The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 16, 1922, Image 2

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DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRIt*. TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 19, 1922. DAILY TIMES'ENTERPRlSt terpriM. Published a wkljr Time* Rn- I Matter. HE ASSOCIATED :ss reaa la sxcluslrsly for re-publlcatlon. •lira credited to It. ted In this paper il newa publlahed >f re-publlcatlon of SUBSCRITPION PAYABLE I PHONE NUMBER9:- A MENACE TO PEACE Senator Henry Csbot Lodge elected senator from the state of Massachusetts last week. So far be has failed to get much consolation out of that election. He was elected by a minority and his nearest opponent only polled 8.125 rotes less than did he senator himself. The combined ote against Lodge would have defeat- id him by a good majority. Mr. Lodge Is too big for his hat and also for his state. He directed the e campaign with the calm assur- e that hi WHAT NEXT? ■'.if-: In an Inconspicuous position In one more of Savannah's newspapers, an m appeared a short time ago stating that a "George for President” club had been organized and that Its member ship would be over a hundred. The object of the club was to pri name of Walter F. George, elect from Georgia, for the presidency. In view of the fact that George got very little consolation out of Chatham :ounty In his election, and the further fact that be has hardly started his and his fame would! senatorial career, this attempt i rk. He soon found that it be quite amusing. Certainly it nd he took to the woods have no great weight or be of any ith all sorts of vigor and with the value if Senator George expects to irty organization back of him to the for president any time soon. The Sa me extent. It took that to elect vannah George for President Club is m. one of the Jokes of the season, for ob- Had the people of Massachusetts vious reasons, most of them purely vored his policies In the Senate, he ( local, would have b?en overwhelmingly The Republican governor's p |ty was ten tiroes greater than was] Savanah Press: The Savannah Lodge's, and ho had nulhlng like the Press alluded to the article written little school girl in Savannah BARBARA FREITCHIE. i for the boll weevil, sonnl prestige and distinction thatj . Lodge claimed. Ills prestigj has ‘ elved a very severe blow. He I •k but with a decided loss of i i funny how few people think The work that he has doi [ the shades at night. j thy of a more gt complexion of w j th a f et nke thai I about the Barbara Freitchie incid- it, stating that there were so many 3 interesting incidents in connection ‘•{with the War between the States in | Virginia and Maryland it was a mat. .. ter of regret that this poem should e |be impressed upo n the school child- m n ms own inenai ' ren °* South, i among ms own inenai,j ^ w y| be remembered that Miss ire suppose to ove m ■ Mildred Rutherford, historian gene. , r likened to nothing earth- ra j 0 f t j, e United Daughters of the j ly, and to worship his Intellect and Confederacy, delivered an address in his genius for politics, as something Savannah, Ga-, November 13, 1914 not of the earth. Ho should j™ that very subject she said. I have been defeated bv reason of his* Another wrong that must be intuit. | ' righted *4^that Barbara Freitchie „ I «»a «*»“X *«''»'•>« '«»« 10 1 myth. Our children .re rcriting that If you had saved only a hundred discredit Woodrow Wilson by attack-| poem by Whittier and are being for the last twenty years, you wouldn't ing him through opposition to the J taught that our great and good be dead broke. j League of Nations, on a point that Stonewall Jackso n was not only dis. was totally partisan and prejudicial {courteous, but actually revengeful Tbe sultan of Turkey hasn't a Job. and without an) . degr?e of political and cruc1 ' . We cannot al but he probably needs one less than merit or worth We hope he ha9 longer remain unrighted. anybody w. know. learqed . bul wc fe „ t „. t 1 h “ v » in “» ^“1°" * 'W of a letter from John G. Whittier 1 to trickle into the cranium of written in 189 2 in which he acknow- bo has been hardened against ledges that he was mistaken ail things that he does not approve by name of the place where the incid. continued shafts of admiration ent *°°* place and the person Inane approval Ihal have been bla I tion,: ' 1 in lhe >’° em ' vho " oved the 'flag. He says that a United Statei i for so ong. (soldier returning from the war tolc , many respects. Mr. Lodge Is an ihim the incident and said that it • —« 1 “hie man. In one respect, at least, he happened in Maryland when Jack. The boys that are getting the love js a menace to tb9 peace of the world son's troops passed through. He sup mix badly are wondering bow it work and o( h , 8 country a hard-boiled old posed that U *°° k p,ace ,n FrederIck _ because Jackson passed through 1 that city, he wrote to the poi ; going to u ‘ auj uuc “““ ,u | there to inquire the name of the per- lo be lhe nicest looking In South Oeoc hl “ u ’ r> ' »< "todern times. He may get son connected with the flag wavins. gia again this winter. STOP Paying High Prices for Your Meat. Look at our prices: Whole Pig Hams, lb. 1 1 w Pork Chops 17*c Pork Shoulders 15c Best Round 4 7/4 Steak, lb .. 11 u Best Loin 4 7 J / 2 i* Steak, lb. 1 1 w Best Rib Steak lb Rib Roast, lb. Hamburger, lb Sausage Meat, lb 15c Brisket Stew ORg* 3 lbs 15c 15c 15c Roy Smith There hasn't been much use for vests in this section yet, not to speak of the thick 'uns. n Moultrie is trying an intersectional football game this week, Griffin be- ' inx tbe opponent. I by Christ Lots ten just naturally You can believe a lot of men until they begin telling fish tales and then you don't know when to believe them. Production and distribution both en tiling* quite as effective In keeping them up. The short skirts are quite tbe rage now and the men are backing up tbe revolutionists from tbe long effects quite openly. I ie work has been lern times, lie may l of his victory, while ( The postmaster replied that he had the world will get nothing but regret.never heard of the incident, but that » money by shaving and dangers. lt * ounded vpr Y l‘ k « Barbara bey spend It some Frietchie, who had lived there NOTABLE VISITORS that time. The name struck Whittier ! K | las suitable for a poem so upon that Lord and Lady Mount Batten, of authority only he England are planning to conclude a. j have in my possession a copy of trip of America in the near future and a letter from a nephew of Barbara have arrived In New York. Lord Freitchie, written in 1874 saying Mount Batten is a first cousin of the' that at the t,me Stonewall Jackson son of Prln pa8,ed throu 8 k Frederick. Md., he ’ 'was attending to his aunts business id the Frus-■ a ff airs nnd he knows postively that slan Prince of Battenburg, Henry by; * be was not able to leave her bed nume, the Princess being a daughter! much less to mount a casement of Queen Victoria and an aunt of the wave a flag . present King of England. The Lord { I have in my possession a copy of Mount Batten] hla namo from lclter ,rom Dr - Z»ch«rl«», her pas. the bated Prussian to the beloved Eng. <or , ‘T™ lh » l * b * d 0 * be, °" S' 0 '’''- wall Jackson passed through Freder- lish. during the late unpleasantness. lck he WM administering as to a These English folk huve beeu visit- dying woman, tbe last communion, ing extensively in this country and He said that he knew postivriy that they have been pictured In all sorts Barbara Frietchie was not able to go of poses with all sorts of folks. The *° • w * ndow wavo a flag, even had |Stonewall Jackson's men paseed her I home, widen they did not. j I have in my possession a chart body#, at any time, for anything. The Tliomasville folks will have chances to see a football game tomor- King of England, being row. one here and one In Valdosta. I cess Beatrice, who mai first came when they were at Holly wood with Charlie Chaplin and a fev of the movie stars. The latest cain< When you hear a man taking out of the movie stars. The latest camoJ Giv j ng Jackson's line of march In his spleen on some of his employes from Washington, whoro they were Frederick and the location of Bar- you may know that he ought to awap entertained by the big rich ot that{barn Frletchle'a home, which was places with them. | c ity. They are now in the hands of < l uito off the ,inc - And >' et - the wo - ,, .the Vunderbllti, ,1c.. lu No. York. If™ of Frederick knowmzthe.e ho viet Russia baa seen a lot ot, I facts have erected a monument in the things disagreeable but the latest Is ,IlT,Dg rUD th ® , * n,ut * “ the ° ,d streets of that city and lately unveil- » .... of drunkenne.,, and .11 Ihul ,w ‘"* 01 “• * r * d " « ed It to tbl. t.I.ohood In hl.tory. follows In its wake aristocracy they are prepare* to give} The U. D. C. daughters of Frede- ^ a fairly accurate viewpoint of the ’ rick protested. The veterans of the Men's waists are said to be enlarg-. country's so-called better classes, In Frederick protested. The 0 re.llly tbe m.„M. .bo bun bec0m6 i »~i Vcterun, of Murylund ir.tP««< s ted and The Baltimore Sun probably due i ) do with- The murder mysteries tbit haven' be.-n solved would give Sherlock Holmes more trouble than some of tbs Spirits he is fooling with. When he gets to the point that he knows and will admit that nobody else can .'ill his place there Is likely to bo a meeting of the managers to select his successor. Whatever has become of the former proposal to Junk the A.. B. and A. be cause it wasn't earning any money? Look at the tralna and perhape you can Hod out. !<ots of epldemlca start in school but they ought to be stopped as soon •a they start and esnslly are. If there ere heelth authorities to whom dis eases are reported. Mrs. Felton la going to Washington, not for the sake of the women, who have nrged her to go, bat (or the sake ef n UttJe vanity nnd desire of pah- J*" the classes. They have proven quite protestedf but not hing could stop it. democratic guests In every way and The testimony of an old woman over, thoroughly enjoyable to those prlvi- 75 years old, whose memory Is leged to entertain them. (known to be failing has been taken In line with this visit of semi-royalty a recent issue of the New York Times rather than more reliable testimony. She is a niece of Barbara Frietchie and has been fed upon this story announced tbnt > Mr,. Mobano 1 )„„„ th , t , h , „, 1Iy bdi , vei it . North Carolina, has been the guest of when her own brother’s testimony the Queen of Roumanla, and was disproves it. There is nothing to d9 .bourn nil poi.ible courle.l.n, even tol b “< '«* 11 brandnd in hintory .bn nlsbt o! lb. coron.tlon robe, wblcb "* * '» *» . . ... 1 Mayor of Frederick was asked why .bn queen put on for her .pedal do- |b . .„ owed , et „ u „ d h , lecl.Uon. Tbe world I, cbnnklnr. | „, 4 -Becnuie it will brlnlt many surely. If these two Instances can be visitors to our city." Yes It is a taken as any criterion of the atUtude J monument unique In history but of royalty toward the common folka doe * !t honor a * * monument should, of lb. world. I. I. . mod .1.0 •nd'21. ,ny<,n ' ? *' kn »'' . . . . , . Whittier would have resented it for on, .bn. betoken. . morn libel .nd wb „, « d|d „., wi , b hlm „„ democratic .plrit on lb. p.rl ot tb. |tb e slavery question be wan • man ruling powers In the European arts- of deep religious convictions and a tocracy. heretofore a forbidden Eden man who abhorred a sham. If Bar ter any but those with royal blood In j bara Frietchie was so patriotic she - . ./would not desire an honor that falsL their veins or some position of dvll r»cte.—Etablln Courier-News. eminence that would make social and! „ contuct less obnoxious. ,( Adnlr * 1 Sl “* “» •" b * . jto he wtu bn Ulkiajt until bln death Iion't wait for somebody to com. ud dliputln. somebody or somethin, eronnd and be. yoa to Join tho Red tbit waaa-t dost at ha thoniM ft Ctoee. - to wn ban. ■ APPLES—APPLES Washington Stati Variety Small size, doz 20c Large size, doz 30c J. R. EVANS PHONE 128 APPLES—APPLES WANTED To rent a 8 or 9 room houao, good location for party sent here to establish government of fice. by Dec. 1st We muet not fall to get It Who haa It? W. M. Parker fhono 410 Mitchell Bldg. J. F. PITTMAN Dealer In MILK COWS If you want a froth cow or want to exchange your dry cow for a freeh one, call and too me. Phone 458 or call at realdenco 424 E. Clay Street, Thomaevllle- J. F. PITTMAN First Class DRESS-MAKING Prices Reasonable Mrs. E. Loomis and Mrs. W. C Lambert RAILROAD SCHEDULES rrlv.l and d.nartur. ot pa.Mnf ns at Thomasvlllo. A. C. L. R. :lon and A., B. A. A. R. R. Station. Time In Qoorgla. ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILWAY (Pullman Sleeping Care) ^ n Rirmlnf ham-Atlanta 7:1 Quality In Engraving Give us your order for wedding invitations and announcements. When you go visiting you will need engraved cards. We can get you the latest styles. We also have cards printed from your plate. Give us that order for Xmas cards NOW. Louis H. Jerger Where you buy Gifts that last. Webster’s Tested Seeds Large Packets 5c CHARTER CHOCOLATES Assorted Nuts and Brazils The best candy we ever sold. Citizens Banking & Trust Co. CAPITAL AND PROFITS, ,tSZ000 We do general Banking business. Commercial and S avings Accounts Solicited. Our Motto is: Service, Courtesy and Helpfulness. DO BUSINESS WITH US. J. T. Culpepper, Prest W. J. Bowen, Jr- Cash. The Monument You Erect 'ttTfHETHEIl one of simplicity or ” crandcur, our fsdlitiea for its Direct connections with the quarries pliable us to select the moat beautiful uvi durable monumental material In existence - GEORGIA MARBLE. THOMASVILLE MARBLE CO. Madison St. Thomasville, Ga* jj. Square Deal Druggist. 104 E. Jackson St PHONE 606. The Bank That Business Men Choose A friendly, helpful banking connection upon which one can depend in good times or had, is the kind business men prefer. The constantly growing number of our commercial clients indicates that this is that kind of a bank. We are always glad to discuss business problems. Bank of Thomasville Designated Depository of State of Georgia, County of Thomas and City ef Thomasville. B. H. wrioht, Prert R. O. FLEETWOOD. Vlce-Pres’t R. THOMAS, Vlc#-Pree*L P. C. 8EARCT. Cashier. 1. •. SEARCY, JR.. AML Cashier. ATLANTIC COAST LINK RAILROAD Arrives Leaves MO am »«vUi-J**-Mente’y 137im lit am Monta'y*9*v*h-J*x am Site pm Thee’vtne.taVh Mi am 10:M am Sav'h-MMita'y 10:09 am 10:00 am MenUcelle 7:30 am •1:M pm Montleello ••11:10 am •7:49 pm Mentlcelle *11:10 am * *11:19 am Nate—<**Jtun9ty only. Atlantic Cam Una Oapat, Pf i A Atiant Another Lot of Richelieu Salad Dressing for 20c Bottle W. P. Grantham Phone 11 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Prices Reduced on Ford Cars Following Prices Effective To-day: F. O. B. DETROIT Chassis $235.00 Runabout 269.00 Touring 298.00 Ton Truck 380.00 Coupe 530.00 Sedan 595.00 Starter and demountable rims $95.00 extra on open models. This reduction of $50dX) on list price of all models establishes the lowest plane of prices in the history of the Co mpany. Place your order early to Insure prompt delivery, r phone 98 lor a salesman who will call and explain our liberal time sale plan without obligation. IHOHLE SUES CMMl