The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, March 09, 1916, Image 2

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THE OSLETBBHPE SAVINGS IKO TOST G6KPAN A3 CALLED FOR BT THE STATE BA.VK EXAMINER AT THE Try the Famous Franco - American The greet struggle that now ecn- . ten ut the French fortress of VON r dun Till go down fn history sr one * o! the most stupendous thst the - world has ever known. For Verdun * means to the German's an Inlet to . Paris to the French it means the [' safety and the preservation of their ) beloved capital from hands that \ once before held It by the arms of ■ war. | The slaughter before the gulls of that fortress Is said to rival any thing In history. Teutons have been I slaughtered by thousands In an ©f- | fort to take the fortress, and It Is l not yet done. The question of num bers Is impossible to even figure, but It is safe to assert that Ger many Is not going to sacrifice the j I .non she has unless there is a -haace . ill ultimate victory and ultimate vie-j | lory can only be accomplished by a ; j reserve force equal to the first at- | tacking force and fresh for the ! fray. ; The suggestion has been made 'hat the entire German forces are entered against France and Eng-!' land and that the guard against the!, CLOSE OF- BUSIN ES3 DEC. SJMVIK Lotus and- Discounts.»I.71t,975.8tl Capital Mock ... . * Stocks and Bonds ... 1dS.694.92 Surplus and lindlrtilMi Real Estate- T.9M *0 ■ Profits. Net Cssh and' Our tbons Deposits ... Banks 925.S52.47 Dills Payible. Includlue Other Resources- 39,9(1.95 Time Certificates Rsp*- resenting Borrowed* _______ Money Other Liability TOTAL ........... 99,729,799.10 TOTAL' r EIGHT VARIETIES DATES HAVE BEEN FIXED FOB FOURTH, FIFTH OF THAT MONTH ISO PROGRAM ASSURED. ND SIXTH interest- MULI.1GATAW.NEV CLAM CHOWDER VEGETABLE THICK GUAM BROTH CONSOMME OX TAIL THICK CHICKEN BEEF April 4th, 5tn and Gth being Tues day, Wednesday and Thursdav, are the dates .which have been Anally decided upon for the big Thomas- vllle Chautauqua. The Mitchell House dining room will be used for this To Insnra Insertions. All Changes For Standing Advertisementa Most be handed In by Nine O'clock of the Day on Which They are to Appear WE ACT AS: EXECUTOR under willi. ADMINISTRATOR without'..will' w with the will annexed. GUARDIAN of a minor ov an incap able perron. TRUSTEE to eaecute trusts or hold fundi impartially.' RECEIVER or ASSIGNEE in bunneee em harassment*. REGISTRAR .and TRUST AGENT for registering, issuing and counter*, sig :ing Stock Certificates or Bonde- of Corporations or Municipalities. TRUSTEES FOR BOND ISSUES: WILLS cared for and filed' without charge. occasion and every preparation Is going' fbrward with the sole object In view of pro viding not only the best three days ever promoted Ip CALL— Grantham & Lester Where Qunltty Reigns Supreme Phones 10-310 117 V. Broad Street 1 PerCent. on Certif- ’2 icates of Deposits. Interest Coupons at tached; payable Quar terly. Per Cent: on Deposits* ' subject’to check un der rules. Chautauqua PHONE NUMBERS:— Business Mansger. Editors Desk biulf: quotations. Whosoever shall deny me ♦ before men. him will I also ♦ deny before my Father which -» is In Heaven.—Mathew 10:32. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ C. S. MALLARD, Accountant W. H. ROCK WILL. Manage: Tnom.eville. Georgia. Put Those New Gift Books in a Globe-Wernicke ■/ Sectional Bookcase / March is getting windier and col der every day. Reasonable Prices. Let us help you light the Library or Sitting Room Table. See window displty of some of them. L. H. JERGER Jeweler and Silversmith. notmadewJ’L If Bryan's hand was In that House vote It was the left. and your book storing problem will be solved for all time. As your book collection grows, you secure new sect'o is for your bookcase at small cost. You reckon Germany dropped A coin in the blind man's box? Better make a coal deal If you expect to keep warm tonight. Y‘ou are going to be surprised at an announcement that will soon ap pear. Money to Loan IMPROVED PROPERTY IX THOMASVILLR. WILSON'S VIEWS IN CONGRESS The vote of conAdence which Congress voted President Wilson will have Its elfect. For some time there was a difference which, while not openly fought out on the Aoor of Congress, was generously ex ploited by newspapers. The break A GOOD INVESTMENT says M. D. Remolds. Madison, WIs., who states: "I had rheumatism 19 years; used three boxes of W’e all like a change, even change for a dime if nothing else Is availa ble. , , , '/• * V I :if Six Per Cent Interest, month- y re-payments required: no reij tnpe—we loan you tile money. PLEASING THE INNER MAN. THE INNER MAX WILL .ALWAYS REMAIN EXCBU- - CIATIXGLY FASTIDIOUS, ESPECIALLY SO WHEN PERTAINV ING TO HIS FOOD CONBUMPTIWt. ALWAYS BE SAFE FROM THE SLIGHTEST CRITICISM; INSOFAR AS MEATS ARE CONCERNED. LET US HELP-YOU OO-OPHRATE WtTH.' YOUR HUSv BAND BY USING OUR PURE AND TFiNDKR MEATS. A. P. Canady’s Mea> Market “Honeat Weight True Vahrc* — Hoprcme Bervice.” - WHST JACK8QN ST. * ~ ^ TKl.BHHONK Cheap and bigam Baking Powders donot I save you money* Cahimetdoes—it*a Pure I and far superior to sour milk and soda. I HURST LOAN COMPANY Office Over Citizens Banking & Trust Co. I The Arst girl named gasoline will jltl a present of a gallon from John J> '’nckefeller, k .i u • CJHCHKTpRSPIM^ RHEUMATISM POWDERS and have thrown away crutches.” You can afford to try them. Sold only by us, 50 cents and $1.00-. In gram Drug Company, Thomasvnie, Georgia. Give up knocking and goasiplng. and the world will be g'*<l Easter has come again, Try some of our Pure Fruit, Guava I y—rtknownfciBgH.Skhat.AWakysVeUabk SOU) nr DRUGGISTS EYEmHfR£ train. He was upheld In his effort to attain for Americans and, there fore, all neutrals, a safety promise while they were aboard passenger ships on the broad seas. There is a difference of opinion .>n the matter and there is nnAouaf- edly argument on both sides. But Congress has shown that it is will ing to trust the President, has con Adence in what he has already done and bellevea he la able to further ■tear the ship of state into tile safe waters of peace and honor. His conduct so far and his success mer its at least a continued effort in the tame direction. SPECIAL The Right Way Service Kumquat Jellies, PRESERVED KUMQUATS AND GRAPE FRUIT MARMALAH Made at Manatee, Fla., right where these fruits grow. Roger’s Plated Silverware 10c We were very highly compliment- el this week when solicited to pur chase a real automobile. By special arrangements and small loss, we are breaking records and offering you an opportunity unprecedented on No- 78. No. 74,. ... 9:50 AM «:30PMI ...12:10 PM 8:50PM' No. U-O-IO. No. 10-18-1.. ...12:25 PM l:05'PM< ... 2:05PM 13:30PM' ... 4:40 PM 1:15 AM ... 7:56 PM 9:25 AM* I.v. Thomasville, Ga.. A. C. L R. R. At. Albany, Ga A. C. L. R. R, Look at yourself, not ai you think you are. but are you really are, and then change clothes at least. I.v. Albany. On., .. Ar. Americas, Ga. . At. Macon, Q>. Ar. Atlanta, Ter. St. , C. of Ga. Ry. . C. of Ga. Ry. C. odGa. Ry. . C. of Ga. Ry. The e goods will not be saved or "put away" for any one and no one can buy them except on SAL ,r . DAY. Don': miss it! Number ia limited to 576 pieces of following: Guaranteed Rogers Sil - er Plated Knives, Forks, Tea Spoons, Table Spoons, '■'l/\ vrv De,ier ‘ M \ / \ r\\ r/\ M l Spoons M \ Berry Spoons f /| ’ Gravy Ladles fcj f n I I Ur « e M t 1] I I Meat Forks : U f M pH Butter Knives „ Ul e | M L i M Sugar Shells Colonel Roosevelt In hit long- winded "Preparedness'’ speech did not admit that he was prepared for defeat. ; Phone 75 1M L Jackson SI j Some women will graft, so .what’s the row over a little affair at Chi cago. which involved two women in Verdun will go down as the .-rownlng event In the conduct of an Insane and gore-mad ruler of a splendid people. Yow friends caa buy anything yon can give them— except your pho tograph. , ... Wiey ymuc vucuinciico upiu iu ouui Friends in Georgia regret to hear . . , . , ,,,,, criticism and censure by their own }f the accident to Hon. Joe Hilt | Hall. They all hope for him an | ^ early and complete recovery. . ... Volney Williams, not content with editing the Wayeross Journal, and Mr. O'Gorman isn’t as popular as , , . . ' , . selling automobiles, has actively be used to be, although bis state . . . gone into the race for the state leg- has selected him as a delegate-at- ... Islature. Ian t it a pity that a man large to the 3t. Louis Convention. I like Volney couldn t keep himself busy with a whole newspaper and Germany is preparing to make a an automobile, and has to actually desperate effort to reach Paris, In so into politics, order to make terms of peace a lit tle better when peace time comas. onr new Line of Millinery Flowers and Frails, the Largest and Cheapest Line Ever in the City. OTHER BIG SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL THE WEEK* VOU CANT BEAT THE 10C STORE. VAUGHN’S FIVE & TEN CENT & VARIETY STORE BROAD STREET NEXT DOOR TO COCROFT Slfiith’s Cash Store 222 SOUTil BROAD STREET. PRONE 3! 6. BEST GROCERIES BEST PRICES A. W. Moller, BROAD ST. The photographer in your town. Thomasville police regard every tramp as a spy and it is piore than 1 somebody likely that the next forty who strike | candidate tie city will be arrested and sent 1 bly refer- immediately tc the Tower of l-on- r Associa- don. where they will be executed. according to the nature of the of fense that can be trumped ' up . against them. Srlirduie Ki Merenibrr 10, 1819. Train . .Traia No. ib-i No- an-x 7:25 AM l.ln I'M 3:59 AM 8 01 l*M 9:46 AM 9.31 PM 19:45 AM 19:19 PM 12:25 PM U:i(PM 1:61PM 11:19 AM 7:19 PM 9:19AM Traia Na. 4-17 arrives 9:91 AM from Atlanta sad 90tmta Bail ed. Carries Pullman <BROIT.tR) drawing roam ntoetrle-light- ed sleeping ear, serving breakfast. Traia Na. M9 arrives 9:19 PM frsm Atlanta tad statists asm- WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE Tl> Y OUR COt FEES We have Roasted Coffees, from 15e to 50c pound. We hare assembled In our Store. Coffees from the remote parts of (he globe. Coffees Lorn Java. Arabia. Brasil. Mexico and Guatemala. —- We have these Coffees green, roasted and ground, tf you are not pleaded 'With your coffee, try out*. Wo aa- *>ire you (hit we appreciate vour patronage, and are five you 100 per cent value for every dollar that you spend with us. Wc have Thirty-five Differ- -nt Kinds and Brands H Coffees to Holt Every Teste >1 every pneketbook. Best Self-rising Flour 24-lb Sack .... . r : _ -. __ _ _9 Good plain Flour ' The AUfUsla Chronicle Is even fltadlug "The Terrible Turk's hot ter side." Wonder if It will see something of the kind about Tbom- soa. Georgia. There lis'l't been but one Leap Year wedding that waa a sure- th one of that kind. Woadsr where Dies got twsnty- Bvs thousand fighting man la Mex ico. when Carransa end Villa both hod ell them was to bo hod sad a low more from other parts? Blue Rose Rice, 16-lbs ....... fest Whole Grain itice,. i4-lbs Best Granulated Sugar, 13-lbs.. Train la. 194 carries Pullmaa (BROILBR) drawing ream elee- trlc-llgbted sleeping ear Tfcomasrllle to Atlanta, serving sapper. Passengers may occupy ear a Atlanta until 7:99 A. M. Thin In thn only trnln from Southwest Georgia making nil early morn ing connections at Atlanta tor thn North, West and Northwest. |,k D. Johnson Is going to bo the County Commissioner for the Haigs and Ochlocknae districts for the next tom. and ho win giro that district noma mighty tahotaatlal service, loo. j. E. SMITH, B. H. FLEMING, Ticket, Agent, A. B. A A.. Thomnsrllls. On. Phans 999. W. W. CROXTON. O. P. A, A.. B. * A. Ry., AtUnta, Os. The House that vl lie Better