The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, March 11, 1916, Image 3

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m—»■ VJ45M JSS.MIL" DlULY TIMES-KNTERPBISE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH II, 1010. ALL SIZES AND KINDS WE HAVE ONE FOR YOU. Fresh Stock of Batteries and Bulbs. CALL ON US FOR YOUR WANTS. JAMES GRIBBEN HARDWARE AND . Monument Corner. : BUILDING MATERIAL Telephone M6 Illlllii ini' 1 ********************************** FURNITURE WOUENS MISSIDWIRr UNION Officers lor the Cumins Year Elect- ed an<l Interesting Meeting In Held FURNITURE For the best in Furniture Carpets, Mattings, Rugs Stoves etc. See us—the most complete line in the city and prices and terms to suit you. THOSE 10 001 ID 00 Mr. Herbert II. Wind, of Cairo, is Mr. W. T. Doty, of Valdosta, is a business visitor to Thomasville j in town with friends for the day. this afternoon. 9 I Mr. E. D. Barorw. of the Boston Mr. J. C. LayfleiG. of dlichland, is | district, was attending to business among the business visitors today. here Mr. M. L. Langford, o Carolina, was among the here this morning. South visitors Pli.ine ;|IG, Smith» Cash Store, and get a can of Pure Country Lard at 12Ur per pound. 16-1 W. Feinberg & Son, Thomasville’s Leading Furniture Store. 115 West Jackson Street. a********************************* In New Quarters Mr. J. E. Massey, of Barwick, was among the well-knojfrn and popular visitors spending Friday l)i the city. Rev. Robert H. Harris, of Colum bus. Is spending a few* days in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Robinson. He will preach tomorrow at the First Bap tist Church. in rhomasville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. t'. I). Savage have returned from New Orleans and Mobile, where they -t tended Mardi Oras. An interesting meeting will held in Pine Park tomorrow, and a number of Thomasville people are planning to attend during tha day. At a recent meeting of the Wom en’s Missionary Union of Thomas ville, held in the Parish House of St Thomas Episcopal Church, Mrs. John F. Parker was elected Presi dent, Mrs. Will Ball vice-preslderft, and Miss Mamie Hansel), secretary and treasurer. The following program commit tee was appointed to serve during the year: Miss Julia Wright, Mrs. Tom Ross, Mrs. Edgar Brandon. Mrs. Taylor Mitchell. The meeting, was addressed by Miss Tilotson, of New York, and Miss Cutabert, of Augusta, both of whom are prominent In the mission ary, work of the Episcopal church, lb the United States. Miss Tlllotson gave an Interesting talk on ’’The Open Door," and stressed the fact of the great op portunities now open for mission ary work in Japan, China, Africa and South America. Miss Cuthbert spoke on the ad vantages of business-like methods in the Lord’s work, and referred to the fact that everything nowa days is run in a business way and the work of tlie church and its so cieties should be carried on In a like manner. Both talks were listened to with close attention and Interest. This Missionary Union was organ ized several ^ars ago and has prov ed a great factor for good in draw ing together the women of f.e so cieties of the various churches in the city, and making them better acquainted with the missionary work outside their own denominations. FOR Fresh Fish and Oysters Call Early. We have the fish dressed for you. We have Ketchup and Crackers to go with the Oysters. All kinds of Western and Na tive Meats FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL The Economy Market JESS BLANTON. MGR. PHONES 287-196 HON. BROAD ST. McQl’A I«-WILLIAMS. Mr. D. L. Gibson, of Doerun, spending the day in the city business. Ir. Horace Thompson and the Misses Thompson, who have been ! spending the season at their win- j ter home on Hansell Street, left this morning for Lieir home in St. Paul. Minnesota. Mr. K. L. Maliard la in the city, back on the job for Jax crackers. He recently underwent an opera tion for appendicitis and is recov ering liis old-time health and vigor again. LA XE-TH\)M i *sn \ Well-Knmvn Business Man of Thom* asville Will be Married Sunday at Manor Georgia. The marriage of Mr. D. H. Wil liams. of this city, to Miss Maud Mc- Quag, of Manor, Ga.. will take place tomorrow at the home of the bride. After the ceremony, the couple will leave for Thomasville. where they will reside. Mr. Williams has been making his home in Thomasville for th» past two years, being engaged In the insurance business here, and his many friends are much interested in the news of his approaching marriage. Engagement Announced of Two Well Known Thomasville People —.Marriage to Take Pluce This Month. JOHN B. GORDON CHAPTER MEKTM TUESDAY «:30 p. m. We have established our business at the corner of Broad and Jackson streets and extend a cordial invita tion to the people of Thom- ville to visit our new place and inspect our line of Dr. A. D. Little ♦ ♦ OFFICE: Over Neel Bros. ♦ Broad Street. Special Attention to ♦ General Surgery * 1 and diseases of women ; J and children. ♦ Phone office 144; Res. 267 ♦ ♦ ♦$$♦«$«♦♦♦♦♦♦ New and Up-to- date Clothing and Men’s Furnishings. We have n large stork of new wall papers and daily receiving the j very luteat productions. Buy at “Mrs. M. A. Montgomery, of home, save money, avoid delay. \ye! Thomasville announces the engage- do guaranteed work. Pointing, ment of her daughter Mrs. Mabl? Tinting. Papering. jBuna Lane, to Mr. Cicero Leon JAMES H. BROWN. ‘Thompson, the marriage to take I place this monta.” Iw . ... . ... ! The above announcement is one Dr. and .Mrs. \Y. VV Jarrell. Miss of much |ntPr(1Rt her; , a „ bolh l.oul» Hayes and Miss Lucy Les-| t(e8 „„ we| , kK „ wll and popl ^ la ,. jwith a large eirde of friends. The w*edding will ne an interesting event of this month ter spent the day see, making the trip by bile. Tallahas- automo- [ Mrs. M. M. cooper, Mrs. Taylor- Mitchell and Mrs. Chilton Huston! motored over to Camilla this morn ing where they were the guests for the day of Mrs. Byron Baggs. THOMASVILLE STUDY CLASS The monthly meeting of John B Gordon Chapter. Daughters of the Confederacy, will be held on Tues day afternoon at Lie public library at 3:30 o’clock. All members are requested to be present. MISS ETTA A. REID. Brest. Mrs. C. J. Houser. Secretary. FODDER FOR FANATICS Another Georgia Boy Sentenced t<> Reformatory for Stealing Two Cents More of Marbles. Fresh RuttermifK and Butter Dally. Sanitary Dairy, Phone 735, Old P. O. Building Clitxs Holds Very Delightful Musi cal Meeting With Many Charming Numbers From Madame But terfly Mr W. a handsome Republic furniture truck nd has it on the streets today, at work. It is one of the handsom est trucks of the kind *ver seen here. Company. Mr. and Mrs. Ilomt-r Williams and Mrs. T. 1,. Spence left this morning lor Hot Springs. Mr. Willlums will return In a few days. but Mrs. Spence and Mrs. Williams will re main then- tor some fin e because of Mrs. WIIHnms- health. 116 E. JACKSON ST. 2 PHONES;52 Just Opened Fresh Barrel SPANISH MACKEREL TRY OUR DELICIOUS SLICED Breakfast Bacon Prompt Service Qoiek Delivery w. CALVIN CARROLL KftUblUhed 1876. "QUALITY - SERVICE—PRICE" R. Carroll. Mgr. C. P. Carroll, Ass’t Mgr. The Thomasville Study Class held its regular weekly meeting on (Thursday afternoon in the club Feinberg htw purchased J room at the library, the president " 'Mrs Z 1 Fitzpatrick, presiding The subject for the afternoon was "The French School of Opera." and the meeting was made a de lightful musical event (Miss Louise Hayes was the leader for the af ternoon The program opened with a piano duet, from Llzst, given by special request, by Miss Louise Hayes and Mrs Robert C. Balfour. Jr. Miss Hayes then gave a very in teresting history of the various French Operns of note. In addition to the French opera- much of the music was taken from the Opera of Madame Butter fly and was given in costume Among the numbers greatly en joyed were Lie "Flower Sons,” giv en by Mrs. Durward Smith and Miss Rose Evans. Mrs. Smith also gave a very enjoyable solo. “One Fine Day.” Mrs. F. A. McCoy, of Kansas City, gave a reading, accompanied by Puccini music from Madame Butterfly, played by Mrs. Robert Balfour. Jr., and Miss Carmen Evans. The Cradle Song, between the first and second acts, was hummed by Mrs. Durward Smith and Miss Pose Evans, accompanied by Miss Carmen Evans, on the violin. Other numbers were also given and the whole program -was one of enjoyment, to both the members and the visitors, a number or whom were present. Dr. T. M. McIntosh. |»r. A. D. Little and Dr. W. C. Morgan spent a part of yesterday in CooHdjre, an ! tddressed a meeting of parents, held in the school, fostering the "Better Babies’* idea. All of the addresses were on pertinent topics and were much enjoyed by the people attend ing. Flowers Realty Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Mitchell Building. Rev. W. H. Higgins has declined the call which he received to Penn sylvania, a few weeks ago. and will remain with St. Thortlas Episcopal , church in this city. Mr. Higgins ! has many warm friends in this city to whom this will hr very welcome news. 1,011 ten ‘lervlct*. St. Thomas Episcopal Monday, March 13. S> p. m Prayer. Church. Evening SPECIAL FOR 10 DAYS We are offering the famous Serite Eye Glasses Gold Frames (guaranteed) at $1.75 Aluminum Frames (guaranteed) at ....$1.25 EXTRA SIZE FERFECT LENSES. Remember with the Serite Glue, you fit yourself. Phone ui and we win eend Instructions and several pair of glasses to your home. Take time and find just what you need. We guarantee en tire satisfaction or will refund your money at nay time you become dissatisfied. TIIF. ItBGt'I.AR PRIOR OP THE8K GLASSES IS $3.00 nod $0.00 CITY DRUG STORE Phone 284. IOC Jhe,Grand Today 5 C We are Right in the Heart of Things Atlanta. March 11.—The national agitation about t-ie Georgia boy iWho was "sent to the reformatory for stealing a five-rent bottle of pop," bids fair to be equalled among the gentle abolitionist ladies up around Boston. Springfield and Chicago, over the new horror of "the Geor gia hoy who -was sent to the refor matory for stealing two rents worth of marbles." The new candidate tor commisera tion, and incidentally to act as an occasion for heaping insult and op probrium on the South In general, Is John Alexander, aged nine years old. who as a matter of fact was sent to the reformatory for three months because he stole a Aouple of marbles from the five and ten- cent store, but behind his case, like that of the boy who stole the soda water, lie other facts which the northern papers take no notice of. Pacts in Oise. The soda water bay bad become I Incorrigible before he ever stole the j soda water, and the sending to the J reformatory was In line with the | wishes of his parents. The new youngster, who took the J marbles, is being sent not for the | simple theft of two cents worth of I merchandise, but for the purpose! and with the hope of taking him in j time and correcting tendencies to theft which the reformatory tnav cure but which his family couldn’t deal with. Both probation officers and his family join in hopitag that at the end of the three months the youngster will come out a better boy. with a better chance in life. And. in the meantime, the Chi cago Tribune and other like friends of the South will probably be de scribing how a chilfi has been tyr annically imprisoned, and maybe chained to the wall In a padded cell on a diet of bread and .water. That would be mild in comparison with some of the things Ihey have print-1 ed about Georgia. IEIEPHE HUE BElIie CONSTRUCTED TO CM VOTE: We are Showing, "The Submarine Pirate" again to day. after having numerous requests for it to be shown again by numbers of people who were unable to see It yesterday. Tell yoUT friends how good it was. We thank you! Marguerite Fischer presents “The Lonesome Heart” A "Mutual Maaterpleture" In Pour Acta. Come Early! Come Early! MONDAY: Pauline Frederick in “Lydia Gilmore.’* Famous Players Paramount production in five acts. “Four Dixie-Land Boys” All week Atlanta. March 11.--Georgians may soon be laying "Hello.' to Ha vana. Southern Bell officials an nounce that after the completion of the long line to Key West. Florida, the next step In long a’ftrtnrtpe tele phone development will be a sub marine cable connecting the system with Havana. Cuba, and other Cu ban points. This announcement la of particu lar Interest, of course. In Florida. Georgia and South Carolina. Ha vana and Key West, while both com paratively close, have seemed Iso lated and far away on account of the lack of telephone connection with the rest of the world. In a few months they will be within reach of everybody’s voice, and although the actual distance will be the same, they will seem more like neighbors. Meanwhile, the work of construct ing a standard Une bearing two copper circuits, between Jackeon- vllle and Key West has actually been begun. L. |9|0 GARDEN SEEDS ]j)10 You bought from us last year and the seed came up. Same reliable seeds of all kinds this year at the right prices. j Try us again and you wont be disappointed. Red Cross Drug Co. The Reliable Seed & Drug Store Phone 160 WHERE? “WHERE'D YOU GET THAT COAL You'll hear this question asked oftenwhithin the next few months. It will be asked you too. if you burn DIXIE GEM COAL and you will like to hear it, because it is a tribute to good judgement. When we sell a ton of DIXIE GEM. the chances are ten to one that we'll sell others as a result. DIXIE GEM BLOCK COAL "the Co*l that Burnt to Aihci." BURCH & SON, Agents. Save Money Do yon realize how much even the small amount ol $1.00 a week will do? Abont 17cts a day? Yon throw away 15 to 25 cents a day and never know where II has gone; yel turned In the proper direction it will work wonders In your home com- torts. Call In and let bs explain how yon may ftraisli your home comfortably and fceaatlhdly and have payments ar ranged to sill year convenience. Ballard-on-Broad Street 'THE FURNITURE HAN” (Look at our Windows.) i