The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, March 10, 1916, Image 2

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SPECIAL Roger’s Plated Silverware 10c By special arrangements and small loss, we are breaking records and offering you an opportunity unprecedented on SATURDAY AN ) M0H9AY, MARCH 11TH AND 13TH, These gauds will not be saved or "put away" for any one and no one can buy them r xrept on SALK DAY. Don't miss l! Nu aber i. limit' d to 57t> pieces ot following: Guaranteed Rogers Silver Plated Knives, Forks. Tea Spot ns. Table Spoons, Dessert Spoons Berrv Spoons Gravy Ladles Large Cold Meat Forks Butter tftiives Sugar Shells See onr new Line oi Millinery Flowersjand Fruits, the largest and Cheapest line Ever in ihe Ciiy. OTHER BIG SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL THE WEEK. YOU CANT BEAT THE IOC STORE. VAUGHN’S FIVE & TEN CENT & VARIETY STORE BROAD STREET NEXT DOOR TO CO CROFT this city, beginning March 20th, hjts been formally decided on. The Fair is to be open evenings In the Mitch ell Horse armory and there mill b’ booths of all sorts of things for sale, a fish pond, country store, can- ly and cold drink booth, and many ither features. After ten o’clock here a-ill be dancing and delight ful music for those who care t > nttend. The piogrnm is as follows: Monday night—Shriners Night, -nd all members of Shrine dsked t». •car Red Fez. Tuesday Night Horton night. I Wednesday—Woodmen and Cairo night. Thursday Night — Ochlocknee, Meigs and Pelham night. Friday Night—Odd Fellows, Cool- ldge, Pavo and Merrillville night. Saturday Night — Thomasvllle night. Monday night, the 27th—"Get-a way" Night, or the Conclusion. New Donations. There have been many splendid donations and they are coming In every day. The booths will contain ome very handsome nnd f.ttractlve things and the people of Thomas vllle and other towns nearby are urged to come and if they see any thing that appeals to them, to pur- rhnse at this Fair, for the fund will ' e used for a Temple for Masons for the County, to be built In this city. The new- donations come from: p.v-er •"•i ihuiiuh/ ■ luiti c|| ui which hour the Civil Appearance .locket and all cases heretofore marked In default will be called. Upon the conclusion of the call of the Appearance docket and de fault cases, at about 10 o'clock A. M.. of said 20th of- March, will be begun the trial of criminal cases: and all criminal cases which are )«t trf^rf on said date. *111 bo ta re*; up nrd disposed of on Tuesday, 1«t d*v of March: avd. thereafter hr r’vjl C Arrs 8Fsl^r<d to he tri'*d t !’»»» <c:m of th* Court, will he ••llf'd for trial in th* order of their assignment on the Trial Calendar f dvM c^ses, a c~py of twhich is | r’nted below. M *o in this isi-m" nr tMs P”Mlsh«-d a list of t e 7 *ni ♦ be Jurors who have been drawn tn erve at his term of the cou“t. and who are required to be in atten dee promptly at ten o’clock A M.. of Monday, twentieth day of March. TRIAL CALFNDAR OF CTVIU CAS ES FOR THE MARCH TERM -OF THE CITY COURT. Wednesday, March 22nd. 1— Palmer vt City of Thomas vllle; Titus. Dekle ft Hopkins for plaintiff; Moore for defendant. 2— Singletary vs Rehberg; Titus, Dekle & Hopkins for plff; Mitchell for defendant. 3— Redfearn vs. Ford and Red- fearn. Executors; Titus, Dekle & iopkins for plaintiff; Branch and Luke for defendants. 4— -Hugenot Loan &c Co., vs Rick- tson: Branch ft Snow for plaintiff; Hay for defendant. 5— Chestnut va Cargell, et. al.: Burch for plafntiff; Mitchell; Mer- (jrantham for defendants. Davis vs. Robinson: CraiK- ir.iles for plaintiff; H. J. MacIntyre. Mer- Try some of |our Pore Fruit, Guava and Kumquat Jellies, PRESERVED KUHQUATS AND GRAPE FRUIT HARHALAB Made at Manatee, Fla., right where these fruits grow. Flowers ice Cream Company; i for defendant. Smith-Harley Shoe Co., H. H. Vann. ,s— Wnitehend vs. A. C. L. R. R. Pringle Company. James Watt &i(’o.: Burcli and W. I. MacIntyre for Rro.. N. T. Pike. p. F. 3cogglni>»®' n ‘ 1 ® : .„^"l tt ,* Floyd-Olbson Co., Cooper-Bracey j Company. R. Thomas. Art & Nor- j elty Shop. R. C. Bell, Cairo; Idle! p a j c# » r ;* Moore for plaintiff Hour Nurseries. Macon; E. M. Fam-| 0 jj f or defendant, brough, Boston; Starnes 3tock Com-' 10—Morton vs. Heeth; Moore for sssssssl!. rr j ipany; Howe Rubber Co., Atlanta; j plaintiff; Titus. Dekle ft Hopkins *,«■ « kill ji j riTlI III f (If [][|U|[nVl man Palmer, New York: Greenwood , for defendant. IfiliU. UiL Ul nLlVlLlIl & co.. Savannah; LeRoy Myers & : 12—Beverly vs. Wilson; Hay for ! Co. Savannah; Nunnally Candy Co., .'plaintiff: Burch for defendant „ n i 13—Ben Hill National Bank va. j R. s. Hurst, et. al.: Wall & Oran- !them; fMerrlll & GranthBm for !plff: Luke for defendants. I ly. according to a report, post'mor-1 MISS. PATTEN AND MB. CLARK H—Sampson vs. Stansell; Burch Don’t you want to try this delicious molasses cake?* Molasses cake made by the Cottolene' recipe below has a tempting taste and delicious qualify. Biscuits, pies—and all foods shortened with Cotto lene please everybody who eats them. Foods fried with Cottolene are not only digestible but improved in flavor. With Cottolene you know you are always sure of cooking better foods. Arrange with your grocer for a reg ular supply of Cottolene. It is packed in pails of various sizes. “HOME HELPS," our real cook book, mailed free if you write our General Offices. Chicago, for it. n£u£&FAIRBANK2s2E5sD Molasses cake Take one cup of Rear Orleans molasses, two scant tablespoons melted Cottolene, one cup boil ing water, one teaspoon soda or aaleratus. three cups- floor, one tablespoon ginger. Dissolve the sods or ealeratue in a tablespoon of boiling: water and add It to tha molasses; then add the melted Cottolene, boiling water, ginger and flour. Beet until smooth end bake in a mod erate oven for about thirty min utes. T IN SELF-DEFENSE 8KN8ATIONAL MTOKV IS TOLD UV WIKK, WHO HINTKD THAT Hl'.SBAND HAH SUGGESTED THAT ANOTHER WOMAN COME To LIVE WITH THEM. Atlanta. March 10.—The ttme- bouoied question of whether or not a man has a right to wblp his own wife will be about the only point in volved In the trial of Mrs. L. E. Bunnell, who shot and killed her l.os Angeles, Cal., March 10. 1914.1 Atlanta: SanLFlush Co.: —Toxic poisoning caused the dost j j rprfume Co „ Cincinnati. 'f seven men treated for a blood j disease at the city hospital recent-' eiu surgeons submitted to Coroner! | Hartwell, and will be Investigated by | •he grand jury. Serum was admin- .for plff: H NOW LEAD IN THE CONTEST I dant 15—Pace vs. Gardiner: Titus, De- Istered to el eh r n .,o.,„Va.w 1 T1>< ‘ following 1* the anuounccd kle A Hopkins for plff; Mitchell for rmTaua ! , h Satur < ?“ Jr ’ standing of contestants in the con- defendant. dar rhlTelaMh —^/lel S »t,’ test conducted by the Grand Thea- 16—Sturdtvam vs. Gunn: Cralfi- da7 ’ th * el * l J th «*• allr « l ° d *y »»» h tre: ; miles for plaintiff: Mitchell for de- I f light hope for recovery. Why sub-. , ‘ 1 ! mlt to poisonous injections of ar-! For Loading Lndy . c t 7 A- lb ben vs Croaier: Neel. ’! senic and mercury, when you can get Miss Nell Patten 9090 r.roi.hee- Merrill A Grantham for me iwlth a strop. : a safe and sure remedy like Number Miss Minnie Weldon 9010 Ca ™ MerrtU & 0ra ror ’ lj. to For the Blood, the Ingredients of Miss Goodwyn Mitchell 8963 ; 1 . ! which are set down in the U. S. Dls- [Miss Louise Grantham 7880 pensatory and other medical books! Ml8s Florence Pringle 7120 Grantham for defendants Thursday, March add. 9—Armour Fertilizer Works vs]husband here Wednesday, at their Mitch- home on Chastain street. Pannell fell dead still clutching In his hand the razor strop which be had been using as an Instrument ot chastisement. Mrs. Pannell Immediately gave herself up to the police, and her defense will be the fact that her husband was heating her. Incidentally, she stated that her husband, she believed, .was in love with another woman, and that he had made her the strange proposi tion that they move to some differ ent city where they could establish ’’menage a trois," and all three live together. —Mrs. Pannell's defense Is simply: "I had to do it. Be was beating MacIntyre for defen- Choice Cigars IN FINE BOXES. The House of Quality Regardless afl Price. Suarez Cigar Company. For sale at all drug stores,. SCREENS Window and Door Black, Galvanized and Bronze Wire. Sleeping Porches and other openings screened. MANUFACTURERS Thomasvilie Variety Works Phone 139. C. B. DIXON, Phone 75 104 E. Jackson SI IS follows: “Employed In all dls- 'uses of the glandular system. In blood poison, chronic rheumatism . and catarrh, tumors, goitre, lupus, ores, ulcers, mucous pilches. *nd sly skin diseases." Sold by R. Thomas. Price per bottle; six Mr. R. P. Wimberly bottles for 2 6-00. adv. When the police arrived at the 1>8—Ben Hill National Bank vs. | house, there was a touching scene Miss Florence — iS'SELE? for nlTfuke fo^de' l""* the " ttle ch,ld " n ° f th *' fam * Mlss Luctle Winnette 7110 * f pff ' L * f lly. who were Anally quieted when Miss Lois Vann Miss Alva Balfour For Leading Sinn. Mr. Arthur Clark 4000 H. P. Searcy 3790 onficial minutes llOA ICD EDUCATION. B. C. WRIGHT Architect See me For your house plans Al Thomasvilie Vsrie’y Works. exon fendant, rojni I*—J. W. Thompson. Jr., vs. '’ Moore; Titus. Dekle & Hopkins for plff: Mitchell for defendant. 20—Ben Hill National Bank vs. --an . W. H. ft E. S. Hurst: Wall & Oran- „ • . them: Merrill & Grantham for plff: Mr. LMi|6 Oriint.lfllD . .a»OoO _ . .. Anton An nl Sir. O. H. Cooke 2540- Luk, ‘ fof d « 7endan '' Mr. J. C. Plrngte 2140' Friday, March 24th. Mr. K. C. Ayer 1500 adv. 21—Western Electric Company vs. Newsome: Titus. Dekle ——— .kins for plaintiff: No counsel mai James A. Duncan. ed for defendant. The Treasurer’s reports for Jan-; *22—Citizens Rank vs. Hurst: Moore for plnlmlff: Luke for de fendant. r I j r I RISING SUN 4 ! | SUIN FLOUR I 1 The Standard by I I which other flours ? I are judged. |j l Thomasvilie. Ga„ March 8, 1016 Toe Hoard of Education met In uary and February, properly audi regular session, at 5 o’clock in the. ,ed ' vre read: j 2 3—iFIrat National Bank va. ’itizea’s Bank, with President Jer-1 Tm usurers Heport, Jiinuarj 3, |Apt>. I Williams; W. I. MacIntyre for plff: ger and Messrs. Cochran, Upchurch: mnry nth, March Dth, into, md Watt present. j RECEIPTS. The minutes of the last meetings Balance January 3th City Treasurer State Treasurer . . Tuition Fines, etc Incidentals, while 743.00 j Incidentals, colored 186.00 Book fees, white 1.024.75 Book fees, colored *72.05 i CraigmiTes for plaintiff; Lnke & W. I. MacIntyre for defendants. 27— Filer & Stowe!! Company ts. Thomasvilie Iron Works; Merrill ft Grantham for plaintiff: Hay for de- OP- fendant. 28— Nicholson Stock Company vs. Campbell; Aubrey Mae Campbell, Claimant; C. E. Hay for plaintiff. re read and approved 2 In the Superintendent's report, w • 'ttention was called to the unsatls- ■ | factory condition of the plumbing P, In the new school building and, by 4 | motion carried, the Chairman of ,thn Building comnittee was In structed to take up the matter im- 1 mediately with Mr. Clayton, inform- I him that the necessary work | must be done without delay. The • building committee was also asked I to have the heating plant thorough- | ly tested at once. • j The Superintendent then reported } the enrollment in the White schools |as follows; the brst figures being {the total enrollment for the session, {exclusive of pupils transferred, and j the second figures the present en rollment February 2*5th: East Side 632 486 FletcUerville 262 344 Burch for defendant j 24—Con dell vs. Hurst; Moore Tor dant ( plaintiff: Luke for defendant. |1,313.38 : 25—M. & F. Bar.k \*s. Burton; W. 5,000.00 i I* MacIntyre for plainff; J. B. Burch '004 7*ii* or defendant. < 26—Philip Carey Company ra. 13.7o {Thomasvilie Iron Works, et. al.; 3.84 i REXALL ORDERLIES THE IDEAL LAXATIVE TOTAL 19,3 11.53 | prominent N«w Orltana Druggiat DISBURSEMENTS. | Authority For Thu Statement y-roll, (racliern. Janl- thoy were told that the police were simply escorting their mother around the corner to a neighbor's. Moaday, March 117tb. 39—Bray vs. Griffin (Trover); Merrill ft Grantham lor plaintiff; Titus, Dekle ft Hopkins for defen- tor*, etc Equipment. Supplies . Repairs . . "onks ord PPlIe Atk Any Good Grocer Mat's* of highest quality Itcd Win ter Wheat, by the 11ED MILL, f Nashville, Tenc. J nruranec Freight and drayage Telephones Miscellaneous Balance Total Elementary High School . .794 .124 Whole School 918 842 The average tout enrollment tor each teacher la the - elementary schools la 21.7 pupils. The average present enrollment le 32.4. Every finished room In both white schools Is now being used. Mlae Annie Bragg was formally elected a teacher. The present , officers of tj a Hoard —ere ■ re-elected: President, B. R. Jerger: vice-president. Dr. J. T. Culpepper: Secretary snd treasurer. TOTAL The foUoa'ing bit’s wire ordered paid when properly app-otoi: Southern School Book Depository, $52.15; Tlmes-Enterpriie Company, 226.36: Ginn ft Co., $34.80; Neel Brothers, SSf; J. F. Riggs Pub. Co., 15.62; American Book Co., 67-20; George McGhan, Jr., $16.30; James Watt ft Bro., 114.70; Watt Supply Co.. 323.10; P. D. Philips, Recelv- e-, 38.67: Southern Bell Telephone Company, 617.45; James A. Dun can, (5.24. — • The Board then adjourned. £. R. JEROBR, Preet. James A. Duncan, Secretary. P. A. CAPOAU who own* aud operates one of the big stoics In New Orleans, says: -I am of the opinion that Rexall Or- derll* are tbe'Ideal laxative for men, women and children. This opinion la based upon my knowledge of the for mula and upon what my customers say about them. Through personal ts- perleuev, i know they are pleasant to' take, gentle In action, and gtva the same pleasing results wbea ooad by men. women or ebUdreo.” Be have the exclusive selling rights for (Ms great laxative R. THOMAS THBMXALL STORE 30— Bray vs. Qrlffln (Contract); Merrill ft Grantham for plff; Titus, Dekle ft Hopkins for defendant. 31— Canady vs. Gandy; Moore for plaintiff. 32— Carlton Supply Co., vs. Rnr- gess; Mattox for plff; Merrill ft Grantham for defendant. 33— Canady va. Gandy; Green, Garnishee; Moore for plaintiff; Burch for Garnishee. 34— Georgia Fertiliser Co., vs. Tilly; Titus, Dekle ft Hopkins for plff; Moore tor defendant. 35— Cook vs. Sparks; J. H. Jen kins, Sr., Garnishee; Cralgmtle* for plaintiff. 36— Brown vs. Joanson; Burch -lid T. N. Hopkins for plff; liny for defendant. Jurors For March Term ii.'ltv Court who are required to be llu attendance at ten o’clock, A. M„ j of Monday, March 20th: j Blanton, D. K. Boswell, J. J. Carter, W. E. Clements, J. E. Chisholm, T. B. Canon, C. H. Denmark, D. W. Hall, John W. Hall, Alter Hopkins, H. W., Jr. Mardre,JLB. Milligan, B. C-, Jr. Moncrlef, C. R- McDougald. Ardl*. 1 0’eteen, D. Z. Parish, B. B. Palmer. A. Quarltrmau, W. P. Rogen, L. B- Redfearn, O. H. Reddick, T. W- Redfearn, Frank Mtter. J. H. fayloV. J. O. * Williams, R, iL. Ward. C. L. Wester, C. P. Williams, O. D. Walton. W. B. Zelgler, John P. NATIONAL MAZDA This Light is Good for Boys B OYS and girls need the best light you can give them. Their eyes are growing like the rest: of their bodies* Do not put children’s eyes under strain by bad lighting. Use National MAZDA light. Itls better. It’s brighter. It's three times as bright as carbon lamp-light and costs no more. It’s the best light for reading, study, work or play. May we talk with you about the lighting of your house, store or building? NEWTON ELECTRIC CO. 'Phone 242 N. Broad St TAX NOTICK: Second Round. I v'll, be «t the following place* to r>’?elvo tax returns on correspond ing dates: ThomasrlUc, every Saturday froo' 8 to 4. Coolldge, Wednesday. Feb. 23. from 10 to 3. Merrillville, Thursday, Feb. 24. from 10 to 8. Boston, Friday, Feu. 25, Iron S to 4. Pavo, Tuesday, Fen. 20. from 1’ to I. Barwiek, Wednesday, March 1, from 10 to 0. Oflklnwn, Wednesday, March 1. from I to 4. rattan, Thursday, March fc. from 10 ’to 2. Meigs, Friday. March 2, from 10 to 3. Ochlocknee, Tuesday, March 7. from 10 to 2. EHabeile, Wednesday, March 2. from 10 to t. Metcalfe, Thursday, March 0. fmin 10 to 2. Cook's Store. Friday, March 10. from . 10 to.-lf M. i . F. $. NORTON. T. R.. ( Tbemai County. We Have ELECTROLIERS —at— Reasonable Prices. L^t us help you light the Library or Sitting Room Table. See window display of some of them. L a JERGER Jeweler and Silvcramitl).,.