The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 28, 1922, Image 4

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»A0| FOUR DAILY TlMES-ENTERPRISE, THOMA8VILLE. GEORGIA TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 28, 1$22 Ccrdck, Cs., Not. 28—In their Korcmber meeting in Cordele Satur day the rural school teachers of Crisp showed a sain in school attendance “LZrCITY COUNCIL MEETING rural- wchoot* in using the traveling puMw TftSSryOTi bf the Cordele Pub lic library and other five are Join ing tfria month.-«- The system makes they^^gfcrapr.hpire available for all is Larger the Sun or a Cent The sun is the largest but you can hold the cent so close to your eye that you’ll lose sight of the sun. Don’t let a cheap price or a big can baking powder make yon lose eight of quality CALUMET BAKING POWDER Is the quality leav;.., l( ener—for real econo my in the kittheti, always use Calumet, one trial will con vince you. Its sales are mu tinies as much as that of any other brand. ’ J THE WORLD’S GREATEST BAKING POWDER HARRISON BUS LINE HELD LAST NIGHT ' • ss PERSONALS II You Have a.-Visitor Phone No- 12 or 66 Vlctrola In your LONE ^ ROUTE Cambridge, Cairo and Thomasville Passengers, Trunks and Express' SCHEDULE WEST BOUND it. ,S, STATIONS" But No. 7 } WE PICK UP PASSENGERS ALONG THE LINE The city council made It abort and ■nappy last night. The meeting lash ed but an hour. The Btreet committee reported ui> forably to the petition of Mr. E. A. Dawes, to lay a «ewer pipe acrosi the Jot next to that of Dr. R. Thomas on N’orth Dawson street. Alderman Hop kins stating that U was a natural drainage and the city should not be responsible for piping the water any than in any other branch. Mr. Dawes recently bought the lot tot building purposes. . J .A. Chastain of the county commissioners, appeared and asked. the council If the county could pun see our line of Xmas base about an acre of the property will pay you to visit the Empire Furnl adjacent to the colored cemetery and ture Store, across the street from the stockade, for the purpose of erecting a mule | Mr. W. M. Holloway, of Pensacola barn and lot. Mr. Chastain stated | * 8 * lere * or da y- that the county would have to abandon its present site unless the land could | lngtn n be secured. The matter was referred |j me to the cemetery committee for report The city engineer, Mr. Wright, is Mr. W. W. Peacock, of Pave among the business men to be upon our streets yesterday. Messrs. F. A. Hardee and T. S. Lap ramore, of Madison, Fla., were visitors In the city yesterday. » correct, give comfort Mrs. R. S. Pardee entertains this af ternoon at the Country Club at a bridge tea, to which a number ol guests have been Invited. Swsp your old furniture and gat new In the placa of It. Empire Furniture 8tors. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wilson . an nounce the birth of a fine little girl this morning, at their home, 306 South Madison street ' Pugh & White’s Barber Shop SANITARY AND SKILLED BARBER SERVICE We have recently added another chair to our Lhop and secured the services of Mr. Lee Lewis who will be pleased to serve his old friends and customers. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUTTING CHILDRENS HAIR Hair Cutting or Shampoo 25c. 8havt 15c, Shins 5c MIZE BUILDING, No. 213 WEST JACKSON STREET A. M. PUGH, Manager SEE YOURSELF AS OTHERS SEE YOU In the local made motion picture of the— Albany and Thomasville Foot Ball Game Also Quitman and Waycross game iii Quitman; Valdosta and Moultrie game in Valdosta, and the big Armistice Day celebration in Valdosta—All Ik*fore your eves on the screen— GRAND THEATRF THOMASVILLE “■ Tomorrow and Thursday BIG SPECIAL PROGRAM Lon Chaney With Edith Roberts and Jack Mulhall in (tied a letter with the approval of the street committee, requesting the pa* Ing contractors to ceaae work of lay Ing the cement base for the paving Broad street until auch a time ould be In line with the arrival the asphalt machine, which had beet delayed until December 15th. Mr. Wright stated that he wanted the kept open for traffic, where the concrete baae bad not been laid, pro venting the complete closing of the street for a longer time than was at> •olutely necessary. Alderman McDougald offered an on dlnance which did away with all fees for all city officers. It was put on its fcond reading. # The registration hooka of the city ose Monday next and reglatrars ere selected as follows: L. S. Moore, ’. B. Cochran and W. W. Alexander. Their compensation wu fixed at twen- dollars. It Is expected that the city executive committee will on white primary shortly after th« registration books are purged and they will donbtlesa apportion the voting precincts as the now charter amend ment provides, all names through "L" : the city bail, and all others at the »urt house. i Mayor MacIntyre reported that there I ® r - T. Culpepper left today for had been complaints of firemen driv- * Jacksonville, where he will visit his ing too rapidly to fires, when they | deuiKhter, ■ Mrs. N. A. Upchurch,' and >re caught at home or off duty wheni Mrf - Cu| P«PPer. who la visiting her; »|»™ wa, aoundad. It wa. th«j F „ Prompt ~ opiate, of council that the men ahonld I , j; V Utlii ,,, p h .„, : Iter, n, quickly u, possible bul I No. ,07 R.uUuj,,,, Awuu.. at a speed which would endanger . s ife. The fireman riding In a private, Rev - and Mrs. w’ M. Harrii, Mf. and means of conveying th<j,ibs. B. W. Stone. Mr, ahd Mrs. J. F. informatJoi that he Is a firfeiatB or |, I Lamb and Mrs. MenBtn'Are ftttfehdWS ntltled to get there A^ickly and the the Sunday school 'convention <6t the ist driving D , '* g ' ht re8U i t i n a 8 erloui Mercer Association at BarWfri today, "cident. After the usual routine buslnes* council udloQTMd. Altomm H. Bw"lpfen Atlanta, where the.wlil attend the Tech-Auburn football game. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herring are re iving congratulations upon the ar rival at their home a few days ago of a fine little daughter, who la called Marjorie Elizabeth. If you have not received ogue, phone 2904. "Lone Star Gar dena. 6-1mo. Mr. J. D. Parriott, of Moundsvlll^ W. Va., has returned to Thomasville and will be In the Miller cottage Rosedale avenue, during the winter. Thomasville friends are delighted see him again. FUNDS TO REPAIR ST. PAUL’S WILL BE SOUGHT IN AMERICA London, Nov. 3. (By Mail)—It will be no longer necessary for persona in America to cross the ocean view the charms of old London for these charms nre about to .through the aid of the motion picture. z A motion picture company is present busy photographing beautiful interior of SL Paul’s l thedrial. The work is being carried out with the aid of improved light, ning effects so that the details of the carved stalls of Gibbons, the high marble alter, the Chapel of the Order of St. George, and the dome may be clearly seen. A reel of the film will be devoted to the graves and monu. ments of the famous Cathedral, which include those of Nelson, Well, ington and Sir Arthur Sullivan. The proceeds derived from the ex hibition of this film will be given fund being raised for the much needed restoration of the church. It will be shown in America within two months, according to the producers. SOUTH GEORGIA NEWS REV. J. M. OUTLER GOES TO AMERICU8 METHODIST CHURCH Americus, Ga., Nov, 28.—Rev. J. M. Outler, formrly of McRae, will be the new pastor of the First Methodist church in this city, it was announced yesterday. Rev. Luther Harrell, of the Lee Streat church was returned to his pastorate. Rev. Guyton Fisher, former pastor here, will go to Doug las. AMERICU8 BANKER 8EE8 GOOD TIME8 AHEAD Americus, Ga., Nov. 28,j—“An era of good business lies ahead of us,” said C. M. Council, well know n bank er and capitalist yesterday, upon his return from Pittsburg and swing through the east. He has extensive steel holdings and he found them facing a number of advance orders with production losing ground in the fact of the piled up OKLAHOMA CONGRESSMAN HAS FLEET OF AIRPLANES Americus, Ga., Nov. 28—Con gressman Myron T. Herrick, of Okla homa, who has been here for the past three months assembling 27 airplanes he bought at Souther field, intends to hop off for Washington this week, thus adding another feat to an al ready long list of unsual ones. SUNDAY 8CH00L WORKER ENTHU8ED CORDELIAN8 Cordele, Ga., Nov. 28.—Harry Strickland, secretary of organized class work for the Sunday Schools of the Southern Baptist convention, proved himself the livest, most enthusiastic and forceful speaker before the men’s class at Baptist Surtday School here Sunday. classes from Unadilla, Fort Valley and Vienna were here to hear him. Mr. Strickland bega n a tour of Georgia in the men’s class here. DON’T DESPISE THE SINGLE DOLLAR If you watch over the small things of life they will make you. If you neglect them they will break you. Neglect the DIMES and vou will never have the opporunity to neg lect the DOLLARS. On* of that* small Savins, Bank will help you save Start a Savings Aecou nt with a dollar or more will loan you one free. Wl PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS THE PEOPLES SINGS BANK T. J. BALL, Prcst R. J. McCLENNY. ash. City registration books will close 8 (L-m. Dec. 4th. Fsy your city I •Ulster. 27-flt J. W. H. Mitchell, Tress. Clean Leather Bags. Brown leether bags may be cleaned »y rubbing on a thick lather of pure vhite soup. Apply it with a sponge, hnrd, let It remain on a few min- . then wipe dry with flnnnel doth ind polish with vaseline: rub this In li bare hand; nib hard; don’t use much and wipe off well. Fuller acted as clerk In the absence ot Clerk Smith, who was alck. LIQUOR HAUL I I WARE Waycross, Ga., Nov. 28.—Probably one of the largest hauls of liquor ever captured in this section of the country was taken yesterday 6 miles from here and arrested eight men and a woman on a charge of trans porting whiskey. | Two Hudsons, two trucks and a Ford car were among the automobiles taken. A total of 1,785 quarts of varied varieties of whiskey were c fiscated. I W. D. O’Harran, said to be j millionaire bminess man of Columbus j Ga., is said to have been captured. I Others, according to the Sheriff of Ware county, M. J. Sweat, Frank Miller, J. G. Leak, Jack 'Tomlinson, J. T. Miller, J. F. O’Neil, “Flesh and Blood” A strong, pulsing story of people you know—of a man's unconquerable love. A Story of victory over evil. A-greatra rolcjor Mr. Chaney than he had in “The Miracle man,” or “The Penalty’’ Houte: 3,v4;45, $:}0, 8 and 9:45P.M. Afternoons 10 aird 25c' Nights 15 and 35c Warna Farmer* to Protect Next Crop! Noted scientist warns fanners to wipe out rata everywhere now, is damage will come to the next crop. Rots are spreading wjth start ling speed. Begin today. Wipe them out with Royal Guaranteed Bat Paste. 25c 50c tubes. Sold and guaranteed by Ingram Drug store. (Advertisement) J. H. Taylor and R. Barnes. According to a report made by the city authorities, J. H. Taylor and | Mrs. Lem Lightsey, of Waycross, caught in the Ford. WANTS Wdoft—Phonb 161 your orders fo dry pine fcbtiio or stove wood. Coca CMa fettling Co. 18-lm FURNITURE—I buy and tell second 'hand furniture. Pione 855. B. Egnal WE CRATE and pack your rurolture also repair and buy any kind ot Furniture. We pay big prices for same. Empire Furniture Store. 14-lm A’OOD, Wood, Woo*!, Oak or jlne; any lengths, delivered •• wanted. Phone Neel Brother*’ Feed Store. 19-tf WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER, phone 435, J. O. Baxlet- 5-lm WOOD—4 ft. Oak and Pine delivered by the cord. Also turpentine dross. Charles Wsy, phone 335. 31-lm WE BUY all kinds pecana, paper ahel and seedlings. Sae us before you ■ell. Jarvis B. Watkins and Com pany. CALL 77—for the best native Meat*. Prlcea right to all. Chicken* too. O. O. Land, 114 Stevens St, 23- FOR RENT—My 8-room dwelling on 8outh Broad SL, furnished. Ttaia place la also for sale. For particu lars, phone me. The price will be right. For sale, two nice resident lots on Park Ave. W. T. Crawford, Phone 28. ‘ 23-61 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, with or without meals, dose in. 128 EL Washington. Phone 625-W. FOR 8ALEJ—20 Barred Rock hen*. B. Clewis, Phone 801-J. 25-6td FOR SALE—2 cow* fresh in milk. M. Sampson, Phone 201. 27-6L FOR SALE—At once, perfectly good Emerson typewriter and man's bicy cle. Cheap Tor cash. Cor. Cecil and Remington Ave. 27-lt BABY CHICKS—White and brown Leghorns, white and barred Rocks. Reds, Ancones, Wyandottes, Orph- Ingtons, Brahmas. Buy close home. Lessen risk ahipplng cold. We hatch your eggs $4 per hundred. Thomas- Till* Hatchery. E. Clay SL, phone 415, Thomasville. Ga. 7-lmdAw LOST—White and Mver spotted point- er dog, left ear brtrwn; string around neck; about 18 months old. Reward (or return to H. G. Simmons 403 N. Broad 8t., Thomasville, Ga. 27-2tdltaw FOR BALE—1.200 ouart-ati* ajru, cana. O. P. Griffin, at Brandon Orocerr Co. IMtd t.a IF YOU WANT COAL THAT WILL BURN- PHONE 187 WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE BEST W.H. BURCH & SON Coal Sold for Cash Only. Please Pay Driver f LOST—Old-fashion pin, with Jet and pearl; place In center tor loek ol hair. Liberal reward for return 1 td Tlmes-Eaterprlse. 284L Syrup and Lard Cans Just Received Bring us your old Guns and let us make them shoot like new ones for you. Now is the time to have them repaired. Don’t forget us when in need of a Stove or Heater, as our prices and terms are in reach of everybody. Parrish Bicycle & Hdwe. Co. 221-223 W. Jackson SI. Thomasville, Ga. “No need to have a cracked, spotted, ugly ceil ing!”— said the practical carpenter, “when it » so easy and so economical to UPSONIZE. Your walls and ceilings will be much more artistic and beautiful, and they’ll be fixed np/sr t ooJ. You'll have no plaster to crack, chip or fall—no wall paper to <ade and tear. I tell you, it pays to use flOPSOfeSOARDi (Tho moat dcpcadablo board mads la America) He was right! She pall him no more for Upsonldng than repairing the plaster would Lave cosL Now her walla always look handsome. They art finished in toft, dainty tints, and deep, rich shades of washable paint that aba can keep scrubbed fresh and spotless. Jan and accidental leaks cant hurt them now. Let ns tell you all about this remarkable Upson Board—the one DEPENDABLE wall board that meets mil practical tests. Itiiiwt like other trail boards—is barter, stiffer and more durable—looks, feels and mt(i like real lumber. Costs $S to $15 per room leas to paint, toot You can use it for any room or every room in the home—or •tore—or factory. Architects now specify it for the finest walls and ceilings. Coma in for an interesting chat Neel Bros. Feed Store ORDER YOUR Thanksgiving Turkey Dressed or Alive THE ENTERPRISE MARKET 301 W. Jackson St. Phone 227. A. C. Walden, Prop.