The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 20, 1922, Image 7

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MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 20, 1022. DAILY TIMER-ENTERPRISE THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA ANSWERS MADE BY MINE OWNERS AND WORKERS TO QUESTIONNAIRE “If only everybody would read that—” “What a wonderful thing it would be, if all the worn-out, miserable, suffering people would heed this great truth—why it would mean everything to them—just as it did to us.” TANLAC Makes You Eat Better—Sleep Better Feel Better—Work Better These dad tidings have been heeded in millions of homes and tens of thousands of grateful men and women in all walks of life have testified that this Washington, D. C. Nov.. 20—An thracite mine operators sent to the Federal coal commission yesterday responses to the preliminary ques tionnaire which that body sent out tn beginning Its work ol ascertaining facts as to the coal industry., wbl!< at the same time a committee of the United Mine Workers, representing employes In both bituminous and thraclte regions upon some of the same points. Dn one important point, arising >m the commission’s request for W8 as to the possibilities of stand ardising mine wage snd units of out put from workers, both communica tions agreed In repectlng the p-opo- sals as impracticable. They were also in substantial agreement In treating a second proposal of the commission regarding the possibility of closing down high cost mines In order to maintain production from more economic mines the anthracite em ployes declared the general scarcity of anthracite required continuation of operations In every mine whlcl could afford output while the miner! said normal competition could be trusted to regulate the whole subject, and to close dow nthe more expenslv« operations. THREE PERSONS SLAIN BY UNKNOWN BAND Plkevllie, Tenn., Nov. 20— That COAL FOR GEORGIA INDICATED Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 20. Infor mation received Thursday by State Coal Administrator John T. Boifeuil let indicated that four houndred can being turned over daily to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad to be used in relieving the fuel situation in Georgia. telegram which he received from National Coal Administrator C. E. Spens stated that additional cars o be diverted to the Louisville Nashville souther^ trade within a period of ten days, which will make total of 4,000 cars to be acquired. S eat tonic medicine has brought back the sunshine, e laughter and happiness into their lives. Make up your mind to profit by their experience. Gratify your wish for radiant good health—determine that you, too, will be well. Start to-day—take Tanlac. Over 30 Million Bottles Sold DRIED WATERMELONS GOOD EATING ALL WINTER Pawlograd, Sept. 18—(By Mail) •This southern Russian city grow large quantities of watermelons and cantaloupes. Locally they cost 100.- 000 to 200,000 paper rubles each. In Moscow, 825 miles away, they sell for about 60 times as much, bringing from 5,000,000 to 8,000,- 000 rubles, equal to from $1.25 to $2.00 each. The reason for this heavy increase is lack of proper transportation.. band of six or seven unidentified killed Jesse Rector, and later’s wife at their home in the mountains near Melvine, Bledsoe county, Friday night, is the opinion of Sheriff A. T. Goforth who returned let last night from the scene of the crime. The only evidence of any value se cured by the sheriff was furnished by Tom Rector, son of Jesse Rector and lurvivlng mairfber of the family. Young Rector, who Is a typical taineer possessed of unusual ability human trail, told thi sheriff that his kinsmen were mur dered by a party of six or seven men He said that he had found their trail and followed the tracks through a road where they min gled with other trackB. Sheriff Goforth stated yesterday that he had found Jesse and York Rector with their hands tied behind their backs with wire. The head the younger man had been partly away with a shotgun and the remainder riddled with pistol balls. The father had been shot twice with pistols. Mrs. Rector’s head was badly mutilated. It was said that at least four guns were used by the firing While there is an absence of tive, Sheriff Goforth Is proceeding in the theory that the killings are an outcome of the murder of ,MaIlen Thurman, whose body was recently discovered in his borne after he had been dead a week. The opinion was expressed by the sheriff that moun taineers had connected the Rectors ;lth Thurman’s death and had or ganized and took revenge. VOCATIONAL SHOPMEN PROVIDE OWN SCHOOL WOULD STABILIZE JAP SILK TRADE level and arong these means are the restriction of output, and withhol ding of sales under a certain figure," aays the newspaper. Yokohoma, Sept. 2. (By Mail)— “ If these diver ce» fail, they ask for An increasing amount of attention E° vernment assistance on the ground has been paid to the importance of that raw ailk is the most important stabilizing the new silk trade so that artldle of ex P° rt in the country. The .the market may be made free from government has been doing every- the violet fluctuations to which it thing to propitiate them, is frequently subject, says Diamond “As the 1920 stock is being dis- a financial newspaper. posed of a new situation has arisen "When the market slumps the which promises to develop into diffi. merchants and manufacturers try tu; culty as the season advances. When keep the price ol- faw silk at a certain the spring cocoons appeared on the KAMPEIV8 Bake The Fruit Cake Now! Order By Mail KAMPER’S SPECIAL PACKAGE OF FRUIT CAKE MATERIALS Sufficient to Make a Ten-Pound Cake THE PACKAGE CONTAINS I Cu Royal Baking Powder M-lk. CryatallUod Lemon Peel. 1 lb. Corranta Vi-lb. Cryatalllaed Orange P 1 lb. Placet Citron j?4b. CryetallUed _Cberriee ’ackiget Seeded Baltina 1 alao give a Royal Cook Book ai long aa tkay laat. Price $3.29 pMtago Prepaid to any point within See MUoo ol Atlaato ATLANTA f0KOROIA ATLANTA " quires a very long and well filled purse. Even when money is no ob ject, It requires much time and in- i finite patience. All the markets of ;the world have been searched, and each pearl must be considered in A POINT markt th raw silk market at Yoko- lation to all the others in order homa maintained great activity and form a perfect necklace, high price with the consequence that | manufacturers bought cocoons at a very high pirce. The market, sluco has suffered a decline and raw silk is now quoted in the neighborhood of 1,800 yen. The cutting down of out put and the restriction of hipments to Yokohoma have been agreed upon, but it is thought doubtful whether these artificial means will be effect ive in turning the tide of a declining market in the manufacturer*! favor. “Those two have carefully studied a secure and sound basis. ’’Those who have carefully studlded the causes are of the opinion that speculation enters too much Into such an Important Industry and trade. For this reason they suggest that specula tive spirit be eliminated to a large extent If the trade is to be placed a secure and sound oasis. “The carrying out of government monopoly of raw silk may bo one ol the means that will secure stabiliza tion of the silk market. This would not only guarantee the interest of co coon raisers and silk manufacturers but the foreign Importers also would be protected against loss as at present they are frequently the victims of fluctuating market” Lakeland, Florida, Nov. 13.—By Mail) A vocational school conduct ed in an old box car at the shops of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad here supported by federal and state funds and with instructors supplied by the Polk county board of education, is attracting nation-wide attention among alvocates of vocational edu- Original plans were to conduct the classes in one of the public school buildings but because of a lack of space shop mechanics and apprentices obtained permission from railroad officials to use an old box car. The workmen removed the trucks, placed the car on a firm foundation, cut windows and doors and equipped it with electric lights screens, black boards and desks and seats for fifteen students. Subjects selected for study include mathematics, drafting, blue print reading and the rules of the Ameri can Railway workers. The sessions RUG RUGS We Have Them, AH Sizes— Only .One Quality And That Is The BEST WATT SUPPLY CO. THE HOU8E OF QUALITY Absolutely Free With every dozen apples we sell you Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we are going to give you free of charge sufficient C innamon Candies to prepare them nicely. Exclusive Agents Park and Tilford's fine Candies. WHO SAID GENIUS IS CAPACITY FOR TAKING PAINS ? If that’s true, then here are many geniuses and keeping old clothes young Is their painstaking Job. They know how. Furthermore they are aided by the most approved modern equipment. First, your garments are gently revolved In a ma chine which sifts from the fabric the loose street dirt. All the while a current of pure, warm air plays through the cloth, drying It thoroughly. Follows a bath In suds of refined gasoline or benzol and mild soap In which a gentle churning movement forces the rich, creamy lather through every fibre. The loosened dirt is then extracted with the lather, by centrifugal force. The! i and whirled again gentle bre* refined 1 through the centrifugal extri final trip to the drying tumibl of heated air removes the last vestige of moisture, es the pile, loosens the fabric and restores Its original springiness and vitality. The concluding touch of the cleaner is careful pressing and repairing. i help clever persons to keep their dress THE PRINCE'S PEARLS CAUSE MATRIMONIAL GOSSIP London, Oct. 2.—(By Mall)—The fact that the Prince of Wales Is col lecting pearls for a necklace has fur nished another topic of absorbing In ter discussion over tea cups, and there are flutters In the hearts of those Interested In the r*yal matri monial plans. It will be remembered that Lord Lascelles did exactly the same thing before the announcement of his en gagement to Princess Mary. But even with that precedent, it Is not sate to assume that any exciting news will follow the prlnca’a Interest In such matters, for pearl collecting among the English nobility Is a time honored occupation. OF POLICY Man, priceless collections of pearls hare been owned bp Englishmen In the pest, but Terr tew of them nrs in- tuct nt the present time. The Duchess of psTonshlre ntill has the famous Derouahlra pearls which ware collect- ed tlttjr rears ago at • cost said to biro been 80,000 pounds. Tha Duke of Bncklnshnm, during the reign ot Charles L. wan able to collect 1 the most fhmoua paarls than In Eng- : land, hot nt tha tlms of thn common- 1 wealth thar wart taken to Parle and' sold tn varfou danism thorn. j Hatching pearls In the present dor la a hard task end, ot conree, It »■ A PATRON OF THIS STORE HAS SAID THAT ONE OF THE VIRTUES OF SHOPPING HERE IS THAT THE PURCHASER IS NOT EMBAR RASSED OR ANNOYED BY ATTEMPT ON THE PART OF OUR SALES PEOPLE TO SELL TO ANYONE THAT WHICH THEY REALLY DO NOT WANT TO BUY. WE OFFER SUGGESTIONS, OF COURSE, BUT THEY ARE OFFERED IN A SPIRIT OF HELP FULNESS, AND OF SERVICE, RATHER THAN IN THE NATURE OF AN IMMEDIATE URGE TO BUY. THE GOOD-WILL OF OUR CUSTOMERS, WITH THE CONTINUED PATRONAGE IT ASSURES, WE CONSIDER THE MOST VALUABLE BUSI NESS ASSET WE POSSESS. MALLORY HATS B0ST0HIAH SHOES FOR MEN STEIN-BL0CH CLOTHES STYLE-PLUS CLOTHES QUEER QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN THE FAIR Thomasville’s Cash One-Price Outfitters im