The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 25, 1922, Image 8

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Mot eight DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRItt. TH0MA9VILLE, GEORGIA SATURDAY AFTERNOON, HOVKHttll 2*. 1122. TURKEY, AND THE GOOD THINGS THAT GO WITH IT Thanksgiving is a day to be devote dto sacred memories and present blessings. But custom has also made it an occasion of feasting and general good fellowship. The hostess who wishes to be free from worry regarding the ex cellence of her dinner should use our high grade Spices, Sage, Flavoring Extracts, Etc. All goods are guaranteed fresh and full-flavored. After the din- Mints, Candies, etc. Then there's a possibility that there'll be a demand for some thing to relieve that feeling 0 f after-dinner fullness. INGRAM DRUG CO. Seedsmen Phone 600 Druggists 'MRS HENDERSON HAD APPEALED TO HEALER Lancaster. Ohio, Nov 25-Karackas Red Wood. Clrclevllle, "Indian healer* who says he cures by "thought and prayer.” was appealed to by Mrs. Florence Henderson .who with her husband and four children, was found dead 1 iclr hoi , In ( HOME OF A. J.STANALAND BULGARIAN MEETS SERIOUSLY DAMAGED BY j GREEK AT LAUSANNE FIRE THIS AFTERNOON j Uu „ no , Th, three lire, of the proem cold Verucelo., former premier of Greece, spell series have been consumated. and “■ Stambeuliaky the Bulgarian ■ fire which deatroyod prln,t; mlnlater, faced each other nt r of the place y« 8t « rd ®y 8 sewion of the Near East ern conference, when an effort was made to reach an agreement on bright Bulgaria's claim to an outlet i n the which ^ e S ean sea * Bot * 1 men ■howed great The first mall garage in the Mrs. Dena Snodgrass on Remington avenue. The fire occurred at about 2 k a. m., and made a As Usual We ire til ? ftr>: t « Salt Fish Roe to rid herself of real and fancied ilh it was revealed hete yesterday after search of tho Henderson house. A light. In the garage t letter fioni Red Wood dated Sept. 10. was owned by a negr., nr ere,I to eore Mrs. Henderson r„ Ihe privileges or the use of It hud been SUmboulilky “Hindoo occult absent method.- [allowed. This was an Oidsmoblle tour- lhe “ aual p0>!l! ‘ This helps to substantiate the the-1 mg cor and It waa completely destroy- the p ° rt Bedeagotch, contending cry official, are working on now, they ed. Parties report on explosion os that ° th « r W ™uld Bulgaria asserted, that the woman killed her- fire touched off the ga. tank. bc * uar ‘ nt “ d r ' ee commerce. Veni. self and family over imaginary Ills. The second lire came this morning tel °* ° pp03ed tfm Proposal in Red Wood's letter acknowledged re- .hen the re.ldence ol Mr,. W. W. P**" 0 ”" 1 ,p "' h - h » ldi "« “< Ipt ol »l.nd„ lock of "auburn hair" Beasley In Falrvlew. was Ihrealened. port . at Dedeagatch under the id asserted that his "now sister" F | r0 started on the roof but It was • soon controlled and the damage re* Associated Pre.s ,-aa very alight. j The residence of Mr. A. J. Stanaland 'on Crawford street, next to the Ran dall House, waa burned badly when the roof at about 2 The blaze was seen by par- Broad street, near the Ford Ill., Nov. 25.—Wheat and SALT MULLET FRESH FISH H. VANN & SON “Quality and Service our motto.” PHONES 14 and IS Red Wood told representative in a telephone convert sation last night that he had never seen Mrs. Henderson, that he had never prescribed any medicine lor her j "**“ VTT j’ and that after writing her ho had f ® s ar e neve.- heard from her again. As a further Indication of the motive of the tragedy, officials declare a scrap book was found with a notation read ing “Ezeklttl 16-6." This rends: "And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted In thine own blood. I said unto thee, tbou must In thy blood live. Yea. I said, unto tbee thou must In thy blood live." | control of u mixed commis: The temper of the speech of Id. Venizelos alone indicated what diffi culties Bulgaria would have in deal ing through a port which was possession. * Bulgaria yesterday made vations on the decision to give use of Dedeagatch ns a free port and Turkey made reservations on the pia n for demilitaryizing the neutral along her western border wi ving her any guarantees lUtrulity would be respected. Thus Lausanne seemingly already getting into the class of the Genoa conference which was more r.jtabb turned In and the department got there for [ho „, crV a tion , thc pow „, than >t was for definite agreement! place, and an alarm was sen Fleetwood received the alarm, but J stated that he understood the name t be Brandon and on North Crawford j strept. The fire wagon went as far | as Calhoun street anil seeing no blaze L returned. The second alarm religious fanaticism entering Into mind brooding over physical Ula. I ~ T he roof was burned badly and the Physically worn out, and on the interior probably made unfit for habl arrived at without reservations. Ismet Pnsha yesterday wanted clear understanding in the treaty which the Lausanne ST. LOUIS MARKETS St. Louis. Nov. 25.—Wheat No. 2 red 1.30 to 11.33; No. 3. $1.26; Dec. 1.15%: May $1.14. Corn No. 2 white 74%c; No. 3 74%c; Jeo. 69%c; May 63%. Oats No. 2 white 44%c; No. 3 44 to 4%c; Dec. 44c; May 43%c. verge ol hysterica, Mra. C. B. Allen, t aH 0 a both from (Ire and water, whlrh 1 Z"~~ .i~Jl ~~~ sister or Ihe dead woman and next wax thrown on It Many o( Ihe houxe. f 1 ,h p wl " S ua ' a "- door neighbor, and her husband pack- h0 |d goods were taken rd ell their bclonslnga and left Lan resulted to them, a> Is usual In castor yesterday (or Nelionvllle, home o( lh „ ktoa . The i os j will be ol Mrs. Allen’s parents. J terla] "I can’t stand the sight of tbatj i any longer.” said the sister. *i DEFENDANTS IN ALLEGED marking time. I BABV CASE GIVEN FREEDOM [Turkey and Greece, (Continued from Page 1) Officials here pending the result of chemical tests of the vital organs of the adult Hender- son being made at Columbus by state I "”77,uy when the, W TURPENTINE | chemists and the completion of a I that justice might Savannah, Ga., Nov. 25.—Turpentlng series of other Investigation:- 1 Irm, $1.45; rosin firm. They still hold dead woman II responsible for the the Black Sea to Aegean St asked that a belt of territory sixty kilometers be laid out, thiriy kilo, meters on each side of thc frontier between Turkey and Bulgai which form a neutral boundary between Easters and Western Thrace. Ismet called attention to the impor. tance of fortification on the frontier EMPLOYMENT INCREASED Mens Hunting Boots JUST RECEIVED Thc boot you have been looking for. PRICE $8.50 Same lw>ot two years ago sold for $14.50 MITCHELL SHOE CO. .North Broad Street. nd inci rec.iids for electrical energy used by industries and for passengers carried •by public utilities, according to figur es compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of the Seventh District, and leading electrical utilities. secured In the * f t j, e c j ty Q f Adrianople saying ih» b.ll.f fha. ,u. i e,ent U “ > * U,e “ w t0 " ,atl,lu8 lhe [would bo tco much to ask th. Turks suouslbl. for !hl '"' ,rt ' ,tart " 1 ^ the present pr0, °- to destroy thee strongholds without eution ' [effective guurantece that they would The general Impression prevail. In j „ot bo repaired in the future. DIED AT STATE PRISON FARM j-“* <a "°°"""'F lb “ in- J dt '“ d * a “ | The repreaeutative power, gather, ” * *" " * * “|at Lausanne apparently did not find ih. Ga.. Nov. 25 —William I 17 ilJIZ"”'7.L”T7a III grcat $ oy in tho Pr°*P cct of assuml.i| ixactly what you ind expert work- amts H. Brown, Wall Paper, Phone 251. CONSOLIDATE EVIDENCE AGAINST DAUGHERTY Washington, D. .C, Nov., 25—Con- olidation of evidence which may be roduced bv the rail unions affected y the Daugherty rail strike Injunc- lon with tt had nothing whatever to do with the baby found on the Montlcello reai o j(| inu Jtuo in _. TIIII , McKenslo, O^EffluglTm Munty!"»™. I “ " r “ l !lJl m d e |'!fmai e M i 'low 1 r “ pon * lblU,,r th,t the n '“ tralitp »' ing a sentence In the state nenlten-i* 11 ent r,ly dl,f#reat c&ae - 11 *■ ,ur " such an important Balkan belt would , ..... , - . P , „„ ” Jther believed that this case Is one ln!t. », .11 tary at Mllledgevllle for the killing' ., . ..... , . .. *>♦ Pespcctcd. At all events niey o; Robert Croslby, at Guyton, died yes- l* h Ch n ° ,1,ega,,ty ,§ ,nTO,ved . at lea8t j avoided taking any definite decision, terday. The son who was convicted ° f th ® kInd that Wa * ClaIm ® d ,B the 1 They agreed thnt neutrality undoubt- Jointly with his father 1. serving a C ° Urt P rocedure - Prosecutor Hughes edly wouI ,i nrisc a9 an liSUe when tha term In the penitentiary but has been ha * DOt ® ,ven out any 8tatement the ( p a rdnnelles question is discussed and granted a new trial. | ? vldeace on whlch the warrant was that thc Thracian neutrality problem DEBS TO SPEAK TOMORROW 25.—Eugei CORNISH FISHERMEN WATCH M YEARS FOR MENHADEN public appear- st - Ives * Cornwall, Oct 13.—(B> ance since his release from the At-! Ma, D— F °r fourteen years, two gnarl- lanta federal prison last Christmas j ed ’ hawk-eyed fishermen, perched when he will address an audience of upon a Precipitous cliff at St. Ives Socialist party members here. 'overlooking the Atlantic .have watch- — Jed for the return of the pilchard to •resented by the WORLD LEAGUE AGAINST "" Con, " h Th '‘ '" h ,0M by could be disposed of at the s the 1 menhaden in the United American Federation of Labor in the j ALCOHOLISM MEETING | Slat House proceedings to impeach Attor-. . “TT I William Noall and Edward Cothey ney General Daugherty was decided ■ Toronto, Ont., Nov. 25.—Plans to • kee P the,r vigil from dawn until 1 upon yesterday by the executive coun- enlist students throughout the world ; ,et - They never have their meals cil of the federation. The decision was: in the fight for prohibition, were dU ! tether; one eats while the other announced by the council after a con- J cussed at the international convention | watches for the return of the fish to ih B. M. Jewell, president, of the world league against alcohol the bay. which was formerly the pll- of the railway empolyes’ department | Ism today. Delegates from fifty &» chards* favorite haunt where It was agreed | lions answered the roll call. | Fourteen years ago there was the greatest catch of pilchards ever known and wealth came to the local flaher- 1, but since then the fish have only also that the federation’s case would be directed by Jackson H. Ralston, Its J Whit# Spots general attorney. I white spots I Consequently attorneys for the raU ,work “ f,er 11 ** Wl lions, armed with data, will be rought to Washington for confer- ice with the council and Mr. Ralston the matter. Further proceedings In ■e impeachment attempt will be ken before the House judiciary in Wood, ft on the wood- ihed are caused i frequented the bay once. On that : use luke warm I ca,lon th<? y camo to within two miles suds or cleaning ° f the 8h0re ’ but the wh,8t,,n * od dirt 1 AUGUSTA SHOPMAN FINED Augusta. Ga.. Nov. 25.—Clifford Wilson, charged with violatlnf injunction issued by tho United Stat es’ court here, during the shop strike, was found guilty by a Jury thb morning and sentenced to pay 1 of five hundred dollars and three months In jail. He was accused of attacking three employes of Georgia Railroad shops. AMERICAN RELIEF STEAMER IN BOSPHORUS IN COLLISION (By Associated Press) Constantinople, Nov. 26.—The Am dean Near East Relief steamer, Bel- -avian, carrying two thousand or- lans from Asia Minor, collided with e trans-Atlantic liner New York, at the Junction of the Bosphorus j: Marmora this morning. Allied have gone to their assistance. >e. Dec REMEMBER that ICE is just .is important in cold weather as it is in hot weather. You won’t need as much during winter months- because the weather will keep your ice hill down—BUT YOU NEED IT DAILY. OUR SERVICE IS A YEAR ROUND SER VICE! NOT MERELY A HOT WEATHER SERVICE. THOMASVILLE ICE & NIFG. GO. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS PHONE 6. Saturday Only SPECIAL CHAMOISETTE GLOVES Regular $1.00 This Day Only 59c Neel Brothers the flour you've been You’ll find a dozen foe it before it’s in your kitchen a day. Hurry-up cakes, ns, muffins, popovers, biscuits, :-cakes—therex no end the many ou’ll find Sauers Self-Rising convenient flour. Remember it’s high quality soft wheat with just the r'ght amount of rising ingredi ents added to you time. SAUERS Selfiltising V FLOUJl CHEAP EXCURSION FARES TECH-AUBURN FOOTBALL GAME ATLANTA, NOV. 30th (Thanksgiving) $S.8S ROUND TRIP via A. B. & A. Railway FROM THOMASVILLE Tickets sold for all trains Nov. 29. Return limit Dec. 3rd. Additional information from any A. B. & A. Agent. Rubber Boots For $3.00 A. T. Chastain PHONE 192. Now Is Thc Time For Hot Buck Wheat Cakes And Rye Bread Fresh Self-Rising Buckwheat and Rye ’ Flour Just In Pringle Company PROCRASTINATION Don't put off too long, painting your house. It’s hotter to paint b«* for# tho house needs It, than to wait too long, for thon you havo to scrap# off, or burn off th« old paint, which Is an expense you can avoid. ONK OR TWO COATS OF Devoe’s-Pure Lead and Zinc Paint The Best to the Cheapest. Thomas Drug Store DEVOE’S AGENTS Phones 41 and 795 Thomasville, Ga«