The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 21, 1922, Image 6

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FACE *'* DAILY TIMES-ENTERPIUSt, THOMABVtf.Lt, QtORQtA SATURDAY AFTERMOON, OCTOBER 21, 1922. tor at the opening of the of ‘Contrast, -was expressed by promi nent Georgians who attended the meet ing of the Democratic State commit tee in Atlanta, Friday, deaplte the tact ■ that Judge Walter F. George, senator- MR*. r * L ™ “** H ” * E n >l-ct. b„ npremd hi. vUllngirea, to SWORN IN AS SENATOR ln <U ch a plu. AtlutA, Oct. »l.-Do«bt U to th. JuteJ G „ rIC , Utrf u,„ he WM ponlbllltr ot Mr., W. H. Felton', b*' now th , t„ ooverlnb the Ins .worn In „ A tTnltcd SUM woula „ notmc , bl , ie . jclslon later. He also stated that be would like very much to accommodate iMrs. Felton and her friends, but that he must comply strictly with the let ter of the law. It was pointed that a special act of Congrei passed by both IDS PIGMENTS TO THE PUBLIC— Having become associated wtth the N. T. Pike Drug Com pany, I ask through this medi um, for at feast part of your patronage. tides eannot be exealled. This ■tore Is centrally located and la one of the neatest and moat at tractive stores of Its kind In this section. Our service will be prompt; our accuracy will ba absolute; our prices will ba as low as pos sible. Last but not least, our accommodation to the public will be a pleasure to ua and a comfort to you. the preside! days. The grand jury adjourned yesterday afternoon, haring concluded the busi ness of the session. The presentments were read before Judge Thomas and the jury discharged. The county very much interested In the recommen dations of the grand jury, which the adoption of the Australian. ^ ballot system and the Insistence that ilgned by the P" w,c health work be continued before Mrs. Felton could ia ,he COUQt I' and this procedure, it GEORGIA WOMEN ELECTED JUDGE GEORGE, SO HE SAYS Atlanta. Oct. 21.—When asked what played the greatest part In his over whelming victory. Judge Walter F. George, of Vienna, senator-elect, de clared. "The women did It.” •‘He said. "It waa the good women who volunteered their services and succeeded In having the polling places opened. To them 1 owe. In great measure, the splendid vote 1 roceived.” Senator George was not alone in his opinion, as his wife agreed with him and said that she suspected that great many of the women cast their ballots for him, too." Feed for a Thrifty Moult We used to think, just as lots of people do, that it doesn't make much difference what you feed hens when they moult. We changed our notion after we saw what Purina Chows jb will do. ' Building Up Hem During the V Moult Meant More Eggs » When not fed properly at moulting time, a hen robs her flesh of protein to make feathers. Thig_ stops her laying. By feeding Purina Chows, you help her make feathers quickly and get eggs sooner. Get your hens in shape for big production. * See us today. The presentments are as follows: We the Grand Jurp sworn for the October Term of Court, beg to make the following presentment*. After investigation we find less evi dence of Whiskey traffic in our coun ty than in several years, which is very gratifying news, as well as an obe- dence to the prohibition laws. There seems to be a tendency on the part Citizens to stamp out this great evil, and we wish-to-commend the people of Thomas County , for their co-operation in the enforcement of this, and all other laws. Backed by public sentiment the law is easily enforced, but without the co-operation of the people its enforcement is both tedious and unnecessarily expensive. We -recomend that the Act of the Legislature of 1922, prohibiting the catching of filh by means other than hook and line become operative and be enforced in this county. Believing the Australian ballot system to be a step towards purifying politics, we recommend that the Act of 1922, providing for the Australian Ballot system in connection with certain elections therein mentioned, become operative and be enforced in this County. We wish to call attention to Section 30, of Penal Code, which requires all employers of females to provide seats place of business for the Use of said females when not actually engaged at work- Following is the law. GOLDEN BROS. CO., Phone 184 DISTRIBUTORS (Wholesale Groceries and Feed) all such cases of immorality aa will JP** warrant,conylctlon^in .our courts. We recommend “tKa enforcement")) of the law against cruel treatment of animals. "We have looked into the County records generally and find all of them neatly and correctly kept, and \ especially commend the nratness, to gether with the filing systems in use in our respective county offices, and we especially commend the work of Clerk Groover, Tax Collector Heeth, Ordinary Jones and Tax Re ceiver Norton/ "We find good many lights broken t in the Jail, also a very bad leak which lia* done good deal of damage to the plastering. We recommend that these repairs be made. Also the pluming in the mens Toilet for colored people i n the Court House is in bad condition. Also one leak i the Court Room. We recommend that these repairs be made.” “We find that the following J. P. Books are neatly and correctly kept:' T. A. .Tones, R. Borders, I, Smith, M. Mash, T. J. Wight, D. M. Baker, A. S. Banders, C. T. Gandy. I We find that‘the books of the J. P. of Pavo District are not properly itemized. We find also that Ways Dirt, Barwick Diet, Merrillville Dirt, Ellabelle Dirt, fail to present their books to this body. ‘We find at the County farm and stockade every thing is splendid < dition. We find the stock in good shape and the tools and machinery all in the houses prepared for them. We find n marked increase i n the poultry. We find the houses in clean condition. Th Garden has various vegetables grow ing from sprouting seeds to maturity. We find six paupers at the farm who seem to hare real good attention, in fact we believe if all the farmers in the county would vi«it the County Farm it would inspire them to go home and to do belter fanning.” “We find the road* and bridges to be in fair condition with but few exceptions, which we understand will receive due attention. We recommend that the road known aa the County Line be worked up and widened from the river bridge Advertise Always When to advertise, is a question many merchants ask. Those who found advertising most successful are the men who never let up, but keep everlastingly at It. Greater re sults are accomplished through a consistent and continued advertising effort than when space is used periodically. To let up. Is to let your competitor get the start on you. He is wide awake and goes after the business. The public reads the “ads” every day, and if yours is not In the paper, they do not know what you have to offer. You must keep them informed of what you are doing and what you have for them. They expect it of you as a live, wide-awake mer chant, and the money you spend for advertising space will come back to you many times over In increased profits. The columns of this paper are open to you. They are read daily by hundreds of people—buyers—who have learn ed to watch the ads for bargains and offerings of the home town merchant. Are you playing fair with *hem by letting them know what you have? THE TIME TO ADVER TISE IS ALL THE TIME mechanical, or merchantllc establish.-to the Colquitt County line. Abo menta must provide suitable seata, that the Groom*.Ford road.from the! and permit tbeir use by such females Dixie Highway to the Cairo Road be when not necessarily engaged in the worked up. We would also call at- active duties for which they werejtcntion to the Pittman Hill employed. Any person who shall fail road from the Jones Bridge to to comply with the requirements of Ochlocknee and recommended that it this section, and the officers of any be worked up and put in good con- corporation which shall fail to com. dition. ply with said requirements, shall be We also inspected the Road Camps guilty of a misdemeanor.” ami found them well kept and in Charges having been brought be- sanitary condition.” fore the Grand Jury of the operation I "Believing as we do that education of certain establishments in which is one of the greatest contributing gambling, as well as other vices, are factor* towards good citizenship, and carried on in some sections of the .desiring that our children have the county. best possible advantages along edu- We recommend that such places. rational lines, we commend the pro be violently guarded by the officers 1 gressive spirit of the Ochlocknee of the law, and that all persons guilty j section, in the establishment of a if such unlawful and ugly charges 1 Community School, and we believe ia those made before this body be'far better results can be obtained dealt with as the law prescribed., through this means, than by the Charges of lewd women, abgaged In j method now in use, and we urge that their immoral trufic, is made from the forward looking citizens of other different sections of our county.'communities keep close watch on the Such conditions we condemn, and results obtained through the com- the better citizens of our Coun- j munify school, that they may [ty to report to the officers of the law .christalize sentiment in favor of the ] best school possible in all sections of the County. The reduction of the tax rate in the County has met with most popular favor thorughout the Coun ty, and we recommend that our efficient Board lot Comm>)sioners use every endeavor to keep down the rate as low as possible, by leaving, off new road projects that cost large ■urns of money, until the depressed conditions now existing are itn. proved. We find that the County has no health officer, it is the opinion of this jury that much good has been ac. complishcd through the operation of the Ellis Health law, at waa enforced, until this year, and we recommend that the authorities through which it functions put it in operation again, we further recommend that the Health Board see that the Health Officer discharge all the duties of the office. We vote our thanks to his honor, Judge Thomas, for the able charge Copyright 1922 Hart Ichaffaer & Man Good Style Counts In Yonr Overcoat You wear it a good part of the year; it's your Introduction; creates the- im portant “first impression” for you HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVERCOATS APE STYLISH That’s one reason why we sell them. They’re so good that they stay styl ish, too; stand up against bad weather and hard wear. NEWEST FALL MODELS: NEWEST FABRICS $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 S. RICHY PHONE 300 Headquarters for Hart Schaftner & Marx Good Clothes W. Z. IIUANTLEY, W. N. HALL, Y. A. WHITE, H. R- BANISTER, P. C. DICKLEY, G. W. SWIFT, H. J- MOORE, {Advertisement) DOG TAX DUE Dog tax la now due and payable at the office of the City Clerk, by or be. tore November lat. Tags $1.00 each. B. M. SMITH, Jr. City Clerk. (Advertisement) from each grand lodge, and a . gram of matters of common interest to all the grand lodges Is under ‘ discussion. Handicap of Fear. The feur of many bring* a snare. By halting In our duty and giving back lime of trial, our band* grow weak- . our ears grow dull, so that when e look at th* way of the righteous, seems aa though It was not for ua —John.;Woolmnn. WEST INDIAN MASONS MEET IN PORTO RICO -(By San Juan, P.. R., Sept 25_ Mail) Representatives from ____ _ Masonic Grand Lodges of Cuba, made to this jury. We especially j Santo Domingo and Venezuela are thank solictor Hay for his untiring jin session here in what is expected to efforts in assisting us in the ques. bc the * ir,t ot 8everal Masonic con- tioning of witnesses. And to our Igressea to be held in the West Indies Sheriff for his untiring efforts j n I There are ten accredited delegates serving us during the term. j We extend thank* to our efficient, Bailiff Mr. J. J. Stephens, for prompt J and efficient work. i The Clerk of County Commission, i ers Mr. S. L. Hcald furnished us' with a report showing the monthly, expenditures of County. For • such report we wish to thank Mr. Hcald. Rcspectifuily, j J. S. MONTGOMERY. Foreman D. M. BAKER, J. M. SIMPSKON, I I. S. HARDY* • J. H. PEACOCK, { J. W. SMITH, | W. S. ODUM, , S. W. BROOKS, | Dan DARLEY, W. B. MURRAY, J. R. HAMBLETON, P. C. DICKEY, T. W. LEWIS, W. N. HAMILTON, H. R. NOBLES, RADIUM The RADIUM INSTITUTE of Thomasvlllt, Ga., for treatment of Cancerous and Benign Growths. W* wish to co-operate with physicians and aurgeona, assur ing them an adequate supply of Radium for ua* In cam refer- Hospital cases treated at City Hospital, Thomasvlile, Ga, or Dr. Sanchez* private sanatori urn at Barwick, Ga. See or write, Or. C. K. Wall, Of A. D. Little, Thomaevllle, or Or. 6. E. Sanchez, Barwick, Special for SATURDAY 6 lb. sk. Juliette fresh grits 19c 10 lbs. fine table oalt -18c Postoastlee and corn flake* pacakage «09e Macaroni and spaghetti package .—- — -08c All 10c pkga Nafl. cracker* for —• -05c 5c laundry soaps -— -04c All 6c washing powder 04c AM 6c Argo starch — - *04c Sundrled apples, bright, per pound .13c Cabbage, per pound .Yellow onions, per pound 4*/ic Dr. Legear** 28c 8tock and Poultry Powder - — - 1 * c Dr. Legear** 60c Stock and Poultry Powder - *8®c 10c extracts and apices, per package 7/«c Many other thing* too numerous to mention, at bargain prices. EMPIRE MERCANTILE COMPANY FOR CASH Winesap Applet, doz 10 A 20c Freeh Tomatoes, lb 10c Sweet Potatoes, pk 15c Irish Potatoes, pk 30c Rutabaga Turnips, lb 6c 8weet Mixed Pleklta, lb.. 25c Try Gerflancfs Relish .... 35c LOOK!] LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than last year. Our stock ia the best; our market is absolutely aanitary; our price is as low as good sen-ice and good food can be sold. CANADY & HOSIER PHONE 52 If you are not perfectly satisfied with your pres ent market service, try us one time. That is ail we ask.