The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 20, 1922, Image 5

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: MONDAY.AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER SO. 1M2. DAILY TIMEo ENTERPRIOE. DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE Have Your Battery BY US JAS. GRIBBEN PHONE 461 We Repair—Recharge and Give Free Service On All Make, of Batleriea HEATS FROM 3 to 6 ROOMS WITH ANY KIND OF COAL OR WOOD HEATKOLA W. Feinberg & Son Thomaevllle’a Leading Furniture Store Cor. Madison and Jaekaan 8t» wwwwwwwvwtwww HOUSEWIVAS "For ‘Goodness Sake’ USE Sweet . Clover Flour” We Sell It GOLDEN BROS CO. Phone 184 WHOLESALE GROCERIES & FEED WWUVWVWVWWWWUVUVM EMERGENCIES Did you ever go to your Medicine Cabinet for the Iodine, Paregoric or some remedy you needed at once, and found it all gone. Order your emergency remedies Now. Phone US and save all the worry. We can help you. Prompt Service Sparks Pharmacy Full Stock of Telephone Calls. Phone 115 Drugs and 8undrlea GRAND THEATRE TODAY and TOMORROW THE LURE OF DIAMONDS—A HERITAGE OF THE AGES! SEE HOW IT CAUGHT THREE LIVES IN ITS GLITTERING MESH AND PLUNG ED THEM INTO WILD ADVENTURE LOVE AND DARK INTRIGUE. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, GORGEOUS GOWNS. AND AN ALL-STAR CAST ALSO A FUNNY TWO REEL COMEDY Houra: 3, 5, 8,.9:45 SPECIAL IVIUSIC Night 30c. “Bug" Smith Discovers Remedy >r Boll Weevil— It will be of Interest to many resi dents of ThomasTllle to know that the plan recenUy promulgated toy Dr. William Newell of the Florida State University, for getting abead of the boll weevil In Florida and this was in a large part due tc research work of Mr. George D. Smith assistant state entomogollst of Flori da. Mr. Smith was a resident of Thom- ashville for several years and mada many friends while here. He was In the employ of the United Ststes Gov ernment at that time and had headquarters at the State Experiment farm here. A feature of thia work of Smith's will be that it It la success- ful he will have the distinction of b< Ing among the first to discover the boll weevil lu Georgia and the first to aid In devising a plan to overcome the ravages of this pest of the cotton grower of the South. Mr. Smith was one of the party sta tloned at the Experiment farm who discovered the boll weevil on cotton planted there and also discovered It other places around the county. Mr. W. H. Leonard of the Experiment Station was a member of the party also. Mr. Smith had one of the most Wonderful collection of bugs of all and kinds ever seen here, In io noted was this collection that he gained the nickname of ‘‘Bug’' Smith on account of it. Mr. Smith was moved from here to Madison, Fla., where he remained In .the government employ for several years, but went last year with the State Department of Florida as assist ant entomologist. Christian Science Lecturer to be Here Tomorrow— An opportunity will be given those Interested in Christian Science to hear of the noted speakers of that LOCAL NEWS NOTES Third Annual Poultry 8how November 24th and 25th— The third annual show of the Thom as Country Poultry AseociaUon will be held on November 24th and 25th, which is next Friday and Saturday. The store room formerly occupied by Ferrill’a furntlture store, has been se cured for the aihow and arrangements have been made to have a full display of all pure bred chickens In thle tion and also other poultry, inch as geese, turkqys, guineas and ducks. There will be substantial cash preml- offered for each breed and In ad- a several other premiums hare been contributed by different ; chants of Thomasvllle. The Boys* and Girls’ Clubs of county will be represented from all the county and In addition to having the opportunity of competing for all prizes In the show, they hare iveral special prize* open to them. The Poultry Association asks that every one who wishes to display birds will have their entry on hand as soon possible Friday, so they can be ar ranged to the best advantage. Any pure bred poultry can be en tered in the show and anybody in the county Is eligible for entry. The superintendent of the poultry department of the State College of Agriculture, at Athens, will be on hand for the show and will make a public Judging of poultry at 11 o’clock, Satur- iy, the second day of the show. Premium lists will be sent out be fore the date of the show. Everybody come and bring an ex hibit If possible. Thomas County Poultry Assn. Hancock-Rehberg—. An event of cordial Interest to many friends was the marriage Sun day afternoon of Misa Bertha Han cock and Mr. Louis Frederick Reh- berg, Jr., both of this city. The ceremony took place at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. I. P. Tyson, at four oclock. Only members of the two families witness ed the ceremony. The bride Is the youngest daughter of Mr .and Mrs. G. J. Hancock, and young lady of the blonde type, possessing grace and personality which has won for her many friends. The groom Is a son of Mrs. Pauline Rehberg and holds a responsible po sition with the Thomasvllle Iron Works. After the ceremony on Informal re ception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guyton Hancock, brothar of the bride, after which Mr. anil Mrs. Rehberg left for their bridal trip to various parts of Florida. Upon their return they will raak* eir home lu Thomasville. - *bodl«M Special Prayer and Thanksgiving Service— On Tuesday afternoon, at 3:30 ’clock, the Woman's Auxiliary of the 1 Methodist church will meet In the au ditorium for a service of special pray er and thanksgiving. Mrs. Homer Wil liams will lead the devotional service. Prayers for the French Mission In Louisiana.—Deaconess Ella K. Hooper and Mrs. Laura White. Mrs. W. A. Palin will give a history of this work. i Miss Hooper will tell of her personal. touch In the work. j At 4:30 o’clock, a memorial service J will he held In memory of Dr. Belle H. | ^ennett." Service - Service ■ Service Don’t lose half a day having your car repaired. Just leave it with us at night and It will be ready for you the next morning. : t t t t : : Gas, Oils, Grease and Accessories at all hours. C. Dewey Norwood Telephone 319. South Madison St. If so it would have been used to beautify the inter ior of the palaces of Kings and Queens. IT IS MADE NOW and we have it, so use some in your little palace and note the wonderful rich glossy finish it will give your floors, piano, furniture and wood work. You will be proud of them. And say, it can’t be beat for polishing that car. JAMES WATT ft 111, liver a lecture at the church edifice the corner of Dawzon and Washington streets, on Tuesday evening o’clock. This lecture will be free and the public is cordially Invited tend 1L An Appreciation— The passing of John S. Lester to church, who will be In Thomasvllle fl na j reward brought genuine sor-! ’ "Hers Through Grace and Inherit- next Tuesday evening. Mr. W. D. Kll. (row t0 a wlde cIrcle of frlendg He' ance.”—Mrs. S. L. Halfu. Patrick, member of the board of ,e c* j belonged to a type of manhood fast! Miss Bennett As Church Woman and tureshlp of the First Church, Christian disappearing—a type bred In the old, President—Miss Charlotte Dye. Scientists, of Boston, Mass., will d*-|8 0U th, and true t0 |tg begt traditions. “A Lover Of All Races.’’—Mrs. Julia Strong and loyal in his friendships, 1 Robison, hla hospitality was boundless, his fund “A Life of Intercession.'*—Mrs. of stories never exhausted; and all Clyde Neel. over the South his business associates | This is the week of prayer and felt an affectionate Interest and devo-, thanksgiving with all the women of tlon most unusual. the Southern M. E. church. All should He was southern representative of respond with a spirit of prayer and the Remington Arms Company and lta! free will offerings, officers repeatedly gave abundant evidence of the high esteem In which they held him. His generous heart responded to every call for sympathy and assist- giving liberally and gladly—im pulsive, big hearted, no worthy appeal r made to him In vain, early age he united with the church and was a loyal and devoted member. H!s last prayer was: “If I cannot be fully restored, God be meri- ful and take me home." The mother whom he adored, the devoted sister and the loving wife have the heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends. —M. H. O. House Destroyed By Fire Last Night— A two-story house owned by O. B. Burney and operated by him as gro hoarding house, burned last night at about 8:30 o’clock. It was located Oak street between Washington and Monroe streets. When the fire department arrived the front portion of the lower floor waa afire and the flames had gone up the walls and were breaking out all over the roof. Water was soon put on the hlaxe and in about fifteen minutes it had checked, not, however, until ma terial damage had been done the place. The house waa well constructed and had about fourteen rooms. It is not known to what extent the damage will but It la expected to prove terlal. Insurance on the house carried by the owner in a limited amount. Dr. F. A. Strobel Purchase* Airplane— Mr. Davies Winn brought another aeroplane to Thomasville this morn ing. flying from Souther Field, Amerlcua, In one hour, beating hts pre vious record by five minutes. The machine Is on* of the government, Curtis planes, similar to those pre viously brought to this city by Mes srs. Thompson and Winn, and was sold to Dr. F. A. Strobel. For Prompt Service ana Durable Plumbing, Call R. B. Linton, Phona IS*. No. 107 Remington Avenue. FRESH MEATS For the Best of Things to Eat - gocd service, too i - Gall THE ECONOMY MARKET J. W. Blanton, Proprietor. Phone No. 2-8-7 110 N. Broad SI. SEE WINDOW!DISPLAY A SURPRISE FORjjYOU Warshaw’s Cut Price Shoe Store FIREMEN must often de stroy your property in order to conquer the flames. Wherever fire gets a foothold thert some degree. A Hartfo rd Fire In stands between you and this loss, tected by § Hartford Contract neec will go up In*smoke.. lows financial loss of nee Company policy e property owner pr> t fear that his do'lars J. T. CULPEPPER & SON AGENTS Thomasville, ~' ~ • • Georgia. Duck Huntars Very Successful— The day’s shooting on Lakes Mlcco- sukee and Iamonla waa very success ful, according to preliminary reports from several of the hunters, who re turned this morning. Ducks were about the atreets at 11 o'clock and later, and reports Indicated that nearly all of the hunters had a good day's shooting. More than a hundred guns reported on Lake Iamonla and many on Lake Mlccosukee. Several of the hunters got their full quota of twenty-five before noon and returned to the city. If you have not received our cats- ogue, phono 2904. "Lone Star Gar- *-1me- fine Sugar Cane le Being 8hown— Mr. B. C. Johnson, of the Patten community, has brought in some very fine sugar caue to the Times-Enter- prise, which Is a sample of his crop this year. Mr. Johnson, who la one of the well-known and successful farmers of the county, and Mr. Aleck Shepherd, of the Fredonia community, ytrho is another, are competing with each other In a good natured rivalry as to who has the best crop of cane this year and they both seem to be so fine from the specimens seen here, that nobody has yet been found to de cide between them. Fine Rain Yesterday’ Afternoon— That rain yesterday afternoon was a fine one and Just what was needed, coming in the afternoon and lasting as It did until night It will do much good. It Is said to have been pretty general all over this immediate sec tion, as many can testify who were caught out In it as they were starting to ride or making trips to the country or other parts of the county. tThere doee not seem to be any very cold weather In sight, though It wIU be cooler than it has been for the past few days, | Phone *44, or write for appointment to havo your eyes examined. Get glasses that are correct, give comfort and look well, of Lawhead. PRESSING CLEANING DYEING AlljfcWork Given Special Attention Our New Equipment Makes It Possible to Give Excellent Work Ladies Work a Specialty PHONE 111 And We Will Call and Deliver At Once Ansley - Pittman Compar y PHONE in. 101 1.2 SOUTH Bl (Neat to MaeluMiltoa Drut Company)