The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 21, 1922, Image 8

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DAILY TtMCS-CNTtH^RHS, THOMAtVtLLC, OCOROtA SATUROAV ArrCftNOON. OCTOMR fl ,19*2. mmmm HI ul 0 ft .. Lawn Grass. Seed ! WHICH WILL sui'lijs.i^'.^^^’;*' Our Lawn Grata Seed are selected with ,Vie..flixgteet g** 1 *- The F 1. produce best results, end “b;st results" have made rtiany perman- t cut customers for ufc Your lawn will be all you anticipate and l more, H you plant the right kind of ae*d; •‘Weidepen* on the fu- INGRAM DRUG CO. Seedsmen Phone 600 Druggists crJ.y afternoon iratH Monday mom- Bn S taltery. „i. inif- The court n bow (our dor, S<»“ ™ lleubcn Wntkinr. Burs- durtoe the week and dUboaed o( many *ary- Verdict o( guilty.. .Sentence, civil cakes and several on the criminal minimum rive year,, maalnium five dll-Ut 1 The Hat of all caaea disposed,?***£■ ' ^ of during the seaalon, according to the State' v*. Q'rant Felton. ' Burglary, recmrdd of the clerk, ere as follower . |, t >™"d )ury dlacharged subject to J. Li Joiner Hilda M. *ln«r,' ” “ M " piijst verdict for divorce. ~ '’r; v, ii‘‘ A£ '*• J .john! O. Davidson rs. foy Daridaoo. —fryt-.p- ;. J j First frdict for divorce. j GENERAL VAN HOLT NASH Mattjle M. Higgins re. M. M. Hlg- (Conunued from Page 1) ids. Second verdict for divorce. . -.J ~ T-TT-TT." 1 '" 1 ' 1 Idol. t. Falrdoth m L. B. Wlr- «<*• Bowcy.iorae fon* aftim.4. the doth, j Second verdict for divorce. Bareh Ellen Crawford va. Ooorge Crawford. Second verdict. As Usual We nre the first l » offer season iblc food products jSalt Fish Roe SALT MULLET FRESH FISH "Qtiaditj and Service our motto." PHONES 14 and 1* CHICAGO QHAIN AND PROVISION 1 ' * -..SIARKET. Chicago, Otft. 21.—Wh( dining. closed WHEAr-' P. C. Dec. 1.12% Close 1.10% 1.04% : ■■ ST. LOUIS MARKETS. tit. J-oul&. Dot. ,21.—Wheat No. 2 red 21.24; No/.S.{ed *1.18 lo *1.21: Dec, *1.10% ; May $1.10%. Corn. 2.white-tjc; No. 3 white 7S%c; Dec. 67c: May 67%c. • Oats No. 2 white 45c; No. 3 white 44% to 43c: May 43%c. ' " TURPENTINE Savaunah. GaT, Oct. 21.—Turpentlue, steady) f 1.53; rosin firm. MRS. M’NALLV FREED ON MURDER CHARGE (Continued from Page 1) Suit' on note. Verdict for plaintiff. Sank of Boatuu vs. Ad Way. Suit i note. Verdict for plaintiff. L. A. .1. Broadnax vs. L. R. Harrell, ail trover. Verdict for plaintiff. Bank of Boston va. A. Way. Rule si to foreclose mortgage. J. W. PniJcer vs. S. W. Nipper. Ar bitration and award. Judgment. Mattie Helny va. J. L. Lawhorn. Suit for land. Verdict for plaintiff. Georgia Fertilizer and Oil Cp.. va. Hobb* and Brown. AppeaL Mistrial. U.S. Army Officers SHOES Unexcelled In Comfort And Quality $5.00 MITCHELL SHOE CO. Vorth Broad Street desks four feet high had been erected across the room to block the rash of front row fan* when the door was finally opened. Behind it women jammed in a solid muss so dense to make movement impossible and stood for two hours and -a half whilo throe lawyers, argued the merits of the corpus delicti. The long wait was renewed, how. ever, by a thrilling movie climax when Judge Cleveland solemnly pronoupchd dps decision. To tho roar of a flashlight barrage and the cheers of the audience, the defendant, who looks .rjjbre * nearly 19 than the 20 years,' she" confessed to, rose to her feet, smiled and then fell to the floor. Lawyers and newspaper men lifted her to the table and fanned her with law. books,, while photographers on ithe one side and spectator* on tha [other foughVfor vantage points. On tbp outskirts of the crowd, standing first qn* fpott and. then on. the other, hovered. Frank McNally, the 44-year, old husband, who testified that hia wife had fooled him for weeks and had him carry a doll around under the belief that it was one of his [childrtn. The trial fana who have hung for four days on every bit of aalacioux testimony were left behind wrestling with a mystery just as dark aa it was before the trial began. Again on the ontskirts the elderly husband hung, watching hia wife - * .dumphal exit, and still doggedly maintaining chat she gave birth to a son a daughter la«t December. You Know You Need Ice In July and;,^August —But - To be sure, the weather la cool: hut there are maaj^ wps» day* In Food suffers In variable tempera tures. It does not spoil so rapid ly tn October as it doe* In July, but it deteriorates, lose*-Its fresh ness and flsvdr; ’* •w 'oc .. Tha experienced pquaewUf Jakes |p< pow to preserve the appetlz- lpg quality of Mr Co&d. She knows how little it corte—a mere Croc- THOMOIllEICUMfG.CO, i&$j { SUPERIOR COURT Brown. v Seven -, chargeq .of;" burglary. Plea of guUty to each. Sentence in . jADJOURNED TO MONDAY.^^Jl'rjr^. “ “ j) i —- ; .; |t* -Stale vs. Joi. Rogers/ Assault wltS The Superior Court adjourned yes- Intent to rape.; Verdict*- guilty uahj.i, m.m. and hiltArv J, l. might last. After being mustered, out of that service he returned to the state service and, after the Dorsey administration wim ; reappointed by J. J( no vs. Ailcette I. Ed«e, -Flrtl- GoT . Hardwick. - *• ini The original verdict. instance when the National Guard Olivia Owens vs. I.e* Owens. Sec- was first conceived, Gen. Nash again oad verdict. became a pioneer in the work of re. John J James vs. Trouesbau Ja«nea) ’«q*atirW!Ud«.'df that branch of the Second verdict. • national military service sfter the *e Miller vs. J. G. W. Miller. Sec- World War and has been one of the ond verdict. most persistent fighters for inde- tik Gatlin vs. Gladys Gatlin, pendent establishment of a National First verdict. GuaTd branch of the federal govern. J Mrs. Frank O’Neil vs. Frank O'NeU. ment, believing always that the Second verdict. . Princ? Footman. . Wm. Sanders. John R. Jackepn. Bertha Footman Irst verdict. Second verdict. Myrtis Jackson irst verdict. Aluia B. Craig Second verdict. Mary Scott ' ond verdict. Isfah Corley missed. Elyria National Rubber Heel Co. vs.- san’s Shoe Shop. Verdict for plain- Edward Craig. . Charley Scott: Sec- , W. W. Burney. Dls- tiff. Peter branch of the national militia has never been allowed Its normal scope by the regular army school. Gen. Nash was twice married- First to Miss Hoyle of Albany, who died some years ago. They had one daugh ter, Miss Lida Nash, who was marri ed about two years ago. About a year ago Gen Nash marricd.Mis* Swift of Atlanta -who survives him. He is sur* vived also by hia two brothers and two sisters, Idra. S; P. Strlngfcllnw of At. lanta, and Mrs. McPheters of Louis, vdlle. He wal prominent' jn cjub circles particularly as a member of the Cspital City and the Atlanta Clark vs. Mattie F. Hug- athletic clubs. Maj. Charles Cox- commanded the Second Battalion in Atlanta. .He was during the World War, a lieutenant assigned to the staff of Gen. Erwin Camp Gordon. He was single, lived in-Atlanta at the “Bell House" and was in the accident and indemnity insurance businessk Harry Butler, second lieutenant, Company F, came here from' Half, way, Ga., and was connected with the-'Southern- Bell Telephone Conu pany. He served In the World War member of the old “Fifth Geor- Followlng No bills returned by 1 gia,” starting that service grand Jury:- Jesse Cone. Charlie 'geant major; then promoted to first Smith, Walter Wade, Will Wade and _ sergeant and later to first lieutenant. Maud Wade aud Damon Brown. ■ [He is single. Moultrie Grocery Co. vs. Planters j Harry E. Heins ie first lieutenant Bank, Pavo. Injunction. Verdict for,of the same company; and also was plaintiff. - i of the old “Fifth Georgia,” entering Cocroft Music Co. vs. Owens. Mary the World War as a sergeant and win- Owens, claimant Claim. Verdict Jg'ning promotion to a lieutenancy. He favor of claimant. | is connected with fheJ. United States Burke Driver Lumber Co. Set-; Motors Sales Corporation, ed. j Gov. Hardwick last night detailed Hannah vs. M. Sampson. Verdict Lieut. J. J. O’Leary, adjutant of Maj. for plalntllf. ' Cox's battalion, to proceed at once Citizens Banking and Trust Co. ve. to the scene of the accident, arrange Consolidated Telephone Co. Verdict f or the bodies to be brought to. At- and Judgment for plaintiff. | lanta, arrange for the proper care of The state ve. Wm. I. Joiner. Lar- lt he injured, end also has ordered a ceny of automobile. Plea, guilty, and special detail of men from- Maj. Cox’s sentence of five years minimum and, battalion, to be headed by Lieut, maximum. ; Hooper Alexander, Jr., to meet the- Thomasvllle Fertilizer Co. vs. Wm. bodies upon their arrival this morn- Burns, constable. J. B. Finch, Inter- j nJfi mor. Verdict for taferrcoor. . | G cn. Shanks, comranndnnt of tho Belle Do vis Tt J. M. tktrle. Divorce jj^uth. AmJ c , rp> „,„ i y. g, A ._ and alimony. Second verdict granting, also has Qrdered out a special mill- divorce aud awarding *25 attorney’s ury *)UH to meet the bodies, and further detail at an escort and mill. fees and 115 per month allmany. W. F. Taylor ve. Sarah E. Taylor. First verdict. following No bills were returned by the grand Jury. State va. Jamoe Brown, alias Damon Brown, las James Lowery. The. state vs. ’. L. Thigpen. Wilson vs. 1. O. Glass. Appeal from Ordinary's Court. Probater will of Dr. D. H. Wilson. Verdict and Judgment admitting will to probate. State vs. Lula Smith alias Belle tary guard for the funerals. New York, Oct. 21—Over tlx thous and girl scouts took pert In the cere monies of opening the. national Girl Scout. Week. During the week, ap proximately .a quarter, million girl scouts In forty-eight states plan a de monstration of the organization’! 1 work. . These Reflect the Latest Parisian Whims, Coupled With the Good Taste Found Iii Every One of Our Youthfully Styled Dresses For Women : ■ Steyermaris Style Shop lovely, mr dear.. I’ve already told the lame thing to eight othef women whs have hats Just like If •• .Fresh Shipment HOSIERY 25c - 50c GOOD LISLE HOSE. $1.00 OUR GOLD STAR SILK—Loofa almojt like “before the war.” $1.50 RADMOOR'S “PYRAMID HEEL. $2.00 FAMOUS “NINEONE-O- ONE” (9101) FULL FASH ION SILK. We don’t believe there ii a better itocklng made for the money. ... II Yon Need Hosiery Just Try Us Neel Brothers Barley, Farina and Graham Flour Just Received Pringle Company • Sweet Peas We have a wonderful mixture of CHOICE SWEET PEAS and now iff an ideal time to plant them. We also have a fine selection of imported (* Hraefnth and.Natcltatw Bulbs riOWEZ HEP OMUL KIMM Thomas Drug Store f fHONi.« .r"- n*pa*wM4 .^| :..x;r5