The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 08, 1916, Image 2

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DAILY TIMES-ENTEBPRISE, TUESDAY AFTERNOON', AUGUST S, 1019. If TIMES-ENTERPflISE lE.MUKIth ASSOCIATED PliESb , K. JCIIGKH Editor D. IIAIM*HAVE Hus. Mgr. |a<i/ tnl Semi-Weekly Times-Eto* frint. Published at the Tlmes-En- trine Building, by the Timea-En- ttrprlse Company, Thomasville, Ga. B * [ .ntcred st tbe Thomasville Poet 1 ift.i-e for TransmUslon through the mails as second class mall matter. lo Insure Insertions. All Changes k'or Standing Advertisements Must Re handed in by Nine O'clock of the ay on Which They are to Appear. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ; tally. One Year *5.90 ftaily, Six Months 2.50 "tally, Three Months 1.25 Rally, One Month .50 HnvK NUMBERS:— ■ Business Manager ...III S Editors Desk ...56 Screen your house for next year. ; There is an uneven number for a orch swing on a moonlight night. The Kansas City park for women Inly is not even taken up by the guffragettes. o Now, really, you can’t seriously ^lame Dorsey for refusing to debate 1th Joe Pottle. Leg-islation against short skirts the kind of calf rope the Savan nah Press would use. “Blondes may be disappearing," nt it is certain they don’t disappear hen you want them to. If there is to be a sEbrtage of nper we hope it will first cause the Every candidate we have heard of pet is running and expecting the ate papers to help him with pub- i tr. Gnats and mosquitoes are more [('plentiful than they ought to be, and The Timee-Enterprise is in receipt of the following communication from a responsible citizen living in the northern part of the county. It •peaks forcefully and concisely the opinion of men who have studied conditions and know the remedies: Editor Times-Enterprise, Thomasville, Ga. Jear Sir: — Where is the hitch which prevents >ur County Board of Health from inaugurating the operation of our ew Health Bill? Three grand ju- es have found this bill a most de sirable measure; recommended its doption for Thomas County, and now it seems to b# stopped by a body composed of only three met..- )ers, when the law explicitly sajs hey shall act, act at once, and that they have no discretion in the mat ter. Each separate grand jury rec- >mmendt»d this bill after discussing .t from a purely economic stand-! point, seeing that would be the means of saving our people many ! thousands of dollars yearly in lost! timo alone, front sickness and death. ■ Yet we are told that there is no ! money available, and that we can not go on. Smaller counties than ours are putting it into operation. Tift and Irwin counties are, jointly, a district and their combined wealth I nearly every statesman in this coun- ly. j The spirit of the opinion is broken n the undue haste with which Judge jrl.ghes flung off his judicial robes and mixed In the medley of political office-seekers. A calm, dispassion ate judgment evidently inspired his .esignation, a vainglorious pride irompted his encouragement of 'Re publican favor and a greedy desire to acquire still higher honor has In duce him to connive and plot with those who opposed him only a few short months ago. Tnis political conspiracy is for iothing but to bring back to the Re publican paity the control of govern mental affairs and through it of pow- ers and conditions that go to en rich and endow’ the members of the party in control. That Justice Hughes thought so little of progres sive legislation as to take part in the play is remarkably like a man whose sole desire is self aggran dizement and self emulation. The chief reasons he might argue | against the Democratic administra- ition is that the country is prosper ous, that we have won an epoch- |making victory in international law, j that we have avoided with honor a jstrugle that would have meant the I acquisition of, or at least the subju gation of a republic, our neighbor, j These arguments are the ones Mr. Hughes urges against Wilson. These Grover Cleveland Alexander ns not approximate that of Thom- and they have two sets of county j are the a, '8 umen,s b « adVances in officers where we have only one tol his crltlcal ’W ‘ a »* 8 8 P<*ch of ao upport. Our countv is fast becom- i Ct ‘P^ ancei ng more and more malarial. Sec-1 S ° ab3olutely beI °*' par was ‘ ba ‘ lions where malaria was rare are ;•«"». that his most ardent friends, now continuously showing the !n-i° r P ° SSibIy the m09t ard6nt frlends crease of this malady, and while i° f RepuWican 8reed aad control, many do not die. this disease is a' and thr0Ugh “ of Hughe3 ' are dls ' wonderful pauperizer wherever lt appoin,ed ' baI P abIy 8 °' There was ibolishment of Sunday supplements, exists, and has been beta responsi-! nothlng ln the speech to indicate any ble for the complete fall of earlier i “ nU8Ual ablllty or an} ' probabIllt >' nations. Everywhere we hear of! rare lntellectual 8entus tba ‘ would the wonderful returns the people get I d ' reCt the 9hlp of 8tate toward a for what Is spent in public health |5afe aDd Sane harb0r ' Mr ' Hughes work and In spite of the fact that:" 9 3 diBapp0ln,ment evea to tbose Thomas County boasts an unusually! who had reason t0 ,ear ability, intelligent populace we are entirely j 11 be aD easy matter for him to devoid of anything like system in | be defeated when the concrete ex- Jlt’e probably partly your fault that dealing with this matter of sickness amp ' e of a11 Amerlcan progressive (It Is so. J , * |and death. ; spirlt is pltted a « ainst b ‘“ ‘n the j f. s _ . ■ ' v-iahi.n,in- . ,, , !Person of the illustrious President' A; ' 0 Neighboring cities are talking. '' . , , , . of the United States, r A Brunswick lady wore green j about th<? tremendou. increase of | „ Stocking. and got mad as a hornet ‘• vphold fever ’ aad >° a have n ° ° f ‘ when a goat me along and tried fiC( ‘ nor offlclal tbat can effectually r eat them answer these calamitious outcries, • - land prove the healfhfulness of your There is a noticeahie difference W - Other cities c.a.m I hT tT ? between Intelligence and noise, and <° ba '“'""8 < y P b <>' d terer out of hl 8 he3 t form their jurisdiction, reducing its incl- THORPE SAVINGS AND TRUST COAMT Located at Savannah, Ga., at the Close of Business, June O, IOUI. of the Philadelphia Nationals—one of the greatest pitchers in the game today. Last year leading pitcher of the National League, pitch ing 49 full games. There’s stamina as well as ability. Of course he Drinks Pure Coca Cola Bottled by Thomasville Ice. & Manufacturing Co. (24 BOTTLES TO THE CRATE) DO YOU KNOW THAT- That hand that carries food to the Annual Mountain and Seashbrc Excursion VIA A. B. & A. RY AUGUST 16th. 1916 From Thomasville, Georgia. to Wilmington, N. C. $10.75 Roanoke, Va., $15.60 Luiay, Va. t $16.75 Tickets will be sold for any train on above date, and will be good to return to starting point on any regular train prior to September 1st. For further information, sleeping car reservations, etc., apply to A. B. & A. Ry Ticket Agent, or write W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A. ATLANTA, GA. of safety first? Tuberculosis and poverty go hand 1 in hand? The U. S. Public Health Service \ will send a booklet on flies and dis- 1 they usually don’t travel together as boon companions. j dence ' and showln 8 tbat “ ca " ba ' p (entirely driven from their borders. : i If Jack Frost didn't exterminate Xearly a11 ,he dlseases that man 18 flies and mosquitoes wouldn't we be ’»» <° arp k "°" n t0 ba preventa - ease gratls t0 a „ appUcant5 1* a mighty poor shape by next sum-" 1,P: ,he peop,e of Thoma8 . W ' | have read this statement of spec- o— Jiallsts repeatedly, believe it true, yet i Let us know when your folks go we stand stl11 in our tracks ' and al ‘ away or when you have a visitor. low con9umption ' typbold fever ' You are not ashamed of your doings I ' ew< ' s ' ma,arlal fever and many or your visitors, are you? PROFESSIONAL COLUMN low consumption, Lewes, malarial fever and I other preventable disease to take j their yearly toll of precious lives, Political expediency is a word that paUperize 0Ur P 0 ! 11 "^ apd h °‘d President Woodrow Wilson hasn’t hack in everything that makes for yet learned the meaning of in the | progre88 ' 0ne of tbe rea8ons pa8t performance of a duty and he never ;win. Mr. Cobb will have to beat out Speaker to win and this year it’s no easy task, although Ty seems to be at his best when a close race is «t hand. grand juries have endorsed this bill The breast fed baby has the best I chance? Physical fitness is preparedness ( against disease? Pneumonia is a communicable i disease? Cockroaches may carry disease? j Sugar cane is looking pretty good : this season, which leads us to be- j lieve that those buckwheat cakes Dr. W. J. Jennings Physician and Surgeon,- Special Attention to X-ray and Surgery. Offices 156-157 Mitchell Building HOURS: 10 to 12 m. 2 to 5 p, m. PHONES: Residence 175 Office 688. [is the fact that as we spend about | thls wlnter " U1 taste Just 08 8°° d in running the county 'every year, out of this sum It should !l:e easy, by economizing a little (here and there, to put this bes\ health bill Into operation, and not increase our expenses either. they uscTd to. SAVANNAH CLEANING UP. of Only Two Drunks Handled by Police in a Whole Week. | 3avannah, Aug. 8.—Only two , A1 _ . ,. j drunks In a week of seven days in o I ^ 16 P eol, * e nee d R* they want it, , a city of one hundred thousand pop- .... „ . 'and the law says that the Board of! ulatlon ls the xecord Savannah has Judge Cox vanned up considera- made in the first week of the fourth bly ln discussing a gentleman relat- ea th mUSt inaugurate and S |ve j month of rigidly enforced prohlbl- . ~ _ rx , , _ 'this Board no voice as to how the tlon. • ed to Congressman Park over in De- j tor the corresponding week in catur; in fact, he got warm enough offlce ,s to ,je supported whatever, j 1915 there were twenty drunks dock 00. w. w. @ Has returned and @ @ will be found at his @ ® office for' general • ^ practice at the usual ^ @ hours. : : : Kodak Finishing PRICE LIST Oevelo]?injr Only , !Vtin« Films I l*lateM| Size OxorlSxj! Each | Film || Pack || Only Each l%x2^ 2t4x2Vi. ..10 .25 .03 2 V, X3 >,i . ..10 •25 .01 2^x4V4 3y.x4 v,. j y. x5 4 x5 ..10 .05 .25 .05 Best Material Expert Work Prompt Service MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED Moller’s Photo Studio Thomasville, Ga. RESOURCES Demand Loans .. . ,J 640.5SS.23 Time loans 1,097,221.36 Overdrafts, unsecured. 2.14 Bonds and stocks own ed by the bank .... 130,791.92 Furniture and fixtures 12.164.23 Other real estate 40,213.06 Due from banks and bankers ln this State 399',316.32 Due from banks and bankers in other States . , 45,936.25 Currency . .11,116.00 Gold 27.50 ' Sliver, nick els, etc ... . 51.74 Cash Items . 10.03- 1,305.24 Other resources (Item ized) 15,293.83 TOTAL *2,391,743.08 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.* Surplus fund Undivided profits, less current expenses. In terest and taxes paid Savings deposits . ... Demand certificates .. Time certificates .. Trust funds . ..... 250,000.00 125,000.00 Bills payable, includ ing time certificates representing borrow ed money Other liabilities (item ized) 74,250.53 556.684.(0 93,118.85 ...1,017.897.13 36,535.1? 200,000.00 33,355.77 TOTAL *2.391,743.08 3TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—Before me came Al lan Sweat, cashier of The Oglethorpe Savings & Trust Company, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement ls a true condition of said bank, as shown bythe books of file In said bank. \ ALLAN SWEAT. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 10th day of June, 1916. c • GEORGE H. DIETER, Notary Public, Chatham County, Ga. W. H. ROCKWELL. Man.gcr. : : C. S. MALLARD, Accountant Thomasville. Georgia. Stag Semf-Paste ♦ Paint * Carter’s * White Lead * ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦►♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• INSPECT Our Complete Line of Brass Beds and Bed Room Furniture Wall Supply Company SmI» - ,N>oprs and Blinds Glass, Oils, and * Varnishes * ~ ■ "TV " 1 11 11 "Mr* . ♦ ♦ The Right Way IwvIm i‘ toa«n TO ATLANTA, GA. And Points In the NORTH and WEST; No. 73. Ns. 74. ... 9:60 AM 6:30 PM ...12:10 PM 8:50 PM Lv. Thomasville, Ga., A. C. L R. R... Ar. Albany, Ga A. C. L. R. R... Lv. Albany, Ga C. of Ga. Ry. Ar. Amerlcus, Ga C. of Ga. Ry. Ar. Macor.. Ga C. of Ga. Ry. Ar. Atlanta. Ter. St C. of Ga. Ry. ..12:25 PM 9:05 PM . . 2:05 PM 11:39 PM .. 4:40 PM 1:16 AM .. 7:55 PM 6:25 AM Pullman Drawing Room Electric Lighted Sleeping Car, THOMASVILLE to ATLANTA, on No. 74.' Passengers are allow ed to remain in car at Atlana until 7:00 a. m. PARLOR CAR, Albany to Atlanta on Train Nn, 14. CONNECTIONS are made ln Atlanta with The Sodtlilnnd. fast through train to Knoxville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Cleve land, Indianapolis, Grand Rapids and Chicago, and with the Famous Dixie Flyer for Chattanooga. Nashville. Evansville, Ft. Louis and Chicago. For Pall particulars. Tickets, Sleeping Cnr Ucrths, Etc., cnl! on or write to C. M. Hill, Ticket Ager.t. A. C. L.. Thotnasvilie. Ga., or L. W. Keith, Traveling Passenger Agent, C. of Ga. Rail way, Albany, Ga. ATLANTIC COAST, t LINE RAILROAD CENTRAL of GEORGIA RAILWAY.; THE RIGHT WAY DRS. JERKINS & STUART DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. MOULTRIE. .... GEORGIA PatienUmay le»ve over the A. B. & A.el 7:36 A M.or on A. C I„ ai 6:50 A. M. P. M. returning over the A. C. L. «t 4*0 P. M. or over the A. B. & A at ego p. M. to make the air blue. (THIS IS THE LAW. leted, while for the corresponding i week in 1914 there were thirty-five 0 I “Many, many more reasons for its!drunks docketed. The warring nations are paying 1 adoptloa ca “ ba ba ‘ >' our | were'sailors'wh^haTgouln 6 liTuor over a hundred million dollars per s P ace i 8 limited and if It were not;aboard ship and come ashore to en- any for educating neutrals In geog- tor the fact that The Times-Enter-' j° e y „ th ft r e ^‘“^eVtlonShowed* raphy for s«, far that's about all the P rIse loves to support such move- a far greater percentage of crime good we cau see In the contest. ments I would hardly dare to hope and 8erlo “ a disorders. o to see this much reproduced In your J " riri “' The Swalnsboro Forest Blade va luable paper, thinks Governor Harris made a “With the best wishes for the grave mistake alien lie pardoned hPaltl ‘ a “d progress and permanent l Btrtpllng nod even though support- Prosperity of our people, I remain. lug him doesn't Uestitate to condemn j that act. i "Sincerely, "WILL l. CURE.’ HUGHES VERSUS WILSON Mr. Hughes was also against Jus tices of (he Supreme Court running for office until the "great crisis" in ! " 1 American affairs demanded that the I "The man who, being on the high- It man on the bench or In the e8t Judicial tribunal, would consl^ Ihtry for that matter, should sac- er an °tber office, is fit neither for rifle* Is principles and come forth th ® one he holds nor the one to ’M lb* Moses. j which he aspires." 1 • — | This statement is attributed to When they begin to enforce this Charles Evans Hughes ln 1912. gtght per cent usury law, the banks Whether lt be true or not it abounds *01 leading money nnless th* In sound wisdom and trn* Judicial tntarmt amounts to . fifty onts nr (opinion. It Is a statement thst, un- orrr. which *111, of course, mean 1 der sny other than the preient con- Eft «M gat mar* money. jdltlon would be gladly accepted by 1 Get Satisfaction HOW? By getting one of Jerger’s Guaranteed Time Pieces in either Clock or Watch If they don’t keep time let us know and we will make them. Watches of all gfgdes, from $1 to the finest 23 Jewel Movements in Gold How about a Bracelet Watch? GIVE US A TRIAL Dr. A. D. Little OFFICE: Over Neel Bros. Broad Street. Special Attention to General Surgery and diseases of wcir.en and children. Phone office 144; Res. 267 .... * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ BUTTER 35c per pound The Best in the World—Try a Pound. FLOWERS ICE CREAM COMPANY PHONE 170. : DO. E. K. WHEELIS, * Special Attention to Deep Seated | and Lingering Diseeies. a You cant afford to neglect your 4 health, my treatment is directed to ♦ the disease and remores the cause. ♦ * Stomach, nerves. Kidneys end Heart 4 ♦ Sluggishness of Liver and Consti- 4 4 pation cured. , # Drop in and let me examine your : Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat. , ♦ Office over MaOetd-Vafaedoe * • Co’. Clothing Store. ♦ ♦ THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA.