The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, July 28, 1921, Image 5

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THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 28, 1(21. DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE THOMA8VILLE. GEORGIA. Don’t put off your Repair Wprk Phone us for your wants in Brick, Lime or Cement Sand Prompt Attention Given Small Orders James Gribben Special Sheet and Pillow Case Sale , JUST RECEIVED FROM Marshall Field Mills, Zion City, HI., special pur chase of sheets and pillow cases and sofa pillows.— I lot fine sheet's, full size 79c I lot fine sheet's, full size 88c l lot fine sheets, extra size 98c l lot fine sheets, extra size $1.29 1 lot Pillow cases, full size, per pair 49c 1 lot $1.50 and $2.00 sofa pillows, 59c W. Feinberg & Son Thomasville's Leading Furniture Store Comer Jackson and Madison Street The Home of clean Amusement GRAND —TONIGHT— ROBERT KARRON, JUNE WALKER and an all-star cast in a snappy comedy “COINCIDENCE” Breaking into houses was not exactly Billy Jenk’s long suit, but he turned sec-, ond story man to rescue his sweetheart from a lady-killed. More crowded with action, romance and fast furious fun than a three-ringed circus. Also a special two reel comedy "A LA CABARET" Hours: 4—6—8—10 P.M. Feature starts 8:15 10 and 25c TOMORROW CHARLES RAY in his newest and one of his funniest plays “19 AND PHYLLIS” and a two-reel Christie comedy "Red Hot Love." PERSONALS If You Have a Visitor Phone No. 12 or 66 Purina Cow Chow |s all feed, It contains no cheap filler or cheep •ngredients. Thats why every pound you feed shows in the milk pail, ORDER SOME COW CHOW TODAY 124 8. Golden Bros. Co. •read St Wholciale Qrocerln and Feed 184 THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA Mr. J. R. Rourke of Boston Is among the visitors here for the week. Mr. B. E. Tillman of Pensacola Is in town today on business. Mr. R. A. Peeples of Valdosta wns among the business visitors here yes terday.l LOCAL NEWS NOTES Guaranteed Every Day. Phone 820. Jersey Butter, D. C. Walker S Freah Bro. Messrs. D. C. Warren and Joe Legg of Valdosta were among the visitors here yesterday. Mr. Cato R. Davis of Atlanta was among the business visitors here for a short time yesterday. When you think of Fire Insurance think of J. T. Culpepper & Son. Thomasville and Monticello Wilt Play Tomorrow Afternoon— Tomorrow afternoon the local team has secured a game of baseball with Monticello here. The game will be played at the East Side School ground unless it is played at the Colored Baseball park. The game will com mence at five oclock and It is going to be a. warm contest as Monticello has a good team and has been playing Mr. Frank Spicer of Atlanta was L, , .... . . . fast ball, among the business visitors here yes Tosco Hotel To Be Given Com- 'Revival Meetings to Start at plete Reworking— j Pleasant Grove School House Plans are under way ror a complete 1 Rev. J. N. Crosley, of Pitts, Ga. renovation of the Tosco Hotel. In I will begin a series of meetings line with the well defined policy of j Pleasant Grove school house on Sun- the owners the entire hotel is being (day July the 31st, next. Everybody Is gone over with paint and kalsomine cordially invited to come and help this month and when completed will jus. j, jj MILLER. be in Jam up shape in every respect.! The rooms are being reflnlshed and J . TREEE - all dingy places freshened up both in ! ar e now feeding upon "the^ifa'gV'of the butldfng and Its equipment. ) pecan trees. Have your yard t ees or j orchard sprayed to rid them of this SEE ua for screen windows •Bdj{ , *j||l , lf Injurious Insect.. W. C. HAD- doors. Thomasville Variety Works. LEY ’ Phone 291 J J5-5t oly Young Minister Coming to Fill Methodist Pulpit— Rev. T. W. Lee, Is expected tonight 5 Phone 284 for City Drug Store’s PRE-WAR PRICES Magonlia Balm 75c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 50c Mavis' Cream* 50c Stillman's Freckle Cream . 50c Pond's Vanishing Cream 35c' Magic Cream 25c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 50c Pebecoco Tooth Paste 50c Colgates’ Tooth Paste 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste 25c The Cash Drug Store is The City Drug Store. Norwood=Pittman Garage Closes 10 P. M. OPENS 6 A. M. SERVICE IS CAUSE— , EFFECT IS PROFIT— Personal 8ervlcs Guarantee Both for you.—Ask Anybody or his friend. • • C. DEWEY OR C. GEORGE terday for a short time. One Brunswick Phonograph and Recorda at bargain, call 505-J. Mrs. R. L. Walker, and Master Lawrence Walker are spending a month in Highlands, N. C. For Prompt Service and Durabl Plumbing, Call R. B. Linson, Phon 136, No. 107 Remington Avenue. Mrs. G. W. Ferrell leaves tomorrow for Chicago to spend the month of August with her brother, Mr. Walter rhllpot. DO NOT wear glasses that are un becoming. A etyle that will suit YOU can be fitted by Lawhead. Mr. R. H. Dixon returned home to Miami, Fla., this morning after spend ing a short time with relatives in this city. Mrs. John Denham will leave tomor row morning for her home in Mont. Today, First Dog Day.— 1 This Is the first Dog Day and accord ing to some of the old time weather phophets if It rains today it is liable to rain on for forty days more. At this is said about so many other days, however, very tittle stress can be laid on it and Thomasville has already had a sufficiency of moisture. It is suld that mocking bird* do not sing during Dog Days hut as lhat Is the time they are moulting it is not probable that these days has anything to do with the matter. Dog Days of ten mean hot weather hut It Is hoped the record will be broken this year. SEE us ror screen windows and doo-c. Thomasvlllr Variety Works. 22^f Girl Arrested Here For Stealing Silk Dresses in Dothan.— Mr. Braswell was asked to find one Miss Annie Lou McComb in Thomas- vllle. She was wanted in Dothan for gomery, Ala., after a visit to her niece the theft of some silk dresses. Sher Mrs. Eugene Smith. | iff May of that county thought she Let u. do your”plumbing and el.o> ad come here ' Mr Bra,we " ,0,,,,<l trlcal work. Phone 203. W. F. Martin , her hero » hon ' y - after> notification j and the lady went buck this morn Mrs. R. H. Dixon left this morning, ing with the officer to face the for Albany and Eastman where she charge. She .was alleged to have hud will visit relatives prior to returning home to Mlumi, Fla. Rev. O. S. Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. Verdery of Augusta leave tomor row in Mr. Whitney's car for home alter spending several days very pleasantly here. TAXI 8ERVICE WHITE DRIVERS—PHONE 140. > 2-6t Mr. R. Summers, Mrs. C. O. Sum mers, Miss Kathiyn Summers, and Miss Anne Anderson of Barnesville composed a party spending a short time here yesterday. WALL PAPER Large Stock New Qsods—Low PHcec JAMES H. BROWN. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Richy left this week for New York from whence they sail shortly for Europe to spend several moaths. They will visit re latives in Berlin and other sections of Germany. 25% Reduction 25% on ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Electric Irons now ............. $6.75 Electric Toaster now .....; $6.75 Electric Percolator now $10.00 Electric Grill now $12.50 Electric Waffle Iron now $16.00 Bostively no further reductions this year say the factories, James Watt & Brothers I Read Ingram's Ad for Specials. Saturday 28-2t Mr. R. H. Schell, who has been I 1 connected with the Tosco Hotel for •; some months has resigned to accept »| a position with the Aragon Hotel it 11 Jacksonville. Mr. Schell’s friends ' I here are sorry to see him leave the | city. | First data plumping, heating am | wiring. Phone 203. W. F. Martin. | Mr. and Mrs. John Watt will leave tonight for Macon, where they will spend a few days with Mrs. Watt’s i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daraour | before going to Virginia, where they j will be members of the Yellow Jacket • Camp, at Island Ford In the Shenan- !daah Valley. * -Wins the Wise to Praiee." Every heroic act measures treelf hi It* contempt of tome external good. Hot It flnde Its own success at lost, and then the prudent also «jckL— on the stolen garments wheq arrest ed. / Sewing Class Meets In Paradise Park.— The Sewing Class of the Community Service met this morning in Paradise Park, with twenty-seven members present. The meeting was an especially pleasant one and enjoyed the privilege of having three new volunteer teach ers, Mrs. John F. Lamb, Mrs. Hicks and Miss Bessie Merrill. The thanks of the Class are due the Flowers Ice Cream Company for a treat to cream enjoyed after the sewing. Following this the girls in dulged in some bright games. The next meeting will be held next Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock in the park. Another swimming party is being looked forward to with interest, the date for which will be announced soon. John L. Herring of Tlfton Head* Associated Dailies— At the meeting of the Associated Dailies of South Georgia, held here yesterday, the following officers were selected: John L. Herring, of the Tlfton Gazette, President; Walter D. Hargrave, of the Tlmes-Enterprise. Vice-President, and C. B. Allen of the Moultrie Observer, Secretary and Treasurer. President John A. Davis and Sec.-Treas. Lovelace Eve, were commended and congratulated on the manner In which they had conducted affairs and the Interest that had been engendered in the Association. Cor-^ dele extended an invitation for thei next meeting through Charles E.| Brown, of the Dispatch, and it was ac-j cepted to occur in October, third Wed* I nesday. The local newspaper repre-l sentatives and the Rotary Club were thanked for cordial attentions during their stay here. After the formal ses Slons had adjourned, several of the visitors were taken In charge by Mr. Clyde Neel and shown the beautiful. Neel Jersey Farm and other places of j interest hereabouts. ! and will be located In Thomasville, as assistant in charge of the Metho dlst church until the meeting of the South Georgia Conference this fall, when permanent arrangements will be made. Mr. Lee will fill the pulpit during the absence of Mr. Seals, who has been given a vacation on account of his health. E. M. SMITH'S Insurance Agency represents more than $100,000,000.00. Insures DWELLINGS against lost or damage by FIRE, LIGHTNING, WIND STORMS, CYCLONES and TORNA DOES. A very attractive policy. Call and investigate. 6-16tf Fountain at the Court House Cleaned Out— The county has been running a drain pipe was finished inis week but the drain that led from the fountain to the street was stopped up. The foun tain itself was very dirty and in order to clean it out the water had to he balled. This was done and this morn ing the water is being turned hack. The drain will be repaired shortly and it may he possible that the water wll again spout out of the top of the fountain. We sell stove wood. Phone orders to 780. Neel-Bracey Wood Yard. . 7-9-lm Executive Committee of Mercer As sociation Holds Meeting.— The Executive committee of th? Mercer Association held their regular monthly meeting at the Baptist Pas- toritim here this morning at eleven o’clock. The members of the committee in attendance were Rev. Mr. Anderson, Quitman; H. C. Marrlson and Mr. Kurvis, J. J. Parramore and E. Z. Barrow, Boston; J. W. Horne and Dr. W. M. Harris, Thomasville. Phone 243 tor your Cal. Iceberg Lettuce and Kalamazoo Celery. Fresh arrivals, on ice each day. GEO. SAMPSON 106 E. Jackson St. 21-6t Missionary Society Circle Complete Study.— The members of circle three of the Women’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church of Thomasville have Just completed the study of the mission study, the Bible and Missions, by Mrs. Helen Barrett, ot Montgom ery, and have stood the exam nation and received their certificates. Those receiving certificates were Mesdamos L. H. Jerger, B. W. Stone, Emma Dekle, J. a. Sherrod, J. W. Stegall, H. H. Vann, Annie Sullivan, J. F. Lamb. W. C. Carter, J. S. Mont gomery, Sr., O. G. Fleetwood. G. H. faenfeke, J G. Seel, A. f: Whipple, W. M. Harris, and Miss Daisy Neel. The members of other Circles, of the Society, hope to soon complete their studies. Have You Gotten Your Supply of Slippers Yet? THEY ARE STILL GOING AT 1-2 PRICE at Warshaw’s Cut Price Shoe Store it OMEGA Is a P/lain Flour WHITE RING Is a Self-Rising Flour THEY ARE THE BEST F. B. MAIRRBS CO. Wholesale Distributors Phone 37 ANYTHING YOU BAKE can be no better than the flour you use. Why take chances? l’lie country wide popularity of our tin- evcelled flour, and the un rivaled esteem in which It is held everywhere, by housewives who know these facts should be sufficient to convince you, that its use Is indispensable In getting best baking re sults. ROUNTREE GROCERY CO. MASTODON PANSIES strain of giant pansies, later than this week in* challenges the world to equal them in size and beauty. There are reds and bronzes, many light colors, etc., not seen lu ordinary pansies. And there are ruf fled ones. We will handle Steele’s pansies the coming season. Also, we will handle other good strains. The prices: will make them as low as possible. THOMASVILLE NURSERIES 1*. J. HJort and Son. Proprietors 'Phones. 2502 and 2903. "Our Buslneas Is Growing." P P * P P P ! p * P P P P P P P .t •i p if p ■t p if p HONEY Bread and Butter Fresh Meats and Groeeries Canady & Heisler Phone 52 imsggssnsggsgnn p p p P P p p P p p p P p P P P P P p p p p P p p P 4 P \ a