The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 22, 1922, Image 1

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Wfe.MHEH FORECAST A0VERTIS1HQ FORMS QLOSE NINE JL M. DAILY CtontM of Cofy Rseslvftd oftor that VOI XXXIII. No. 317. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 22, 1922. $5.00 PER ANNUM II cm FOR WESTERN THRACE AT LAUS1NE Ismet Pasha's Demands Op posed by Venizelos for the Greeks, Who Was Support ed by Jugo-Slav and Ruman ian Delegations. (By ; Lausanne, Nov. 22.—The question of disposition of Western Thrace came definitely before the powers to day when Ismet Pasha presented to the commission on military and terri torial matters, Turkey’s claim to all territory embraced within her fron tiers of 1913. Venizelos for Greeco immediately opposed the claim and was supported by the Jugo-Slavs and Rumanians who favored maintaining the Maritza river as the western boundary for Turkey in Europe. HILARITY IN POULTRY YARD WHEN FOWLS WERE MADE DRUNK EVIDENCES BIG STILL (By . Los Angeles. Cal.. Nov. 22.—Hilari ty in a poultry yard where twenty five hundred fowls were said drunk, resulted In the arrest of O. S teglat • hert i of v tlon of the Volstead act. Officers, who were called by neigh iors, said they found three hundred :eese fighting two hundred ducks and lashing madly about a small pond; hat two thousand chickens were ly- ng on their backs or racing about. Officers said they found evidence hat the fowls had been eating mash rom stills, three of which were con- PHILIPPINES Will And American Congress For Permission to Call Constitu tional Convention to Frame Independent Republic in the Philippines. Manila, Harding tioned to TURKS WANT PUBLICITY FOR CONFERENCE MEET Lausanne, Nov. 22.—The Lausanno J vention having organized for work j p ub | lc ( is now ready to take up storing peace in the Near East. The effort of Ismet Pasha and the Turkish delegation for open session: P. I., Nov. 22 —President id Congress will be peti- tllow the Philippine legis- all a constitutional con- frame an independent re- the Philippines. This Father, Mother and Four Children, All Fully Dressed Died from Mysterious Cause In Ohio Town. — Believed Medicine Was Taken. (By i V. 22.—Six members of the ramlly of Irvine Henderson, were found dead here today at their home. The deaths are believed to have resulted from some kind of medicine. The father and mother were found sitting upright in chairs be fore the fire and the four chil- I were fully COMMERCIAL CONGRESS ADJOURNS THIS EVENING Chict (By J III.. Nov. 22.—The South ern Commercial Congress will close its fifteenth annual convention today with a discussion of railways, high ways, waterways, and foreign credits for international trade, and the annu al banquet tonight. EMPLOYMENT SHOWS MATERIAL INCREASE Uly J Washington, D. C„ Nov. 22.—Em ployment Increased In 29 and decreas ed in 14 industries, In October as com pared with September, the Depart ment of Labor announced today. In the same period 34 of 43 industries reported increased pay rolls. result of adoption by the House t day of a concurrent resolution passe by the Senate recently. HALL-MILLS MURDER MYSTERY BEING PROBED BEFORE GRAND JURY TIGER SAYS GERMANS TEXAS RANGERS SENT TO Said to Be One Who Killed Young Man and Assaulted Woman Riding With Him. —Trouble Feared When He Is Captured. . 22.—Twenty Tex- irecautlonary ! killing of First Address in This Coun try Delivered by Former Pre mier Clemenceau Last Night To New York Audience in Metropolitan Opera House. *>ew York, Nov. 22.—Georges Clem- -eau today prepared to rest after ring delivered in his first address the United States a warning to Americans that the German milltar- vere preparing for another war Although he spoke fervently for near ly an hour and a half, the Tiger show d little fatigue. ONLY FOUR JURORS SO FAR ACCEPTED IN THE HERRIN MASSACRE CASE Over Two Hundred Venire men So Far Examnied and Witnesses Were Called To day for Purpose of Showing Motive for the Double Mur- j Jury Only One-Third Com- der.—Mrs. Gibson Sheduled j plete.—Night Sessions Arc To Testify Monday. j Likely. (By ; nesses i Somerville, N. J., Nov. 22.—The grand Jury investigating the Hall- Mills murder mystery is expected to adjourn tonight until Mon called today in an ow that the motive for th included domestics in the and the widower of the slal Mrs. Gibson, who said she nurders, Is scheduled story Monday. Marion. Ill., Nov. 22.—With icts of night sessions of the j being held in an effort to ex I completion of a Jury to try fiv. Wit I charged with murder in conn effort | with the Herrin mine killings, ; •1 of ilfty veniremen was on Grady Sklpworth, aged tack on his young woman companion. The young woman who was not se riously iujured when her body struck a tree after her assailant threw over the cliff, accused an unidenti fied negro. SklpVorth was robbed, then shot and thrown over the bluff, th^ woman said. KEEP YOUR NAME ON RED CROSS ROLL There are a large number of members of the lied Cross, have failed to renew lor the yeat. 1923. There are some who claim that they have not been solicited and others, who say they do not know where to take their sub scription. Miss Mamie Merrill, di recting the campaign, has an ranged for an agent at the Ingram Drug Company, who will take sub scriptions and issue proper re ceipts at any and all times that the store Is open. Take your dot lar to Ingram's and get a receipt therefor If you want to renew your subscription. Don’t be dropped from the rolls of this wonderful humane organization for non-pay- t of d DILL NOT READY TO JQIH PROGRESSIVES Newly-Elected Senator from Washington Will Decline Invitation from LaFolIette And Huddleston to Confer With Progressives. Spokai (By J Wash., : ov. 22.—United ;s Senator-elect Dill, Democrat, indicated that he would not ac- an invitation from Senator La FolIette and Representative Huddle- on to attend a conference of Pro- essive leaders in Washington soon. Dill states that while he is sympa- Hall in the county circuit c ing for examination, and thirty veniremen ed out but only four Ju t thU CLEMENCEAU RECEIVES THREATENING LETTER CHICAGO RADICAL BEGINS PRISON TERM New York. Nov. 22—The po lice escort assigned Georges Clemenceau during his stay in this city was doubled this after noon, when the Tiger received a letter threatening his life and signed a “World War Veteran." (By j SHIPPING BILL GIVEN RIGHT OF WAY IN HOUSE III., Nov. 22.—William Bross Lloyd, wealthy Chicago radical, was Into prison gadb early today. Late night Lloyd was convicted with 20 others under the Illinois law for radical utterances and ho voluntarily (•rendered at the Joliet penitentiary begin serving a sentence of from For i arch had been made for him. (By Associated Press) Washington. D. C., Nov. 22.—By a straight party vote, the House rules committee today brought lo a resolu tion living the administration Ship ping Bill right of way in the House, with a provision for unlimited amend ment and final vote on its passage November 29th. AUGUSTA WOMAN DIED FROM BURNS Augusta. Ga., > liam Deal, aged [ died in a local v. 22.—Mrs. Wll- years, of this city ispital last night her clothing bee I K YOUR HOMS there’* some room—maybe yours or the kiddies, living room, dic ing room or kitchen—where you’d like to change the color of the woodwork. That’s the place and j’ol> for [What’s more, you can have your favored color scheme •—mahogany, walnut, moss green, cherry, light or dark oak or any of six pleasing enamels. Come in and let us show* you what you can do within We’re the FIXALL store. MASH-MILTON DRUG CLERKS FUSS ABOUT NOT STRIKING plenty of time 1 LATE SENATOR WATSON ONE YEAR’S SALARY Washington, D. C., No troduclng a resolution tc dow of the late Senator year’s salary, according t tom. Senator Harris am he would seek to have . 22.—In In pay the wl- Watson, a i Senute ms- ounccd that in addition PRELIMINARY TRIAL FOR PALMER, DYSON ET AL BEING SOUGHT It is expected that In time a committment or preliminary hearing will be asked by attorneys fo those arrested and In Jail in conne< tlon with the discovery of a baby nea Country Club last week. Nothin definite has been given out but it 1 believed that arrangements can be ha- jr the hearing within this week. I i currently reported that the hearlm on Id come off tomorrow but this ha ot been verified. The following fi AT SPIKIER, PEI. Coroner’s Jury Investigating Cause of Disaster in Which Seventy-Seven Men Lost Lives at Reilly Mine Says Management Responsible. . I*a., Nov. 22 —T LONDON FEARED BIG DEMONSTRATION IK Morning Papers Predicted it Would Occur in Whitehall Section and Police Were on Hand for Disturbance, But Nothing Occurred. (By J ler, Ing’s newspai ex- plotted In C< i of explosive ga.s Hi CHIEFS ILL a pm :2.—A demonstration ployed which this morn- isserted was being Communist quarters with itionary intent had failed to ma ze to late this afternoon. A crowd appeared in the White lection whore the demonstration upposed to be staged but the a disturbance had no trouble Intalnlng order. “The Wampum Strip-” on Delaware River at Philadel phia Will be Scene of Meet ing Commemorating Wil liam Penn's Activities. MRS. FELTON All Senator George Sworn in Aft er First American Woman Senator Had Served Actual ly 22 Hours and 25 Minutes. —Mrs. Felton Applauded. » building on the Dela- rill PRELIMINARY HEARING J. B. PALMER, ET AL PLANNED Valdos heo Titus came to Valdi i discuss with Judge W. E. Thoi I the superior court, the advisability ’ a habeas corpus hearing foi B. Palmer, T. J. Dyson and Mi ell Adams, held in Thomas county RESOLUTION TO PAY WIFE ,a, ‘ with the finding ■ that city r a preliminary hearing Tor the Jefendants, Judge Thomas Ibeing busy here in Lowndes superior In connection with this same I that ul $750 paid Mrs. Alice Lytle, secre ary to the former Senator for the ixpenses of the private car used to take the Senator’s body to Georgia. Senate officials refused to approve the t a private car. RETURN TALKING MACHINE TO FIANCE It is Just as Necessary ‘or Lady to Return That as. Ring Says Oregon Jury. Salem, Ore., Nov. 22.—According to local Jury, it is Just as necessary iat a young woman return a talking achlne to a young man after their engagement Is braken as iB the return of a diamond ring. The young woman defendant in the case Insisted that the-phonograph was a gift from the plaintiff and that she was entitled tc It. The Jury sided with the , who sought to get It back. TI.OOJ or Hallway aa.1 DENNY NAMED CUSTOMS , which did not .trike | COLLECTOR AT SAVANNAH CUV A,wi otlng to do so, and forty-one will be heard by the United »ad Labor Board Thurs ost of the disputes are limit- request for increase In rates Raili Washington. 1). C.. •as received during Monday night rom some person asking Judge Thom- h for an order that tho prisoners hould be separately confined in the ’homas county Jail and not allowed r> communicate with each other. It ,as stated that this request was not ranted because there appeared to e no reason for its asking. CHICAGO BANDITS ROBBED MAIL TRUCK pow wow next Friday with i chieftains from the Eat in full regalia and puffing f peace. They repr which participated in iference with William Penn HUNGER STRIKE TO WIN BACK HUSBAND lated I Skowhegan, Me., Nov. 22,-VMrs. duIs Britton of this place, is non in the second week of a hunger ike which was undertaken, she un hope of winning back of her husl i div< Mrs. Felton beet ty-flve minutes. WOMEN TO BE ASKED TO FIGHT PROHIBITION prohibi- St. Louis, Mo., Nov. on of a militant woi is included in plans s relation opposed I amendment at the conference •luded here today. Support will Iven the presidential candidate in 1924 who seeks to repeal the eigh- nent issued by the Association. BOOTLEG KING MUST SERVE PRISON SENTENCE ! Empori; of the Sti TRIAL OF WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE AGAIN POSTPONED (By t ew York, Nov. 22.—Anthony Cas- 3 described by the authorities as ’’bootleg king," was convicted by a ' in federal court yesterday on a rge of conspiracy to violate the stead act, and Judge Knox sen- led him to two years In the Allan- penitentiary. The Judge also lul l'd a fine of $10,000. Nov. 22.—The case illiam Allen White, charged with violation of the Indus trial court law, by placing a placard In the window of his office expressing “forty-nine" per cent sympathy with the striking shopmen, was today con tinued until December eighth. The continuance was granted upon motion of tho County Attorney on orders from Govt Allei MANY SEEK SENATORIAL TOGA DROPPED BY NEWBERRY my J today with ling, Mich., Nov. 22. Tin In the race for the Senatorial trapped by Truman H. peared to be thinning four Republics leaders regarded as having drawn out in front, although Governor Groesbeck still kept secret the Identity of the persons and is not earnestly considering filling the va- Doesn't this Cool Weather remind you that you are in need of a pair of— High Cut Shoes We Have These For Men Women and Children At almost any price you wish to pay—Good Shoes too. Come in and let us fit you up. We will make the price ESPECIALLY LOW on Women’s high Shoes. "A Good Place to Trade.* Phones 105 and 106 Smith s Harley Shoe Co. LOUIS STEYERMAN & SONS If i “He's a Well Dressed Man” i sav that about you thev mean that iot conscious of them pie simply feel that clothes are so correct —neither is anyone el you look right stylish. You'll be called well- dressed when you go out of Steyerman’s with a— Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kirschbaum or Fitform SUIT OR OVERCOAT YOUR CHOICE $25.00 LOUIS STEYERMAN & SONS The Shop of Quality On the Comer The Origl nal Home of HART SCHAFFNER & MARX