The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 02, 1922, Image 6

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PAGE SIX DAILY TIMEt-KNTIRPRIM. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 2, 1922. H. GOLDSTEIN’S SPECIALS FOR 10 DAYS ONLY Men’s Overcoats, at $4.98 Ladies’ $25.00 Coats at $16.75 Ladies’ Suits, at $9.90 Baby Blankets, pair 49c Chiffon Broadcloth, 54-inch, yd. $2.79 54-inch Prunella Skirting, yd $2.95 54-inch Storm Serge yd. $1.39 H. GOLDSTEIN’S YOU OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED Dyeing Dyeing Dyeing WE DYE TO LIVE— Send us your Cleaning and Pressing. All work guaranteed. Ladies’ work a specialty. We are now in position to do all kinds of tailoring 'coat-lining, ets. Troy Tailoring Co. Phone 43 205 West Jackson Street If you have recently recovered your shingle roof without dipping the shingles with— PEE-GEE SHINGLE STAIN it is still NOT TOO LATE to correct your mis take. A brush coat or two of stain or— Pcc-Gcc Roof Paint In red, gray or green will give wonderful returns on a small investment* :::::: Your roof if neglected requires the heaviest upkeep expense of any part of your home. THEN WHY NEGLECT? ::::::: Robison Hdw. Co. 117-119 E. Jackson St. Phone 168 (By W. T. Anderson In the Macon Telegraph) Have you any ills? Any of your famt ly or loved ones affected? Got any rheumatism, flat feet, constitpatlon, tuberculosis, weakened, run-down con dition? Suffer with excessive tired feeling after slight exertion? Does your back hurt? Got diabetes, Bright’i disease or other kidney trouble? Have spots before your eyes? Got any fill ings in your teeth? Children got any? What are you doing about It? .Taking medicine? Yes? Well, you should be ashamed. You thought this was an advertise ment for medicine that pretended to cure-all, didn’t you? And you wondered what this new remedy was that had been brought out on the front j>age of the Telegraph. Well, listen: Look about you, and see If you can Jind a perfect specimen of the human family. Is there one? Examine the child even as early as six years old, and there are many of these with fillings In their teeth. And fillings are all right when cavities develop— but wbat makes cavities? Are you doing anything to prevent others, ot indifferent to them? What cessive prices, we buy chemicals to place in our stomachs to endeavor to restore the balance—to overcome the condition of acidosis that has been es tablished in our blood and which is destroying our kidneys in their enfev- ered effort to eliminate the acids and poisons as rapidly as we can gorge them into our stomachs. Alfred W. McCann says all the lore of all the world’s libraries cannot ex plained the mystery of the food con tained in a grain of wheat or a drop ot /nllk. Yet, If we want bread from wheat, we must have the whitest, starchiest extract from wheat that it possible to mill, and then It must be bleached or “bled white,” as McCann ve won’t buy it. The miller must take all the life out of flour bo fore he can sell it to us. This starchy substance, placed In the stomach, is Immediately converted into sugar, and put of sugar acid is produced, and that js pumped into the blood, and. presto! Away we run to the drug store, the dentist, the doctor and the hospital and get patched up, while we continue dig away at the foundation of our Godly house by extracting from it all the natural foods given us by our produces the thousand and one ills ol Maker «nd «* tln S «»• concentrated the human family? Do you know? Y»ry likely, because the wherefore is well-known to nearly every person. The dentist will tell you that cavities in your teeth are due to pesslve acid In the mouth . The doctor will tell you that your rheumatism excessive acid In the blood. He will tell you the same thing about nearly all your ills. And yet, how much thought, tention do we pay to correcting this condition In our blood, starting at foundation of nearly all of our eases? Nothing? I repeat that should be ashamed. The scientists and food experts argue that we are eating food that Is producing all the acid in our blood, and that If we would use a little mule sense—not even horse sense, nor hu- but mule sense—we could close up halt our drug stores, put 59 it of the doctors and dentists payrolls and close up half our hospitals. No. It is not any complicated system of diet that in being discussed. The silliest rot in the world is to read in jnagazines where this or that fakir will send you for $5 a list of food* (hat you may eat for each meal that that trouble, will re duce your weight or add to It. food for every living thing I When we want milk, we demand cream—butter-fat—making more work for the kidneys. When we want sugar, Instead of getting it out of fruits and vegetables, we eat the concentrates, such as candy and syrup and granulat ed sugar. If we eat an apple we take off the peeling and throw it away, eating the concentrate. If we want bread we taken off the bran husk ot the wheat, tear out the heart of the wheat and eat the starchy content Mr. McCann says a man can be nor mal and healthy beyond any present- 4ay contemplation by eating whole wheat and whole milk—theso two foods alone containing all that his body needs for sustenance for auy kind of labor. Talking about the high cost of living, the manner of living is expensive and is killing the race. But It is not necessary for a man, to be in perfect health and free from disease and practically Immune from Illness, for him to have meats and potatoes and cream and butter. And If he will portion of whole wheat at each meal, he cannot find appetite nor for the acid-producing foods with which be is afflicting his body. We should be ashamed of our abuse our bodies. Intelligence was given i for the upbuilding of the race and „ wir ihe '" !,,tr,,c " 0 ” oi **■ only one in the long list of creatures that has profaned his Maker and dem onstrated his unworthiness by degen- ■ating the marvelous, perfect body with which ho was endowed. Where the righteous claims to the boast that man is made In the Image of his Maker—the present-day man? limping, complaining, bloated, halt, blind pervert—and why? Be lt the scientists are to be be lieved—and they are—man hasn’t the intelligence to eat the food as God pro pared It for him. The excessive refinements of foods takes out of them the vital elements our bodies need, and then In the form <}f every nostrum under the s a going to do about it— today? *’ MEXICAN TROOPS READY FOR ACTION IN CASE OF NEW OUTBREAKS j Listen to Reason With the wisdom of a sage, Poor Richard said: “If you will not hear Reason, she will surely rap your knuckles.” The advertising you find in this paper is 100 per cent reason. Ignore its messages, and you neglect opportunity, overlook vital information and put yourself in a way to get your knuckles severely rapped. Heed them, and you cannot fail to profit. Sometimes, the advertisements keep you from making an unwise purchase by pointing out the reasons why one ar ticle suits you better than another. And ALWAYS they identify for you goods of unques tioned value. When a store or manufacturing concern puts its name on goods and tells you about them, you may be sure that they worth consideration. It does not pay to advertise merchandise that is not good. IT’S WORTH WHILE TO HEED THE VOICE OF REASON. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS! extended meeting yesterday morning ,, , . . ,. . preparation to enter the and immediately called on its ad-. herenta to strike as a sign of mourn. “If we exact further payment in ing for eight of its members whs j money we will be demanding that killed during the disturbance, the allies pay the debt they owe us and whose bodies are lying in state. twice over- It may be said by some confederation headquarters. The j ti\»t while this is a generous solution strike will continue until today at |®n our part of some of the difficulties The victims of the disorders of Europe, it is not right that the will be buried to-day. nation should forego a contractual The radical elements which com- th4t the government is the prised the bulk of the demonstrators ! trustee of the funds of its people Thursday night, assumed a defiant|» n d mu,t wfeguard the snanefal attitude yesterday. Small groups of interests of its citizens. But if ths them appeared in various sections of J people themselves demand it, they the city and shouted invectives j b *ve the r/ght to sacrifice their own against the city administration. It j interests in view of a higher end 1 Mexico City, Dec. 2.—The federal troops were held in barracks yester day in anticipation of another demon stration similar to that of Thursday night, when seventeen persons were killed and more than sixty injured in consequence of the police firing upon a mob which was attempting to storm the city hall in anger over the shortage of water. The Confederation of Labor which staged Thursday night’s parade ol protest against the aldermen, held Hart Schaffner & Marx dress clothes are popular Men know they’re right in every detail or the label of these makers wouldn’t be in them. We’ll show you many models at very reasonable prices. PHONE 300 Headquarters for Hart Schaffner and Marx Good Clothes try have been In vain. “A great toll,” he aald, “was paid by the allies In the war when we were in the (I was considered unlikely that last possible of realisation, night would see a repetition of the “We have already manlfeated this disturbances as the killing of their spirit on * small scale in our history companions has aroused the labor |The indemnity given to us by China organizations to a high pitch of on account of tha Boxer rebellion resentment. It was reported yesteiw was found to be larger than the day evening that an attempt was 1 claims of our American eitixens. made at noon to storm the pumping Consequently, we returned $13,000,- plant) at Peralvillo, suburb of the 000 to China, capital, but that the attacking party j “A similar action now on our part was repulsed by the police. i would not only give new courage and The chain or road gangs and the state is that of a spectator. We only nation of the world that with striking power, and yet satisfied to look on. "We may delay and delay and de lay, taking those steps assuring that the World War was a war end wars until it is too late to avert such a war, and too late to guard ourselves from participation in it, or from the disastrous effects upon us and upon the generations yet to come, of another world GEORGIA PRISON INMATES INCREASE The department of commerce ^Washington announces that according return* received by the bureau of tha census the number of persons con fined In prison, chain or road gangs, jails, police stations, etc., in the of Georgia on July 1, 1922, was 8,421, as against-7,420, on July 1, 1117. Of the total for 1922, 587 were reported for the state prison farm, 5,604 for 100 chain or road gangs. 1,925 for 120 $ounty Jails, 802 for twsnty-flv* cities, gnd three for two other institutions. Late yesterday afternoon all the hope to Europe, but would bring to members of the city council joined our American people again the same with Alonzo :Romero, president of elevation of spirit which we experi- the council, in declaring they would enced in the year of 1917 and 1018 not resign office on the demand of j during the World War. It is a great the radicals unless forced to by the day in the history of mankind when federal authorities. PRINCETON PROFESSOR THINKS U. S. SHOULD “If we are wise enough and great enough to do this tiring we should CANCEL PART WAR DEBT jrosity through the demand that ths nations of Eurppe should 'balancs Houston, Texas, Dec. 2.—Declaring their budgets so as to wipe out ths that America ahould cancel at least present annual deficits. They cannot part of her war debt from the allies In do this, however, without a very order to make sure that the World War substantial reduction of all their ear to end wars, John Grier army and navy appropriations. Hibbon president of Princeton Unlver-1 M l do not know whether to regard slty. In an address at Rice Institute ft as a tragedy or a comedy that we here yesterday, asserted that “bow U .hould la the present world situation tha time tor the United States to gaage Jbe represented at the various confer- prison farm form the state peniten tiary system and are operated under state control. The returns were obtained In re sponse to a circular of Inquiry which the bureau of the census mailed I various Institutions, as a preliminary to the decennial census of prlsonera which will be taken next year. whether the war sacrifices of Ik* o i abroad by < CRANBERRY SAUCE Seeded Raisins, Ouster Raisins' Figs—All kinds of nuts, Mrashmallows. J. R. Evans Phone 12S Wall Papering, INTERIOR DECORATING PAINTING TINTING MIRROR SILVERING David S. Pittman 518 West Clay Street PHONE 533-J. ijERSfy F.B. Harris Company Distributers Thomasville, Ga