The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, June 09, 1922, Image 2

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DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRI8E. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. rRIOAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9 1922. DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE Dallr and 8vml-W»ekIy Time* Bn- terprUe. Publlahed at tha TlniM-En- UnriM BuUflln* by tha rtmaa-Hn* iSSriH (Sr-rhSnaanUa. Oa- Kntarad at tha ThomaarHla PM* Offloa tor Tranralaaton (bgoort tho Mail* a* Second-CIa** Mall lutMT. MEMBER* ASBOCIATEO The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use. for re-publlcatlon. “ all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise credited in this psp« %nd also the local news published herein. All right* of re-publlcatlon of special dispatches herein are also hereby reserved. Change STluiXd'to by HIM o“ci«“ °< | 4ay of which they are to appoar. lutacrlptlon Ratal Dally. One Month.. '•JJ Dally, Three montbe J-JJ Dally. Sin Montha Dalle. One Year ....*»» U RHONE NUMBER*!™ Bualneaa Manager.. Edl'or'e Deak A reel kiss Is also real. Business Is belter than it Is. Yon bear every day. crossing BE CAREFUL The Careful Crosalng campaign thal is being put on all over the country for the purpose of reducing the num ber of fatal accidents amen cars meet railroad trains at grade crossings. Is working out with some success. A new plan has been adopted whereby crossing are closely watched by some designated person during a particular time and a record is made of all cars that cross, where every possible pre caution is not exercised. A Tbomasvllie gentleman recently received a letter from the L. and N. Railroad Company notifyiug him of the fact that his car was seen on a cross ing near Canton, tla., on May ldtb, at which time au observer stated that the driver failed to exercise, all due care and diligence In avoiding trains, al though. of eourse. no train was near enough at the lime to make it dan gerous for him. The gentleman lo whom the letter was directed had not been near C; ton. The watcher got the number -on*. but III.' idea is there Just the and the lesson quite evident though this driver has not heen A crime wave is aiso affected by* unfortunate as to forget himself at j oonshinoe. j a dangerous place of that type | When every railroad crossing is I watched and every auto driver notified. it is hound to have some effect Spare the rod and let the hickory, sb()WS a verv careful campaign on the tree attain Its growth- part of the 1.. and N.. and will have 'dents . D same caslon to reprove the parent (or aiding with the boy. especially when the fucts dM not indicate brutality but bad OUR RAILROAO COMMISSION This department of our state gov ernment, while little considered by reelly done the child good until the . the average voter. Is one of the very parent took up bis case .... . _ „ ! greatest In point of concern to every It is customary for older people to .... , , i cltiren. Just now, as nerer before, is criticise children. It Is not as custo- , | there a real need for the best talent on i tbls board. Too often are we Inclined to reward , friendship In matters of selection of duty, and not in any way except the mary for parents to discipline them; as they should be in the homes, bull expect the schools to perform the lax and unsuccessful method that Is | adopted at home. It wou't work and some boys take mere punishment than; j officers, rather than vote for expert ence and efficiency. There is no ot- I flee in the state eapitol which is more The ins were not put out by the OToilda returns. The best people in The world are ^tteul in bringing very forcibly to those thal don’t knSw it. | n,a,1 - v P* 0 ^ ,he need of eI,reme “ ra | and caution road track. They say that uo fish are biting tfce*»e days, not even suckers- vhen going over a raii- Ttae freshness of the present stylish beauty is preserved very carefully. It is sincerely hoped that no more serious accidents will occur and that the campaign will be tlie medium through which hundreds of lives will Flappers are nice little girls that, bp saye(J anniia | Iy are trying to be nice in the latest j „ M , nnpr THE GEORGIA PRISON FARM A courting mao these days can with j We have read with much interest surely say that two can live a? cheap-jthe cards of Mr. J. Christie, purporting 1 y ai* one. J to expose prison conditions while he Was incarcerated at the state prison ; farm Mr. Christie was employed by the Times-Knterprise when it got out its “Let the World Know” edition. When a fellow is unlucky he always ^ We were surprised at the attitude of wants luck, but when he is lucky he ^ Chairman Davison of the Prison Com- is the same way. mission, in interpreting Christie's ticisms as an attack upon the board well as everybody connected with The balance of power is often the; opening wedge for something really j worth while. {technical in point of jurisdiction than other, by reason of the fact that they^ Comn)i8iion ^ of never get the proper reslrulut, nnless, u> Tery be8t UIent ln our Btate haa been called for duty there. For sever al years our growth in utility develop ment it going to depend to a great de gree upon the efficiency of the person nel of this commission. The call it for men there with experience and wisdom such as will be able to determ ine that the people will only pay Just and reasonable rates, and, on the other hand, those who will know and stand for a reasonable return on the fair valuation of the physical property used in giving efficient service. The policy of “damn the corpora tions” has uo place in Georgia needs just at this time. Unfortunately we haven’t the money, locally, for fur ther utility development, and the mon* ey must come from foreign fields and such money is not going to be forthcoming with a hostile public tc foreign capital. Intelligent and equit able regulation of utility property is, to our mind, the absolute solution needed development and service o# this kind- We are unfortunate in not being able to retain Mr. C. M. Candler this commission beyoud the expiration of his present term, which expires with the close of the present year, so happens that our fellow townsman Mr. W. Trox Bankston. Is seeking place on this commission in the pres ent campaign, and it is unfortunate that he is seeking the place held hr Mr. Perry. Mr. Candler's place is j be tilled this year and thus far no it is in school. There is every reason to believe | that any class iu any school is rneas-' ured. as far as scholarship is con-| eerned, by the discipline. You can' find an unruly aud troublesome grade and you will also find that it is woe-, fully weak in its academic work. This is due to a lack of concentration, largely, which is the result of a lack of discipline. Very few school authori ties are guilty of brutality although we can readily imagine that the aver age teacher would get provoked be yond all reason unless discipline was maintained, even to the extent of ex cessive punishment. The best thing for the average boy and girl Is dis cipline at home and in school. Klther | without the other will not be as ef fective as is necessary, especially in this day and time when the tendency is to absolute unrestraint in all pleas ures and amusements. Harding has now been condemned as an enemy of union labor, but it tfe not the first time- FEW MOSQUITOES HERE Are you troubled with mosquitoes this year? There are some complaints, although very few. If there are mos quitoes you can be quite positive that stagnant water is allowed to collect or near your home There is no other way for mosquitoes to germioA’e and no other medium through which malaria, with all of its deadly quali ties. ran be carried Three years ago. Dr. John Schrieber. then county health officer, started a campaign to oust the malaria mosquito in Thomasville. He wanted five thou sand dollars to pay the federal of ficers supervising the work and in carrying out the ditching, etc. The city was not able to supply the funds one has announced for the place with any special fitness for the work. It seems that Mr. Bankston would have a better chance of election if he would enter the contest for the place made vacant by Mr. Candler’s withdrawal than (the farm. However, Mr. Davison has so many irresponsible Every senator that is elected can count on doing more time than any other elective officer. I probably had The price of gasoline is up again but It will probably drop a quarter of one per cent, in a year or so. Only ten dollars per word is what Uo Kaiser thinks his book is worth, but who else agrees with him? The political bee is indiscriminate la its attention and will sting the vot er just as readly as the candidate. The world expecta too much from some folks, especially when It expect! them to live rightly and properly. kickers to deal with that he has grown tired of comments from ex-convicts. In our opiuion, the trouble at the prison farm is a part of the result of the general economic condition of the state. We dare say that an investiga tion at the State Sanitarium for tho Insane would show very much the eaine conditions as exist at the prison farm aud. to a degree, we believe the same to be true with the other state limosynary Institutions. The mere fact that a man is in the penitentiary does not conclusively prove that he is good and kind and easy to manage, likewise with inmate* of other isolated institutions It re- ibut the people of Thomasville, realiz-’opposition to the most capable man 1 ing the need of the work, through Dr. on t h e commission. There is yet ample Schrieber’s ceaselese and persistent Let all the boys and girls learn how to swim, for it may save their own or aotne other person's life some day- The folks that buy high falutin 1 clothes can’t order a new pair of breeches to match the coat the next year. The one-piece bathing suits can be worn by the most modest women 11 v Jog without any feeling of shame, these days. The woman that persuades her hus band to take her advice always waits to see how it turns out before she brags about It. ,Some men think they are great, sole ly because somebody don’t want to hurt their feelings by tilling them that they are not. Florida comes out of its election with an easy conscience, which was probably because W J. B. didn't have a finger ln the pie The mao that is a poor talker makes more of an Impression when he does talk, than the good talker, who always doe* too much of it Poor boys can always aspire greatness and usually attain it if they Ihre properly and conserve their pbv •leal and mental powers. This city needs a school building badly, to much so that the work sadly deficient in some department* already, by reason of the lack of room and equipment. campaign, raised five thousand doMars for that purpose. It was a very gratifying success and much valuable work was done lo era dicate stagnant water near the resi dential sections of the city. The five thousand dollars was over subscribed and the money left was used for the next year in keeping the places dry and the ditches cleaned out. It work ed then and It is being continued this year, the cost now being very small in comparison to the original cost, when the major portion of the work was necessary. The city Is now doing the work and it wants it to be successful OTHERS SHOULD REMEMBER Mr Wataon reminds us that he remembers Jim Slaton, the Frank case and the threatened lynching*, etc., in his effort to de feat Mr. Hardwick.—Thomasville Tiraes-Knterjprise. And we have a lingering impression that others who are responsible for It !e do-'the manner in which public affair* quires tact and training lo control and)^ ~' ibare , t w ,„ noI be eKec .! ha *e drifted in Georgia to the reign tive unless every premise in the city j of the mobs, the moonshiners and the is carefully watched for stagnant wa-jbull dog pistol toters should remem ter and every bit of It thrown out. lt,ber, too- Our mind is on the drift of may *»ave you a case of malaria and Georgia politics since Watson ha* time for such a change, as the time for entry does not expire until July 1st. This appears to be ttie only way In whioh the services of both Mr. Perry and Mr. Bankston on the commission cun be made possible.—West Point, <Ga ) News. SAVE MONEY 1 Trade your old tire for a New KELLEY-SPRING- FIELD. HARRIS TIRE REPAIR SHOP VULCANIZING With McKinnon-, Garage, Madison Street. PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY IVtoller ’s Photo Studio* When you build that house, let us figure with you for your Sash, Doors and Screens etc. We give you “Service That Satisfies” Plus “Saving your Money” CLAY BROTHERS Carroll Hill Phone 888-J We Specialize On QUALITY SERVICE and Conservative Profits We have the best in Native and Western Meats of all kind —Call us -THE- Enterprise Market 301 W. Jackson St. Phone 227 Repairing Eleelrie Appliances When your Electrlo Iron won't Iron, When your Electric Fan won’t fan, When your Electric Curling Iron* won’t curl, When your Electrlo Vacuum Cleaner won't clean, When your Electric Toa«ter won’t tout, When your Electric Percolator won't heat— CALL ON ME FOR HELP! Your old electric appliances can nearly al- ways be made to go to work again with a little repair work and sare you the expense of buying new appliances. GEO. GAVALLAS 128 S. Broad St. deal with such people so as to get the best results The money supplied to the prison farm, the asylum and other Institutions Ik insufficient to give the lnmatea the best officials and attend, ants, the beat toad, supplies and quar. ters. We dare say that pretty near every Institution in (he United Staten Is more credllably run than the Geor gia Prison Farm but vre believe that few. II any. are as cheaply run. There, of course, should be an investigation but we would have preferred to have had the Prison Commission conduct the investigation and make Its report to the Legislature. At any rate, we hope that the com mittee of investigation with cooperate with the prison commission as, not withstanding the Impatience Bhown by Chairman Davison, we are convinced that the members of the Prison Com mission are most anxious to correct abuses In any part of our penal sys tem We predict that when Ihe remedy Is found it will Involve the expendi ture uf more money in order to make better provision for the convicts. When a state gets cramped financially those ln the moat helpless position are the first to suffer. THEY NEED IT li quite frequently happens that par ents with children ln school are out raged at the treatment they receive, and lake the matter either In their own hands or to the conrta, for ad juatment. A similar case came up la Cincinnati, and the Judge ruled that the teacher was right In whipping the Thursday afternoon baseball trading more folks than ever before and Thomasville teems to be quite! boy. In order to maintain the discipline content for thte mild and Inexpensive that la absolutely necessary to the forai of amueemeot. j welfare of any school He took ue- thal is a very aggravating and dan gerous disease- The fruit of Dr- Schrltber's work must not be lost and tha victory that the live thousand dol lars donated won must not be dis counted. Kveryhody can help keep Thomasville absolutely free of this ob noxious pest. The work now Is con fined to the premises of the city, very largely because the rest is taken care of by the city's force and with the city’s money. WILKES COUNTY'S SONS We notice with much Interest from a card of Hon. Boyce Flcklen, Sr., of Washington, Wilkes county. Georgia, In the Atlanta Constitution of the 8tb Instant, that the grandfather of Jeffer aon Davis, together with Ills son. Col. Samuel Davis, realded In Wilkes coun- ty. Georgia, the former being burlei* there. Col. Samuel Davis, exofficer of the Continental Army, moved to Kentucky a month or two before tha birth of the president of the Coated •racy. After the Civil War ex-Pfleddent Davis visited Wilkes county and made an unsuccesstul search for hta grand father's grave Mr. Flcklen claima that Davla, '.be president, Stevena. tha vice-president, and Toombs, the treat leader of tho Confederacy, were all products of Wilkes county. Georgia. Tha man that waota personal liber- ty la really an ardent advocate of per- aooal license,, which Is quite differ ent. Price Reduced My price on Auto clean ing now reduced but my good work and quick service remain the same. DAN ROBERTS Auto Cleaning Station, Next to Grand Theatre Madison Street Stag Paint 1 Gallon Makes 2 You save money by buying Stag Semi-Paste Paint LAST LONGER—COST LESS WATT SUPPLY CO. Toilet Soaps 15c Cakes at 10c Oolgates “Big Bath” Jergens “Bath Tablet” A refreshing and Lasting Toilet Soap CITY DRUG STORE Cor. Jackson & Madison Sts. Phone 284 claimed to hold the balance of power. He got his no-called balance of power with the Frank case—and what an awful price the electorate of Georgia paid with that prostitution! When the case was disposed of the last man that had the cuorage to do his convictions as a public servant parsed from office as a state execu tive- John M. Slaton was the kind of man who could honor the office. Watson's gangsters came very near lynching him while he wore the man tle of authority and the highest publio office in Georgia. And since that time—since the day Watson rose to where he could direct the choice of a state ohief executive, no man has administered that office with credit to his state, with peace or satisfaction to himself as * public servant, or with results that came any where near leaving the state a clean' financial sheet at the end of the term Georgia has spent all that could be gathered in taxes, baa run far behind in its obligation* and ha* “pawned” the rentals of the state road for a period of five years ahead to meet Uie extravagance of a single session of the legislature which Watson’s friends di rected. The taxpayers of Georgia have reas on to remember the Frank case. They have reason to remember how Wat son’s incendiary utterances made the mob supreme in Georgia. They have reason to protest the character of poll tic* now dominating state election* They can have the change If they wllL, —Cordele Dispatch. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Our Very Liberal Time Sale Plan and the new prices on FORD cars make it pos sible for all to enjoy the benefits of motor travel Don't Wait Longer — Let Us Prove It A phone call will bring a salesman with >ut obligation on you Thomasville Sales Company Authorized Sales and Service „ r , .