The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 23, 1922, Image 7

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jTHUntOAV AFTMRNOQN, NOVEMBER 23, 1122. &AlLV fimigNfiRPRlii 7M6MASVELLE, QEOROIA One million members of forty differ eat nationalities all wearing the white ribbon bow, the emblem of the Women'* Christian Temperance Union, this 1* (ho organization which will hold Fhmce. B Willard, who ed by Lady Henry Somerset and by Rosalind, countess of Carilale. Miss Anna A. Gordon of Evanston, presl* dent of the National and rice presi dent of the World's W. a T. U„ has been acting president since the death of the countess of Carlisle In the sum mer of 1921. Miss Gordon will preside at the con vention and will also give an ac count of her recent trip to Mexico In the Interests of the prohibition movement. There she learned that the anti-alcohol movement Is not confined to tno missionary Interests, but that (nuntrlc President Obregon and other novera- -**■ »nd , m . I ss ststsjs r r.Mh world-wide convention Philadelphia, November 11-16, In the Academy of Music. World W. C. T. U. workers from B«rms, China, Japan, Ceylon, Turh«,-, Palestine, Egypt, Iceland, r-snada, Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Switzerland, Italy, and many other countries, will report work now being curried on and the progress of the prohibition and tem perance movements In their respective Boot* succeed- World's W. C. T. U. are Miss Arum B Rlflplf nf Vnntnnd — a na. wTt V i 'O STnnlte'rtS."™ rid thorltles. ot tl„ or. ’, h “T. e “ Presidents I expected that' a measure aimed to tar.., the “S T< | months. The other general offleers of the, 1 16-19. Slack of England and Mr* Blanch* Johnston of Canada, hcoorary tarles, and Mm Elln A. Boole of Brook, lyn, N. Y., honorary treusnnv. One of the striking features of convention will be the exhibition of the Polyglot petition, written by Frances E. Willard about a year after the formation of the organization and circulated In many countries over ths globe. The total number of signatures so fhr aggregate seven and one-half million. Some are In Chinese charac ters, Burmese, Kanaka, Spanish, Eng lish—In fact nearly every tongue Li represented. The World's W. O. T. U. has held n conventions, four In the United Stntes. one In Canada, two In i?ngi^r»d. two In Scotland, and one in Geneve, "irltzerland. pe National W. C. T. U. convent** few, will be held following the world's ln PhIlade, PhIa, November GEORGIA MAY ERECT PLANT TO MANUFACTURE CALCIUM ARSENATE board then advances the suggestion that a bill be introduced in the next session of the General Assembly by fostered plant may be Atlanta, Nov. 23.—Are combined interests, acting in concert with each other, seeking to set up a monopoli zation and control of the calcium ar senate business of the cotton belt dcr a tighter interlocking under standing than the so-called fertilizer trust ever perfected, and thereby fixing a price control that will hamstring the producer of cotton? Are these interests so manipulat ing conditions as to put the state of Georgia in the position in making contract under the existing law, of fixing an established state price for the goods which is practically double what it was a year ago? While neither of these questions finds direct answer in the action of the State Board of Entomology in thus far declining to make a contract for this state's needed supply of calcium arsenate, it is within line of knowledge, that such ideas have had their influence upon the minds of the board members. The board has made the direct ap peal to the business people of the state to come forward with a proper, iy financed and organized company for the Immediate erection of a plant in thia state to manufacture tbo goods at least in sufficient quantity to supply th ecotton growing needs of this state. In the event of that ap peal not finding fruitful favor, the put to work and the cost be paid off by a small bond issue, to be liquidated with a fund to be derived from added percentage over the actual cost of manufacture in the distribu tion of the finished goods. Tuesday the board of entomology held a conference, lasting the after, noon through, to look further into the prospect of making a state ci tract, and at that conference, it learned, it was found that the mar facturers still hold to the material advancement in the prices year’s figures which were originally submitted. Thereupon the board unanimously adopted a resolution ‘recommending to the business inter ests of the state that a stock pany be formed as quickly as practi cable for the erection,' maintenance and operation of a calcium arsenate plant to be located at some point within the state of Georgia easily accessible to our lime deposits." second proposition, if that suggestion is not carried out at once the resolution recommends calling upon the next General Assemb! consider the advisability of ereiting ■mall plant to manufacture calcium arsenate to be told to the farmers at cost of production plus a margin to return the neccessary bonds and pay interest on the same which would give the «tate of Georgia cheaper calcium arsenate and a plant owned TOE BEAUTIFUL Fashion Walk 25 Wonderful Gowns Latest Creations From Paris LIVING MODELS To miss it is to miss the Season’s Treat Benefit Business and Professional Womens Club CURTAIN 8:30 PROMPT by the state, without the levying of any direct tax to pay for same.' While Georgia was enabled last year to make a contract for a state supply at nine cents per pound, the best price that so far can be made is fourteen cents for a small quantity, and at the present time it appears the fixed price which will be adhered to will be around eighteen cents per pound, or just double what it cost the cotton farmers last year. The comment from those who have been in direct touch with the negotia tions is that the use of calcium senate is no longer either an experi ment or temporary thing, but has become an essential to the production of cotton, just as important been the use of fertilizer and, profit ing by this advance foresight of necessarily increasing demand time goes on, and the experience of the fertilizer manufacturers and dis tributors, those in control of the cal cium arsenate supply are endeavor ing to "feather their own nest" while the going is good. One of these authorities denies that there is any justification in the claim of ability to obtain the arsenous acid with which to make the goods since that ingredient is obtainable from Sweden, Germany, or even right the borders of this state from Duck- town in sufficient quantity to take care of the needs of this state. While none of the officials cor cemed will make the direct admii sion that such is a fact, it is quite evident that the board of entomology has set about a "trust busting” pro. gram before the "trust” gets a foot hold. NEWSPAPERS SPREAD DAILY BIBLE THOUGHTS Atlanta. Ga.. Nov. 23.—Georgia ■wspapers, along with those over the rest of the country, have donated 31,600,000 annually in spreading Bible thoughta among their subscribers, ac cording to figures which have been received here in religious circles. It is stated that a Bible bureau in le of thie eastern cities, which pre pares scriptural matter, is receiving the cooperation ot 1,200 newspapers, which carry dally and weekly Biblical quotations and other religious read ing matter. I trade publioaiton compiled flgur- that show that the space given advertising rates would reach ( amount named above. In addition it that this reading matter placed before eleven million people, r the equivalent of 44.000 congrega- ons of 250 people each. This, It Is pointed out here 1 llgious leaders, is not a small lt< constructive religious work that the iwspapers are doing. Secular newspapers everywhere, At lanta publishers say, are opening their columns as never before to re ligious news and will continue to do for the very good reason that this class ot news Is read and appreciated very large per cent of their read- It Is also shown that all worthy nature find ready cooperation on the part of the average newspaper in both the dally and weekly fields. J. F. PITTMAN Dealer In MILK COWS If you want a fresh cow or want to exchange your dry cow for a fresh one, call and see me. Phone 458 or call at residence 424 E. Clay 8trset, Thomatvllle- J. F. PITTMAN BANKRUPT NOTICE District Court of the United States, Southwestern Division, Southern Die- ■let of Georgia. In Bankruptcy. , In the matter of A. J. McMath, bank rupt County of Thomas, Georgia. To the creditors of the above named bankrupt. ire hereby notified that the above mentioned bankrupt has filed application for a discharge from all debts provable In bankruptcy against d A. J. McMath. said application will be heard the Hon. W. H. Barrett, Judge of United States District Court for ■aid division and district, at the United States court house, at Valdosta, Ga. on the 22nd day of December, 1922. All creditors of said bankrupt ar< notified to appear at the time and place stated, and show cause. If a they can, why the prayer contained ■aid petition should not be granted. Dated at Valdosta, Ga., this 22nd day December, 1922. L. MT ERWIN, Clerk, By W. E. Perry, Dputy. (Advertisement) Influsr This word originated about 163T: It occurs in a p)ay acted about that time, called "The Lnmo Lover," In which a character states that he "was confined to bed two days with the new Inflnensa.” LOOK! LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than last year. Our stock is the best; our market is absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food can be sold. IY 4 PHONE 52 If you are not perfectly satisfied with your pres ent market service, try That is ail ask. RAG RUGS We Have Them, All Sizes— Only One Quality And That Is The BEST WATT SUPPLY CO. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Absolutely Free With every dozen apples we sell you Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we are going to give you free of charge sufficient Cinnamon Candies to prepare them nicely. Take No Chance With Your Valuable Furs Furs catch dirt from the air. Invisible floating par ticles, often germ-laden, find easy lodgment among the fine hairs. Likewise, the mother moth finds there a cozy > deposit t r skill, experience a ENAMEL RENEWED > not only cleanse them thoroughly, but all germ life la destroyed. Furthermore, the skin Is softened and given new Ufa and each particular hair is revitalized. The silk or satin Let i renew ths enamel en your hoed and fender*. Can make them look as bright as new without the use of gain* or varnish. ) your furs th< lining! care commensurate with store them without having l revived and the meanac- ing moth eggs destroyed. Then when you are ready for your furs, they will be wardrobe and you i ready. Our driver will call DAN ROBERTS AUTO CLEANING 8TATION Naxt to Grand Theatre MADISON STREET HOLD UP MAN DECLINED TO ROB HIS VICTIM Waycross, Ga., Nov. 23.—Held op a point of a pistol by two men late Wednesday night and then allowed to go without being robbed after they discovered that their victim had only fifty cents and an, apple in his pocket, was the experience of Marvin Strickland, electrician of thia city. Strickland, who lives several miles from the city on the Brunswick road, was returning to his home Wednes day night he was confronted by two men each ^carrying flashlights and pistols. One of the men asked Strickland where he was goin-? while the other was going through his pockets and exchanged glances when the Waycross man replied that he was on his way to Brunswick. Whether it was out of sympathy when they found only fifty cents fn Ms pockets or whether they were tramps who thought that they had run across one of their own tribe, that they allowed Strickland to pro ceed on his way is not know n Strick land did not stop to inquire. Rappy Coats for the Snappy Days At 1-4 Less There Are No Strings To This Offer! Select any Coat in Stock and Deduct 25% off the Price, the Ticket Calls for All Wool Double Blankets at 1-4 Less WROTE TO WIFE A YEAR AND DID NOT KNOW IT Oakland. Cal.. Nov. 23.—How she •nd her husband, of 23 years corres ponded with each for nearly a year while living under the same roof, without the husband discovering she was the author of the letters he ~- celved was described In court L. by Mrs. J. Franklin Moore, wife of dentist, who U seeking a divorce. newspaper advertisement for _ WiM . ponloo for week-end trips," which Mrs. Moore said she suspected had been Inserted by her spouse, resulted In ths exchange of many lore letters, shs testified, airs. Moore asserted Ao rood when shs found epistles ad dressed to her hnabend tn feminine that These Blankets are strictly all wool, and of seasonable qualities that will give thorough satisfaction in every way. For quick selling we will al low a 25 per cent discount off the marked prices. THE FAIR Thomasville’s Cash One-Price Outfitters