The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 29, 1922, Image 7

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WKDNE8DAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 29, 1922. DO YOU WONDER? N0 Acn0N TAKENIN THE HALL-MILLS CASE Aib TUi Lady, "Tint r>«B» liner ia Cudni??—Had Beta So Week Sb Had (a Go to Bed. OnwlMile.mne.-Mjj state eleven # ___ . .jd health for a loon then some year or so ago1 "Wanovod to ago, and I had good bealthfora' while; and then tome yea bad a bad tick sped.... ‘ieotM weak I couldn't to. I couldn’t atanaon my feet at all. I nad to go to bed. I .uttered a great deal. Inito nerrons I felt I couldn’t tin. I tried ... 5hJdthe tgg ito^ tor three months, not able - "My hutband it a bill potter and has circulars distributed. One day there chanced to be a Ladles SirthdayAlmanac among hit circulars. 1 read ft, and told some of the family to get me a bottle oi •i ault all outer medicines and took it (Cartful) faithfully, aod two weeks from the time I began to take Cardul 1 was out of bed—better than for months. “1 kept it up and continued to Improve until 1 was a well woman. I. “Do you wonder that I am a believer In Cardul? 1 certainly am. And I am sure there is no better tonic made for women than Cardul." NC-151 (Advertisement) RAILROAD SCHEDULES Arrival end departure ef pssstngsr trains at Thomasvllle. A. C. L. R. ft Station and A* B. A A. R. R. Station. Tho following schedule figures publli ed ao Information and not guaranteed. (Trains North, Cast and South Themasvllle operate on Kaotom Standard Tima, which la tho asms as Barnes' Law Tima In Georgia. Trains Wort af Thom. » Central Standard Time, ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILWAY (Pullman Sleeping Care) Arrtvee L 3:50 am Blrmlucham-Atlanta 7:10 pm ATLANTIC COAST Line railroad Arrives Leaves i’M am •*¥*!(• Jax. Monte Y U27 am fit am Mentg’y-Sav*h-Jax I-.SO am SiM pm Thoa’vltio-Sev*h IJ5 am 10J» am Sav'h-Montg’y 10:0S am 10:00 am Mentleallo 7:30 am **1:M pm Mentleallo **11:10 am **HS pm Mentlealle *11:10 am *0:Se pm Rpnlew *11:20 am 10 JO am Atlanta.Albany 7:30 pm - -- -- - - 8av*h-Jax 3:10 pm 7:13 pm Hants* Albany 11:00 a Note—(••) Sunday only. (•)Dally except Sunday. Atlantia Coast Una Lina Depot, Phene 10S.J iflham A Atlantic,. Phsn* LOOK LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than last year. Our stock is the best; our market is absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food ran he sold. 4 HHONE 52 f you arc not perfectly •atisfied with your prea nt market service, try t- • >m* time. That is all we ask. <4= Somerville, N. J.. Nor. 29.—“For reasons which Mem to them sufficient and controlling, the grand Jury took no action in tho Hall-Mills murder case and laid the matter over. This does not mean necessarily that the matter cannot be taken up again by this a subsequent grand Jury.” With these words Foreman Gibbs of the Somerset grand Jury, late yester day made known the fact that dlctment had been returned In the moat mystifying murder dramas that has faced the country In many years. For five day* Special Deputy Attor ney General Mott has been presenting evidence to bolster his theory aa to who killed Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall and his choir singer. Mrs. Eleanor R Mills, on the Phillips farm the nigh; of September 14. Yesterday—a day re plete with drama—the prosecutor pre ■ented hie star witnesses and then ictUed back to await for the Jury's do- Outside the Jury room some one else as awaiting tho decision. It was Mrs. Francos Noel Hull, the rector's widow, who had rushed to the court yesterday morning in the hope if appearing before the grand Jury and who had not been granted access. received tlie decision as she has received all other developments In the case—stocially, with scarcely a trace of emotion. A slight biting of the Ups, little tug at her handkerchief, that is all that showed the stress unde: which she must have boon laboring. She received her first word of the Jury's decision from a member of that body. Coming out of the Jury room he handed a piece of paper to her law yer, Timothy N. Pfeffer of New York, who throughout the day had been seat ed In the foyer of the court house with Mrs. Hall and her confidante, Mist Sally Poters. He at once communt catcd the message to hie client Then, while Foreman Gibbs waa Is suing hla formal statement Mrs. Hall arose. Assisted by hor lawyer and a friend, aho pasted from the foyer In which all day she had subjected hen the stares of the curious and made her way to her car. The Trio once for the Hall home In New Brunswick. Mr. Mott, appointed to direct the Investigation bccauso of a criticism of the manner in which he had been handled In the early stages, pinned his hopes to the story told him by Mrs. Janei Gibson, the quaint character who had appeared In the mystery drama nnder the caption of "the pig The woman swluo herder, whose 1 atory waa that she had stumbled; across the double shooting while pun! suing, on muleback, thieves who had I teen robbing her corn fields—waa tha next to tho last witness called yesten I She was ushered into the jury ! i, passing Mrs. Hall and her party. The woman exchanged Just one glance, a Wishing glance. Then the door closed behind the woman who claimed to hnre recog- members of the death group b» neath the old crab apple tree on the Phillips farm. , But Mra. Gibson was not the only witness on whom Mr. Mott counted. He called before the Jury, as a sun priae witness, Charles Alpaugh, a Jib ney driver, from Somerville. Tho state maintained that hts testimony regard ing a machine he had seen standing near a lane leading to the acene ot the murder* on the night they oo curred would serve to corroborate the Identification ot Mrs. Glbaon. Foreman Gibbs declined to enlarge on hla formal statement and Mr. Mott also maintained strict alienee, so that doubt remained In tho minds ot newspaper men as to whether the Jury |actually had ballotted aa reported, or; Steyermaris Style Shop The Now CHRISTMAS SHOP Asks— “What Have You Planned to Give Her?” GIFT-GIVING is the open sesame to Christmas—a beau tiful custom hallowed alike in precept and usage. THE CHRISTMAS SHOP flings wide its doors, present ing one of the most interesting selection of gifts for women ever assembled here. Individuality, the quality every wo man prizes* is a dominant note in this Christmas merchan dise. : J 3 : : : : : : FURS—a Pageant of Beautiful Modes and Rich Pelts THE FUR GIFT—the Irreilitlble gift whero women are concerned—the gift that haa no aubstitute. BeauUful Scarfs and Chokers of Stone Marten. Baum Marten and different Foxes make a magnificent assortment for you to choose from. HOSIERY Keeps Pace With the Christmas Spirit It is ever so attractive. Any woman would be enthusiastic over a gift box—an assortment for daytime and evening oc casions. In it there could be sports styles—a pair or so of sheer afternoon styles—lace or embroidered clock styles for evening. • HAND BAGS Follow New Apparel Modes together with Vanities and Vorins in all the new novelty styles and colorings make an inexpensive but useful gift. HANDKERCHIEFS Gaily Spread the Christmas Spirit Near and Far Handkerchiefs winsome and handkerchiefs, p r i m, linen ones with crisp rolled edges, dainty Madcrias, hand-made Swiss and Spanish embroidere dones. Just crisp, happy little gifts for dear friends. ; : ; : : IF You Need Anything in Groceries * Meats Notions Phone 275 Roy Smith had tactically agreed not to conaldei; . ...... the cane further fond I would not attempt to predict 1 program was arranged by the social me case lunner. . ThAV h «v« the case• committee, after which refreshment* "Where do f stand ?” said Mr. Mott will happen. They have the cas ®. were aerved. In reply to peralt.nt qucatlnnln,. ’’It Duw and **’■ U P to them.’’ | Mr. .rid Mr». J. A. appears to me as If I thin, o! . ..... of auspondod ..... w.r. r.c,neo. Tnrn 'J—™| S r ^"u^ , ri.'sCmT."si5iV: An hour later the two prosecutor* j f am i)y of Thomasville, and Mr. and were recalled. Then County Detective j Mrs. A. B. Coffee^ °* MadUon^vislted Totten eutuied the Jury ^ ^ Attorney Pfeffer. representing Mr*, j Al lhe t,me - thre « Per»° n ». seated | wc “ k ‘^' n d' in Boston, withher brother Hall, would make no atatement at the ‘*» a * rol, P- * ere watching the Jury Mr. J. N. Sherrod, court houM. hot Inter nt .he ffnlf home room door. They wer. Mm H.11-, attended . Work . In Now Brnnawlck, he said: (quite, cold, staring. Her friend Miss ^ p on f erence at Cairo, Tuesday. "Mr*. Hall Is gratified at tho grand Peter*, occasionally dropping her eye Mr. Henry Parrish, of Lake Wales, Jury decision. I suppose the officials to a book open In her lap; Attorney Fla., Is visting home folk* will continue thefr work, and I most Pfeiffer, twirling hi* Ungers, apparent- mr Rfp!*A U th or Wilsons baby is very certainly hope they do." ly ,n * da y dream * | # j c £ w |th diptheria. State troopera and detectives last Suddenly the door bur*t open. Tot- ; Mrs. Sallie Sherrod, of Aucilla, night had received no order*. Belief * en reappeared. In his arm* be car- Fla., I* visiting relative* in this com- was expressed that today they were rled two cardboard box#* containing;™™^ Fland> Mr , P H nrt, to push tha Inquest further or allow the garments of the murdered pair. J ,u ne( j w (th Mr. R. J. Laster, Sunday, the case to rest for the present, at “They're shaking hands all around”! Miss Alice Hobbs, has returned he declared as he disappeared up home after visiting relatives, in The court house presented a tenia ‘‘ That look ‘ 11 11 u w *» a11 . (j£r*community was saddened Fri- scene yesterday afternoon as the over.” (day evening November 24th, by the drama approached Us crux. ( From their corner Mr*. Hall and her death of John Parrish, Jr., son of Shortly after .ho Juror, reform* cooiwnlon. w.tched reporter, nuh Mr J. B. Pnrrlri^He TO oatrmnn from the luncheon recess, Mr. Mott, ,nt0 the Jury room at the request of he j d at 'g a i emf Saturday P. M. Prosecutor Beekman of Somerset the foreman. There waa a glimpse oi conducted by Rev. W. H. Wages, and county, and the Jury stenographer a bare-walled chamber, from which all! W. J. Chisholm attended by a very 1 ’ crowd of sorrowing relatives. from th.Jur, room nn4 th. W «d Plctur.. pr...n.od dorm, ,S. ThTflor.! offrrinp Juroro began their deliberation*. j<he Jury proceedings, had been atrip- werc an( j T#ry beautiful. The “ i the *■— * *■'■ County Jndge Cleary was summoned P*& to the court house. A court attendant} The formal statement waa handed waa ordered to be ready to convene; out Reporter* ruehed to telephone, court at a moment'* notice. The ment of suspense had arrived. Nd- botfy seemed rare of what would hap- Even Mr. Mott professed himself in* in oar community, um umjx- certain as to what the grand Jary'_Our senior B. Y. P. U. enjoyed SALEH Cane grinding are very common fat our community, these days. pallbearers were the boy* of hi* grade. His death ia a groat loss, especially to our Sunday achool, and B. Y. P. U. where he was a very active and willing worker. We extend < 1923 AUTO LICENSES Atlanta, Nov. 29.—License number* for 1923 will be delivered January L SFjtPS* 1*-' «t rn, - Order, for »fo. .HI b. r. it MM.'VrS; “r *»» tor January delivery. Buy 1923 license number* durlug December at hall price, for Immediate delivery of 1922 numbers. Application blanks tor 1923 registra tion ot autos, trucks, motorcycles and chauffeura may be obtained after De cember 10th, from an express office, county sheriff or licensed auto dealer. S. G. McLENDON. Secretary of State. Place Your Order for Thanksgiving Fruit Cake The STONE Kind 1, 2, and 4 pounds each. With W.P. Grantham Phone 11 Pugh & White’s Barber Shop SANITARY AND SKILLED BARBER SERVICE We have recently added another chair to our shop and secured the services oi Mr. L«e Lewis who will be pleased to serve his old friends and customers. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUTTING CHILDRENS HAIR Hair Cutting or Shampoo 25c. Shave 15c, Shine 5c MIZE BUILDING, No. 21 3 WEST JACKSON STREET A. M. PUGH, Manager Phone 284 CITY DRUG STORE We Specialize in Prescriptions Our drugs are fresh and pure, and when you hare us fill your prescriptions, youcan rest assured they are filled correctly and delivered promptly. . Yours For Belter Service Rx CITY DRUG STORE Agents For Blocks Aristocrat Can dlts Rx _