The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 25, 1922, Image 5

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SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 25, 1922. DAILY TIMER-ENTERPRISE, DAILY TIMER-ENTERPRISE Have Your Battery BY US JAS. GRIBBEN PHONE 461 We Repair—Recharge and Give Free Service On All Makes of Batteries Christmas Specials I lot, Poly Crome Candle sticks and Candles 98c each complete 1 lot, Smoking Stands $2,50 each Others from $3.00 to $25.00 each 1 lot, Pracilla Sewing Boxes $6.75 each 1 lot, Poly Crome Framed Mirrors ... .$1.75, each 1 lot, Fine Electric Lamps , _ from $12.50 to $50.00 each 1 lot, Mahogany Clocks ... .$10.00 and $12.00 each Also the Finest Line of Toys, Dolls and Christmas Presents Shown in Thomasville W. Feinburg & Son Thomasville’s Leading Furniture Store “WATCH HIM STEP” ALSO A FUNNY COMEDY and FOX NEWS Open 3 p. m. Continuous to 11:30 p. m. 10 and 25c —Monday and Tuesday THEODORE ROBERTS With T. Roy Barnes, Fritz Ridway and Harrison Ford in the great American comedy drama— “THE OLD HOMESTEAD” |i Afternoons, 10 and 25 c; nights 30c. Good Music Everyday B———M Thanksgiving to Bo Generally Observed— No announcement has yet been made as to where the union Thanksgiving services will be held, as It Is alwayij customary Tor them to rotata from year to year. Thanksgiving will, of course, be kept) holiday here, as It always Is, with HOUSEWIVES “For ‘Goodness Sake’ USE Sweet Clover Flour” We Sell It GOLDEN BROS CO. Phone 184 WHOLESALE GROCERIES & FEED (WWVWMWyWWUWUWk EMERGENCIES Did you ever go to your Medicine Cabinet for the Iodine, Paregoric or some remedy you needed at once, and found it all gone. Order your emergency remedies Now. Phone U5 and save all the worry. We can help you. Sparks Pharmacy Phone 115 Biggest Stalk of Cane Yet— Reports of unusually fine sugar Cane continue to come In and the last all stores, places of business Mil and biggest was from that grown by stores closed. What amusements will | w K nines, who lives on Route be put on for the day It not yet known 15, ^ stalk from Mr. Hines' patch j to resort to the gallery or stand up. but there will probably be some foot* brought to the Times-Enterprlse of- The costumes shown were all quite flee, has tvrenty-elght fully matured beautiful and striking and the audi- joints and Is nine feet high. It was ence seemed delighted with the dls- Full House at Grand Theatre Last Night— The “style show" put on at the Grand •Theatre last night drew a full bouse and those who came late were obliged ball game or something of the kind. Of course there will be a large her "of hunters out either shooting ducks on the lake or quail in the Colder Weather and Heavy Frost Tonight— Much colder weather prevails over the Middle West and the lower Mis slsslppl Valley, dne to high barometric pressure In those sections of the coun- try. Temperatures will he considerab ly lower In Georgia tonight, with freezing weather In the north portion and heavy frost In the southern seo including Thomasville and vlcJnt ty. Tender house plants and garden vegetables should be protected from possible damage by frost tonight. WEATHER BUREAU OFFICE. Several Car Owners Arrested at Fire— Several auto owners were caught d handed today at the Stanaland fire. One car ran right over the hose Remington avenue while the fire ' in progress. Another ran half war r it and several were stopped In time to prevent it. The cars refrained from crowding the block, as hereto fore, but some got by anyway and .cases were made against them. It Uj against tho law to drive a car into a still growing when cut and if left with no cold sufficient to damage It, there 4s no knowing how tall it might have grown. So far this stalk stands ahead of any yet brought in. Christmas Just a Month from Today- Just a month from today will be Christmas and all of the little kiddles will be enjoying the things that good 50W Santa Claus brought them. Christ- this year will come on Monday and of course will be a big holiday. Some of the merchants are already .displaying their holiday goods and will show them as they arrive, instead of haring one big opening day when the Atore is so crowded that It Is hard to wait on customers: Others will have the usual openings. ?*Every Member Canvass’* Tomorrow— The Every Member Canvass of St Thomas Episcopal church will he tak- tomorrow afternoon. There are committees and they will visit the entire membership t>f the church. It Is urgently asked ftiat the members congregation be present at the morning service and also remain at home Sunday afternoon until after the 1 play. So pleased were they that Mr. Sidney Steyerman, under whose aus pices it was given, has been requested to put on another this spring. Both Balnbrldge and Moultrie have asked that It be put on In those towns. Among other pleasant features of the evening were two French songs by Mr. Marks, who is a member of the faculty at Plunkett’a Academy. The ladles taking part In the style show were: Misses Dorothy Ball, Sarah Ball, Birdie Black,. Wilma Twit- ty, Mary Balfour, Mae Taylor, Carol Van Landlngham, Cairo, Agnes Walk- Calro, Lucille Reese, Tallahassee, Jureile Little; Mesdames Jack Smith, Walter Hammond, Clarence Palin, Julian Roddenbery, of Cairfe. A good sum was realised for the Business and Professional Women's Club and the City Hospital, the two beneficiaries. Library Census Be Tsken— The library board met with tho trus tees of that Institution last night and decided, with the aid of the Girl Scouts, to take a library census of the city. The library should be used by every >me In Thomasville. Rs advantages ane Immeasureablo. The reading priv ileges at the library are free. The cir culation price Is 75 cents for three months for adults and $1.00 per year for children. Next Friday and Saturday the Girl Scouts will call upon you and ask you to sign the following cards: Do you use tho library? Are there any children In your fam.-1 of many ,traln» of cWckem, .nd man, .-omc mi, way with. ,uUo a load of 1 ly wl " breeds, and they were the handsomost contraband drinkables. Tbero wore Wn " and most Interesting birds yet ,bown „, vora i ,- ar8 stopP ed a nd auctioned Many people rlalted the place hut oal) . ono wa , held . Tw , during the day. aaw the cblckona, 1 ,„ tfd „„„ whca the (lr , turkeya and other poultry .lock with ca | led |t , top and he much enjoyment and Interest The na | -ards wero made today end trill be put lhelr car , acr0 „ tlle road vent his passing. The negro stopped 6nly when he had block where there is a fire and also committee has called. The church is to drive over the hose. I expected to raise $7,500 for Its parish and mission work for the year 1923. Poultry Show a | Decided Sueeeea- j A 0 ,„ on 0( . SM „e Poultry Show baa been a decld- c , ptar , d Yeaterday— cd success In every way. It Is being | The ,. e wa8 a tula ranaer can , pa ign held In the More formerly occupied by: put on near lll0 Florida line yeater- srrlll on South Broad atrceL, day a ft e rnoon. It Involved an effort Thero wore more than a hundred coops | , a catch , car that „ a , exp( , cted PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR _A — Turkey, Fat Hen or For Thanksgiving — AT— THE ECONOMY MARKET J. W. Blanton, Proprietor. Phone No. 2-8-7 110 N. Broad SI. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY A SURPRISE FOR YOU Warshaw’s Cut Price Shoe Store announced as soon as the list can be assembled. The show will be opeq $q- nlght and the birds should be seen by crybody who can get there. i Would you care to become a reading j member of the library? I Would you care to become a clrcula-! officer • t,on member of ,hc library? j j a gig.' You ,ncur no obligation by signing: down the ll~ne~and they ,Dlr °‘ thMe “ r,ls - *• th « Sc ° ul » »*«j are making this canvass can not take subscriptions, but the library board re-! ». his car bumpin'#- que8t8 * verybody to 8, * n the carda ; the road He was tbat tbey may gauge the ,ntere8t of j 'looked~for but a jug of the ,he t<,w " ln ,he " br,r >' *" d ’"’‘I™'”' j !.»„rr orf.. In hi. n.n «fhi„h how that interest may be stimulated. SIX IND1CTA1ENTS RETURNED wa ” < ouni1c * r - * hlch pr ° b ', I — ^■ jhbly explained his undue haste. Noj ^ j New York, Nov. 25—The federal announcement has been made As to Mr. Sharpe to Address j grand Jury which was empanelled last'the Identity of the expected car or, Bib,e CI * M 1 summer to Investigate bootlegging and whether It has been apprehended. I ReT ' W - F ' Sbarpe w, *l B P eak to tho. which was dismissed last Monday with' State Director Fred Dismuke 1. here Westminster Bible Class tomorrow a rebuke by Judge Foster today r* j today with his family after a campaign morning bis subject being Broken turned six blanket Indictments charg- j In this section, which has resulted dls. Fetters. Mr. Sharpe addressed the Ing conspiracy to violate the prohl-.astrously for the runners from Florida. c,aSB Ia8t Sunday and everybody was bltlon law agninst three corporation* It is not believed that the wholesale j delighted with his talks and he will no operations from Florida have boon doubt bav « “ to hear bIm tomor ' transferred to this leg of tho Dixie Highway. FIREMEN must often de stroy your property in order to conquer the flames. Wherever fire gets a foothold then some degree. A Hartford Fire In stands between you and this loss, tected by « Hartford Contract neec will go up In smoke- follows financial lost of lurance Company policy The property owner pr> not fear that his dollars Old English Wax Wasn't Made If so it would have been used to beautify the inter ior of the palaces of Kings and Queens. IT IS MADE NOW and we have it, so use some in your little palace and note the wonderful rich glossy finish it will give your floors, piano, furniture and wood work. You will be proud of them. And say, It can’t be beat for polishing that car. JAMES WATT & QUO. bltlon law agninst three corporation* and twenty-eight individual*, Including six former prohibition agent*. At the time of the Jury’s dismissal, on the ground that Us foreman had Violated the court's instructions by | making public a letter to Secretary Mellon of the Treasury, Assistant United States District Attorney Clark [obtained Judge Foster's consent for'tion ln the paper they should the return of indictments found befor* the date the missive was given out, j Nov. 15. The letter to Secretary Mellon criticised the handling of the enforce ment oflccrs here. Judge Foster, after receiving the In dictments yesterday, omitted the usual custom of thanking the Jury, i The main Indictment returned yes terday relates to an alleged conspiracy to remove from a local warehouse 4,90(1 cases of whisky and 295 cases of cham •aim Tree el Scripture Nature's Git The palm tree of Scripture U undt-i tood to have been the date palm. Fo» ill the centuries that man has lived oc Brth the date palm baa furnished bod *nd shelter. Its timber and Its bltage have their usee even now tugar, date sugar, U made from Iti ap Just mnple sugar la made from he aap of the maple tree. Its sar uie been fermented Into wine tot Korea of centuries, and that sap fot nany age* has bees distilled Into a •randy that ia a a fiery and orawhelm- Bg aa apple brandy, peach brandy and (rape brandy. Never 8end Newspaper Articles In First Peraon— Very few people seem to understand that In sending In articles for public* “I," as these are only allowed in editorial ar ticles and by the editor himself. Some times these articles are put In the pa per with a sufficient examination, but the regular rule with every newspaper is that all articles except editorials should be written ln the third person, otherwise they will be changed or cut Men’s Bible Class at the Methodist Church— The power ol Jesus over Evil, or Love Casting out Fear, will be the subject for study and discussion by tho Wesley Bible Class tomorrow morning at ten oc.« ck. This Is a cordial invitation to vis! tors who may be spending Sunday In Ihomasvllle to meet with this class. Every member Is requested to he pres ent, accompanied by at least one vial- Mist Chastain Entertains in Ormally for Visitor.— Miss Katherine Chastain was hostess last evening at a “Wei Roast, given out on the hanks the Ochlocknee river. The affair v in honor of Miss Mary Miuor, of I elgh, N. C., who ts visiting Miss Ch The occasion was marked by a v< delightful Informality and was grea enjoyed by the guests present. i make you • special Christ mas Club offer on • Victor V let rot a. COCROFT MUSIC CO. Tech - Auburn Game Atlanta Ga., Nov. 30th ATLANTIC COAST LINE R. R. CO. Offers one fare for the round trip 88.88 From Thomasville, Ga. Tickets on sale November 29th limited reach Thomasville prior midnight Dceumber 3rd. Call on A. C. L. Ticket Agent for schedules reser vations etc. J. T. CULPEPPER & SON AGENTS Thomasville, - * Georgia. -SALE- ARMOR PLATE HOSIERY Women’s Hose UNTIL SOLD SILK AND MERCERIZED Derby Rib In Sand and Brown Colors ^ ** 95c PURE SILK HOSE-ALL SILK Extra quality In Polo, Grey, Brown and Black 5 All Sizes $2.75 WE ASK YOUR INSPECTION." PHONE 111 Ansley - Pittman Compary 101 1.2 SOUTH BROAD ST. i Mash-Milton Drug Company)