The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 09, 1916, Image 4

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DAILY T7ME8-ENTERPRISE, Thomasvllle, Georgia, August 3rJ, 1916. Ingram Drug Co. Thomasvllle, Ga. Gentlemen: i One bottle of your Milks Emulsion cu.ed me. For , some time I had been suffering from pains In my chest and back. I tried a number of different remedies with no beneficial results. Seeing your recent advertising of this remedy I bought one bottle with the idea of taking a six bottle treatment, but after taking this one bottle all my aliments have disappeared. You may use this testimon ial, that others my get relief. Very truly J. W. BATEMAN. Employee S mthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Company. Thomasvllle, Ga. INGHAM Dlil'G CO„ Exclusive Agents for MILKS EMTL SION. Guaranteed to do as recommended or your money No Questions asked. P FOR YOUR icnic Lunch Nice Fresh Boiled Ham, Mortadella Sausage, Frankfurters, Chip Beef, —ALSO— Nice Salad Dressing for the Sandwiches. S. For the best meats and service call “Vann, The Meat Man.” ....PHONES—. .15 Get Satisfaction HOW? By getting one of Jerger’s Guaranteed Time Pieces in either Clock or Watch If they don't keep time let us know and we will make them. Watches of all grades from $1 to the finest 23 Jewel Movements in Gold Cases. How about a Bracelet Watch? GIVE US A TRIAL. |. FOR RESULTS TRY THE . WANT ADSi , Phones No. 12 and 66 FOR RENT—7-room Douse, Harda way Street. Apply Thomasvllle Variety Works. 6-tt. WANTED—To buy, your beef cattle. Call and see us. We pay cash. Bring us. your hides. Jarvis B. Watkins & Company. FOR SALE—My residence on Love ~t. Easy payments. R. H. Neel. 3-1 mi. LOST—Collie pup Monday morning. Reward for Information this office. 7-3t FOR SALE—A lot of fine mountain dogs for sale. Well trained for fox, coons and ’possums. W. C. Thornton, R 4, Gainesville, Ga 11-lm. FOR RENT—Dwelling, corner Daw son and Clay Streets. Apply next door to Miss Mattie Alexander. 9-21. FOR SALE OR RENT—Cottage Monroe St., 6 rooms and bath. See Mrs. R. A. Weldon. 9-2t Old Folks’ Best Friend That's what many call it, for it puta vim and vigor into old stomachs; rich, red blood into old veins; sound flesh on old bones. Drink a pint of this delicious, digestive tonic with esch mesh SHIVAR GINGER ALE. Your grocer will refund your money on first dozen pinto if you are not pleased with results. Bottled only by the celebrated SHIVAR MINERAL SPRING, SHELTON, S. 0. If your dealer has none in stock tell Kim to 'pKone. COOPER-BRACE Y GROCERY CO« Distributors lor Thomasvllle. STORIES OF REAL LIFE Interesting Game Tomorrow Afternoon— Tomorrow, Thomasvllle and Mon- ticello cross bats at the East 31de Park. It Is going to be a game for blood, one that will draw enthus iasm from many fans in this part of the State, as It is a contest for su premacy between two old-time and hard-flghtfng rivals. iMonticello comes strengthened with the active support of some of the old stars that used to ' make Thomasvllle fight hard, among them being Turnbull, Malloy and others. The two clubs played a twelve In ning tie in Monticello recently and they are out for this game for all it’s worth. Mr. Ardis McDougald, the best amateur umpire in this part of the world, is going to handle the indicator, which fact Insures a snap py played game. The Thomasvllle line-up will be; Duncan 11). Up- chu'-ch 3b. Henderson st. Pittman Cooper or Beverly p; Ansley 2b: Wimberly cf: Maclean If, and Hill or Grantham rf. The game 3tarts at three thirty, and all the fans who can should go out and get up some old time en thusiasm. Changes Announced in Excursion Plans— The Atlantic Coast Line Is sending out announcements canceling the advertised excursion to mountain resorts over the Southern Railway. Any other town to which the an nual excursion was announced than those reached by the Southern Rail way will be reached at the advertised rate. It can be readily seen that this cuts out the most Important part of North Carolina: Asheville and contiguous territory. The fist of towns to which tickets will not he sold on that date are Asheville, Brevard, Flat Rock, Hendersonville, Hickory, Lake Toxaway, Hot Springs, Lenoir. Lincolnton, Marlon, Saluda, Tate Springs, Tenn., Waynesvllle, Walhalla and White Stone Springs, S. C. The Southern is planning to run an excursion later for these resorts although that is not definitely de termined. It was probably caused by reason of the condition of the tracks In North Carolina. More Railroads Accepting Mileage Book*— An interesting announcement has come out in effect that after the first of September, the L. & X. and other smaller roads, including the Haw- kinsville and Florida Southern, the V. M. & W., and the Georgia, Flor ida and Alabama, will accept mil eage in payment for fares, as other railroads have been doing for some lime past. This will make it easier for the traveling public to obtain accomodations with mileage books. Roll Weevils Here Alright— A gentleman went tc ‘he fields of Mr. John Thomas, In the Metcalfe district, yesterday, and he found plnty of evidence of the boll weevil. Nearly every cotton bloom in the field has one to three matured wee vils In It, and he brought one back, In which there were three. It 13 believed that no further cotton will materialize, although the first crop MARKET JOTATIONS \EW YOHK COTTON. (Ly Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 9.—The relative ly eaBy cables and rather more fav orable crop advices from Texas and some of the Eastern belt sections caused a decline of T to 12 points at the opening of the Stock Market here today. Detailed weather report, showing a hundred degrees In Oklahoma steadied the market, and rallies fol- lowd on covering and bull support, and the market moved up practi cally to last alght’B closing. NEW VOItK STOCKS. (By Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 9.—Instead of be ing affected by yesterday's unfav orable crop report, tile stock mar ket today opened with' a general show of firmness, followed by pro nounced strength. Munitions, equip ments, Motors and Mexicans were materially uetter. Railroads were stirred to sudden activity and strength by reports of the arbitra tion decision of the railroads and their employes. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Aug. 9.—The following closing figures were posted at the Board of Trade here this afternoon: WHEAT— Close, p. C. September 1.4414 1.33% December 1.4 S 1.3 7 CORN— September 85 ,S3% December 72% .70% OATS— September 44% .4 3% December 47% .4 6% RIBS— September 14.00 13.97 October 13.72 13.72 LITTLE GIRL CENTER OF FIGHT BY AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELhv.UA PH COMJPAN Y—MES SAGES CAN BE SENT ACROSS U. S. FROM THAT POINT Mrs. Bacon of Albany, Its Foster Mother, Says She Will Not Relin quish Claim to the Child. Atlanta, Aug. 9.—When Cleland Bacon, a beautiful Georgia girl, whose classic dancing took New York by storm, died in a New York hospital last April as the result of operation for appendicitis, she thought her little daughter, Rovan- na, a golden-haired Child who inher its her mother's beauty, would re main undisturbed in the custody of Mrs. G. M. Bacon, of Albany, the foster mother of Cleland Bacon. But Cleland Bacon’s husband, W. B. McKerall, an automobile dealer of Mobile, Ala., from whom she se cured a divorce and the restoration oi her maiden name, has come on the scene with habeas corpus pro ceedings to recover posession of the child, and Mrs. G. M. Bacon is now In Atlanta for the purpose of fight ing the case through the courts. Visiting her brother in this city, Mrs. Bacon declares she will spend « fortune, if necessary, to prevent McKerall from taking the little girl, who is six years of age, from her. eastern markets on the iReid Place, near town. It is hoped that he will decide to return to Thomasville. Roscoe Luke May Enter the PREPAREDNESS Vam^i'nHand m ‘ n ^ lo * et Kcr for thm battle of life; here physical and mental develop- fDi^ded^r m^Ury rx^ller^efficiency and equipment by the U. S. War Department, this 1U,B ,rLf -ues sn envied position among preparatory schools. i hot and cold water, electric lights, steam heat. oratories, library and school equipment Y. M. C. A. and .- - - ----- — -*■- - , eac h student daily. Pr a? ■“•‘tsnr excellence, efficiency and . TART SCHOOL OF 1 HE SOUTH, occupU y ?* rr ? c 1 k *\ r * ***** completed; equipped with jyfurnished throughout. Modern laboratories........ . .... WWWI , MU i V ‘‘yof.oor training experu give Individual attention to each student daily. # i? “ lubno . u »- fr *T malaria. Outdoor athletics and indoor gymnastics, en- under faulty supervision with e*°er^v*d coshes. Championship football, baseball and ns. rail term opens September 12th. Rates reasonable. Barrack capacity limited. For new Ittaama. „ d catalogue address; . o. R. HORTON. A.B., President. Latea reasonable. Barrack capacity limited. Fern •# MILLEDGEV1LLE, CA. The White Bubbles in Your Ice Are nothing in the world but little bubble* of air. . We try to bail all this air out, but a few little bubbles will alway* past over into the ice can*. Theae bubble* go mainly to the center and cause the white core. These bubble* do not affect the purity of the ice. You need not hesitate to put our ice right in your milk, tea or water. IT IS 100 PER CENT PURE. THOMASVILLE ICE & M’F’G. COMPANY will make enough to save the grow- Congressional Fight er8 from absolute loss. It Is bellev- upon being more dangerous In that section than' race i n the second district,^stated to in any other. a rep0 rter In substance, as follows: I "As to the race between Judge Judge Cox a Visitor Here— 'Cox and Judge Park. I have had no Judge E. E. Cox, was a visitor to Intention to take any active part, de- LADIES’ SPRING AND SUMMER COAT SUITS Just one of a style. Unusual Values from $2.98 to $8.90 Finishing the season in our Millinery Dept. A Special lot of Hats and Shapes at 49c Large Ice Tea Glasaer, Regular 10c values, 5c each. The Fair. THE ONE-PRICE HOUSE TELEPHONE LINE SEINE EXTENDED TO CUBA Atlanta, Aug. 9.—Announcement was made in Atlanta today that the American Telephone and Telegraph Company ta extending Its tines down the East Coast of Florida, and will cable across to Cuba. The con struction began in Jacksonville about a month, and Is expected to be completed as far as Key West by the first of November. Then the cabling across to Cuba will begin. The approximate cost of const: uc- ting the line from Jacksonville to Key West is $753,000. The very best material is being u$ed and the life of the line is indefinitu. Heavy poles have been carefully selected and in addition a heavy coat of creo sote has been applied which will add to the life of the pole. Six copper wires will compose the line. The lines will be used for both telephone and telegraph purposes and will comprise six telegraph and, three telephone circuits, and all the circuits may be used at the same time without a telephone message interfering with a telegraph mes sage. The company hopes to con nect with every local exchange along the East Coast, and In that case probably all long distance mes sages will be transmitted over the line. Before the beginning of the work demonstration was made from Jacksonville to California, and proved entirely / successful. When the line reaches Key West, It will be given a thorough demonstration to California, New York and all dis tant cities In the United States, and will doubtless prove as successful as did the first one. beverly news items. the city today and as usual he circulating among his friends In his very cordial, affable way. He is a young, energetic and very interest ing man and one who has .Made many warm friends and admirers throughout the district. It *s cur- siring to leave it to these two gen- Rev. D. H. Parker Has Just Closed Successful Revival at Old New Hope Church. I Beverly, Aug. 9.—A very success ful revival was conducted at the Beverly school house by Rev. D. H. tiemen to fight It out between^theni-i Parl<er «*, Th °T“y llle ' , an i **I T ere selves on a high plane. 3o far as!* ere additions to the New I know, both gentlemen have as to I , H °Pf c , h “ rch 38 , a re * ult - The meet their own acts conducted such a Ing lasted a week, campaign. But from rumors now i Mr. James Holland spent Sunday alloat, Mr. Walter Park, a brother j with home folks, rently reported that Judge Cox Is of the congressman, instead of fol-' Several of the young people of making splendid headway In his lowing the lines of legitimate poll- 1 this community visited at the home campaign and hts calm, vigorous tics. Is seeking to aid his brother lot Mr. Arthur Partin last Sunday discussion of events of interest have by whispering slander. If he take31 afternoon. won for him much approving co-i- the stump for his brother, and fails j Hon. J. M. Dekis uf Thomasvllle meat. 1 to conduct the campaign on the i visited at the home of Mr. J. C. high plane of the candidates them-: Beverly last Sufmuy afternoon. J. M. Courlc Deceives Deserved j selves. I shall meet him.” I Mrs. E. M. Overstreet and daugh- Fromotion— i 1 iter of Eustls, Fla., and Mrs. E. P. Mr. John Martin Courlc, associat- Vnmly Steer Caused Much (McCollum and young son of Tavares ed with the Georgia Cotton Com- Commotion— I Florida are visiting relatives In pany for several years in this city An unruly steer, on Madison street!this community this week, nas been given charge of a new of- caused a lot of commotion about two The singing school, taught by lice of the compuny in Brunswick o’clock this afternoon. The steer, ar.d will leave In a short time to one of a herd of about sixty brought take charge. ..,r. Courlc has friends: here by Mr. Newton' to be weighed nere who will be glad to note his ad- before shipment, got away from the rest of them and began run' • ance and will wlBh him success. Whittingtons May Reside In Florida In Future— Mr. E. I. Whittington and family leave tomorrow for Live Oak, where they will spend a month. Mr. Whittington has disposed ol his In terests In this city and will proba bly make his borne In Florida, altho he has not yet definitely decided what he will do. He has been In the trucking business for several months nlng. Men jumped into the street and endeavored to stop the infur iated animal. After no little run ning, hurdling. Jumping and cutting up generally the animal was caught and thrown. He w r as later com pletely subjugated by the drivers of the cattle and put with the part of the herd already weighed. The fun. while It lasted, was fast and furious, and more than one curious person stopped for a few minutes In the and raised some very fine truck for | hot sun to witness the scrap. Prof. L. B. Buntln, of Pavo, closed last Friday afternoon a session last ing ten days. Miss Mary Banks of Iron City, Ala., returned home Friday after spending several weeks here as a guest of Miss Claude Stegall. Miss Stegall accompanied her home for a Visit of several weeks. A laVge number of the young peo ple gathered at the home of Mrs. M. C. Stegall last Sunday night and enjoyed a sing. Mr. E. Partin is expected home Friday from Newport Springs, where he has been spending the past two weeks for his health. Mrs. E. B. Curtis and son, Jultns ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ' ♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ “Hosiery Chat” NEEL BROS Most people may possibly know of the scarcity of desirable hosiery as well as the advance in prices. On account of a future contract we have just received a large and complete shipment. Our Honest Dollar Silk Hose at old prices: LLSLE, BLACK and WHITE in both the 35c and 50c quality. Also complete line of Buster Brown for 25c. N. B.—Try those Radmoor and Honest $ Quality. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ■ ♦♦ ««♦■•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦/♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * iS&llSHSfr i *. U /-• Curtis and Mr. Paul Curley of Bos ton visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cur tis last Monday. The game of baseball, played be tween the Beverly team and the Jv’ew Shiloh team last Saturday af ternoon was an Interesting one, the score being 10 to 11 In favor of Beverly. The game went for eleven Innings. We are having lots of rain but the farmers are pulling fodder and pre paring to pick cotton. Mr.Boll Weevil Is now In this community for an Indefinite stay. Mrs. Sallle Jarvis, of Cairo, left Tuesday for her home, after spend ing a few days here with her sister, Mrs. E. Partin. Mrs. M. J. Williams of Thomas vllle Is spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Cochran. Mrs. E. M. Overstreet. Mrs. M.' J. Williams, Misses Ethel Overstreet and Maytha Stegall and Mr.' J. P. McCollum motored to Boston Mon day afternoon. They report a de light trip. Messrs. Grady Crocker and Will Smith of May View attended the sing given at the home of Mrs. Ste gall laBt Sunday night. Hl’GE ARMY BILL READY FOR PRESIDENT'S NAME. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. 9.—The House today adopted the conference report on the army appropriation bill, car rying a total of $267,597,000. The Senate has already adopted the measure which now awaits Pres ident WlISon’B signature. fAlR AND SQUARE ** \A/E have every light to '' feel pleased because of the complimentary atten dance of happy purchasers who daily throng our estab lishment in quest of good foods. We serve them faith fully and well and they tell their friends about us. That keeps us pretty busy, you see. C. B. DIXON Phone 75 104 E. Jackson St. PHONE US F k OR YOUR FEEDS Cotton Seed Hulls, Cotton Seed Meal, Bran and Shorts, PureSWheat Shorts, Beet Pulp, SweetIGround Feed, Dry Ground Feed, Oats and Hay, Red Comb^Hen Feed. Game Poultry Feed, Red Comb Meat Mash, Quaker Beef Scraps, Course Grit, Fine Grit, Ground Oyster Shell. GRANTHAM & LESTER Where Quality Reigna Supreme, Phones 10.11 112 N. Broad St. For All Seasons Electricity-keeps you cool in sum mer and warm in winter; it lessens the labor of housework, and its many applications make it a nec essity in all departments of life. Our electric supplies and appli ances need only to be seen to be appreciated. We would like to demonstrate their usefulness to you. NEWTON ELECTRIC CO. TEA BLENDED IN EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND Shipment Just Received © © © © © Once a user -Always a User © -try it- I JIMES WITT & )©©©«©©»©©«©©©o©0© For That Tired Feeling .' Why not try that pleasant and efficient tonic— .. the world famous tonic? We have had much experience with VINOL and have seen lemarkable results from its use. If Jin doubt ask your neighbor. Thomas Drug Store The Rexall Store - • Phone 41 *■'«**» ftivjuijLay