The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, March 11, 1916, Image 4

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SB DULT TIMHS-BNTRItPRISR, SATVRI3AY A7TKRNOOX, MARCH II, 1910. g i ] j « ,i .1 s » .i s it ft ft ft ft s n ft ft ft ft ft ft ft in to to to io to to This Card when properly signed and punched entitles its owner to one of our famous Style B Enlargements. Black and White or Sepia in the 5\7 size, Free of Charge. Ingram Drug Company Thomasville, Georgia. CUSTOMER'S NAME I .s '* “ l' s t; is I», is 19 15 1)0 to to to 10 to to to to to 10 10IO to to to to to 10 10 10 10 10 ASK FOR A CARD LIKE THIS. MEAT being the most essen tial part of the Menu, it is very necessary that you get the best there is—We have it. We Appreciate Your Patronage. Prompt Service Quick Delivery H. H. VANN, “The Meat Man” 2 phones. 15 ill! Want Ads For Best Results. Try One PHONE 12 or 66. FOR SALK—5-passenger auto; good condition; big bargain. Address P. O. Box 291. 2-1 Ot. TOR RENT—The Dr. Ramsey house on N. Dawson St. Address Box 291. City. 4-1 Dt TOR RENT—oeven rooms and batli. $13; one room $2.50; three, $6; clean, very desirable. Steam heat a minimum cost. C. E. Wildman. Young's College. WANT TO blTY your Wool. Hides. Furs, Wax, Tallow. Metals and Rubber. We also buy and sell second-hand furniture. Jarvis B Watkins & Company. WANTED—Borders; two young men or couple. Private family. One block from court house. Phone 455. 11-tf. FOR 3ALE—Six room house, with electric lights, accesable to water and sewerage, has five acres of land. Good community, just out side City Limits. Price $1,750. Terms, if desired. All classes of City and Suburban property for sale at bargain prices. Wm. H. Platt. Office 104 4 BrOad St. Phone 115.341. and 44. lm. SCREENS Window and Door Black, Galvanized and Bronze Wire. Sleeping Porches and other openings screened. MANUFACTURERS Thomasville Variety Works Phone 139. IN THE CHURCHES SHUT PRESIDING ELDER PREACHES IT METIIODLVr CHURCH AT BOTH SERVICES SUNDAY. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. Osgood F. Cook, Pastor. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Preaching morning and evening by 'Rev. E. F. Morgan, pre siding elder. In the morning, Mrs. G. Dunward Smith and Miss Carmen Evans will -ing a duet, and In the evening, the male quartette will sing, and, by special request. Mrs. Smith will sing I solo. All members are specially re-, MARKET QUOTATIONS March | May Open. Close. P. C. 11.73 11.62 11.72 .11.86 11.77 11.87 July 12.05 11.95 12.05 October . . . .12.24 12.08 12.19 December . . .12.41 12.26 12.37 Tone, steady; local spots, 114. NEW YORK COTTON, l By Associated Frees.1 New York. March 11.—The Cot ton Market opened steady and un changed to six points up today, .w ith spot advices steady and favorable to the domestic goods trade. There was no active buying and prices saged to about last night's close. Market later weakened on renew- questod to attend the morning ser-l C( j liquidation, and closed steady at "J bring their subscriptions • „ not docline of 9 to 11 points. for the benevolences. j .Sunday School. Mr. J. E. Robison. NEW YQJtJt STWKH. 'Superintendent. 0:43 a. m. J (llv \ssoclatrd Press.) Junior League, Miss Louise Sear-; Wall Street, New York, March 11. cy. superintendent, 3 p. m. J-—After opening with some show of Epworth League, Mr. G. R. Neel, firmness, today’s dull market began resident, 6:30 D. m. i to sag. and most divisions mani- Y\ onian’s Missionary Society, Mrs. i tested heavy pressure. The only F. Evans, President. Tuesday. 10 notable exception was Crucible Steel, which rose a point and three Prayer meeting. Wednesday, •RESIIYTHRIAN CHURCH. v. Robert Stuart Sanders, Pas The Pastor will preach in the 1 morning at 11 o'clock and at 7:30 Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Young Men's Bible Class, at 10:)" The Christian Endeavorers meet at the usual hours. .quarters. United States Industrial | Alcohol rose 4 4 poins. Rails were ! heavy, but they recovered later. | The market closed irregular, with • bonds steady. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. (By Associated Press.) Chicago. March 11—The following closing figures were posted at the Board of Trade here this afternoon: WHEAT— Close. P. C. May 1.094 1.114 July 1.0S4 1.104 CORN— May.. 75 4 -75 4 July 76 4 .75 4 OATS— May 43 4 July 42 4 RIBS— .43 4 .424 FIRST IIAPTIRT CHURCH. William M. Harris. Pastor. Worship at 11 a. m.. and 7:3C p. m., with preaching by Rev. Rob't Harris. Sunday School at 9; 30 a. m., B.} July 12.50 12.22 W. Stone Superintendent. The or- j ganized classes especially invite | \n enjoyable event of last even- the young people of the church and [ ™ a >.eap Year party given by the Sunday School class of Mrs. community, cot otherwise affiliated, j T Dlxon _ at the ro9 idence of visit them, and Join them in j Miss Katherine Chastain, on the eir Interesting work. ‘Boston road. With games and mu- .lunlor B. Y. P. U. at 3:00 p. m. ' sic - a very delitfitful evening was AM are welcomed to all services. A ! P as!ie<l - and . aa c0,,rae " aS “T MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE BEGINNING Thurs. March 16th and continuing until sold BIG VALUES AND LARGE ASSORTMENT THE FAIR The One-Price Undersellers LOVELY WEARABLES FOR WOMEN pecial invitation to strangers NATIONAL MAZDA This Light is Good for Boys B OYS and girls need the best light you can give them. Their eyes are growing like the rest of their bodies, Do not put children’s eyes under strain by bad lighting. Use National MAZDA light. It’s better. It’s brighter. It’s three times as bright as carbon lamp-light and costs no more. It’s the best light for reading, study, work or play. May we talk with you about the lighting of your house, store or building? NEWTON ELECTRIC CO. 'Phone 242 N. Broad St. SKOO.XD BAPTIST CHlIltH. D. H. Parker, pastor. Preaching Every Second and Fourth Sundays, at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.. L. O. Taylor. Superintendent. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, at 4 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend all these services. St. THOMAS CHURCH. Rev. Wm. H. Higgins, Rector. First Sunday in Lent SERVICES. 7:30 a. m.—Celebration of Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.—Sunday School. 11: 00 a. m. — Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:30 p. in.—Evening Prayer and Sermon. All are cordially invited to these services. Strangers who desire to have the Rector call upon them, are requested to send him their names and addresses. MONDAY 5 p. m.—Evening Prayer. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Services Sunday. 11 A. M., at 205 South Broad Street. Subject: “Sub stance.” Sunday School 10 a. m. Wednes- y Evening Testimony meeting, at o’clock. Reading Room, same ad dress, is open from 2 to 5 p. m., every day. except Sunday, where all authorized Christian Science Litera ture may be read. In connection with the Reading Room is a free circulating library, to accomodate all iwho wish to investigate Chris tian Science. T!ie public is cordial ly invited to attend the services and o visit the Reading Room. C ITKOL1C CHURCH. Father Rich, of Albany, will hold Mass at 11 o’clock Sunday. ! ed. just before the guests departed. ••DADDY LONG LEGS” Miss Morion Clarke, Famous Im personator Will Give Delightful Presentation of Charming Com edy Tuesday Night The presentation of “Daddy Long Legs’* by Miss Marion Clarke, to be given at the new* school auditorium on next Tuesday evening is being looked forward to with much pleas ant anticipation and interest Miss Clarke as an Impersonator is widely known and her character sketches have attracted great at tentlon and been largely attended wherever she has appeared This charming comedy of youth, with the note of love running thru it is unequalled in its line and has been dramatized into a most de lightful play The entertainment will be given for the benefit of the Thomasville Public Library and a ill be put on at prices within the reach of every one The entertainment will begin at 8:15. uesday evening the 14th Tickets, 25 cents, no additional charge for reserved seats. H Try some of [our Pure Fruit, Guava and Kumquat Jellies, PRESERVED KUMQUATS AND GRAPE FRUIT MARMALAH Made at Manatee, Fla., right where these fruits grow. C. B. DIXON, Phone 75 104 E. Jackson St B. C. WRIGHT Architect See me for your house plans At Thomasville Variety Works. The Right Way Service TO ATLANTA And (Mints In tile NORTH end WF.ST. Ar. Tlioinanvillc, Gn., A.C. I. R. R. Albany. Ga A. C. L. R. R. Albany. On C. of Ga. Ry. Amerlcus, Ca C. of Ga. Ry. Macon, Or C. of Ga. Ry. Atlanta, Ter. St C. of Ga. Ry. No- 72. No. 74. ... 9:50 AM tl:30PM ...12:10 PM 8:50 PM Xo. 14-0-15. No. 10-12-2. ...12:25 PM 9:05 PM . . . 2:05 PM 13:39 PM ... 4:40 PM 1:15 AM .. . 7:55 PM 6:25 AM Pullman Drawing Room Electric Lighted Sleeping Car, THOMASVILLE to ATLANTA, on No. 74. Passengers are allow ed to remain in car at Atlanta until 7:30 a. m. PARLOIt OAK, Albany to Atlanta on Train No. 14. CONNECTIONS are made In Atlanta with Tbo Southland, fast through train to Knoxville. Louisville. Cincinnati. Cleve land. Indianapolis, Grand Rapids and Chicago, and with the famous nixie Flyer for Chattanooga. Nashville. Evansville. SL Louis and Chicago. For full particulars, Tickets, Sleeping Car Berths. Etc., call on or write to C. M. Hill, Ticket Agent, A. C. L., Thom asville. Ga., or L. W. Keith, Traveling Passenger Agent, C. of Ga. Railway. Albany, Ga. ATLANTIC COAST LINE CENTRAL of GEORGIA RY., THE RIGHT WAY **************** GUS DOHLBERG : Auto Transfer Co. Long or Short Trips Solicited. DAY 0R_NIGHT. Comfortable Cars. Careful White Chauffers. Phone 25 Davis’ Stables. *****4m* + * + ***4^- DRS. JERKINS & STUART DISEASES Or THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. MOULTRIE. .... GEORGIA Patient* may leave over the A. B, Ik A.nt 7:35 AM. or^n A. C* Z,. at *8:60 A. M. P. M. returning over the A. C. L. at 430 P. M. or over the A. B. & A. at 630 P. M. f 'ERY MOTHER NEEDS THIS free Book I suggestion care of baby from ^ birth to three yean old. “How Practical 1 the 4 Not The Cheapest But The Best Red + Coal “THE COAL OF QUALITY” Only 1.10% Ash. TKOIHSVILLE ICE MID MANUFACTURING COMPANY "Sole Agents." In Dlumond King CVmtest. Miss Minnie Lee Darley 740 Miss Battle Handy 650 Miss Louise Ward 620 Miss Luoile Winnetto 540 Miss Rosa Lee White 510 MiPo Nell Batten 510 PURE- Clarified Milk for sale. Phone 736, Sanitary Dairy Asso ciation, Old Post Office Building. Dlrtn to three yean old. How Long Should Baby Nurse,** “How Of ten,' ,r “Overfeeding Dangcrou* " h» from the Bottle,** "Babjr’a f Summer Care of Baby," are a fe jecta treated In thU free book, which will be mailed to any mother making for it. Write tor H today. (Mag name ef yocr druggist. C.L Moffett. 25 Drat JNm, Colombo*. Ca ; The Massachusetts : Mutual • LIFE INSURANCE CO. * ____________ * A Policy-holders Company. 9 Organized 1051 l lohn W. Bonnet I, Dist. Agt. * Jackson Terrace PI one 268 * **4>4i4r'>n«4,a««*44i4i “I wonder what I shall buy for him” Why, get one of those SILVER BELT BUCKLES. Jcr- ger has them. He also has latest styles of Mono gram Buckles. He will'bc f glad to show both the cuts and styles themselves. TRY HIM Fancy Parasols TO MATCH YOUR SPRING DRESS Newest Shapes And Coloring NEEL BROTHERS Restores Strength. R. THOMAS Th* Retail Store. - ; i .’ Phone 41