The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 18, 1922, Image 6

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PACE SIX DAILY TIMKS-ENTIRPMSK TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 18, 1822. WILL ANSWER ANY WOMAN WHO WRITES Woaaa Restored to He»ltil)rLyJi» E. PiaUuun’i Vegetable Compound Hale, Hus Offer Cumberland, Md.—"Mr mother gave ne LydiaE. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Com- ,1 pound when I was I between thirteen I and fourteen yean old and was going to I school, because I | suffered with pains 1 and could not rest I did not have any I more trouble aft«r I that until I was mar- | ricd, then I always was troubled in my back while carrying Ji child and coula not do my work until I took the Vegetable Compound. Iam strong, do all my wash ing and ironing and work for seven children and feel fine. I always have an easy time at childbirth and what it did for me it will do for other women. I am willing to answer any woman if she will writ* asking what it did for me. —Mrs. John Heier, 63 Dilley St., Cumberland, Md. During girlhood and later during motherhood Lydia E. Pinkham *s Vege table Compound brought relief to lira. Heier. Her case is but one of many we constantly publish recommending our Vegetable Compound. She is willing to answer your letter. Write to her. Advertisement F. A. STROBEL, D. C Licensed Chiropractor Cl)rente Disease end X-Ray THOMASVILLE, GA. Dr. R. B. O’Quinn DENTAL 8URGEON Office (n Medical Bldg. Extracting a Specialty j The Smart Shoppe of ■ Beauty Culture I Upchurch Building, 2nd Floor [ Room 210, Phone II t Permanent Waving $1. par earl I Anna M. Lightfoat } Graduate In Beauty Culture RADIUM The RADIUM INSTITUTE of Thomasvllle, Ga., for treatment of Cancerous and Benign Growths. We with to co-operate with physicians and surgeens, assur ing them an adequate supply of Radium for uso In cases refer- Hospital cases treated at Ulty Hospital, Thomasvllle, Ga, or Dr. Sanchez* private sanatorl urn at Barwlek, Ga. See or write, Dr. C. K.Wall.ot A. D. Little, Thomasvllle, or Dr. 8. E. Sanchez, Berwick, LOOK! LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than last year. Our stock is the best; our market is absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food can be sold. CAM HEISLER PHONE 52 If you are not perfectly .alisfieJ with your pres ent market service, try is one lime. That it all we ask. IN THE THOMASVILLE CHURCHES TOMORROW METHODIST Rev. Isaac P. Tyson, Pastor. Sunday tchool st 10 s. m., Mr. J. E. Robison superintenilsnt; Miss Sarah Harley, superintendent department Graded Lessons. Preaching Sunday 11:30 a. m. by the pastor. Subject: “Why I am a Methodist: The Universal Call of the The boys and girls of junior age the church are requested to meet Miss Anna Doss at the church Sunday 3:00 p. m, for the purpose of organiz- g a Junior Epworth League. Epworth League Sunday 6:16 p. in. Mid week prayer service Wednes day 7:30 p. m. For Sunday evening service see an nouncement elsewhere. Public cordially Invited to all ser vices. Musical Program MORNING Organ prelude — ‘^Meditation.” — Bubeck. Choir Response — "The Lord is in is Holy Temple."—Anon. Offertory — “Largo" from the new world symphony—Dvorak. Anthem — "How Firm a Founda- >n."--Sheldon. Postlude — "Postlude”—Clark. EVENING Organ Prelude — "Prelude"—Batt- Offertory — "Cavaleria Rustlcana" —Mascagni. Vocul Duet — Misses Ethel Spence id Vera Watkins. Selected. Postlude— "Crusaders.”—Vollmann. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. W. M. Harris, pastor. Sunday School, meets at 10:00 a. .u B. W. Stone, Supt. Graded classes for all students. Worship with preaching by the pas tor at 11:38 a. m. At the evening service at 7:30 oclock, the Senior B. Y. P. U. will have charge of the service, giving the regular B. Y. P. U. program with a devotional service, after which the pastor will make a short talk. Thu congregation is urged to attend this Men’s Baraca Class v the Court House at 10:00. Paul Searcy President. Ardls McDougald, Teach er. Good singing at each service, and a hearty welcome to you. Corns meet with us. Junior B. Y. P. U.. at art Yates, president Senior B. Y. 1*. U.. m You are Invited to these services. Prayer meeting Wedi ing 7:30 oclock. m., Sunday school, Mr. H. R. Mahler, Supt We have a class and a elcome for you. 11:30 a. m. Morning service. Rev. W. F. Sharp, evangelist of St. Louis will speak upon the subject of “High Flyers." 4:00 p. m. Junior Christian Endeav or. Leader, Evelyn Turner. 6:45 p. m. Senior Christian Endeav or. Leader, Mr. David Mallard. Sub ject: "How we can help Home Mis sion Work." 7:30 p. m. Evening Service. The Defender, the Accusers and the Judge if the Judgment. This Is the third study In a series of sermons upon The Judgment. Everyone invited. Monday afternoon Circle meetings, it homes of— No. 1. Mrs T. R. Jones. No. 2. Mrs. J. L Avera No 3 Mrs. S. D. Reid. No. 4. Mrs. Symonds. ST. THOMAsIPISCOPAL. 8ERV1CES. Rev. Robb White, Jr., Rector. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m. Church School 10:20 a. m. Men’s Bible Class. 11:30 a. m. Morning prayer and 7:30 p. m. Evenlag prayer and SURE IT _D0ES GOOD IKedford’s BUck-Dr&ogfit Urn Medicine (Vegetable) Praised bj the Head of a Louisiana Family. Lake Charles, La.-"| don’t know what we would have done had we not i had Black-Draught It sure Is one ol the best medicines made, and am sure the best liver medicine,** said Mr. Henry ' Garrett, of this dty. i she believes " dosesof •* I "We used pin, tod tablet, ,nd otter laxatives, but they never seemed to do food, but the Black-Draught sure has, come to our boost to stay, too., lo, I *i am gUd to recommend an thftbasbeeotho help to my * . present neai two boxes of Black-1 Black-Draught has. •My present health is good. '-Dnughfinth liver jrets oat or n ten out of yoar system. Sold everywhere. NC-141 (Advertisement) IF YOU WANT TO SEE really phenomenal val ues, that is, prices that will open your eyes in amazement, let us show you our selections of clothes See our windows for the latest in— Dresses, Sweaters AND SportsHose Steyerman’s Style Shop SUITS COATS DRESSES Nov. 20th to 26th Inclutiv* 8 a. m. Holy Communion. This U the Intensive Week of the Church’s nation-wide campaign. edifice, Dawson and Washington St* Subject: “Saul and Bible." Reading room, samn address, is open seek days from 10 a. in. to 12, when ths Bible and all authorised Christlas dclence literature may be read, bor rowed or purchased. Wednesday evening 8:00 oclock Tes Umony meeting. The public Is cordially Invited. meets at the Y. M. C. A. at 10 a. na ATLANTA WOMAN FIGHTS TO END LIFE Atlanta, Nov. 18 A woman, de termined to end her life in her own selected manner, tied up three rail, road trains and blocked traffic at a crossing in Atlanta yesterday after. At the police station, where she is finally gotten after a fight, she gave the name of Mrs. Bessie Jensen, aged 21 yean, and said she was tired of living. Several men saw the young won*. watching beside ths railroad for several minutes, until a passenger train on the Central of Georgia railroad was heard approaching, whereupon she leisurely walked into the track, lay down and awaited the train. The men flagged the train down and, when two of the men tried remove the woman, she fought them like a tigress, refused to budge and demanded they let her alone. A freight ia due to run out im mediately behind the passenger and It was necessary for the flagman drop back and aet torpedoes. Meanwhile—the engagement with the death-desiring woman lasted about ten minute*, a second freight train approached and, like the first one, was stopped by a second lot of torpedoes. A squad of policemen were called, the woman put in the paloce auto and taken to the police station, where she is being held on a double charge of obstructing traffic and of loitering. Gaorge apeak in Cairo, Saturday. Mr. John Vanlandingbam, of Cairo, spent Sunday with Mr. Pierce Elkins Mr. Zack Mott and Miss Ollie Wynn, were out riding Sunday P. M- Mrs. Walter Booth, visited Mrs. E. Jones, Sunday. Mr. Clover Broome, ‘hecompanied Miss Alice Brady, to prayer meeting Sunday night. Mr. Walter Booth, and little and daughter Murray, and Mary Ella spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Sofkee. Thompson, *151.20; S. T. Klddsr Jr.. Lena Con* HO: Ur. . „ II; Bank of ThomaaviU* *552.20; C. H. Mr* Josspiife, FoWurAoo* A a” Butler. |4; C. E. Hay, *250; American Rv. Wim 5 . M ae2»*** ota , Manatag, *5.00- J a. Kx. Co..11.01: Bank of Thomaavllla.1247.. Willi* *5.00; Luthar nu'. T. American Rv. /J™!® 1 * Manning, *5.00 • j of Thomasvllle,*247.- wjm* *|.00; Luther Bell, *2.60; Mr* _ ... &. A coSL,% c “c. g‘“ aglhSl 2: i o. 6. joh’nson.|j.20;; A. B * A. Ry. Co. L. Ry. Co^^J. B." Disom 1 WOODLAND Preaching was well attended at Woodland Sunday, a largo crowd also enjoyed the aing Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Scoggins, were called to the home of their brother Mr. Joe Scoggins, Sunday on account of sickness. Miss Edna Long, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mias Eva Dunlap. Mias Rebecca Singletary, was th dinner guest of Miss Eva Harper, Sunday. Quito a number of ] community, went to I Senator PowsU. Ada both In the Ben Danlola died with Pellagra < *■ d. Respectfully submitted, A. J. ANDREWS, Supt General Fund BINs Approved and Ordered Feld. Nevember, US. L J. Andrew* *25; J. H. Floyd, JUS; •; Americas Ry. Ex. Co., M centa; J. T. Ilf; T. A. Jone* $1*; were no checks* Isauan . B. Pteon, *9; win Barnes *9.49; C. &; *»«P«ctfully submitted. 11 «- (NOTE—Th. followlo, |, th, •todw of th, BlmtM of th, Conn- CommU,loner, for tho Noremher