The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 07, 1922, Image 2

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PACE TWO OAILY TIMES-ENTCRPRIift. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 7, 1722. DAILY T1MES-ENTERPRISI tha uaa, for ra-publication, i dlapatchea credltad to It, m credited In Uila paper tha new* publlahod rights af ra-pUbUcatlon of : NUMBERS:— > Red Crow. t Peach county? irodigi WHEN THE ROLL IB CALLED The Red Crois Roll Call Is betas staged throughout the country this month. Some chapters are starting this week and some are waiting until next week. The roll Is being called and It remains for the people whether they are going to answer and become a member at one dollar per >d speaker at one of the mass meetings that are being held so widely for political purposes, digressed a little his address to pay a tribute to the Red Cross. After saying that it sne of the finest, cleanest and useful things on the top side of the earth, be said that any town that could and would not support a chap- of the Red Cross has miserably Tailed in Its mission of service to ha* inanity. “THE UNWRITTEN LAW.” "Southerners, you know, are those hotheaded, violent persons who tuully believe in ‘the unwritten law.* Their Juries are outrageous, think nothing of acquitting a brute who has murdered the violator of his home. Worse still, the spectators often ap plaud such gross miscarriages of Jut tlce. And they dare to talk of the! law-abiding respectability! Plainly, It r duty to organize a flock of societies, take the Bible In hand and uplift that intemperate section.” That has a familiar ring, hasn’t U‘ ou’ve read stufT like that In North- rn papers, haven't yout Consider, then, wbat happened last eek in Hackensack, N. J,—yes. Hackensack! A Jury tried Charlei Cline, a woman and another man for That I. perfectly true. ThomaarWe thc mcrtm ot Jack Bcr,,..; who had has been up in the front rank of Red er since the movement L the outset of the war. ned its high standard of been too friendly with Charles Cllne’i 'lfe. On the jury were six women am lx men. It was proved that Cline, 1th his helpers had decoyod Bergen membership and activity In everything. ,nto tb ® CUn® home to kill him. The that pertained to local uplift and prog- J^ge at the trial charged the Jury ; busted. It Is doing good every day. doesn’t blow about it; there is no pub licity about it. but, nevertheless, the what they worJt l8 belng done an d m any a man, many a woman, and perhaps many a 'little child, has felt Its ministrations I t rust on* glnce the Wftr was c i ose( j. The roll call is to secure sufficient xiarm. funds for local work and In addition a I surplus fund for use in great emergen cies, where disasters occur and where collectors are ousy uwev people are helpless and look to this i had you better be. great Mother of Human Needs to mln- - — o J later unto them. What is a dollar for the selection of **«•* „„ ypn CM 8pend „ „„ , ort tther mean, than by tt I, purp0<0 , whers „ your bcar , „ you can’t willingly give it for that pur- Po*e? 1 When the ladies corns around be j glad to give it. Say an encouraging word, and wear that little button as lore an emblem of your spirit in the help- lots ing of suffering humanity. No man | that trods the earth today can but feel ! that he is partly right If he has given his little mite, bis democratic dollar to that great cause. If the divorce lawyers all went of business, there would be lots a If there is any happiness in n troubles Kaiser Bill ought better this week. The big thing of today is unselfish ervlce, and any man that amounts to .nything will tell you so. A CROWING INDUSTRY ; are frankly « s of Cordele and its new creamery. Very few peo ple. erea in this section, realize the Immense poossibillties for profit that will be found In the establishment of a creamery. The profit comes not only ome folks so lazy that to the stockholders of the creamery islder pushing a vacuum but to those, who are wise enough to! I. manual labor. I use dairy cattle for the purpose of, makla, aaur cram that an b« Mill* Tbe J>u ^ A Red Cross button worn on your coat lapel is a distinction that all good folks ought to seek this week. that under the law it could not acquit Cline on the plea of self-de.’ei which was all the defense he had. The Jury retired, took one ballot, returned to the courtroom and acquit ted the killer. In announcing the "Not guilty,” the Jury’s forewoman a 25-year-old atenographer, announced “We agreed positively not to repeat what was said In the Jury room about tbe unwritten law.” When she said that, "the accused were cheered like football heroes.” Sounds Just like the South, only worse, doesn't It? The truth is that we aro all Tery much alike. The truth 1s that laws do not control public opinion; they express public opinion. Laws are weak when they contradict tbe primal untamed emotion of men and women. It is wrong, outrageously wrong, for oue man to murder another. The laws against murder should be upheld But the way to uphold them Is by training men to discipline their emo tions. It has taken us millions of years to find out that murder Is never justifiable. It will take us a while longer to live up to that discovery un varyingly. Until we do. no part of the population should waste time and energy abusing another part for not living up to It. Ye can make better progress by preaching the proper idealism and self-restraint.—Asheville <N. C.) Citizen. • Jap empty for t years, with a capacity of sixteen, has been put back Into service through the activities ot a very alert bootlegger, who soon had the old thing working over time. cmouatT ought to hare won e| j Jn |j, e products ot the creamery, il they will not win a. many Tbere h ,, e bcen t,,!,,,,, th l, line they expected or claimed. before, right here in thl. aectlon ot ,11° perfect that paper ,he “ late - b “ l they hare not been be- can be rubbed off all of the love caU8,! the Impossibility of making ■r, will be written on II hereafter. mon, r wl,h * Prorlded It . | can get sufficient cream. There Is hen a woman ia subjected to a money In it. not only for the creamery, .avero attack ot aphaala aho bu , lpr e ,ery mI , tb „ t .,„ mm, ,o t think anything e„o conld be Mon , b m>k . , , blpment t0 «" <">" “ •“*«"« i .the Candlera In Atlanta, which will >e - i that institution. I , give It worse social and, perhaps, poll- FOR CASH Best grade bulk Cocoa, lb 20c Libby's mixed sweet pickle, 8w«*t potatoes, pk 15c Garfland's Relish 35c J. F..- PITTMAN Oaalar In MILK COWS If you want a fresh cow or wan to exchange your dry cow for i fresh one, call and see me. Phone 458 or call at residue. 424 E. Clay Street, Thomaevllle- J. F. PITTMAN First Class DRESS-MAKING Prices Reasonable 4th Floor, Room 417 Upchurch Mrs* E. Loomis and Mrs* W. C Lambert RAILROAD SCHEDULES A. C. L R. R ft. R. Station. The fellewlng schedule figure* publlah- ■ ‘ -» guaranteed. and South of astern standard aa Barnes' Law rim* In oeersia- Tram* West of T° “ itvllle operate on Central Standard Thomaevllle e ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILWAY (Pullman Sleeping Care) a Blrmlnghom-Atlanta 7:20 ATLANTIC COAST LINK RAILROAD Arrives Leave* tdn am Sav'h-Jav-Monte'y 1-27 am |j] am Montg'y-Sav'h-Jax 1:30 am •:10 pm Thoa’vllle-Sav'h S:2S am 10:M am taVh-Montg'y 10.05 am 10:00 am Monticell* 7:40 pm M:»0 pm MontleeMo *^11«10 *m 10:50 am Atlanta?** any 1 ?1m pm 1:sa pm Montg'y-aav’h.Jax 3:10 pm Note—(**)Sunday only. (•) Dally except Sunday. Atlantia Coaet Lin* Depot, Phone 1«*-J Atlanta Birmingham A Atlantic, I**- r kaiser’s friends are all Cordele knows all about the failures tlcal §utUf t he Is still Juat that, sad but It ba * als0 ,een * b ® poa*lbUI-| as ruling himself Is con- ties that will accrue if It succeeds. It Its that will come to those who furnish therefor. We hope that this h:oud ’ Was freed oa lhe Uawritlen organization wlil be a decided auccea. aw plea. In every way. It cannot be unless the i The diamond on her hand indicates measure the profit, of .ometlme., but there ,r. ■' muth **.“ Joe * th ' ‘ >ro '- | other thing, on »m, ,lrU- bong, th.t indicate a lot more. Including the poa- aibUlty of getting several diamonds | anytime they will agree. Th. unit plan is something l >eo * >, « m,ke th ® m,,k - Th»t can h®' Oovernor Edward* la known In po- politicians ar.* beginning work on, done w,tb co-operative effort for a luteal circles aa the “Jeraey Rum that Tom Watson has passed out t,me ' and then u wU1 b ® don ® because' Hound,” but PreUnghuyaen fears that Ik* state of action. j the da,r 7 men taT ® found that wlU | he may run too fast la the little hunt n I pay a real profit iere arc still a lot of surplus army. Ev#Py could make Its taxes on getting lt , cream lf ther# wai a pUca wtera If the coal shortage makes you i coming this week. oils that • Republic: i the 9 they cussed ears ago. men that propose think can do any better for her- ii only one in a million baa *o express hlmselL and then you hear i l serioi The sultan seems to be shivering In sis shimmy, over tbe way the folks ire regarding him. Maybe he tears tome of the massacres the Turks ier him so glibly indulged Th* fellow that deliberately add* up the figures on his menu card afu waiter hands it to him hap also nerve enough to refuse to be browbeaten into paying an exhorbltant tip. The Presbyterian preacher In New York, who urged that all preachan us a certain amount of ««ang. to that ther CM reach the young folks, going ant af tha why ta gat at them, M Kmm I* ult. uu SMH ream could be easily marketed.: Tell a farmer that you will pay his every year and he would smile broadly. Show him that it can be done with dairy cattle and be will soon be In the business for keeps. This is tbe section of tne South for dairying and wasting a great opportunity if we don't take advantage of it. PROFIT AND LOSS comfortable this winter, don't blame tbe fellows that struck or th* fellows that made them strike. If Pordney gets halt way around the world on his contemplated trip, hope he finds out waht th* tariff haa coat him In expenses. The penalty for counterfeiting In Russia Is death, but what la the use of lt when all the presses er* busy making real money? | ought to be there. The tramp* that are headed South think w* are going to feed them for nothing aa long as they want to stay. Too many may be going to college Chief Justice William H. Fleh was de-j tbat ou * ht not t0 *>« * b ® r ®- »“ d ‘kwe tested by the electorate of Georgia for i ar ® a, *° • lot mor ® DOt * oln * tb»t hla position. It waa a notable the Judiciary In many respects, but where tbe etate loses his services Mercer University has gained them by making him dean of the law school. The young men of Georgia, who go to that institution can expect th* most earnest and effective co-operation in attaining th* desired end In their pro fession. Judge Fish la dean, fair and capabla. Ws don't know of a man, whoa# services would ha more desir able la that coaaectioa and who oaa bring store to the Mercer law school This county ships spaghetti to Italy but a lot of It Is eaten hare, Because It Is so hard to get lt down properly. The Ideal husband Is tha man th gets bis weekly payroll and knows where to take ft T than Judge Dab. If yoa knew that you nead forty-four ! wouldn't cars to say eo muck. An other Lot of Richelieu Salad Dressing for 20c Bottle Vf. P. Grantham Phone 11 DON’T FORGET THE NEW STORE At 207 West Jackson. The store that carries everything that is good to eat at the right price. Come and look over our stock as we are are get ting in something new every day now. If lt is ■o you can’t visit our store, call 91, for Just what you need as we give all phone orders our prompt attention. EMPIQBW COMPANY L. S. COBB. Mrr. PSMMfl »7 W. JmS. tt Why Take A Chance with YOUR LIFE —or— YOUR PROPERTY Insure Both With W. M. Parker Phone <10 Mitchell Bldg, Quality In Engraving Give us your order for wedding invitations and announcements. When you go visiting you will need engraved cards. We can get you the latest styles. We also have cards printed from your plate. Give us that order for Xmas cards NOW. Louis H.Jerger Where you buy Gifts that last. Webster’s Tested Seeds Large Packets 5c CHARTER CHOCOLATES Assorted Nuts and Brazils The best candy we ever sold. JJ.PEIH Square Deal Druggist. 104 E. Jackson St Citizens Banking & Trust Co. CAPITAL AND PROFITS, SHaOOO We do general Banking business. Commercial and S avings Accounts Solicited. Our Motto is: Service, Courtesy and Helpfulness. DO BUSINESS WITH US. J. T. Culpepper, Prest W. J. Bowen, Jr* Cash. GET READY For The Hunting Season We Have RIFLES AND SHOT GUNS 12 gauge, 16 gauge, 20 gauge HUNTING COATS, HUNTING JACKETS, LEGGINS And the little "410 (36) gauge) that is so popular with the young boys. Robison Hardware Co. 117-11* I. Jacluon CL Plion. 1SS “Budget’ Household Manage ment Many households are now op erating the “budget" system of finances — allowing so much for the Grocer, so much for the Butcher, etc. By depositing the household allowance in this Bank and making all disbursements by check, the housewife main tains a record of each item, of expense and is enabled to re ligiously keep within her “budget.” Your Household Account is invited. Bank of Thomasville Designated Depository of «tat* of Georgia, County of Thomas and City of Thomaavllla. B. H. WRIQHT. Preen IL a FLWCTWOOD. Vlce-Prefl R. THOMAS. Vlee-PrearL P. C. SEARCY. Cashier. J. a. SEARCY, JR-. AaeL Cashier. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Prices Reduced on Ford Cars Following Prices Effective To-day: F. O. a DETROIT Chassis $235.00 Runabout 269.00 Touring ....*. 298.00 Ton Truck '. 380d)0 Coupe 530d>0 Sedan 595.00 Starter and demountable rims $95.00 extra on open models. This reduction of $5040 on list price of all modeli establishes the lowest plane of prices in the history of the Co mpany. Place your order early to insure prompt delivery, or phone 98 for a salesman who will call and explain our liberal time sale plan without obligation. I