The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 01, 1922, Image 6

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PAGE SIX ’RISE* TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 1022. H. GOLDSTEIN'S SPECIALS FOR >0 DAYS ONLY Men's Overcoats, at $4.98 Ladies' $25.00 Coats at $16.75 Ladies' Suits, at $9.90 Baby Blankets, pair 49c Chiffon Broadcloth, 54-inch, yd. ... $2.79 54-inch Prunella Skir ting, yd ... $2.95 54-inch Storm Serge yd $1.39 H. GOLDSTEIN'S THOMASVILLE HIGH WON THANKSGIVING GAME FROM BLAKELY Thomasvllle High ended the regular season yesterday afternoon with victory over Blakely on the West Side baseball gridiron. The score was Blakely’s lone tally coming the latter part of the game when King kicked a perfect goal from the thirty- yard line, the ball falling straight be posts, five feet above the KEEP GOOD SHOES Under your feet and pre serve your health. Nothing but white shoe-makers of recognized abili ty employed. We fix them while you wait. Workmanship as good as the best. L. J. STURDIVANT THOMASV ILLE, GA. u)iiiiiiiniDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiiii;;!:!iininiiiniHuniiiiiiniiiniiiiimiininiiiiiiiiiimiiiimHiiiiii If you have recently recovered your shingle roof without dipping the shingles with— PEE-GEE SHINGLE STAIN it is still NOT TOO LATE to correct your mis take. A brush coat or two of stain or— Pee-Gee Roof Pain! In red, gray or green will give wonderful returns i a small investment. :::::: Your roof if neglected requires the heaviest upkeep expense of any part of your home. THEN WHY NEGLECT? ::::::: Robison Hdw. Co* JJ7-JJ9 E. Jackson St. Phone 168 .hi nun iiiiiiiinii The first part of the game was play od with a number of subB In the line up and was hotly contested, the local! showing themselves superior at al kinds of tactics but the visitors put up a game fight despite the oddi against them. The starch was taken out of the visitors on the second play 'from scrimmage, when Gardner Lam- ber recovered a fumble and raced for ty yards for a touchdown. This was thirty seconds after the ball was put into play. On the kick-off, Blakely made first down, but failed on four line attempts to annex the necessary ten yards and the ball went over. Lindsey rai ty yards through a broken field. Sin- LOOK! LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than last year. Our stock is tbe best; our market is absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food can be sold. PHONE 52 If you are not perfectly satisfied with your pres ent market service, try us one time. That is all we ask. V v - ■ - : Seeded. Raisins,. Cluster Seeded Raisins, Chester Raisins, Figs—All kinds of nuts, Mrashmaliows. J. R. Evans gletary hit the line for nine yards and Stacey added eight more. Stacey five, Lindsey two more and Lambert three for first down. Boiret, for the visitors recovered a forward pass on the ten-yard line when Lindsey Jug gled the ball, but the ball went over to Thomasvllle again on the thirteen yard line. Lindsey promptly got eight around end and Lambert bucked th« ball over. Blakely made two' first downs on the next kick-off and Singletary inter cepted a forward pass, making ten yards on the play before he was down ed. The bail was on the thirty-yard lino when the second quarter opened In Thomasville’s possession, failing to gain, Thomasvllle punted the goal line. Blakely brought the ball out to the twenty-yard and falling to make ten yards In three downs, punted. Thomasvllle returned ten yards while Stacey, Raeford Sin gletary and Lamfbert shoved it across after a series of line plays and end Stacey got credit for the touch down. Singletary kicked a goal. Blakely Bucks Up. Here Blakely bucked up wonder fully and took the ball down the field after a klck-ofT to the ten yard line where the ball went over on an incomplete forward pass after four trys for a touchdown, ending the half. It took Lindsey ten seconds to race sixty-five yards for a touchdown in the second half on the first play after the kickoff. Nobody was anywhere near him when he crossed the line. This was one of the longest scrim mage plays of the entire season. | Blakely ran the ball, after kick-off, I down the field to the four yard line j and there tried to buck it over. Four! attempts on the line failed miserably,! the players being piled up regularly I every time they started with the ball. Thomasvllle then ran from behind the j goal line. Mays who had come Into the ; game at fullback, hit the line on a j fake punt, like a steam engine for ■ eleven, twelve and nine yards. Lind-. sey got eight around end and then ; carried the ball thirty-five yards to j the eighteen yard line on a clever end In the fourth quarter the locals J a forward pass to the three- yard line and Mays bucked it over. In this quarter King kicked a perfect fiald goal for the visitors for their lone tally. This attempt fourth down after they had failed to gain an Inch on three plays through the line. Lindsey and Singletary added long runs in this period and Lindsey carried the ball over from the three-yard line on a triple pass, being entirely away from any of the visiting players, who failed to diagnose the play, presumably looking for a line attack. Blakely fumbled near mid- field after the kick off and Washing- grabbed the ball and made the final touchdown for the local team, running forty yards. The visitors tried four forward passes after the kick off. In an effort to score, but Listen to Reason With the wisdom of a sage. Poor Richard said: "If you will not hear Reason, she will surely rap your knuckles." The advertising you find in this paper is 100 per cent reason. Ignore its messages, and you neglect opportunity, overlook vital information and put yourself in a way to get your knuckles severely rapped. Heed them, and you cannot fail to profit. Sometimes, the advertisements keep you from making an unwise purchase by pointing out the reasons why one ar ticle suits you better than another. And ALWAYS they identify for you goods of unques tioned value. When a store or manufacturing concern puts its name on goods and tells you about them, you may be sure that they worth consideration. It does not pay to advertise merchandise that is not good. ^S WORTH WHILE TO HEED THE VOICE OF REASON. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS! titled him to unquestioned ranking i failed, Thomasvllle intercepting the Lindsey intercepting the The game ended with the ball In Thoma8vlUe's possession. Thomasvllle played an erratic game, but at crucial moments showed their form. The tackling was hard and fierce and the visitors were forced to take out time repeatedly, especially during the last of the game. Wash ington was the defensive star of the game, showing up brilliantly and mak ing certain a berth on the All Star Association team, at end. He is one * safest and most dependable | in the entire South Georgia !. 1 ! — League. Lindsey's brilliant work en-'g^pgon 0 f Cynthianna, Ky. Copyright 1922 Hart Schaffner & Man A Simple Overcoat Test A NYONE can test the fabric, the tailoring and the style of an overcoat. Just look in side the collar. The coat is a good coat if the label says Hart Schaffner & Marx We have a great variety of these coats; great values. PHONE 300 Headquarters for Hart Schaffner and Marx Good Clothes half back, and Mays at full back, has p rc sbyterlan church of Cordele. He .both the power to hit the line for gains has accepted and will be here the first will and is one of the most deslr-j wee )i j„ January. He has already able defensive full backs ever develop- planned a ten days meeting to begin ed in this section of the state. Elrod the first Sunday, and Stacey played great games and' hat j Ivey, M. H. Westberry, T. O. Mattox, been called to the pastorate of the J. V. Robertson, C- A. Spell, G. W. both are hard boys to handle at any time. The work of Lambert la ea peclally notworthy, as he is a very ef ficient player of defensive work and Interference with uncanny ac curacy and success. He hits like a Discovers Chotvra Germs! Glenn Herrick states, “Cholera germs have been discovered In rets. They are a deadly menace to your health! These disease breeding pests must be destroyed everywhere.” fiend and rarely ever misses a tackle. 1 For health's sake get 25c or 50c tube Carl Singletary against demonstrated 0 f Royal Guaranteed Rat Paste to- his generalship and his spirit In run-' day. Sold and guaranteed by ning the team and showed that he Is Ingram Drug store, a mean man to down when he starts I tAdvsctlssmsat) with the tall. III. gain, ye.terdgy 1 CARTER CASE were mere than noteworthy against, ininu IE AM TDI1I effective opposition. For the visitors, AUAIIi Id Oil IK1AL King wee the etar. and showed him-1 J «*“P. G *-> D “- 1 The f*moui gelt one ot the clerere.t nil ground “**• C “ rtcr CMe ® Wch «** players among the weaker teams ot ,crr " 1 fr ° m Plcrc “ Superior Court to this association. j Wayne county Superior Court, was TAX NOTICK I will bo at the following placoe. 1 Jud , e j. 'p. Highsmlth presiding gs “„. d r, ■—»,«* Bi “ k - taxes for the year 1922: shear and Col- Spence of Waycrosa Metcalfe, Oct. 9th and Nov. 1st j and Col. Gibbs Jcsup, representing Berwick, Oct. 10th a. m. and Nov. the state, and Cols. James R. 2nd s. m. Thomas and J. W. Walker of Jesup, fatten, Oct. 10th p. m. and No*. ‘ representing the defendant, Mage Carter. m. and Nov. It wlll j* remembered that Mage Merrillville, 0,-L uth p. m. Cgrter-hot gnd killed Starl# Kobert- Reddish, C. D. Westberry, M. E. Pyc. Keep a Historical Scrapbook. Start a historical scrapbook for yonr boy. Put In It pictures of Important public characters and Items of unnsual interest. When the child Is old enough let him do the pasting. If he Is en couraged he wlll complete the work when he Is grown, and will have book of much Interest and Informa tion. i of Blackshcsr, about one year ago | was tried hi the Pierce county Superior Court and was convicted Meigs, Oct. 13th and Nov. 8th. ’Superior Court and was convicted^ sfgs&tivxur *v d -rr 1 A ■ r°“- o *- ,i “ I will be In my office gt the conn I™ «n Jon-. The new trlel was bouse during the October term of granted and also a change of venue S-fiLT! *? d from Not Wlh to ! wa * granted end the case was assign- The tax books 'will dose Dec. tOtiLi** to Wa3rn * c<mnty Superior Court KaepoctfnUy, The Jury was secured about noon P. 8. HEETH, T. G. [end the examination of witnesses was ! f * I ■ nIim’smi Dly ' * t " 8w i b# * Bn Immediately after the noon re* j! COH-gUg PRESBYTERIAN, 1 The jury trying the t IF You Need Anything in Groceries Meats ' Notions Phone 275 Roy Smith ^'±1 Wall Papering, INTERIOR DECORATING PAINTING TINTING —AND— MIRROR SILVERING David S. Pittman 518 West Clay Street PHONE 533-J. OERSfyi Beflerda BalUrdC jb: eaa F.B.Harris Company Distributers Thomt^Uf, Ga I