The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 23, 1922, Image 1

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WEATHER FORECAST GENERALLY FAIR TONIGHT AND THURSDAY. NO CHANGE IN TEM PERATURE ADVERTISING FORMS CLOSE NINE A. M. OAILT ChartQM of Copy Rteelvsd after that time art scheduled to run tho next day. VOL. XXXIII. Np. 242. THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. AUGUST 23. 1922. $9X0 PER ANNUM COIflllST MEETI. MIL S1ME0 TO ME UP 1TTEU OF BP OFFICERS JT bushers’ Bullet Causes Great Meeting Supposedly Secret is; Stir in Ireland. — Guerilla Discovered and Arrests Are. Warfare Planned by Irregu- Made in Connection There- , lars. with by Agents Who Are: Keeping Watch on Them. ! Lo " d °". *us. 23,-Tbe of Michael CollinB at Bandon, Chica s !, B,, ra*“T2l-s'l” addition, i I;”* restarday. come, directly on the .1 arrests hare been made by federal j, agents In the wake of the raid "" ** **" terday on a mass meeting in the woods near Brldgeman, iMIch., It learned today. Fifteen men taken in the raids held In jail at St. Joseph. Mich. #|> „ |m ,„ , , „ l constituency here presented In tbe’ Arthur Gr,fflth was buried irregulars of a policy of ambushes ■ and raids In their fight against the! I Free State government. * j j Collins was shot down from am- J bush only a tew hours after he was ] i by residents of Cork. COLLINS WOULD FORGIVE MEN WHO SLEW HIM Cork, Ireland, Aug. 23—“Forgive them,” were the last words of .Michael Collins, commander of the Free State army, as be was dying from an assassin's bullet last night. The Collins party were ambush ed while visiting various military positions in South Ireland- Just as the attack was beaten off, a bullet struck Collins in the skull, and he expired a few minutes lat- Federal operatives are attempting to round up Communists and other |p)|j|p*|gueann The assassination SOUTHERN RAILWAY GETS INJUNCTION preceded In | COLLINS SHOT DEAD FROM battle of propaganda, | AMBUSH IN CORK COUNTY London, — The Press Associa tion says that Michael Collins shot dead last night from ambush Bandon, County Cork. J Dublin by both the provisional governmem J representatives of the irregular army posting placards which set out their j respective aims and claims. | Americans reaching London attending the funeral of Arthur Grif- AGAINST STRIKERS <Pv Associated Press! j The grief over Griffith's death was Richmond. Va., Aug. 23—Federal accompanied by a public expression Judge WabbUI today granted the of admiration and afTection for Col- -Southern railway an order restraining llns, whose three-hour march through striking shopmen in seven states from the streets of Dub’in roehind the body Interfering with the movement of of his colleague was an impressive in- trains. icident because everybody believed — ■ ■ ■ jthat Collins himself had been marked for death. BRAZILIAN FLIGHT * Dublin. Ireland, Aug. 23.—It was Hinton and Companions Res- announced today that in view of the CUed Near Key West After ®»»assinatlon of IMIchael Collins, the Plane Had Fallen to Water SJUSTUS. (By Associated Press) New York, Aug. 23.—The United States cruiser Denver which rescued Lieut. Walter Hinton and his compan ions from the wrecked seaplane Sam- paio Correia, Is on its way to Key West, naval officials said today. The seaplane fell while flying from Nas sau to Haiti. PERUVIAN REVOLUTION COLLINS’ BODY WILL REACH DUBLIN SOMETIME TONIGHT Dublin, Ireland, Aug- 23.—By the provisional government's publicity de partment, it was announced* this aft ernoon that the body of Michael Col lins, head of the provisional govern ment, who wag assassinated at Dai don. would arrive in Dublin tonight. REPORTED IN. CHILE officers with coluns , WOUNDED DURING ATTACK (By Associated lYess) - London, Aug. 23.—An Evening Santiago, Chile, Aug. 23.—Accord- News dispatch from Dublin says it Is ing to dispatches from a reliable iidieved that Collins was accompanied source, a revolutionary movement has e( j by seven Free State staff officers, broken out in the city of Cuzco, Peru. 1 including Major General Dalton, when Commander Cacercs of the 15th regl- be was killed from ambush last night, ment stationed at Cuzco is said to Several soldiers, the dispatch says, 1 have sent a message to President Le- ure believed to have been killed gula. reporting 27 men and one offi- ■ wounded during the attack on cer killed and several wounded in an ■ Collins' party, attack on the Cuzco prefecture. | A Central N ews dispatch says * {Dalton himself was wounded In ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMBERS wing. MEET IN ATLANTA TOMORROW, national fu^eTal for QOLLIN8 WILL BE HELD COLLINS WAS COMMANDER OF FREE STATE TROOPS Lwdon,—Michael Collins, head of the the Irish provisional go\ t and the Irish national army, shot and killed from ambush Bandon, county Cone last night, few hours after he had been given vation by the people of Cork city, who for the first time sai Free State hero in the uniform of commander in chief. Thus within ays two of the most prominent figures in the new Irish government have been removed by death. Just ten days ago. President Griffith of the Dail Eireann, considered the brains of the new administration, died in Dublin; last night, Michael Collins, the Free State military gen- ious, was killed at the moment when the dissipation of the irregular for ces in the south was considered (By Associated Press) Chicago, Ill., Aug. 23.—There i monopolistic .tendency nor dence of violation of the federal law In the acquisition by Swift and Com pany of the Moultrie Packing Com pany at Moultrie, Ga.. and the Anda lusia Packing Company at Andalusia, Ala., Louis F. Swift. President of the Company asserted today in a state ment commenting on the Federal Trade CommisslonV order of yeser- day, direcltng the company to divest itself of stock holdings In the south ern corporations. isoFTcuiy SKX™ ls ™ Til W SEBIOMID laws OF rn mm 1IM EKE GUTIVE JT NEW YOU! GET HIGHEST WAGES' Commenting on Decision by Federal Trade Commission Of Yesterday to Sell Hold ings, He Said There is No Monopolistic Tendency. No Announcement Made of * l *“ nU! ' ,oulibt * 8 * ln,t «* ce Meeting Today to Settle the p,an *’ wh,dl , " c,u ‘ ,cd rel ”“*“ n “ t Railway Strike. — Counter Proposals Said to Be Under Way in the Discussions. (By Associated Press) v York, Aug. 23.—The railway executives meeting here to consider oposals for settlement of the shop- en’s strike adjourned at 12:52 to 30 oclock after a discussion lasting er two hours. Although no official statement was forthcoming, it was reported that cer- ounter proposals were under discussion- 'The situation looks mighty seri- i” Howard Elliott, of the Northern Pacific, said to a colleague In leaving ( meeting. MORE BOMB EXPLOSIONS AS RAIL HEADS GATHER TODAY I hard Washington, D. C-, Aug. 23.—The Federal Trade Commission yesterday directed Swift and Company of Chica go to divest Itself of all the capital j Chicago, Ill., Aug. 23.—As the rail- stock of the Moultrie Packing Com-1 road executives gathered In New York pany of Moultrie, 04 , and the Andalu-J today to consider tho peace propos- da Packing Company of Andalusia.'als submitted by the heads of the strikers with seniority rights unlm- The decision of the steel corpora tions to raise the wages of laborers announced Just twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled meeting of the executives, was hailed by the strikers point in their favor. It not only Justified their refusal to accept wage fixed by the railroad labor board, they said, but was ample proof of an impending industrial boom which put the railroads, with their thousands of bad order cars, mons in need of their old repair forces. 'This wage increase will put con siderable fire into the veins of rail-, oad labor," declared David Williams, iecretary of the Eastern strike com- “The railroad man will find it *2.75 t .the ground that the acquisi tion of the stock wps in violation of the Clayton act. The commission found, it was nounced, that Swift and Company, 1917 ucqulred by purchase practically the entire outstanding capital stock of the IMoultrie and Andalusia cerns, which, it is alleged, resultei substantial lessoning of competition between these two companies their competitors. The deal also suited, the commission averred, in the complete elimination of competi- lon between the two companies them- Swift and Company, under the 01 der of the commission is also it quired to cease from further suppress impetition in trade heretofor existing between the Moultrie and Ar dalusia companies and from further holding, owning, controlling or opera ting in any manner ‘the ptanti businesses of these two conceri (By Associated Press) Atlanta, Ga-, Aug. 23.—Members of tho Associated Press will hold a meeting in the Anslcy hotel at Atlanta at eleven oclock Thurs day morning. Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 23.—A nation al funeral with full military honors will be accorded Michael Collins. Thi body will lie In state prior to intei ment in Glasnevln cemetery where Are Yon Goins To Paint This Summer? Now Is The Time We can furnish you anything in the Paint Line you may need WE SELL “Sherwin- Williams Paints” The Prices Are Right MASH-MILTON DRUG CO. “A Good Place to Trade." Phones 105 and 106 'al attacks have against the life of Michael Collins, head of the provisional government and commander in chief of the Irish national army. The latest attempt bombing oturage. when his i ambushed last Friday after- n the Dublin side of Stillor- issued in connection with this attack indicate whether Mr. Collins the machine at the time. The driver was wounded and the car is wrecked, a bomb and more than score of shots being fired. Tn Dublin on April 17, while Mr. ; Collins was on his way home after i having addressed a meeting at Naas :ounty Kildare, he was attacked by i group of men. some with rifles, vho rushed his car and 'opened fire. The Collins party returned the 'ire and one of the assailants was aptured. Collins was not injured. Mr. Collins, in addition to being commander in chief of the national finance minister in the inn cabinet. He was on* of those who succeeded in obtaining temporary injunction in New York i Monday restraining Eamon de Valera or his agents from withdraw- funds collected for the Irish .re publican cause deposited In hanks in New York city. Collins, always an ardent Sinn Feiner, was nmong those leaders who While holding to the fundamentals of tradition for the freedom for Ireland 'll ’#!re willing to effect a p with Great Britiun. It became . w of the recent operations ( fc< | of the government for thr military. { Americans recently Hrrlvin^ in ; London from Dublin declared ths the assassination of Collins was for cast in Ireland. It was planned < DUE STEEL PUNTS Bethlehem Corporation To day Announced it Would Give 20 Per Cent Increase to Common Labor September 1 —Ohio Plants Likewise. Steubenville. O.. Aug. 23— All of ie Independent concerns in the Steu- ;nvllle district announced today that they would follow the lead of the United States Steel Corporation In advancing the wages of day laborers 20 per cent. It Is estimated that ten thousand workers will benefit. BETHLEHEM STEEL CO., ALSO INCREASES WAGES Bethlehem. Pa.. Aug 23.—President Grace, of the Bethlehem Steel Cor poration today announced an Increase transportation brotherhoods, acting as mediators In the shopmen’s strike, the trouble on the Southern railway, tho principal sufTerer. from the trainmen's walkouts of the past fow days, began to clear away. Exploding bombs kept the rail itrike fever at a high stage in some »f the nation’s rail centers, however. A tremendous explosion early today in the Chlcago-Alton roundhouse at Venice, Ills., shook buildings for three miles around. TROOPS DECLARED NEEDED AT SHAWNEE, OKLA., SHOPS Shawnee. Okla., Aug. 23.—Declara tion that troops are necessary to cope; with the shopmen's strike here, was made by United States marshal Mac Donald today, who is directing, protec- of the properties of the Rock Island and Santa Fe roads. Approxi mately 100 federal deputies were on understand why he should day when he could get $4 the same work in the steel mills. “If the railroads don't settle with the shopmen, it will be doubly diffi cult for them to bold the unskilled crafts in line." Kail heads refrained from discussion of the possible effect of the steel panies’ move on rail strike negotia tions. They were, nevertheless, quick to offer numerous reasons why the steel interests should grant their men a raise at this critical stage. One was that some of the steel cor poration bankers, who are also large irs in the railroads, took such of making untenable to position steadfastly maintained by the Eastern hards” headed by L. F. Loree, the strike be allowed to continue finish fight” rather than it be set tled by returning seniority rights to the strikers. in other quarters the raise to stoel men was interpreted as an attempt to forestall a shortage of labor when coal | miners get into full action again, ami roads are called upon to take up the additional burden of record crop movements. Although Mr. Loree yesterday Forty Thousand Bituminous Miners Will Receive About $2.50 Per Day Raise in Dally Wage. — Pittsburgh Opera tors Ready to Sign Up. (By Associated Tress) Pittsburgh, Pa-, Aug. 23.—Forty thou- mnd bituminous miners in West Moreland and Fayette counties today »d before them the ofTer of increased ages equal to the highest the min- g Industry has ever paid. In these two counties, generally iown as a non-union field before the II of the miners’ strike, many of the en are now organized and the eyes of the nation are watching develop ments from the heart of the bitumin ous region. Union leaders representing 75 lo cals, controlling ten thousand men. stated that they would almost unani mously pass up the nearly *2.60 per day increase, until recognition of the union Is afTorded. WE3T VIRGINIA NON-UNION MINE8 MAY OPEN 8HORTLY Washington. D. C-, Aug. 23.—The West Virginia non-union coal opera tors are preparing to sign up with the miners an agreement raising the basic scale from *4.68 per day to *7.18, it was reported today to Federal Fuel Distributor Spencer. The New River district, it was said, has already sign ed up. PITTSBURGH OPERATORS ANNOUNCE WAGE SCALES Pittsburgh, Pa-, Aug. 23.—The scale committee of the Pittsburgh Coal Pro ducers' Association today ordered the 1922 scales posted at all ft the mlnos owned and operated by its mhers, but declined to yield to the demands of the United Mine Workers the check-off provision of the be enforced. About 45,000 min- re affected. , — —v— aisciaimcu at factors entered into the rail Atrlkc] t }, e braJiM on situation yesterday, any one of which,' ter cleclairim New York, Aug. 23. Four surprise j disclaimed any intention of putting rikt* negotiations, a!- . that "this talk of. according to representative, ot road,; pcocc , 5 at] bunk,"other member, of l "d brotherhoods, may vitally Influ- , ho Eastern president,’ conference,! — - the action of the Association ofjvolclng similar views, Indicated clear. ly that they will enter today’s confer- oppose any plan ILLINOIS MINES ARE BEGINNING TO HOIST COAL AT FULL SPEED of 20 wage i for •ommon lab or, together equitable adjustment of rates for oth- • classes, effective September 1st. DEVALERA A CALVARYA1AN iug. 23.—Devalera has ie a cavalryman and consequent noro elusive than ever, rays the pondent of the Daily Mail, who is with the national army in the field. Devalera •ontlngent ; ,nd all members of fall AUTHORESS DEAD • nr Associated Presi.) _ j Cleveland. Aug. 23.—Mrs. Jat (Continued on Page S) ! dmt and biographer, 'of her daughter here Railway Executives when it consider peace propc mediation with the big five brother- [ restoration of seniority, hoods. They were: First. The announcement that pres ents of three powerful Eastern roads, Samuel IUe of the Pennsylvania; E. E. Loomis, of the LcHigh Valley, and William Dealer ot the Jersey Central, re expected to arrive from Europe the Majestic, in time to participate <ny . all i >rlngficld. ., Aug. 23.—Mines in of central Illinois were buzz- activity this morning after -s since April first. Some which had prepared for re- Despite continued assertions i rail chiefs that they will enter the co ference today without having befoi them any definite proposal as a re-!°P rnln B had already hoisted coal by suit of the executive committee’s noon - five last week, reports present j in labor circle, that several such WINSLOW BILL REPORTED In the conference of th< Railway Executives. Second. The porations of a by t iciation of proposals were laid before thi ricr representatives. In each case, full restoration of seniority was said to have been OUT BY HOUSE TODAY Washington, D. C.. Aug. 23.—After 0 „ first voting to give preference to the to their several hundred thou- b V Sectary of Commerce B , and coa , lnveitlgallon bill, the sand day laborers. d °' ,lc ‘ ul “>• broth- House commltl „, reversed it- Third. Assortion by L. F, Loree,, hood « f engineers, and containing M , f todaJr aBd report e d ou , the wla . president ot the Delaware and Hudson 1 Provisions similar to President alow b , n (or a comm t 3s |on composed and chairman of the Eastern presl-1 Harding’s Inst proposal, cloaked in en tirely of impartial representatives nt’s conference, that predictions of j (ContlnueToiT Pag* l.) of the public. strike settlement and peace in tho j ___________ industry, were "all bunk." | ^ Fourth. The announcement that iveral of the brotherhood chiefs are i route from the West with practical proposals for settlement of the shop- crafts’ strike, which they will submit o rail executives if all other peace ad- ances fail. Heads of the Association of execu tes refused to comment on the unex pected arrival of the three Eastern presidents. Their return on the same boat, and in the midst of the present crisis, was admitedly significant, how- •, especially since their respective presidents have been the nucleus of the group which, in the conference 1 of tho national association, has con- Special For This Week ALL WHITE SHOES GREATLY REDUCED All White Reign Clolh Oxfords, $5. and $6. values gQ All Black and White Sport Oxfords, $6. to $7.50 QQ Few White Kid Plain Pumps, Frcneh Heels. Now gQ gQ Smith-Hariey Shoe Co. Har k S M h /rf ner V Clothes J It owes you that well-set-up smartly styled look. It owes you complete satisfaction and full return for your money! Why take a chance of not getting these things, when in our clothes —you are sure of them—or else your money back. SUITS FROM $25.00 TO $45.00 A Pleasure To Show Them THI (HOP OF QUALITY ON THI CORNER The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. , » = i