The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 25, 1922, Image 3

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SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 23, 1922. DAILY TIMIUINTERFRISE THOMABVILLE, GEORGIA PAGE THREE ^ Here’s a Business for Thomasville GOOD FOR $6,000 to $12,000 Yearly! An insurance man In South Carolina, a farmer In Wisconsin, a butcher In Minnesota, others all over the U. B.— these men wanted to own a real mon ey-making business. Electrlk-Mald Bake Shops cave them their tunltjr. Today they i * jXG s thine about the bakery bust- fore. You have the same chance . ere. A Cash business: no charges; no deliveries, j the till every night. I rear round. We supply all equipment ind Information. Write or Wire Today for full particulars. Act now to obtali exclusive rights In Thomasville. Eleetrik-Maid Bake Shops *21 CEDAR ST. ST. PAUL, MINN. IN TOE THOMASVILLE APPLES-APPLES Washington State Variety Small size, doz 20c Large size, doz 30c J. R. EVANS PHONE 128 APPLES-APPLES FOR CONSTIPATION Hack-Draught Recommended Ij an Arkansas Fanner Who Haa Used It, When Needed, for 25 Tears. HatfleJd, Ark.—Mr. O. W. Pmoos, a well-known fsrxner on RooteJ, this pteen, Sbtk "I keep BUck-Drangbt in my bom an the time. It is the best all-around medicine I hare ever found for the Dm ..and for constipation. We began usiagtt t5 or more yem ego and have need It whenever needed since. I have never found ear other medkioe as good for constipation, and that was what I suffer ed with till I began using Black-Draught Black-Draught corrected this condition, •sd now we use it for the Over and for Indigestion-* tight and sluggish feeing after meals, for bad taste hi Che mouth Sad sour stomach. "My wife uses ft for headache biliousness. It sets on our shelf and we don’t let It get out It has been a great help to us. I believe a great deal of sickness Is caused by hurried eating and constipation, and Black-Draught, it takes right, will correct this condition.” Get Thedford’t, the original and only genuine Black-Draught powdered liver medicine. Sold everywhere. NC-ISO (Advertisement) METHODIST Rev. Isaac P. Tyson, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a m., Mr. J. EL Robison superintendent. Miss Sarah Harley, superintendent department Graded Lessons, No preaching services will be he] in this church tomorrow owing the absence of the pastor who la tending the South Georgia Conte: ence meeting In Waycrosa. Epworth League Sunday 6:46 p. Mid-week prayer service Wednw day 7:10 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. W. M. Harris, pastor. Sunday School, meet* at 10:00 B. W. Stone, 8upt. Graded claasa all students. Worship with preaching by the pai tor at 11:3 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Men's Baraca Class will meat the Court House at 10:00. Paul Searcj President Ardls McDougald, Teach- Good singing at each service, a hearty welcome to you. Coma meet with us. Junior B. Y. P. U.. at 4 p. tn. Stef art Yates, president Senior B. T. P. U., meets at 6:3 oelock. Prayor meeting Wednesday even lng 7:30 oclock. You are Invited to these services. , PRESBYTERIAN Rev. F. C. Symonds, Pastor. 10 e. m., Sunday school, Mr. H. B Mahler, SupL We have a class and welcome for yon. Morning service. Sermon b] W. F. Sharpe. “The face of Christ' 3:30 Afternoon service by evange list 4:00 p. m. Junior Christian Endeav r, William Way. leader. 6:45 p. m. Senior Christian Endeav- r, Elisabeth Way, leader. 7:30 Evening service. Sermon bj Mr. Sharpe. Monday afternoon. Inspirational meeting of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Chart > Watt will present the needs and « work of Mountain Missions. 7:30 Evening service and each evening thereafter during the week. Services conducted by Mr. Sharpe. •T. THOMAS ”ePI8COPAL. 8ERVICES. Rev. Robb White, Jr, Rector. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m. Church School. 10:30 a. m. Men’s Blbla Class. 11:30 a. m. Morning prayer end sermon. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer end Place Your Order for Thanksgiving Frail Cake The STONE Kind l, 2, and 4 pound, each. With W.P. Grantham Phone 11 Every ! wide ( Church I: until t November 26th is the day of the Member Canvas of the Nation- Campaign. Every member of the Is expected to remain at home the committee has visited them In the afternoon. CATHOLIC. edifice, Dawson and Washington Sta Heading room, same address. Is ope* seek days from 10 a. m. to IS, when (ha Bible and all authorised Chrlatlai Jclonce literature may ba read, bor rowed or purchased. Wednesday evening 8:00 oclock Tei tltnony meeting. The public Is cordially Invited. meets at the Y. M. C. i IF You Need Anything in Groceries Meats OR Notions Phone 275 Roy Smith CLEMENCEAU WOULD BRING PEACE TO TOE TROUBLED WORLD Boaton, Nov. 85.—Hit fighting blood up, the Tiger of France turned from the abatract to the specific yesterday, and answered bis critics at Washing- ton with barbed phrases, and declared ( roe> < what be really came to America for | xho aged was to seek to draw the United 8tates trifle worn, but full of enthusiasm, into tha conference at Lousanne, for Bpo ke for mors than an hour, the settlement of the Eastern crisis. | Earlier in the day ha had granted j Speaking In Tremont Temple before hla first American Interview In which | a fashionable audience, Clemenceau he answered caustically the criticism said he had aot Intended to ten Amiri- leveled at him and hla country In jeans how to run their own business, jxhuraday'a debate on the Senate floor | “But they hare asked me to go Iup at Washington. He had paid special ther,” he said, referring to the assert attention to Senators Hitchcock and tlons of senators at Washington that Borah, iauchlng barbed sallies at both, his addresses were too vague. [some of which were so hot that he "They also dared me. I am ready later asksd that they be stricken out. today. In Boston, to go a little further, i lit paid hla respects to them again ™ «‘w »°“ no1 * d "“- 601 ' from lb, pl.tlorm, without. bo.«T.r, think. It I, th. ,«ry simplest thin, Ullng ’ And hi, dotense of him,elf uud of France against charges of "militarism' I of me? Don't you think it rather hu- premler, looking « piillatlng? In the world. There is at Lausanne conference where England and Franca are suppoaed to agree with Italy, which might meet some difficulties Let the Yankee come and say, 'good “I would like very much to hear from anybody at what time we tu: aed militarist It was not when we were fighting, because we never had sol diers enqugh. Was that militarism be- world from Ger- jnan domination undertaken? Was that militarism?" SENATOR JOHNSON'S VIEW OF THE TIGER San Francisco, Nov. 25.—A charge that Georges Clemcncau, France's war premier. Is not concerned with the world's woes, but with hla country's wealth, was made iu * aUieweui yesterday by United States Senator •ud charitable o[ American, may ha -approval," whereby the Na- ; HARDWICK’S THANKSGIVING pardoned tor courteously declining the fervid invitation of the eloquent Frenchman to become a part of France's unknown adventures economic or other wars or controver sies of Europe." APPROVAL VOTE FOR NEW GERMAN MINISTRY and "imperialism” here were crouched in terms of reproach rather than In d,y. lentlemea. iTtuSYTL* to I mar Thay will ,tre him an arm' -Today." he laid, "I hear I •fihair. | Imperialist because the French hava I "Never ware elrcumstancea better. ® ,lllar y servJce of eighteen months. Go there and you will meet tha East- j "Well, 1 hope If we are not too early brn quastlon which haa been troubling surprised * new war that thl * t,m ® ( the world for the last 500 years. And of military service can bo shortened. I you will do more—you will settle It. 1 h °P« that tb * French budget of war because you can do It, because tha caa h® lessened. But 1 am not going .presence of America in Europe again. to mak ® an J r Pr 0 ™ 1 *®* »bout It. 1 do will tall the Germans that they won’t' not concede that England and Amerl- £o farther than certain limits, and be- 1 ™ have the right to complain, because cause everybody will understand that tb ®7 me * nd oblige me to defend Share Is a moral and material power >»y country in auch a manner. 1 am .which la tp taka possession of the n °t going to complain of you becauso world, not for domination, but for free*' you organise your military and naval But remember the Parle conference dom. {.defenses as you see best according to and Clemenceau’* attitude there with "Let my conclusion ba this: let ni jour lawe and decisions of Congress, the Versailles treaty and Its economic unit*. Let ns be good. Let us be Therefore, why should you complain |atticld# before u«, the moet generous Hiram \V. Johnson. "He comes to America the foremost champion of France to insist that America In some nebulous, undisclos ed fashion shall be a part of the Eu ropean malestrom to which France has contributed so much," Senator Johnson said. "He has a tingle thought: France and France's advan I admire his sturdy patriotism that would let the rest of the world go hang If France only can be benefltted. "I do not criticise his effort, with tha aid of aome of our Internationalists who are thinking more of profit than of patrlotlam, to push us blindly into troubles for France's gain. Berlin, Nov. 25.—Despite its avowed ly non-partisan complexion and the ad mitted absence of a close working af filiation with any party or group of ministry of Wilhelm Cuno today will. In all probability be given the largest vote of approval over accorded to any German cabinet The unusual parliamentary proco dura Is an outcome of voluntary con currence by all parties, except the Communists, in the new government s far-flung program, as unfolded in the chancellor's inaugural speech before tho Reichstag yesterday. Outllng the government's policy. Herr Cuno declared it would adhere r neUher thft Nationalists PROCLAMATION tlonallsts and Socialists with due r ervatlon, propose to Indicate their tacit consent to giving the ministry [ ' reasonable opportunity to put Its pro ; Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 25.—Cov. Thomas gram Into operation. As for the three . W. Hardwick, Issued his Thanksgiving middle parties whose good will waa Day proclamation yesterday. It read vouchsafed Herr Cuno In advance, they aa follows: "Whereas, the President of the United States of America, in accord ance with immemorial custom, has t*y his proclamation, designated the 30ia day of November, 1922, as a day of public thanksgiving, on which we ure expected to refrain from labor and in h and home reurn thanks to : the r f the i fully to the memorandum $ent by the fate cabinet to the reparations com mission. The United socialists, as well as the Nationalists, will endorse the govern ment's policy In a manner that will exactly constitute an outspoken of confidence as the motion to be introduced by th* Democrats will be framed as to express the Reich- Chancellor Cuno*s speech se evoke an abundance of enl among the deputies, chiefly bei contents had been forecast. Herr Cuno's pose and delivery sug gested a business leader accustomed I Pro v, dence for the varied advising stockholders' meetings and J °* divine * aTOr and * b ® many bl< e matter of fact manner in which! ,n «» whlcb our P*°P>® ha ™ b «* a I ho read the government's official stuto I m,lte d to enjoy, ent Impressed the deputies. I "Therefore, I, Thomas W. Hard' The assurance of a large majority of C° ve rnor of the state of G- orgla. approval of the new cabinet Is :ounted for by the fact that the gov- 'rnment's program as outlined varied and comprehensive with respect to Its attitude toward the reparations problem and internal reforms the So- by this proclamation, like* Thursday the 30th day of S’ovember as a day of thanksgiving and prayei and call upon the people c: (his state to render thauks to Almigi ty God foi 'iallsts could oppose It In advance. At the conclusion or the partisan do bate on a motion of approval today th« Reichstag will adjourn for a week to enable the new government to perfect its organisation. Thera were only a few absentees among the deputies. Ex-Chancellor' nine hundred and twetny-two. „d ol Wlrth occupied hla old seat among tha Independence of the United Stale# the clerical deputlsi. tm# hundred and forty-seventh." "It is ordered that the r.t. :e capitol be closed on said day. "In witness whereof I rave her* ito set my hand and cau . d the e* ecutive seal to be atached ‘Done at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this, the 22nd, day <-r Novem- Lord one thousand