The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 11, 1922, Image 1

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WEATHER FORECAST GENERALLY PAIR TONIGHT AND FRIDAY. LITTLE CHANGE IN TEMPERATURE. ODVERTISIRO FORMS CLOSE NINE A. M. MILT CficngM of Copy Received after'*! tlmo are schsduled to run the 'next day. VOL. XXXIV. No. 160. THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA. THUR8DAY AFTERNOON, MAY 11, 1022. 85.00 PER ANNUM FACTORIES TO BE IN Society is to be Formed for That Purpose and Will Take Charge of All of the Work it Is Stated in Chicago Meet ing Today. (By ABHocnued Press) GIRL SCOUTS TO HAVE BEAUTIFUL CAMP ON THE BANKS OF OCHLOCKNEE Plans Perfected for Erection! Of Camp on the Chinquapin Plantation.—Mr. Archbold Allows Use of His Land and Assists in Plans. Plans have been perfected for the erection of one of the most attractive and commodious Girl Scout camps in the state on the Ochlocknee river. NEW PROPOSAL FOR LI Farmers' Council Head Says Ford's Offer Will Not Make Fertilizers Cheaper to The American Farmers. CHICAGO JAILS CROWDED WITH SO-CALLED LABOR LEADERS DU? TO RECENT BANDIT Police Say Hoodlums bor Leaders Fight and Crowd of ig as La- Called for Will Get It. —Habeas Corpus Refused. (By AMorl&tad Preso) The site Is on Chicago, Ill., May II.—Operation of ! ’ Uon, about a quarter of all Soviet clothing ond textile factor- lea In Russia, will be turned over to an American worker*’ society, to be known as the Amerlcan-Ruaslan trade Industrial workers a}soci.iilnn, with a capitalization of not list than a mil lion dollars. It was announced today at the biennial convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. ST. PAUL REPORTS FIRST DEATH FROM HEAT THIS SOMMER (By Associated Press) 8t. Paul, May 11.—One death from heat yesterday was reported and to day the temperature reached 86 de grees The victim, an unidentified woman, died on a street car. EX-GOVERNOR OF VERMONT IS DEAD (By Associated Press) Washington, D. C., May 11—A new proposal for lease and operation of I Chicago,'III.. May 11. — Declaring .... the Muscle Shoals projects, submitted that he agreed with the police that the Chinquapin Plants-j. by L - Stern, consulting engineer and ,“Chicago was In a state of warfare," mile from ma !>uracturer, of Baltimore, was JJudge Scanlon today refused to Issue (lie Archboltl home, located on a bluff made publlc tpda y by Chairman Nor- j writs of habeas corpus releasing Cor- forty feet above the river, with a won*|' of the Senate -agriculture commit* jnelius Shea and John Lafferty, labor derfully attractive arrangement for/ 66 ' .leaders who were arrested In connec- eomfort and shade I ster " H,rered to ,nke 0VBr the P rop ' tlon with the killing of two policemen Mr. Archbold is very much interest- 6rt ‘ 68 for operu,lon for a “ lerm o( 25 yesterday. jor 60 years or such other time od in the enmp. and allowed the use, , ,. „ . . I may he agreeable,’ to complete the of his place for this purpose and has' . . _ . . . , „ .... „ . .. , .plants at government cost, to repay mater'auy assisted in .11 of the Plans- j #|| eIpendltures aIready ma , le at Mus . He has had the place cleared and all cl „ shoa , 8 „ th , rete ot two per cent arrangements made for sanitation and. annllally . The power development at running water, free of charge. Owing ; , be sboa , 8 W0uld be used to “manu- to the condition of the river at this lacture fertilizers to such an extent spot the girls will be deprived of the a8 m ., y bc feasible,’’ and other prod- prlvllege of bathing. lucts. The site was built on a alight-1 Benjamin C Marsh, managing direo- ly sloping bluff and will consist of I tor of the Farmers National Council four dormitories, a mess hall and j declared the offer submitted by Hen- kitchen, and store room and bathing ■ ry Ford, "does not. as he himself houses. The mess hall will be located, sa >'- s . give any assurance whatever of at one ond of a square and will be 24 icheaper fertilizers.” by 36 feet, with a kitchen 14 by 41 feet j "U is doubtful,” the witness contln and a store and wood house adjoining, j upd ‘‘whether the farmers would, save The room will he equipped with four over ten to fifteen millions yearly tables with benches, arranged so that through this proposal. The price they cau be pushed back and leave therefore Is altogether too great, for practically the entire room free for tbe proposal opens the door for the amusements of various kinds. .financial interests of the nation to Directly opposite the mess hall. on 1 Practically grab all of the natural re- the other end ot the square, a distance sources on the hundred year lease M .of 126 feet away, will be three dorml-' whlch ' vould «ost the farmers at least (By Associated Press) Rutland, VtV, May 11.—Allen Fletcher, of Cavendish, former Gov-j tor)os paeh 18 by 36 (eet , wtth amp i 0 twenty and possibly fifty times as ernor of Vermont, and onq of the I room for sixteen cots each, and win- much as any proba ^ le advanta * 6 ‘ h6y states richest men, was-found dead In j doW8 and doorg BO arranged a8 t0 g i vo might get out of cheaper fertilizers." his room In the Berwick hotel here today. plenty of light and ventilation. I noi/r IWnTICTPV 16 At one side of the square will be a, vUlVC llll/Ujlill Id dormitory 18 by 18 feet, for tbe direc tors and captains, who will be in charge of the camp, and at the other aide there are sanitary arrangements ifor bathing purposes, with showers FOR FLOOD RELIEF |nnd all modern equipment. In the j center of the square will be a flag pole. (By Associated •>«••> J Running water is provided In the Washington, D. C., May 11.—The buildings: the sanitary arrangements RED CROSS CHAPTERS ASKED TO RAISE MONEY SUFFERING FROM LOSS OF COAL SUPPLIES (By Ansociated Press) Pittsburgh, Pa., May 11—The coke industry has lost 97.760 tons since the strike was called on April first, ac* •v - . . ... u .; coTding to the weekly review ol the local Staplers of the Ataerlcan Red are to be attended to by Mr. Archbold Conne „ 8vme Courler . made public t0 . -Cross were requested today by John jand everything will be made of good. day 0nly 23 of the 62 pIant8 than Barton Payne, national chairman, to 8U bstantlal lumber. The materials )n operation are now working, solicit contributions for the fund for f ba t are | 0 go | D | 0 th*- camp were fur- relief In the flooded valleys of the a | sb ed by various dealers and lumher- Mlssissippl, Illinois and Ohio rivers. | men here at eost At least half a million dollars needed, Payne said. CHICAGO POLICE ROUND UP 400 LABOR LEADERS IN RAIOS Chicago, III., May il—The detective bureau and city Jails were crowded to day with tour bundled labor leaders and others, held In connection with the murder of two policemen yester day and the bombing of two buildings. Rewards totalling |20,000 have been offered for arrest of the slayers. Two men have been pointed out as resembling the men In the automobile from which the shots were fired that killed acting lieutenant police Ter- tance Lyons. "The slaughter of the policemen was the inevitable result of the tactics em ployed by F’red Mader, Tim Murphy, Cornelius .Shea and other hoodlums and ex-conrlcts who have gone about posing as labor leaders” Chief ot Po lice Fitzmorrls said. -Now they want war and the police department will give it to them. I have Instructed of ficers to round up all'those hoodlums and place them under lock and key.” F’red Mader, president of the build ing trades council, saltj that a mistake had been made, and that officials will find other than labor men are to blams for the crime. — . 1 ■■ • • T ZEP FDR OF S. C. To Take the Place of the One Allotted This Country in the Versailles Treaty, it is Stat ed.—German Crew Will Pi lot Ship to America. Selection of Governor to Be Sent to the Senate Shortly.! —May Resign Governorship j To Accept Place.—Lfbuten- England and France May ant Governor Succeeds Him. Find Something in Which to Mar the Relationships That Are Bordering on Trouble- Now. EH’; TO CONTEST WILL (By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) Versailles. May 11.—Oermany will, Washington, D. C., May 11.—Selec- manufacture a Zeppelin ot seventy tlon of Governor Robert A. Cooper, of thousand meters capacity to replace | South Carolina, to fill the vacancy on the one allotted to the United States j the federal farm loan board caused by the Versailles treaty, but destroyed ! by the recent resignation of Aabury In Germany, under award ot the am- j Lever is understood to have been introduction of the Palestine mandate bassador’s council which allows Am- jmade by the President I question Into the agenda of the meet- erica three million gold marks in rep- i The nomination of Cooper is expect- 'ing of the League of Nations Council aratlon. jed to -be sent to the Senate shortly, j which began today, is likely to make The ward was authorized by the In- | He * s now serving his second term as .the session one of the most Import- ter-allled war council, which still has ! 0overnor of South Carolina, and his “ n t to-be held. its seat here, controlling all military term expires next January. Announcement by Earl Balfour that questions relating to former enemy I His acceptance of the office necessl- be intended to make a demand for states and operating under the chair- tates his resignation ns Governor, in [immediate approval of the British raanshlp of Marshal Foch. jWhtch event he will be succeeded for mandate, following a formal agree- One of the conditions Is that a Ger- .the remainder of the term by Wilson ment on the matter between the Unit- man crew shall take the Zeppelin to iC. Harvey, of Charleston, present ed States and Great Britain, has amiu- the United States, although several [lieutenant governor. jed League officials. They see in this American officers probably will ac- 1 mmiUrTm ■ n Mmi^neiunn. action the possibility of further fric- contpany the crew in the flight. TRIAL OF GOV. SMALL BEGINS Former Illinois Governor on Trial for Fraud and Only 50 People Attend Trial. (By Associated Preu) Waukegan, Ill., May 11.—The trial of Gov Len Small on charges of con spiracy to embezzle state funds be- gan formally this morning when WHERE WAS CHRISTOPHER tlon b et* ep n Great Britain and France . unless some agreement not made puh- GOLUMBUSBORN? i lie exists between them over disposal !of Palestine. Spain Will Make Investiga tion to Ascertain if He Was Bom in That Country. (By Associated Press) Madrid, Spain, May 11—An attempt has been made to prove that Christo* RU88IAN REPLY HANDED TO ITALIAN MINISTER TODAY Genoa. May 11.—Foreign minister Tchitcherln. ot Soviet Russia, handed the Russian reply to the allied mem- pher Columbus was born In Spain. orandum today for8 Hn> minister The subject came up for discussion B. 1 8chanzer ’ of I , ,aly ’ ,n ,he the Spanish congress, when Deputy room at the Pala “° ReaK A ,Hend ' Inlesias stated that documents and ly conversation of 45 minutes follow- ed in which Tchitcherln stressed the fifty spectators were in the court. RED CROSS GIVES WEEK’S RATIONS ID FLOOD SUFFERERS Fred Mortimer, elate, atloroey lor in Pontevedre. Oallela. Sangamon county, opened his state- j “teTiU^r h! thT! " r«t ‘n 9 I^,on. ^rM^ ment for the prosecution. Less than located in Spain. He asked that «•— ithe academy of history be directed to •send representatives to Montevedm * ^ rHt part note I s sa ld to j for an investigation. be argumentative, but the second half j -- is reported constructive, making pro- [ATLANTA POLICEMEN posals dealing with financial ques- CANNOT SMOKE ON DUTY tlons. Attorneys Have Notified Rep resentatives in Ireland That They Will Make Legal Pro test Against Will of Former Tammany Chief. } “There is a gradual gain in the num* j ber of coal mines in operation, M said .the Courier, “and the working forces j The Girl Scouts have enough money , the coklng planta ara beIng aug . ! in ha " d ,0 I e<, “ ,p th6 h0me V6ry k C0 ”' mented by a few men dally.” (By AMOrlateU P „ M) | ,ortabl >’ and P ,an to "jounce shortly, Shipments of coal into the Pitts- Dublin. Iwliffi May il.-Solicitors SOUTH CHINA GOVERNMENT i the rules and regulations th^t will t burgh district from West Virginia acting in behalf of the late Richard FACES FINANCIAL CRISIS * 0V6rn 11 d,,rlnB ,be “““"r- » la and Kentucky points continue to add Croker’s two sons in the United Stat- ^ ——* . j expected that each of the 125 Girl to t b e supplies used by the mills and , c» served notice upon Mrs. Croker's Amoy, Chlna^ayn.-A”’financial 8cout " wl " ” pe " d ' a , ahort ‘ lme ther6 '“rnacos. solicitors today that they had been crisis in Canton, the seat ot the south- ‘ hU ,Um “* r ,. Mr ’ 1 | instructed to enter a caveat In the ern Chinese government, is reported j*° supervise the erection of the_ build-(STANDARD OIL ADVANCES i lrl9 " court agalnst tbe wUl of Cro,,6r In dispatches received here. Banks are I 1 "*" “ nd w 11 8tart at °“ c6 ’ " th ®, I pDirp /ip n) , xnnAV | When lt U lodged for P robate - ™ 8 - closed and business is paralysed. ,6rlals havln * already b66n boueht ’ I PKK,fc Uh UIL T0DA Y [lt is stated, will make a trial neces- (By Associated Presn) Natchez, Miss., May 11.—Supplies . sufficient to last the flood stricken I aIeoho1 wh,lc a mcmbcr of the police people of the northern part of Con- dopar l men l» whether on duty or off Atlanta, Ga., May 11JL—Atlanta RU66IAN RCPIV 16 policemen must not smoke on duty, “'''4)1(111 llLiILI IiJ and must never take a drink of HANDED TO CONFERENCE while government bank notes hare \ depreciated fifty per cent In value. (By Associated Frew) | 8ary 10 prove th6 wl " and'competency New York, May 11.—The Standard of tb e testator. cordia parish, La., (or a week have been distributed by the Red Cross, as sisted by national guardsmen. It was announced that fifty thousand rations will he loaded on a barge here today to be distributed at Deer Park and Black Hawk. NEW YORK CENTRAL WANTS PIECE WORK Offers to Unions Plan in Lieu Of Contracting Repair work On Railroad Equipment. duty. This rule was promulgated at a meeting of the police commission [correspondent' telegraphs that the Wednesday. Odor of whiskey on Russians at 11:45 oclock this morning the breath of a policeman means handed to the Italian foreign mlnis- instant dismissal without the' ter, Schanzer, their reply to the al- formality of a trial under the new Bed memorandum, rule. Many complaints have recent-1 A dlapatch t0 tbe Ev „ nlng standard ly been made about officers enjoy- from Qeaoa 8tat „ that lf the French ing a cigar or cigarette while patroll- and Belgians quit the conference ing their beats and other kicks have Lloyd George will remain to "try to been made about policemen smelling work the ship to port with a short- of moonshine while on duty. Police handed crew." lieutenants and sergeants have been J SXr "" rU,C is .HOT SPRINGS FRATERNAL DAY CENTRAL TO ISSUE BONDS iprecuuea imy per ceni in vaiue. rinTunmi/c at MADTINimiR 7 * oiauuuru The criols is attributed to agitation EAKTflQUAKb AI irlAKlIlvM^UC J Oil Company of New York today ad caused by the operations of Dr. Sun ! (By Prew) jvanced the price of gasoline one cent ,'ONE COUNT AGAINST FORMER ,palr 8hop ® near Mlddleport. The com- j 313,000 In 6 per cent mortgage bonds j This evening a greeting from the ! (By AiMOclatiHj Preaa) j Hot Springs, Ark., May 11.—This is (By Associotad Press) fraternal delegates day at the general Washington, D. C., May 11.—The conference of the Southern Methodlat ,York Central Railroad today olfered [Central of Georgia Railroad was given church, representatives of several I to take back Us former employes on permission today by the Interstate ^ranches of Methodism being achedul- a piece work basis at the Hobsin re-{commerce Commission to Issue $1,-,«d to be received by the conference. Yat Sen, of the southern government, t F'ort de France, Martinique, May 11 4 gallon in all Its territory. It also in preparation for its projected cam- —A strong earth shock was experien- palgn against tho north, and conse- ced here at 2:46 eclock this morning, quent complications. , I No damage Is reported. f Clean and - Paint Up ARE U p PARTNERS— Pdintiog your house after a thorough clean ing up is like putting on clean cl athes after an invigorating bath. Cleanliness makes you feel so good you just naturally want to “doll up”. A new dress of pain’ on your house makes you feel proud to own the place. To clean up and neglect to paint up makes you feel like any decent man feels with a clean shave and dirty collar. Now is the time to paint and our prices are rignt. we sell Sherwin-Williams Paints MASH-MILT0N DRUG CO. . “A Good Place to Trade.", Phones 105-and )06 • - announced a similar advance in the price of varnish makers and painters' naptha. GOVERNOR CATTS IS IIPHPI D bany * 8 ne 8°tiatlnK directly with the which will be used as collateral to,northern branch of the church will b« UrllEL imt™. All repair work la now being [guarantee payment on advances mado given by the Rev. David A. Downey, unions. (By Associated Press) 'done in private shops at Columbus. Pensacola, Fla., May 11.—Federal Judge Sheppard In a decision today held the ninth count In the Indictment I to the road by the government of New York. FOUND OUILTY OF BIGAMY Atlanta, Ga., May 11— M. L- Tath* am, a cotton mill worker, accused of Judge John D. Humphries' division of Criminal Court, and was sentenced to serve a term of eight years in the penitentiary- The maximum penalty for bigamy is ten years. Pour of the alleged a!x wives told AUGUSTA GAS RATE REDUCED j agaln8t formar Oovernor 31dney , Atlanta, Ga., May 11—The rate charging violation of the peon charged for gas In Augusta has been aKe * aW9, t0 be K 00 ^* bul sustained a h ttV | D g married six wives, has been ordered decreased from a basis „f demurrer on the other counts. No found gull(y of b | garoy by a Jury ln 11.90 to 81.85 per 1.000 cubic feet by 1 dal, ‘ ,or tbe ,rlal wa “ “*■ tbe Georgia Railroad Commission, fol-1 “ lowing consideration of evidence of. CARPENTIER FIGHTS TONIGHT fared ln the hearing on a rule nisi in- sued several months ago requiring the | London,“MayTL-^eo'rg™' Cnrpen. company to show cause why It. gas ,| er wm enter the ring tonight In rate should not be revised. the Black Frlara road aI . en a, a heavy 'the Jury details of their marriage to The commission now has ruled on favorite to win over Ted Lewis, tn i Tatham. aeven of the gas cases resuItlLg from their twenty round fight for the I The trial lasted only forty-five mlnu- its rules nisi, and baa ordered reduc- world’s light heavyweight champion- ,tes. No defense was offered except tlon ln six of the seven esses. In the ship. Carpentler was a three to one a brief statement by Tatham that his live other cities where reductions' favorite in the betting today. The second marriage, In his opinion, was Were ordered the cut wes fixed at 10 mein bout is scheduled to begin about legal because be had not seen Mrs. centa per 1,000 cubic feet. j9:30 oclock. Tatham No. 1 Id fourteen years. New Arrivals in Footwear Women's White Cloth one strap Baby Louis Heel Pump, Turn sole $4.00 Fine Black Kid Boudoir $3,35 Quilted Satin Bedroom Slipper, Baby French heeL Something different and very pretty $3.50 Black kid one strap Slipper, for house wear $3.00 Smith=Harley Shoe Co. New Location i 15 North Broad. Ladies Neckwear are showing one ' of the "most complete lines we have ever had. In separate Collars and also in matched sets This is all St. Gaul Neekwear and can’t be surpassed in Style and Quality ' *.' LOUIS STEYERWMI & SOUS THS SHOP Of'QUAUTY ON TM1 CORNS* The home of Hart Schaffncr & Marx Clothe*.