The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 02, 1922, Image 3

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SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OECEMBER 2, 1122. OAILY TIMES-ENTERPRI8E THOMASVILLE, SEORQIA MOULTRIE PRISONERS ESCAPED FROM JAIL Moultrie, Ga., Dec. 1—Pete Alli son, Jesse Lawless and Roy Buntin, white men who overpowered Deputy Sheriff Ennis Beard and escaped from the Colquitt county jail yester day afternoon, were still at Urge last night. Officers started a search fo* the trio in a few minutes after their getaway, but they managed to elude them. When Beard carried the men their dinner, they seised him, threw him to the floor, took the key away from him and before he recovered from the unexpectedness of the attack they were on the ground floor, which is used as a residence by the sheriff, rushed out on the street and con tinued their flight Lawless and Buntin were being held in connection with the robbing of a Moultrie store a few nights ago, Buntin lives in Albany, while Lawless father is a locomotive engineer. Alli son was awaiting trial on several charges. He was arrested two weeks ago following a,hunt extending over a period of severs, months. One prisoner who refused to /oin in the escape said that Allison, Law less' and Buntin had been pU'nning the getaway for several days. Beard stated that when he unlocked the cell door Allison grabbed him, and as he was about to jerk away, Lawless joined in the attack. In the while Buntin rushed out of the celL When he was prone on the floor, practically unconscious, Allison and Lawless made a dash for their free dom, Beard said. RADIUM The RADIUM INSTITUTE of Thomasvllle, Ga* for treatment of Cancerous and Benign Growths. We wish to cooperate with physicians and surgeons, assur ing them an adequate supply of Radium for use In casee refer- Hospital cases treated at City Hospital, Thomasvllle, Ga« or Dr. Sanchez* private sanatorl um at Barwlek, Ga. See or write, Dr. C. K. Wall, o» A. D. Little, Thomasvllle, or Dr. 8. E. Sanchez, Barwlek, LOOK) LISTEN! CONSIDER! Beef, Pork and Sausage are cheaper now than last year. Our stock is the best; our market is absolutely sanitary; our price is as low as good service and good food can be sold. CANADY & HOSIER PHONE 52 If yon are not perfectly satisfied with your pres ent market service, try •is one time. That is all we ask. Place Your Order for Thanksgiving Frail Cake The STONE Kind 1, 2, and 4 pounds each. With W.P. Grantham Phone 11 IN THE THOMASVULE CHURCHES Y0M0RR0W METHODIST Rev. P. W. Ellla, pastor. Sunday school at 10 s m., Mr. J. E. Robison superlntandsnt. Miss Sarah Harley, superintendent department Graded Lessons. Preaching Sunday, 11:30 a. m. an6 7:30 p. m. by Rev. Isaac P. Tyson. Junior League, Sunday 3:00 p. m. Miss Anna Doaa, Supt. Senior League, Sunday 6:45 p. m. Preaching at Oak HU1 chnrch, Sun day 3:30 p. m. by Rev. Isaac P. Tyson. Mid-week prayer service Wednes day 7:30 p. m. Public cordially Invited to all rices. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. W. M. Harris, pastor. Sunday School, meets at 10:00 i B. W. Stone, Supt Graded classes for all students. Worship with preaching by the r at 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Men’s Baraca Class will meet the Court House at 10:00. Paul Searcy President. Ardls McDongald, Teach er. Good singing at each service, and a hearty welcome to yon. Come meet with us. Junior B. Y. P. U., at 4 p. m. Stew art Yates, president Senior B. T. P. U., meets at 6:30 oclock. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing 7:30 oclock. Yon are Invited to these services. PRESBYTERIAN llev. F. C. Srmonds, pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school. H. R. Mahler, superintendent WE have a CLASS and a WELCOME for TOU. 11:30. Sermon by Rev. W. P. Sharpe, St Louis, Mo. Older Boys’ mass meeting. Address by Mr. M. W. P. McCandlcss. m. Junior Christian Endeavor Society. 6:45. Senior Christian Endeavor Society. 7:30. Closing service of the South Georgia'Older Boys’ Conference. Del egation reports and testimonies. Par* well words from state boys’ secretary. NEW STYLES IN THIS YEAR’S TOY SUPPLIES A talking doll Miss Mary wants, other kind will suit her; Will wants an auto with three speeds, for him no common scooter. Por times have changed; no simple toys Will meet the needs of childish Joya “Them days have gone forever." Perhaps no other means could as faithfully mirror the juvenile tendency to keep in step with the progressive march of their elders as the annual array of Christmas toys now being dis played by the stores. No longer wiii a sawdust stuffed doll with china head satisfy little Miss to Prank O. Heaton of the Tampa Tribune. "My pulses are quiczenea by the prospects of battle," the former presi dent wrote. The letter In port follows; "The task of 1924 Is to so mobilise ir Intellectual and moral forcea {to assure a complete defeat of the Mary. No, Indeed, .he VIU bare onlyl p * rl!r ,hlcl1 ■“* llone **• country life-like doll which hen the mcchanl * "•“"lee end to win enln cal ability to articulate “mamma 1 plainly as a child, while brother Wil lie disdainfully passes by toy engines and cars whose means of locomotion by him dragging them behind him at the end of a string, and damans electric train, complete In every de ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL. SERVICES. Rev. Robb White, Jr., Rector. 10 a. m. Chnrch School 10:30 a. m. Men’s Bible Class. 11:30 a. m. Holy Communion. Subject or Sermon: Education. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer. Regular Annual Parish Meeting Monday, December 4th, 8:00 p. m. Re ports of all Parish organizations will be made and Wardens and Vestry for the coming year elected. CATHOLIC. WILSON READY FOR THE NEW BATTLE Tampa, Fla., Dec. 3.—That former President Wilson In his greatly im proved physical condition proposes to take an active part in the politics of the Democratic party during the next two years and to have a share in shap ing party policy for the next presiden tial campaign, is indicated In a per ESCAPED MICHIGAN BANDITS RECAPTURED Marquette, Mich., Dec. 2.—Eddie Weiaman, Detroit bandit, and hie pal, Phillip Salanardi, last of the group of fifteen prisoners who escaped from the Branch Prlaon here last Sunday, recaptured by a posse of 100 state pt> lice, prison authorities and local of ficers yesterday In a thicket sonal letter from the former president Rapid City, Delta county. Salanardi, who had eaten practically nothing since his escape five days ago, begged for food and was taken restaurant in Rapid City, guarded by forty armed men with rifles. The pair was traced to Rapid City by means of an automobile stolen Thursday lu Marquette and In which believed to have attempt CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Service Sunday at 11 a. m. In ebureb edifice. Dawson and Washington Sta Subject: “God the Only Cause and Creator.” Reading room, aatne addross. Is open seek days from 10 a. »n. to 12, when the Bible and all authorised Chrlstlai Jclence literature may be read, bor rawed or purchased. • Wednesday evening 8:00 oclock Te« tlmony meeting. The public It cordially invited. WESTMINSTER BARACA CLASS The Westminster Baraca Cla«» meeta at the Y. M. C. A. at 10 a. FORTY-SEVEN BALES OF GOAT'S BEARDS FOR U. S. Washington, Dec. 3.—Instead of the tee’a eyebrows” or the "llzzard'i knees." It threatens to be the "goat’i heard” pretty quick. Whatever all this modern argot may can to the rising generation, the ■goat’s beard," la Indicated as an ad- ranee fashion by no leas official a publication than the Panama Canal Record, which ordinarily speaks of marlin spikes. larboard starkes and ship chandelera. Witness the follow ing official bulletin: ‘An Item In the cargo of the steam ship Felix Tausslq. passing through the canal on August 18th. from Paclflo to Atlantic ports of the United States, forty-eeven bales of goats' bearde weighing 38,127 pounds. Another wae twenty-one bales of human hair stumps weighing 10,417 pounds." Since fashion announces the return of the pompadour it necessarily means the return of the “raL” end that so counts for the human hair stumps bnt the goats’ beards remain a mys tery. If a bale of goats’ beard weighs approximately 600 pounds, how many goats had to be harbored? Maybe the fashion designers are plotting false whiskers for one of the new winter modes. With Milton Sills and Wanda Hawley, Grand Theatre, Monday and Tuesday—One of the Best Pictures of the Year. -A mn'» uniwer to Edith M. Hull' ‘The Sheik.’" Such a line Is Inspired by, the Paramount pfcturlxatlon of Arthur Welgall'a novel, "Burning 8ands," which will be on view i Grand Theatre next Monday and Tues day. This Is the powerful story of English girl who seeks the man i loves and makes him love her. As In tbe case of “The Sheik," the one who sought love triumphed. Wanda Haw ley Is the girl and Milton Sills the {nan, and there Is a powerful support ing cast The hours will be 3, 5, 8 and 9:45. 'Afternoons 10 and 25 cents. Nights 10 and 30 cents. SPRINGHILL . Friends of Mr. Lanj Griffin. will be glad to know that be Is able to be Mr. M. H. Sasser, transacted busi ness in Thomasvllle, Wednesday. Mr. Aubrey Chason, has returned from Atlanta, where he has been at tending school. Mr. B. J. Fallin, ad daughter Corrinne. were the Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Griffin. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. OiasoR, will be eovry to learn that their infant daughter Marldine, la ■offering of bronchial pneumonia. We hope she win soon recover. tail. With but few exceptions the toyi ot 1922 are similar to those of last The biggest new feature ot the year is the walking and talking doll, which can pronounce the word "mamma" In such a life-like manner as to not only Instantly win the complete admiration and adoration of the little misses, bat to completely deceive the grown-ups. President Harding’s faithful canlns friend, Laddie Boy, is also being faith fully reproduced this year, and la al ready a big favorite with the children. Felix, the cat of comic atrip fame, is also a new arrival on the markot, and the Pnss-in-Boots of this year has radlnm eyes which can glow at night $n a most life-like manner. Boyish desires are turning this year to the mechanical toys. They are fhown In great profusion and Include autos with disc wheels and reverse levers, electric trains which backward as well as forward, minis- shovels which permit of the same operation as their originals. These toys are comparatively new this year and are models of hnman In genuity. With such close attention being paid to details, dealers are showing large ines of doll accessories, ng tortoise shell rimmed glasses for dolls which are troubled with defec tive vision. Doll houses this year exact replicas of modern houses, with each kind of furnishing, Including shower baths, while the music box oi former years Is now appearing In the guise of a phonograph encased in cabinet x “BURNING SANDS” for our government the leadership In the affairs of the world which tbe Re publicans, for the time being, have deprived It, and personally 1 feel con fident that this can and will be done. My pulses are quickened by the pro* pees of battle. “I think with you that the votara of the country have already grossly they were misled end have al ready turned their faces toward the truth." MAGE CARTER GIVEN LIFE SENTENCE IN PRISON Jesup, Ga., Dec. 2.—The Msg* Carter case came to a close yester day afternoon at 3:30 o’clock after the jury had deliberated about twe and one-half hours, the jury return ing a verdict of mnrder and recom mended a life sentence. The charge upon which Mage Car ter, youthful slayer, was tried was the murder of Sheriff Robertson of Pierce county. The shooting took piece at a moonshine still which it is alleged Carter was running. Carter was sentenced to hang by the Superior Court of Pierce county. He secured a new trial and was again convicted. The Supreme Court granted him another new trial and was also granted a change of venue to Jesup i n Wayne county. BEULAH. The League did not meet c.. of the weather Sunday night. position in Southerland Florida, in he Orange business. Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, were shopping in Thomasville, Monday af. ion. v. J. L. Robison, was called to -cdside of her mother, Mrs. T. J. Brunson, of Cairo, who is seriously dash to the Wisconsin state line They abandoned the car, however, and took to the woods. The posse, all members of which were heavily armed, surrounded tin thicket in which the men were hiding Each surrendered after a brief strug *1®. Capture of the two ends one of the jinoat spectacular man hunts staged Is tbe upper peninsula In recent years. The fifteen convicts who escape! passed through the steam pipe tunnel fbat connects the various prison build Ings and dug their way through a wall three different times to avoid iron grating placed to forestall such an pacape. Soon after the escape two of the prisoners were recaptured near the prison. The others were taken within the next twenty-fonr hoars near Mar quette. Welsman and Salanardi were regarded by prison authorities as lead of the Jail break. They are serving Jong terms. The two were to be returned to the prison last night J. F. PITTMAN MILK COWS If you want a fresh cow or want to exchange your dry cow for a fresh one, call and see me. Phone 458 or call at residence 424 E. Clay Street, Thomasvllle. J. F. PITTMAN If you have PAINS call the Doctor If you have BROKEN WINDOW PANES Call Ue WATT SUPPLY CO. Phone 65 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY The Best Fruits the Markets Afford AND OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT Exclusive Agents Park and Tiltords Fine Candies EDDIE LEWIS Hal Cleaning Work* HATS CLEANED, BLOCKED AND REMODELED Ladles, Men and Children Ws have the equipment, exper ience and a desire to pleaee. 322 WE8T JACKSON ST. Phone .$10. WOODLAND Jack Frost has made his appearance In this community. The fanners are all busy now grind ing their cane. Rev. and Mrs. Sansborn have been visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Kelso Singletary and sister, Rebecca, attended preaching at Long Branch, Sunday. Mr. Lewis Crew called on Miss Alice Brady, Sunday. Mr. Jim Baggett called on Miss Edith Booth Saturday night Mr. J. s. Fulford and Misses Eva Dunlap, Zcmmle Fulford and Neta Jones attended preaching at Long Branch Sunday. Mr. and iMra. E. Jones spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Singletary. Mrs. Walter Booth visited her par ents, Mr and Mrs. Mills of Cairo Sat- Tuesday. H. W. Griffin, and J. H. _ Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Rich, and Miss Pearlie Mae, were the Sunday guests at the home qt Mrs. W. A. Ragon of Singletary. Mr., and Mrs. J. F. GriffIng, of Pine Forest, called on relatives, here Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, of Grady county, were the guests Tues- day^afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mra. Frank Scully, of Pine Creek, a been visiting relatives here. . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson, were tbe Senday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mr*. L. H. Griffin. H«*n. Hashes, of Cain, and ..imn Hudson of Plat Ponst, tzaasueted huslnest hat FrltUj of- GLOVES Dress gloves Chamoisette o r Kid, in— Chaniut Brand, Meyers’ Make, H. & P. Gloves, Nevret’s Gloves i Silk, French 98c to $3.98 Warm Knitted Needs in Winter Underwear YOU WILL JUST LOVE THE WONDER FUL SMOOTHNESS, THE PERFECT FIT AND THE DESIRED WARMTH OF THESE KNITTED G A R - MENTS. PRICED TOO AT PI.EASING FIG URES. 25% Discount off on all Ladies Coats SWEATERS Sweaters for dress wear. wear, in a multitude of weaves and gay colorings, —for children— 98c to $7.90 25% Discount off on all Ladies Coats THE FAIR Thomascille’s Cash One-Price Outfitters