The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, March 13, 1916, Image 2

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DAILY TIMES-BNTERPRISB. MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 13, 1013. milt TlBE5-tm[fiPfllSE-‘r.,»;.ir 1 : MEMBERS ASSOCIATE PRESS. * the aC ‘* ^ 0,6 i ■— j za government refused to sanction K. II. JKIIOKR ■ • the Invasion. V. I». HARGRAVE Una. Mgr. . - it is not war with Mexico—it Is D.liy etui Serai-Weekly Tlraes-En- not war w |th a recognized (action i leriiriM. published at the Tlmes-En-, . . ternrlse Building. by the Tlmes-En- of Mexico. President Wilson made tei prise Company, Thomasvllle, Oa. jCarranza President of that storm- Enlered at the ThomawTile Post ridden country after years of futile omre for Transmission through the an( j fruitless murder and butchery, malls a. second class mall matter.;,^ r . ya| u taking reteng# To insure Insertions, All Changes f or t (, e ac t upon innocent women rrha^^h^WSof^iand children of the American gov- Da j on W.ilch They are (o Appear | eminent. The crime deserves the MMMCMPTKK RATES : punishment which will be meted Dilly. One Year $5^0 out for it. Dail>. SK Months. "*?? There can be no question of Its ‘ « .#># Daily. Tli-ee Montlin 1M * a. fLaiUfllPL 1 Dally, One Month J50 final result for the troops will be “" sent in sufficient numbers to for- I'HONK XL'MBKRS:— j Huai ness Manager 12 ever wipe out the Villa clan and Its Editors Desk <>6 1 p OW<t| . Mexico will then be freed; ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ cf an influence which is inimical to | ♦ lUHliK glOIATION. ♦ government and peace. Others: t They that are whole have ♦ may arise but this particular pest; ♦ no need of the physician; but ♦ will be forever destroyed, and the ♦ they that are sick. I come not ♦■ ♦ to call the righteous, hut sin- ♦ deed will be one w.licit the i nited , ♦ ners to repentance. — Mark ♦ States need never reproach itself fo' ♦ 2:17. ♦ . t a ««««•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦ • having performed. He sere it's right — then pay the Wilson nas borne himself as a . bi lj j man through it all. awaUing with J 0 . nprecedented patience in the hope \ Poor old Villa: hope he won't get of peace and an amiable settled ent 1 too hot | of internal difficulties. The method q ‘ worked to til.* good of Mtvoo. until . Some days even the typewriter Ibis last unliv.ful lact a l<1 this ii ay goes wrong. even be for the best good of the o greatest number in that horribly * Pon t hesitate, waltzing is much stricken country. lie it said, how- more graceful. lover, that the friendship which has o been manifested has been basely It's easy enough to quit smoking betrayed by the Villa faction and when nobody offers you one. Carranaza may well aid the United o States in its effort and feel that it The Germans had rather have'has done but little in offering ac- Verdun than the United States. ..ess to Mexican territory and ad- o ding its quota of troops to aid in A bear-skin coat sometimes covers the movement. The president has a dog-gone sorry specimen of hu- assured the government that it is manity. . - • -» purely a punitive invasion and will 0 _ not in any way effect the sovereign- Sometimes we have an excuse for tv of Mexican government, or thinking that some hogs have only mean the ultimate occupancy of a two feet. single foot of territory. 0 Under these conditions, the soon- While the gang is the place for " "><“ purpose is accomplished, the the vagrant, very few of them get ™ore satisfactory will It he for al vgirk or food that way. concerned. Futiston has permission to go where he wanted to, to get Villa, and he has but to get him. A politician never sits on his own fence but he shore will straddle every other one he gets near. The Masonic Fair is to entertain everybody, as well as raise money for Lie big temple in Thomasville. The girl who laughs at the Leap Year joke is the one who has no fear but that h* will propose with out coaxing. The fire alarm* Saturday came in such quick succession that it was hard to get from one fire to the other to find out that it wasn’t a fire. Candidates are just beginning to get t.ieir wind for the first lap, and the folks are just waiting 'round, wondering who will come along first. If you desire to fight, you may get accomodated within a few weeks if the United States troops don't gather in the bandits as rapidly as they expect. With the expenditure of a few billions, the United States could get a navy that would equal any in the world, unless it >was made up of submarines and airships. THE MEXICAN INVASION. That the United States should be sending troops into Mexico for the purpose of capturing u bandit lead er and his followers, is a strange and somewhat complex situation. It was necessitated by an art as das tardly end inhumane as ever was witnessed in horror-stricken Mexico. Whaf purpose actuated Villa may never be known, unless political en tanglements are afterward explain ed end light thrown on the matter In tint respect. Tht United States is sending iU troops Into a foreign country with the tentative^ consent of the sup posed hesd of the government, ft Is d*ta« with the express pur- poet of destroying tbs lender of n' faction .whose purpose Is to menace tbe Nest sod property of American; HISTOIIY AND NEWS OF THK GREAT WAR. What will history tell us of the great iwar now being waged on the continent of Europe? We have a comprehensive view ot the great struggle at close iiand. but there are details which are not in any sense available. We know* of the results of battles and their probable effect upon the war, but the number of men involved, the wounded and the dead are not known, and proba bly will not be until coming years shall have shut down the veil of time upon its horror and mitigated ts unimaginable suffering. Germany, they *av. has paid a terrible price for the attempt to take the fortress of Verdun. Each day’s fighting gives only the result of the action in amount of ground actually gained but not single dis patch ever told accurately how many men were in the struggle and haw* ' many men were killed or wounded. It is so with all of the other bat tles. i Censors at first gave out only the smallest descriptions and these were so •'blue-penciled.’* that they ! contained no information iworth while. The facts of these battles, however, are known to the various departments of the governments ia- j volved, and in due season they will ' be given out. We who live during | this, the world's greatest struggle, [ know hardly un>thing of It: those: a ho come after us will get the de- ' tails. Tile censorship has lighten ed when the people demanded the news, and the main facts .were divulged each day in despatches seat out by each government at a certain stated time and containing only such information as it is willing to give out. in reading the accounts of the ’ battles, it is interesting to compare the statements of the Allies cen-; sors and those of Germany. We j seem to get only the Allied aide of J question in many instances and' later iwe have them repudiated, or; at least qualified when the news comes from the German govern ment. How wall-d in Berlin is. cannot be more clearly exemplified than In the fact that even the news of what transpires in that country can. be obtained only in a very Indefinite STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OP THE OGLETHORPE SINGS LOO TRUST COM? AS CALLED POR BY THE STATE HAWK EXAMINER AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DEC. 8, 1915. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts.91,714,976.88 Capital Stock $ 126,000.00 Stocks and Bonds ... 138,694.92 Surplus and Undivided Real Estate 7,886.20 Profits, Net 274,840.32 Cask and Due from Deposits 1,781,903.29 Banks 826,362.47 Bills Payable, Including Other Resources 38,861.66 Time Certificates Rep resenting Money . . Other Liability Borrowed 600.000.00 44,910.40 Sloan’s || Liniment SLOAN’S LINIMENT Cheap and bigean Baking Powders do not save you money. Calumet does—it'aPure and far superior to sour milk and soda. way and with great difficulty. Noth ing can get into the country, unless l*y permission of the countries. whose armies and navies have it hedged in. The Germans are fight ing against desperate odds, fighting an offensive game witii the ene- : mies on all sides. The inside in- ! formation of how that struggle is being maintained and the ingenuity which is displayed in carrying it on. , will become in due season one of the most interesting pages in the world’s history. Arrests Inflammation. Prevents severe comply cations. Just put a few drops on the painful spot and the pain dis appears. THOMASVILLE BAG COMPANY 224 S. MADISON ST. (Next Floyd Gibson Wholesale Grocery-) PAYS highest pric e for ull kinds of Empty Sacks, Rags, , and Puper. All Kinds of Itrass, Copper and Rubber. Highest Price paid for any kind of Rags. Ship us you old metals and Rags in any amount. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES Remember the place, 224 S. Madi son Street. Thomusville. (}a. I. MINSK, Manager. Money to Loan ON IMPROVED PROPERTY IN THOMASVILLE. al Six Per Cent Interest, month ly re-payments required; no red tape—we loan you ttie money. HURST> LOAN COMPANY Office Over Citizens Banking & Trust Co. ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC U Schedule Effective December 10, 1015. Train . .Train No. 18-1 No- 20-3 Leave Thomaarllle 7:36 AM 7.00 PM Arrive Moultrie 8:60 AM 8:04 P.M Arrive Tifton 9:46 AM 9:33 PM Arrive Fitzgerald 10:46 AM 10:10 PM Arrive Cordele 12:25 PM 11:56 PM Arrive Montexuma 1:51PM 12:56AM Arrive ATLANTA 7:10 PM 6:10 AM Train No. 4-17 arrives 9:00 AM from Atlanta and points nam ed. Carrie, Pullman (BROILER) drawing room electric-light- eil sleeping ear. serving breakfast. Train No. 2-10 arrives 6:30 PM from Atlanta and statlrns nam ed Train-No. 20-;l carries Pullman (BROILER) drawing room clec- trlc-llghled sleeping car Thomasvllle lo Atlanta, serving supper. Passengers mar occupy car n Atlanta until 7:30 A. M. This Is the only trsin from Southwest Georgia making all early morn ing connections at Atlanta for the North, West and Northwest. For further Information or Piillntnii Reservations, 'phone * or Write— E. M. FLEMING, Ticket Agent, A. B. & A.. Thomnsvllle, On.. Phone 200. "*. W. CROXTON. G. P. A.. A.. B. £ A. Ry.. Atlanta. Ox. For Sale ONE Cyphers Standard Incubator Also Three Brooders Will Sell Cheap. Grantham & Lester Phones 10-310 I 12 N. Broad Street. WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COFFEE TRY OUR COFFEES We have Roasted Coffees, from 15c to 30c pound. We have assembled in our Store. Coffees from the remote parts of the globe. Coffees from lava. Arabia. Brazil, Mexico and Guatemala. We have t.iene Coffees green, roasted and ground. If you are pot pleased with your coffee, try ours. We as- «nre you that we appreciate your patronage and we give you ion per cent value for every dollar that you spend »1t|i us. We hove Thirty-live Differ, em Kinds and Brands of Coffers to Suit Every Taste and' every porketbook. THE MUTUAL fiJSH STORE "The House that gave Thom- vllle Belter Bread." Fhoae Cil 2tS S. Bread Your friends can bny anything yon can give them— except your pho tograph. A. W. Moller, BROAD ST. The photographer in your town. i. C. WtKBT Architect Sre me for your house plana At Thomasville Variety Works. *****»»***»**»«*» l The Massachusetts: * Mutual * * UFE INSURANCE CP. * a * * A Policy-holders Company. * — * Organized 1651 * ; lohn W. Bonne//, Dlsl. Agt. * Jacluen Terraco Plooc 256 * a « « « • « * * * * * * 4. 4i 41 * TOTAL $2,726,760.10 TOTAL $2,725,760.10 We Pay Interest As Follows: 1 Per Cent, on Certif- 2 icates of Deposits. Interest Coupons at tached, payable quar terly. Per Cent, on Deposits, subject to check un der rules. EXECUTOR under wills. ADMINISTRATOR without a will or with the will annexed. GUARDIAN of a minor or an incap able person. TRUSTEE to execute trusts or hold funds impartially. RECEIVER or ASSIGNEE in business embarassments. REGISTRAR and TRUST AGENT for registering, issuing and counter, sigr ing Stock Certificates or Bonds of Corporations or Municipalities. TRUSTEES FOR BOND ISSUES. WILLS cared for and filed without charge. W. H. ROCKWELL. Manager. : : C. S. MALLARD. Accountant Thomasville, Georgia. Put Those New Gift. Books in a Globe-Wernicke Sectional Bookcase and your book storing / problem will be solved for / all time. * As your book collection grows, you secure new sections for your bookcase at small cost. Watt Supply Co. PLEASING THE INNER MAN. THE INNER MAN WILL ALWAYS REMAIN EXCRU CIATINGLY FASTIDIOUS, ESPECIALLY SO WHEN PERTAIN ING TO HIS FOOD CONSUMPTION. ALWAYS BE SAFE PROM THE SLIGHTEST CRITICISM INSOFAR AS MEATS ARK CONCERNED. LET US HELP YOU OO-OPKIIATE WITH YOUR HUS BAND BY USING OUR PURE AND TENDER MEATS. A. P. Canady's Meat Market "Honest Weight — True Values — Supreme Service." WKST JACKSON ST. TKI.W’HONK b2 The Right Way Service TO ATLANTA Aad Points in the NORTH and WKST. No- 72. No. 74. I.r. Thomusville, Oa.. A. C. I, R. R 9:50 AM 6:30 PM Ar. Albany. Ga A. C. L. R. R 12:10 PM 8:50 PM ■No. 14-0-15. No. 10-12-3. I.v. Albany. Oa C. of Ga. Ry 12:85 PM 9:06 PM Ar. Americas. Ga C. of Ga. Ry 2:05 PM 13:39 PM Ar. Macon, Ga C. of Oa. Ry. ... 4:40 PM 1:15 AM 4r. Atlanta. Ter. St C. of Ga. Ry 7:55 PM 6:25 AM Pullman Drawing Room Electric Lighted Sleeping Car, TtiOMASV1I.I.K to ATLANTA, on No. 7 4. Passengers are allow ed to remain in car at Atlanta until 7:30 a. m. PARLOR CAR. Albany to Atlanta on Train No. )4. CONNECTIONS are made in Atlanta with The Southland, last through train to Knoxville, Louisville. Cincinnati. Cleve land, Indianapolis, Grand Rapids and Chicago, and with the Famous Dixie Flyer for Chattanooga, Nashville, Evansville, St Louis and Chicago. For full particulars. Tickets, Sleeping Car Berths. Etc., call on or write to C. M. Hill, Ticket Agent, A. C. L-, Thom- uivllle. Os., er I,. W. Keith, Traveling Passenger Agent. C. of Ga. Railway. Albany, Ga. ATLANTIC COAST LINE CENTRAL of GEORGIA RY., THE RIGHT WAY Smith’s Cash Store 222 SOUTH BROAD STREF.T. PHONE 316. BEST GROCERIES - BEST PRICES 8B Best Self-rising Flour 24-lb Sack 90c Good plain Flour 24-lb sack * 85c Special Prices by the Barrel Broken Grain Rice, 2p-lbs- $1.00 Blue Rose Rice, 16-lbs *. $1.00 Best Whole Grain Rice, 14-lb& $1.00 Best Granulated Sugar, 13-lbs $1.00 J. E. SMITH.