The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 09, 1922, Image 2

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.T‘y"Ewi’rn7"j • •; 5 DAILY TIME8-ENTERPRI8e, TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 9 ,1922. DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE Dally and Semi-Weekly Times En terprise. Published at the Tlmes-En- terprise Building by the Tlmes-En- • Co.. Thomasvlile. Oa. Entered et the Thomasvlile Poet Office to/ Transmission through the Malls aa Second-Class Mall Matter. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use. for re-publlcatton. of all news dispatches credited to It, or otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Ail rights of re-publlcatlon of special dispatches herein are also 1 hereby reserved. To Insure Insertions, All Change For Standing Advertisements Must Be Handed in by Nine O'clock of the I day of which they are to appear. Subscription Rates:— l’ally, One Month 9 .M Daily, Three months 1.11 i 'ally. Six Months 1H iipiliy, One Year S.H Kdi tor's Desk. ANENT PISTOL. TOTING GEORGIA WILL NOT GET A NEW CONGRESSMAN. ! ______ 1 The pistol toting hab't is still a It was thought at one time that matter of much speculation and dis- Georgia would have an added Con* cussion in Georgia. It is admitted &re*sman during the present decade) thut the present laws have failed to end a special committee of the legisla-1 cur b th e tendency of men to carry a Made in Georgia ought to mean well made. The mosquito is the only one that don't see too much in a bathing suit. The professor that says brains unnecessary, must speak from experi ence. The United Slates Marines in China are urg^d not to break up anything of value. Spring cleaning involves a check or two that is bigger than might have be<'U hoped. If there are more men than women in Thomasvlile, they don’t make the same showing. The Socalist party in this country has about backed off the boards and given up in disgust. The jingo journals are being jazzed about like a rubber ball of a yellow color. The rats that played a guitar during the night haven't got anything on the cats, at that. Whenever a man loves too much he ts usually found expending his affec tion on himself. If the cost of living has been reduced twenty per cent, since 1920, it’s good news, indeed. May mosquitoes are around and about in spots, where they let water stand too long. The bride and the jeweler both agree that the ring on the hand is where it ought to be. There may be some fellow willing to pay fifty cents per bottle for beer, but we haven’t found him. The hay fever season seems to have struck in some places, judging by the sneezes and red eyes that are noted. lure was appointed for the purpo: redistricting the state, with the end in view of establishing the lines of the new and extra district. This, how ever seems to have proven a mistake but the committee will meet anyway and discuss some proposed changes in the present arrangement. The committee will meet soon in Atlanta to consider the changes that might seem advisable and will make a report to the legislature, which may or may not be followed. It is certain ly not particularly necessary to worry about changes when there are no new districts to be formed, perhaps this being the first instance where it is not in many a decade. Yet there are certain dissatisfactions that could be eliminated without undue harm to anyone and it is just os well to do this, provided they to not stir up more of a similar kind in th»* process of transfer. MR. DAVISON’S MODESTY. Mr. Henry p. Davison died under a second operation for a tumor upon the brain at his home in New York on Saturday i good days duriug the past win- Mr. Davison could be seen in bis little Dodge automobile in front of the Thomasville Post Office, saluting his friends and acquaintances who pass ed with a wave of the hand. Every several days he would leave the car to visit his physician in the Masonic Building. Once, during the winter, the patient insisted that the ound. which was giving him some trouble, be opened and he was sent to York for this purpose. Within a days he was seen upon the streets getting his mail in the usual way and stating that the abscess in his head had burst on the way north, giving him relief, the New York physician Jolng nothing but sending the patient •ack South. People who think importance is al-1 ways accompanied by ostentation bad, Iftticultv in realizing the position Henry P. Davison in the world. well known in Thomasville. but; ! dangerous weapon, tracts indicate j that the results are dangerous and that hundreds‘die every year by reas on this tendency or habit. Senator Gohicke would restrain men by more formidable laws than have ever been passed and he has reached the point where he believes that the right to bear arms guaran teed in the constitution should not be construed to apply to those, who might recklessly and carelessly use them in taking human life There is much to think about this contention for the abridgement of the right to bear arms cannot construed to take away any vested rights that are safe and sane, whan men carry guns for the sole purpose of having a handy weapon when they get into trouble that could with in finitely more justice be settled with out a gun. We never will live to see the day when the coward or the drunkard will not invoke the aid of gunplay and this means death and buffering, where there should be none, How many men are hung for tak ing human life these days? How many of those who take human life have a pistol illegally concealed about their person? When you consider these two things Senator Golucke is to be encouraged in any method that will legally abate the habit. THE HAPPIEST MAN. Recently a search has been mode tor “the happiest man,” with varying degrees of success. A Georgia news paper claims to have found the hap- f man, and a Texas newspaper en ters its choice as follows: "A Georgia paper claims to have found the happiest man in the world. The man lives in Xorth Georgia. He has six fiddles, ten children, thirteen hounds, a (leaf and dumb wife and a I moonshine still that has never been | spotted by enforcement officers. "No doubt the Georgian is a hap py man,” says the Memphis Scimitar, j “but we believe we know a genus [homo who is getting more Joy out of life than the Georgian. Our hero is Blue is the prevailing color in styles, they say. but that don’t mislead those who hanker for a light pink or a deep red. The garden truck of this county, piled up In one place, would make Stone Mountain look like a toy sand pile. If the equator has changed it isn't any different from a lot of other re liably fixed things of this day and time. The old-fashioned boy used to dread the hickory and the modern youth dreads to ask for another gasoline ticket. • The five thousands living iu tents in Ohacago to avoid paying excessive rents, are not keeping folks away from the city. The dreamy-eyed maiden often fools somebody into thinking that she knows what she is dreaming about, and he falls for it. If Harding has already shaken hands with a half million people he ought to be fully satisfied that he can do the Job to perfection. Wrigley says that the American dol Ur is coming into its own and that moans that they have quit chewing the rag and taken to gum. Mr. Wilson never has quite gotten over the habit of trying to influence ▼otera by writing letters on his politi cal views, in certain states. The husband that makes himself in dispensable around the home is the one that has a wife to stay at home and appreciate what h* does. The stiff collar and patent leather ahoe crowd doesn't go as tar as they once thought they did. The man that works la having his day in the world at this Ciam. / " A rA* jSSSteg, - - negro, about six feet high. He most of his acquaintances thought of' preacheg |n the 8llrnmertime and him only as a citizen of this vicinityj il | loo ^ s craps in the winter. He can many of them failed to asso-j wear an 0Ve rcoat in August without elate his name at all with the outside ^ discomfort, and a seersucker in Janu- arid. | ary without feeling cold. Anybody's When Mr. Davison was appointed j shoes fit him and all his neighbors head of the Red Cross during the war. j raise chickens He wields a razor so pending his winters at Sunny j savagely that every negro in the Hill on the Springhill road between; community is afraid to kick one of Thomasville and Tallahassee, which j his dogs or smile at one of his wives.” at that time belonged to and Is now have no candidate to enter, occupied by Mr. L. S. Thompson. \ a,hl * The Scimitar, nor one who is When the news of fhe appointment' elifsihle to compete with the for spread upon the streets of Thomas- ville. the writer heard the question several times asked. “Which Mr. Davi- • ° son?” and the answer invariably was' AFRICA’S OIL COAST “The one who lives at Sunny Hill be-, j -onc j on reports u f 0 j| pools and the soldiers about half an inch, while tween here and Tallahassee. Igushers in the Gold Coast Colony of Jthe stately officers reach seven West African sustain the opinion of‘eighths of an inch midable aspirants annah Press. described.—The great cables sagging from tree tc tree. These ‘creeers’ are popularly known as n:onkey-rope, appropriately enough, since many varieties of mon keys are to be found in these forests. “With the exception of the horizon tal network of ‘monkey-rope* those thickets are vertical forests as truly as New York has been called a Verti cal City.’ They furnish a mute ex ample of inanimate objects valorous ly striving for their places in the sun light. Not only are the trees over grown, but it would seem that they had pulled aloft, to a similar scale, the bushes which often are twice as high as a man and the weeds, which graze your shoulder instead of entang ling your feet. “Finally, so fertile is the equatorial soil, that nature is far from satisfied with the plant life which clutters the soil and cranes its foliage aloft to get a speck of sunshine, but nourishment is afforded a second crop of parasitic plants, such as the orchids which grow from the branches of the Bora- bax trees. “The Gold Coast Colony stretches along some 270 miles of a harborless coast, and extends back for about half that distance to the border of Ashan- Its government seat, Accra, which escapes by only a few degrees of hav ing both a latitude and longitude of zero, is reputed to be especially un healthful. The entire region is hot and damp, has two rainy seasons, and is swept by that peculiarly dust-laden Sahara wind, the harmottan. Along this coast lies Kormantine. famous as the place where slaves first were exported, which the name, Cor- mantynes, to the West Indies slaves which came from this region. Of the estimated population of a million, fewer than 2.000 are Euro peans. The most noted of the native peoples are the Fanti whose women of light brown skin are pretty. Their favorite perfume is distilled from the excrement of snakes. Shark flesh, sun dried is a favorite edible. Among them, as among many primitive fight ing peoples, mothers are held in high esteem. Property is inherited by the oldest son or the oldest sister. Land is held in a communal fashion, the possession of a gold ‘stool’ being the badge of a chief’s authority to the lands over which he holds sway. Areas are assigned to families but they revert to the community upon the holder’s death. “Trees, plants, animals, snakes and insects are found in amazing variety. Here, as in many other verdant tropi cal regions, flowers are not nearly so abundant. The animate curiosity of the Gold Coast is the driver ant. which also constitutes its worst pest. The driver-ants constitute the stand ing army of the insect world. They |have a system of caste and rank, and j the naturalist gravely tells that the {workers are a quarter of an inch long. HARRIS TIRE REPAIR SHOP We Do First Class Tire Vulcanizin g| BRING US YOUR WORK. THOMASVILLE. GA. Phone ST5-W. Crawford St PHOTOGRAPHED YOUR BIRTHDAY IVIoller’s P hoto Studio* SHOULD YOU NEED WE MAKE ’EM Cabinets of all kinds- Library Tables Breakfast Suites. Porch Furniture. Sash and Doors Re-wire and make Screens. • Truck Bodies DON’T WAH'—PHONE 888-J. CLAY BROTHERS CARROLL HILL & We Specialize On QUALITY SERVICE and Conservative Profits We have the best in Native and Western Meats of all kind —Call us— -THE- Enterprise Market 301 W. Jackson St. Phone 227 L 6. BRASWELL DEALER IN HUDSON AND ESSEX Automobiles __ Garage and Sales Room North Madison St. Opposite Grand Theatre Mosquitoes Are In Thomasville Screen Doors and Windows to Fit any Door or Window Mosquito Nets to Fit any size Bed are found at— WATT SUPPLY CO. A PLAN TO ENCROACH ON • THE I EIGHTEENTH AMENDMENT. ,nany ,hal tU ‘ 8 U the I richest area in the world for its size, The effort to change the eighteenth j a( . cor ding to a bulletin from the Nat- amendment to permit the sale of j | ona , l:e0Kra pi l)c Society. liKht wines and beers Is t,ein R some, j ,. ColumbuB belleved , 0 have doDe {some of his apprentice exploring dong the Gold Coast shores before he what carefully considered in those states where the prohibition law is I opposed and flagrantly violated. Par-1 tieulurly is this in New York, New I Jersey and certain other Kastern or I New Kngland states, where they I < laini to have had the prohibition I mutter thrust down their throats. The House of Congress has a bill before it that would add to the 18th amendment a section in effect that 2:75 per cent beer is not Included in what is termed "intoxicating drinks” The sale of light wines and beer would therefore be legalized under government control, according to this measure, which would be submitted to a referendum in each state, where it was to be invoked and no legisla ture would have the right to pass on if before the matter had been present ed to the people so that they might understand what issue would be de cided by those whom they elect. The movement will undoubtedly get warm support in many quarters. It win be as bitterly opposed in others, where the people realize that it is merely an opening wedge to bring back a flood of wines, beers and stronger drings that will be sold over the open bar or with reckless disre gard for all law as is evident In many cities, some of them South of the Mason and Dixon line. Likewise maid In Georgia ought to mean well mated. set sail for America and many an emancipated slave of our southland could find his family tree among the natives of this British Colony. The golden age of the Gold Coast, com mercially considered, was in the duy> of flourishing slave trade, and the oil fields promise again to outbuy the entire product of the gold grains win nowed from the sands of the many rivers of this region. # “When you read that three-fourths of the colony is covered with thick forests you get a very inadequate idea of what you would see could you look upon the amazing fastnesses of Bombax trees, piercing the skyline at a hundred feet, with columnar trunks free from branches below the top quarter-length. The trees you know best are like Icebergs In til*t their bases, or root systems, ore under the surface. These foreign giants remind you of your children’s Christmas tree, buttressed by wbat look to be huge triangular supports. Should you dig beneath one of these buttresses you would find tiny tendrils, such ** those which might nourish a sapling. In the spaces between these buttress es natives somotlmes pitch primitive tents. ‘The Impression of * forest of tele- Are automobiles to continue in com mon use? Anybody that cant answer that question hasn’t hot emt much la phone pole# l* further conveyed by the put ten yean. "A ‘crack-regiment’ of driver-ants, solemnly says the Oxford Survey of the British Kmpire, marches ‘in close formation, perhaps twelve abreast, forming a line some two inches wide, the soldiers being distributed along the flanks and at regular intervals amongst the workers, on much the same plan as that laid down for a British Column in this country. The force travels at the double, and gen erally at night, taking as straight a line as possible and selecting ail available cover, an advance party hav ing already prepared the way. These insects construct tunnels in exposed spots, perhaps 30 feet in length, with a height and breadth which may be as much as 1 inch, and provided with airshafts. Kvery animal makes way for them, for they will attack any thing in their path, even fire, their Bystem of communication enabling them to send reinforcements to any threatened point” Price Redneed My price on Auto clean ing now reduced but my good work and quick service remain the same. DAN ROBERTS Auto Cleaning Station, Next to Grand Theatre Madison Street Toilet Soaps 15c Cakes at 10c Oolgates ‘‘Big Bath*’ Jergens “Bath Tablet” A refreshing and Lasting Toilet Soap CITY DRUG STORE Cor. Jackson & Madison Sts. Phone 284 The gasoline that lan’t sold on Sun- day, In Thomasville, seems to worry lot of tolks that want to come here for a Joy ride In the afternoon and seemingly had rather patronize Thom- aarille filling stations. Bryan thinks we are not descended from monkeys and Conan Doyle thinks we can communicate with the other world. It Is a litUe opinion that a Mg man can’t make go. THE UNIVERSAL CAP Prices Reduced on Ford sagaaaagiaMMiiiii! — t M—— ■ i :__j Service and Parts Many FORD owners are not aware of the fact that Ford repair parts have been reduced between 30 per cent and 40 per cent in the last twlve months. Parts prices are now in line with car prices. In addition our contract labor prices have been reduced: For example the opera tion, "Overhaul motor and transmission,” is now $22.50 for labor as against $25. old price, and other charges in proportion. You cannot afford to let your car need repairs at these prices. Remember GENUINE FORD PARTS and AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION TODAY IS THE DAY OF SPECIALISTS Our Repair work carries the same guarantee that a new FORD car does. WHY EXPERIMENT? Thomasville Sales Company Authorized Ford Dealers