, cus tom house and railroad station. Villa Worked Ruse. Villa last nlgr.t deceived all ihe ; border authorities. He - gent a pan led by tv-> flunk attacks, one ln|telegram to Hachlta. New Mexico, the Woevrc district not meant to pel saying he the Nogales ranch, pushed home, while the other, on [ in Chihuahua, near the International the west bank of tlip Meuse river! border and at least forty-four miles might develop Into a main struck, [distant. The telegram waa YTgned Desiring, however, to Justify their; ostensibly by an American ranch premature announcement of the cap- j care-taker. Who stated that Villa ture of Fort Dosaumont, the Crown ! personally was at hla ranch house. Prince kept two hundred thousand ; Meanwhile, Villa was making his men on the right bank of the r\,ver, i'way from the Bosuques Grandes even against the advices of his gen-1 ranch, which Is only about twenty- erals -who insisted they could be i five miles southweBt of here, better employed on the other hank. I A Mexican scout gave the nrst In- j Now the Germans hard ■'cg-un a i tiniatlon of Villa's presence, when flank attack, Ing of lamps by citizens, who were risers letting , her out of a aroused by the first shots, was the window with the aid of a signal for volleys of shot to be *“*•*- poured through the housee. Prac- i l'. S. Trooper* Killed 10 Bandits, tlcally every house and nearly ev-j Major Frank Tompkins, with two ery window In the town were hit. ‘ troops of the- Thirteenth Cavalry, Lieutenant Castleman, the officer la said to have already erased the of the day, turned out all men In the I border In pursuit of the Mexicans, camp, but yelling Mexicans, In | Troop 0., stationed at the border overwhelming masses rushed sav- gate, a few miles south of here, agely through the town. caught the bandits on their flank. A courier was hastily sent to Gib- - and before they could reply, had bona ranch, located flfteen mile3 (killed eighteen of them. Corporal llotdl were burned to death. Ban-'east of the town, to bring up the 1 Wlawal waa killed here. Lleuten- dlts standing just outside that flam- troops stationed there.. :ant Beson was wounded In the left log building killed A. L. Ritchie, | Villa In Persona! Command. • nrm - The first volley of shot aroused the citizens of the town, and soon everything was In a perfect com motion. General Pancho Villa is said t< have been seen personally directing hla men. Personal papers belong ing to him, were In. a portmanteau found by an American trooper. All telephone and telegraph wires running to El Paeo, which la sixty miles east of here, were-eutl-vnll. And to' pi’event' the summoning ot neces sary hMp. Colonel Slocum, -who is command ing the troops here, had a revolver •hot from hie hand as he emerged from his quarters. A number of Mexicans, who were wounded, were tliken to the post hospital. American soldier Frock Kend- . vail, Horseshoer Sergeant Narg A. Dobbs, Machine Gun Troop Corpor al Paul Simon, Band Sergeant John Nlerergelt; Corporal Harry Wls*- Ivate Fred A.-OrMfa. were among.those hurt.. . . Major Llndeley. who Is stationed, at the Gibson ranch, sent three. the border, pkons, who While part of the Mexicans fought the United States troops. General troop* of cavalry serosa Villa Is said (o have detailed enlp- to re-lnforce Major Tompl era and soldiers to Are houses. Bv- went In pursuit of the raldjirs. ery house In the town was appar- Pn-blo Topex, the c-ilef Villa aide, cntly struck; and nearly every win-, has been killed. It Is learned, dow broken. ■ I Thomas Butler, a wounded sol- Snipers stationed In front of sev- dler, died here this afternoon. eral frame buildings which bad been 1 set aflre, picked off the American TELEGRAPHER SAYS HE Inmates as they sought refuge from ! SAW 800 BANDITS PASS HIS the raging flames. - STATION IN FLIGHT. ClvUInns'Aided Soldiers. (By Associated Press.) The mere lighting of lamps in! Douglas, Aril., March 9—The house brought forth a shower or railroad dispatcher at Mlmbres. New bullets, and In manv Instances civil- - Mexico, a small town about flfteen tans answered the bandits' fire. miles west of Columbus, says that 3omc of the bandits sought to en- eight hundred bandits passed there tlce Americans Into the streets b^i early today, going In the direction speaking English to them. They; of Hachlta, New Mexico, caught J. S. Dean, a prominent cltt- and fifteen different battalions were | identified. The Germans rnught all day long to gain a footing In Bethincourt, I bnt the French threw the attack-1 era back when night fell. i The German losses In officers Is ! it Is too late by ten days. The -artillerymen on both sides are living up to their reputation already established for the Verdun hattle, as the greatest artillery dael of the war. Many sectors of the French front , , . .. on Sunday and Monday last recelv-;Particularly heavy, according to the! ed an average of one hundred thou-1 prisoners. This fait sand shells In twelve hours. Whole -woods have been reduced to kindling -material. A little river at Forges has disappeared alto gether. Thirty feet of the crest of Hill No. 231, near Forges, has been blown away. 20,000 Attacked Dethinrnntt. A terrific six-hour nomnardment proceeded the first attack on Deth- incourt last Tuesday. The Infan try came on three sides. French ol- fleers estimated the attacking force at not less than twenty tnousand. zen of the town, that way. and no sooner had he emerged from his house than a bullet pierced his heart. Another American called to n Mexican: “Who are you?” The Mexican replied; "Viva Villa!" Whereupon, the American said: "I don't know who he la. but 1 hare some of him left here, acat- Hachlta New Mexico Is about; thirty miles west of Columbus, where the Villa bandits made their- sensational attack this morning. It Is located at the bnse of Animas and Big Hatchet range of monn-- talns. If the dispatcher's story Is- true, the supposition la that Villa and hla followers nro making for th* mountain fastnesses, where they hope to elude all pursuers who might endeavor to overtake them. Is believed to be explained by the unexpected spectacle of German of fleers, up to the rank of General, leading their men Into action. In stead of following them, as has been the usual custbm Gu-oughost the war. GRltMAMH REPULSE’*. (By Associated Press.) Paris. March 9.—The French nave repulsed erpeated attacks on Both- lnconrt. west of the Meuse river, ii Is seml-offlelally announced here to day. * Shirtwaists New arrivals in our Shirt waist stock give this line such a degree of com pleteness that no matter how particular you may’ be as to style, price or ma terial you may be fairly sure of being satisfied. Exclusive and pleasing styles in Striped Taffela, Wash Silks. Habutai. Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, Organdie and line Lawns. The Prices Range from $1.25 to $6.50 Sizes from 34 to 44. None sent on approval. Louis Steyerman’s The Shop of Quality On the Corner