The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 06, 1922, Image 2

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*AGI TWO DAILY TIME8-CNTERPRIBK. THOMASV1LLE, GEORGIA MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 6, 1922. DAILY TIMESENTERPRISt tolly *nil Semi-We.klv Til and alao the local new* publish* herein. All rlxhts of re-publfcatlon of ASSOCIATED re SUBSCRITPION PAYABLE IN *b- PHONE NUMBERS^ The antl-vivlsecitonlsts, so-called, la California, are pressing their claims on the state government for a law that will totally prohibit the use of animals for medical experimentation. Their arguments are the usual hackney ones, suggesting torture to poor, dumb brutes, reckless slaughter of domestic animals with no rhyme of reason, fiendish glee on the part of would-be cut-ups over a rat or a quinea pig. It has become a campaign issue of no little interest. The American Jour nal of Medicine has answered the aim with a very precise statement of icts in justification of the use of i.«e animals by recognized medical ihools and authorities for the pur- >ses of experiment. From of experiment the world has been able t some of Its most wonderful dis course, but it makes folks rather tired enough to have forsaken their nomadic to have litigation over auch an inane habits for life in villages; Jews and and totally useless procedure. The'Armenians, animals will get attention without any i “The Wallachs of Transylvania special bequest, and in any event the achieved the unique distinction of corn- money could be left to somebody with | pelting a sort of admiration for their Instructions to take care of the pet. | illiteracy. They argued that efforts without causing so much court proce- J toward their education by the Saxom dure and such tiresome discussions ( meant an attack upon their loyalty to about the Us and ands. NOT ALL DEAD YET Gullibility Is still a very common product of this country, among some of the folks at least. A man over seventy-five years of age has been ar rested and punished recently for sell ing stock in a company that was or ganized to make gasoline out of peat. three thousand dollars for stock, by ' faking the gas in a very unique and ingenious process. ■erlei the saving lan life. work, but neither do If the antl-vivlsectlonlsts would stage- heir campaign along really disastrous lines they might attack first th# butcher pens, then the slaughter houses, then the back yard axe wield ing. and a few other senseless and useless things that such a policy will inevitably lead to among many He was sued in the courts and pros ecuted for fraud. He got his dose in his old age. It would seem, however, that he had gotten away with a suf ficient amount to make him comfort able before he got caught. A lot of folks have the same experience, but Roumanla. Hence they resisted Saxon tutoring Just as they resisted also, far as lay in their power. Magyar patronage. “The energy choked off along indus trial and literary channels flowed into artistic courses which has made them one of the most picturesquely drtssod people of Europe. Many a Wallach villager of Transylvania lives in a mud hut because he cannot buy lumber. Enter that hut. with its hole In the top for a chimney, and you will find a loom upon which women weave fabric of delicate texture and gorgeous color. “The general outlines of the en's garments are familiar—the flow ing, robe-like skirt caught in at the waist by a girdle, over which are inks. ten paint their face* slay i o more inhuman ( guinea pig to test some medicine on it for the purpose of using it on humans. ■ If it is feasible, than it is to kill twen ty-five birds on some convenient lake for the sheer sake of the sport; in fact, there is no comparison In the | utility of these pursuits, and yet who | would say that the sportsman who The Henry Ford is a speedy boat. Common sense justifies lots of «. | things that doesn't appeal to the ■auty hint, never pay for anythin, , queamlsh and (Tank) . (olks . wk> h ate concern, beauty ,ho»n on It* lo klM , roadl a . hen theJ . know „ might bring some loathsome disease hat will we 'do* between kisses la * nt0 ,be bouse. Cruelty to animals ■ popular now than the old drln, lhal " e us «i ln v * rl ° u » occupation, e i in this country, as beasts of burden. be a more satisfactory cam- people would be j sensual , paign J would really accomplish WINTER FIRES many of them don't get caught. 1 It is hard to realize that over dred million cellars is sunk by small j Investors every year in the United I States in what can be termed doi projects. Many of the investors take a chance but more of them are fooled into believing that they are going to get something for nothing, riches in a year or so. Most of it Is pure bunk, and even those fools that get stung one time, sometimes come back and get more of the same sort of stuff else- I There have been a hundred thou sand people stung where one has bene fit ted and the small investor with very- little money Is often willing to risk his all on a hundred thousand to one chance. It wouldn't be so pitiful, If the fellow could afford It. He won then merely be kidded into comnn sense by his friends. But where happens to be a poor man. or, as often the case, a poor woman, it enough to make a fellow's blood boll against the perpetrators, but same time he can't help ing contempt for the person that weak and foolish as to make that sort of an Investment. panel-like aprons in front and behind. These aprons, like the open-front Jacket, afford scope for the widest variation In design, fabric and color. The Wallach Ian scorns standardization as he does his Saxon neighbor; and if he laments he can buy few comforts of life he would be deeply ashamed buy an article of apparel. “Other coronations of Europe may have been more elaborate, their crowdi much greater, their settings mor magnificent, but it is likely those who gathered to honor their long sought king and queen made this rank with the most picturesque ceremonies of modern times.” ! are in favor of a man's taking office only a short time after his elec tion. Therefore, we would like to sea the Georgia governors inaugurated on January first, every year, without un formality. The New York voter who objected having a political letter written to -his wife, which was signed “Sincerely ( yours." is too much .impressed with feel a P |l y- mean | n g 0 f political verbiage. OBSCURE BUT COLORFUL The value of education is measured by the same standards as the value of a dollar. In one man's hands It is worth a hundred cents; in another it is worth less than nothing. The employe that c! politician it is perfectly natural that | should be more fires in winter ummer. This applies as well ’' here aa,clJ ' r « ul,tl0 ”’ are i "In selecting ^“uolnted and llttl! f rigid), observed, n, to the small kaown town 0 f Transylvania a, the The primary must b« ratified tomor- .here there 1, no semblance plact the , r coronatlo „ lhe K , ng a „d' rnw . , Queen of Roumanla paid a tactful tribute to a major territorial acquit!- The Italians are merely stralgten- ng out their country Into a plan will goods of fire prevei ts bis | s especially t I where many residences are construct ed with shingle roofs, which are in flammable when subjected to showers of sparks. Recently, however, there occurred •allowed her engage- tlon their country gained by the treaty of St. Germain,” says a bulletin from the Washington, D. C., headquarters of the National Georgraphic Society. “Alba Julia is the name the cable : Harding is but flfty-i i of a t flv< he Will be elght-s very serious fire in a Georgia city | dispatches carry; Karlsburg. Oyula e that it can't that was caused by the carel-ssness of )Feh ervar and Welssenburg, are some ® ll9 ‘ electric equipment. In Yonkers two Q f the other designations given the er be sick and Pe ° P ‘ e Were asphyxia,ed by the « «*► j town of some 11.000 people perched on matter, even lDg ga9 rrom a llght ’ nelther of them a hill among the 'Alps of Eastern Eu- c |j g | be * nB aware of the escape. This Is rope.' (of no practical value in towns like ( “a cathedral contains the tomb of are not the Thomasvllie. where there Is no lllumi- Hunyady Janos, national hero of Hun- iey get riches natlng gas. but It does apply as far as gary fr9m whlch Transylvania was lIous. electric equipment is concerned. | transferred to Roumanla. and makes u favor of an 11 alway * pa> ' B to be very c * reful Of the obscure town a Western Euro- won't settle w,th e,ectr,c ,ron, - » tove »- and other Pean shrine when It Is recalled that 1 le other. I use * u * equipment that is so generally Hunyady turned back the tide of | put to practical usages. The electric Turks who beat against Transylvania's the one that stove or iron will, in many cases.' portals some fifty years before Colum-I enlent times cause the destruction of a home. There bus cross the Atlantic. j erslstent. jure losses there that can never be re- J “a fortress and a museum are the j paid by insurance. The economic other objects of Interest In Alba Julia; WMt ® lo WK ' lety •* a, *° a considerable the rest of Its prestige is a matter of' feeling. | lte ®' |association with the eventful history* An other Lot of Richelieu Salad Dressing for 20c Bottle W. P. Grantham Phone 11 Ther i defective flues that 0 f Transylvania. The Devilment proposition around ( that been known to be in that condl-j “The Wallachs of this Switzertand- rhomasvllle has become a factor ln ‘'on and yet are unimproved. This ls^iikeland which helps, by 22,000 square | ” fl re d c- ( miles and three million people, to dou- s and stock I If they ever make paper that be washed off, the prluters to be careful how they dole the subscribers. Inviting a conflagration. The fin av «s a areal majority of the ( hie the area and population of New have 1 flre * d,!K:0Vered ,n tlme - but lh ®Y don t | Roumanla, have long been more Rou- ^ ^ save much from the fire that gets a manian than the Roumanians them- “ 0 Bood head.,,- and burn, the roof oil,elv„. Living In verdant vnlleys | th, house De earetul this winter. j„ r ma n, barrier mountains they pro- especially >o with electric equipment « r v ed , r , c |,, pur | ty „ uch «j,.,i ousy that a maiden lost caste If she know nty looks good to us, aa an see without being on ' and Hues. Both may »nd Intimately acquainted fortable home before conditions. married i The Democrats will ail vote I tralght ticket, even it It happens '*■ against their Ideas. Those wi tiled in the primary. FREAK LEGACIES Wallah who lived too far m her own home. 'Only such a loyalty could hare pre- I It 1s with no trepidation and tear served a national and race conscious- me would endeavor to contest ness in an area where at least six dlf- 111 that certified a legac/ to an ferent nationalities contended for an- When Albany comes < with Moultrie's scalp a Won't be much chance Ing with despondency c j animal. There have been no few auch lown this week legacies, or bequests recently, that ita belt, there have come Into the courts. In one i the i The best way to learn Is to atudy and take advantage of experience. It is a long, hard road, but It pays ln the end. as any young that has tried It will attest. case, twenty-five thousand dollars was tied up for eighteen years because an old cat, a beneficiary of a part of the fund, wouldn't die. The cat gave up its ulnth life recently and the heirs at law are now fighting over the residue. People, who leave a small fund for the .care of animals are not crazy, per-, haps. Those who tie up property tor an unlimited time for no better reason hired to take If Tom Hardwick can get Tom Loy- lesa to edit his Georgia Democrat, it will be a winner right from the atartlthan having vomt Thara to bo bub la Georgia more fear-1 care of a special pat la a special way, loot and bmto abia with a pan than! Is merely a crank. Ha to oBtUlad to *• |do aa ho pleases with hit money, of premacy. and where religions range' from Icon worship to abstract Uni-' tarlanlsm. j “While one-half of the population rejoice in the realization of their cen-' turles-old dream of being united with their brother Roumanians across the Transylvanian Alps, the greater Rou manla faces ths problem of welding the other half of tha Transylvanians Into her national life. The ‘other hair Includes the Sxekels, Magyars believed to have settled here long before the major body of the Magyars arrlvad; tha Saxons, who ara Germans latro> dttcad aa colonists tight centuries ago; tho Gyps Is s, who hart lived her# long DON’T FORGET THE NEW STORE At 207 West Jackson. The store that carries everything that is good to eat at the right price. Come and look over our stock as we are are get ting in something new every day now. If it is so you can’t visit our store, call 91, for fust what you need as we give all phone orders our prompt attention. EMPIRE MERGANIILE COMPANY L.S. COBB, Mgr. Phawil S07 W. Jmmm M. Why Take A Chance with Y.OUR LIFE —or— YOUR PROPERTY Insure Both With W. M. Parker Phons 410 MItcbsll Bldg. Quality In Engraving Give us your order for wedding invitations and announcements. When you go visiting you will need engraved cards. We can get you the latest styles. We also have cards printed from your plate. Give us that order for Xmas cards NOW. Louis H. Jerger Where you buy Gifts that laet. Webster’s Tested Seeds Large Packets 5c CHARTER CHOCOLATES Assorted Nuts and Brazils The best candy we ever sold. Square Deal Druggist 104 E.Jackson St PHONE 606. Citizens Banking & Trusl Co. CAPITAL AND PROFITS, tUZOOO We do general Banking business. Commercial and S avings Accounts Solicited. Our Motto is: Service, Courtesy and Helpfulness. DO BUSINESS WITH US. J. T. Culpepper: Prest W. J. Bowen, Jr„ Cash. GET READY For The Hunting Season We Have RIFLES AND SHOT GUNS 12 gauge, i6 gauge, 20 gauge HUNTING COATS, HUNTING JACKETS, LEGGINS And the little “410 (36) gauge) that is so popular with the young boys. Robison Hardware Co. 117*119 E. Jackson 8t “Budget” Household Manage ment Many households are now op erating the’ “budget” system of finances — allowing so much for the Grocer, so much for the Butcher, etc. By depositing the household allowance in this Bank and making all disbursements by check, the housewife main tains a record of each item of expense and is enabled to re ligiously keep within her “budget.” Your Household Account is invited. Bank of Thomasville Designated Depository of Btato of Goorgla, County of Thomas and City of Thomaavllla. B. H. WRIGHT, Preart R. G. FLEETWOOD, Vlce-Prse't R. THOMAS, Vlcs-Prss't P. C. SEARCT, Cashier. J. a SEARCY. JR.. Aset. Cashier. THE UNIVERSAL CAP Prices Reduced ON Ford Cars Following Prices Effective To-day: F. O. B. DETROIT Chassis $235.00 Runabout ?£?’99 Touring 298.00 Ton Truck ^8000 Coupe 53000 Sedan 595.00 Starter and demountable rims $95.00 extra on open models. This reduction of $5000 on list price of all modela establishes the loweat plane of prices in the history of the Co mpany. Place your order early to insure prompt delivery, or phone 98 for a salesman who will call and explain our liberal time sale plan without obligation. MILE SUES COMPANY