The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 02, 1922, Image 8

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DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRI8E. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA p SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, f FLOWER BULBS at HALF PRICE Due to a late arrival, we have quite a few bulbs left. These are in good sound condition, and you would not have been given this opportunity, but for a late arrival. Our Stock Consists of HYACINTHS (double and single) NARCISSUS FREESIAS, OXALIS, ETC. It is not tco late to plant. INGRAM DRUG CO. Seedsmen Phone 600 Druggists Turkeys— GEESE— Chickens— CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET j Chicago, Ill., Doc. 2.—Wheat closed weak. Corn closed heavy. BEEF, FORK, VEAL LAMB, OYSTERS -FOR- Thanksgiving Our store will be closed on Thursday Thauksgiv ing day Oualitv and Service 9.67 9.75 May ST. LOUIS MARKETS St. Louis, Dec. 2.—Wheat No. 2 red $1.30; No. 3, $1.27 to $1.29; Dec. $1.16%; May $1.15%. Corn No. 2 yellow 73 to 73%c; No. white 70c; Dec. 70%c; May 69%c. Oats No. 2 white 45 to 45%c; No. 3 ti to 45c; Dec. 45c; May 44%c. Deposed Emperor and Prin cess Kuo Chin Si Married. —Ceremony Attended With Much Pomp as of Old Im pcrial Days. Pekin, China, Dec. 2.—The wedding Tun i old •d emperor of China, was celo- I early this morning with all the and ceremonial of imperial The former emperor's bride •rincess Kuo Chin Si. TWO MILLIONS LOST IN NEWBERN, N. C. FIRE (Continued from rage 1) e household effects had under way and as the vn, automobiles loaded with household goods were moving to Checked In Its dash to the business | Pre9S » 8cnt ,rom Washington Wednesday saying that so far the BRITISH EMBASSY INU.S. GIVES OUT STATEMENT ON SCRAPPING OF WARSHIPS Washington, D. C., Dec. 2. In explanation of the statement regard* ing the scrupping of warships made in the House of Commons Wednes day by a ropreaentafive of the Brit- ili admiralty, the British embassy ,st night made public a list of eight capital ships, “already sold and re- d by ship-breaking firjtas for breaking up.” Eight other vessels named ns in the first stages of scrapping ns defined in the Washing- i naval treaty. The embassy statement Jcclared that “none of the vessels were obsolete in the sense of the Washing ton treaty” and R. Leslie Craigie, secretary of the ambassy, said that “had it not been for the Washington conference, none of theso ships would have been scrapped.” Both the embassy statement and Mr. Craigie took exception specifical ly to a dispatch of the Associated n by the block occupied by Cedar >ve cemetery, the fire vered t •th and swept dow non the Union Station. All buildings on Pi t fronting the depot wer stroyed. A house two blocks beyond burst Into flames when showered by parks and burning leaves. The fire •pread along the r!v*r front consum- ng the Royster Fertilizer Warehouse the Norfolk Southern Paint sheds and ir two other structures in path. At the end of Pasteur stree along Crescent street the fire made Its last stand, unable to leap i i the TURPENTINE Savannah. Ga.. Dec. 2.—Turpentine othing doing, $1.45; rosin, firm. THREAT OF T0N0 WAR BRINGS ON A RAID JUST RECEIVED The boot you have been looking for. PRICE $8.50 Same Loot two years ; sold for $14.50 MITCHELL SHOE CO. North Broad Street. :ap of empty blocks which separated t from the next row of houses. After having been apparently sub- ued, the flames burst forth anew di rectly west of George street and threatened St Luke's hospital and the Tabernacle Baptist Chnrch. The he roic work of the combined fire depart ments however, brought the flames un der control at that point. A dozen or more persons, white and negroes have been treated at the ho» pitals for painful burns and other In juries. It Is not believed that any of these Injuries will prove fatal. Patients were taken from both the fair- view and New Bern general hospitals and removed to Christ Church parish house. The. Stewart Sanitarium was burned to the ground. The disaster originated in the home of W. D. Bryan, negro, starting in the kitchen. Dynamite wns discharged re- riscated 15 j P pated, y dur,n B the course of the day daggers and brass i ,n the effort t0 hold back the fire, but nd thousands of rounds of j ^ proved to be of little worth, n. j New Bern last night was turning eously another squad con-1 itB attention to relieving the homeless on a shop near the Hip '■ Empty warehouses, church rooms and •ters which netted four ; the Y. M. C. A., with scores of private quantities of drugs. homes have been thrown open to the eks detectives aasuming j victims. In spite of this aid there were d in China-1 many who spent the night in the open covering themselves with mattresses and blankets. Railroad traffic through the city has been completely suspended. Telegraph communicalton has been demoralized and the telephone alone York. Dec., 2—Operating on re f a threatened tong war. Speck ity Police Commissioner Simon lozen detectives yesterday raid Illp Sing Tong headquarters in 1 president. actual scrapping of warships in the United States, Great Britain and Japan alike had “affected only vessels which are formally classified by each power as wholly obsolete for naval purposes.” The information on which this dis patch was based so for ns Great HI. Y. Tini ROBBERY Valuable Were Opened But Only One Dozen Fresh Eggs Was the Loot Reported Tak en From Express Car—Egg; Worth $L00 Dozen. Middletown, N. Y., Dec. 2.—A do* 1 eggs was the loot taken by threw en who last night robbed a South bound express near Haverstraw, ac cording to railroad detectives. Parcels containing valuables were opened but only eggs were taken. Strictly fresh eggs are selling for 0 dollar a dozen In this vicinity. MISS STONE WILL DIE FROM POISON SELF ADMINISTERED (Continued from page one) 1 raid i Celestials Ik antid’patlng repr president of the Hop .0 was shot in the door- Mnese Delmonlco’s last the Hip Sing Tong remains the only means of outside alone, for whei board whei the famous Tong bulb.-: r Hong, and years ago, did not exls although it was the n< he climbed the roofs and entered his headquarters by a secret opening, that by night furtive groups of Chinamen f*ra**w’oH -.?*? th» game roofr till lowering themselves Into the Tong headquarters carrying bundles. Yesterday the detectives stationed 1 100 poppy at strategic points > n the roofs. drug is extracted. communication. The fire which started at 8:30 o’clock yesterday morning, was under control at 7 o’clock last night. opium. Both were arrested. Olnl Lempbeke, safe expert of the police squad, opened two depositories and In them were found the pistols, the brass knuckles, and the ammunition. In a large hollow Idol In the as sembly room, the squad say they s of 0 fror lied Dr. Carleton, head ot the narcotic divlalon, W. H. Williams, special treasurey agent, and pbllce <> fleers went up the narrow hallway •sldent's rooms, they say, two bodyguards, smoking RED ★ COAL BURNS FURIOUS AND LONG Many coals quickly I urn themselves out— Red Star Does Not. ONE TON WILL CONVINCE YOU MIME ICE & MFC. CO. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS PHONE L ound upon ripping up 1 alue Dr. Simonstated, \ ands of dollars. is contained in a return to the House of Com mons made by the British admiralty and printed July, 1922, showing the ships which comprise tlic fleet of tho British empire, but omitting obsolete ships of all classes ” Copies of this “return are in the hands of govern- ment officials here. None of the eight ships enumerated in the embassy statement last night is sold for breaking up are included in admiralty’s return. These ships ire the battleships Dreadnought, Bel* lerophon, St. Vincent, Tcmeraire. Hercules and Neptune and the battle Inflexible and Indomitable all armed with twelve-inch guns. The Washington conference devel oped the navnl opinion that ships rmed with twelve-inch guns were inferior because of World War lessons to those carrying heavier calibres and in that sense nil twelve- inch gun ships were classified during the treaty discussion as “obsolete." There is a recognized difference be tween the condition of tho fact as to the weight of guns in existing ships and ships “obsolete” in the sense of the Washington treaty, which means ships twenty years or more old. Ships ore enumerated by the e hussy statement last night as rendt ed. incapable of further warlike si from the woman’s apartment. The doctor administered first aid and sum moned an ambulance. She told him, the police, she had taken the poison nearly twelve hours before. examination of Miss Stone’s ef revealed that sho apparently wai without funds, the police reported. Miss Stone’s trial on the murdei charge attracted wide attention. Kit> kead was shot and killed near his home in Brooklyn, August 6, 1921. Her defense was, that betrayed by Ktnkead, she had traced him with the intention cf getting him to right the wrong. Sho testified that on the day of the shooting she was suffering from cramps, for which she took a drink o! liquor and that she could recollect nothing of the shooting. OLDEST METHODIST MINISTER IS DEAD W. Atlanta. Ga., Dec. 2.—1 Glenn, aged 83, one of the oldest sui> annuated ministers In the North Georgia Methodist Conference, died nt s heme here today. He was the old- it alumnus of the Alabama Polytech nic Institute, having graduated with list class. He retired Crom the active ministry several years ago. BIQ METAL TRUST IN CENTRAL EUROPE PLANNED (liy i Dec. 2.—A number rench industrialists are negotiating •Ith German business men with the object of-establishing a big metal Central Europe under French leadership, says a Central News dls- j patch from Berlin today, i The plan is said to contemplate a surpassing in magnitude vice” which is the language used in the UnIted states Steel Corporatloa part two of tho treaty to define the . -............. - — first stage of scrapping.” They are equipment such ns fire-control instru- the battleships Orion, Monarch, Intents nnd the like. Conqueror and Againcourt and the I The United States hns a number battle cruisers New Zealand and 0 f capital ships in the same condition Princess Royal. The battleships Erin and Collingwood, the statement adds are to be similarly dealt with during the present month. Of these eight ships, only the Erin Conqueror Monarch, Orion, Princess Royal, and New Zealand are enumer ated in the admiralty “return" to the House of Commons. They are noted as “to he scrapped under the Washington treaty. It is known that theso six ships are designated in official lists here as “being ready for disposal,” the lan guage being similar to that used in the admiralty “return” which mentions certain vessels as having been paid off for disposal. In American naval circles, this classification appears to be generally understood as meaning ships destined to be scrapped, nnd which are in pro of being stripped of confidential hut Secretary Dcnby, In a stntcment last September, indicated that it was not proposed to scrap the vessels un til the Washington trenty comes Into effect. It is assumed in American navnl circles that nil British capital ships armed with anything larger than twelve-inch guns are being simi larly treated. There Is no disposition .In Wash ington official circles to clmllenge the good faith of the British govern ment in any way, nor to deny that the British has made greater pro gress toward scrapping ships actually afloat tlmn any other power. The embassy statement said it was the announced desire of the British gov ernment to “show their intention to give a lead in the direction of naval disarmament by carrying spirit and in letter the treaty of Washington, Special Lace Sale iztuesday.— 5c TO 20c QUALITY 2c Neel Brothers SAUERS Infallible FLOUR, ^ I HE big secret of success in cake baking I lies in the Hour. For lightness, richness I and good keeping qualii I of the Southland invariably say, the best cooks (J Sauers Infallible.” Just take a pinch of Sauers Infallible in your fingers. Feel its silky, smooth, even, snow-white tex ture. Then you’ll know why the phrase on the bag says: "milled expressly for fine cakes and pastries.” At your grocer’s. KEEP GOOD SHOES Under your feet and pre serve your health. Nothing but white shoe-makers of recognized abili ty employed. We fix them while you wait. Workmanship as good as the best. L. J. STURDIVANT THOMASVILLE, GA. Rubber Boots For $3.00 A. T. Chastain PHONE 192. Now Is The Time Fur Hot Buck Wheat Cakes Rye Bread Fresh Self-Rising Buckwheat and Rye Flour Just In Pringle Company PRESCRIPTION PRUDENCE Your doctor.may diagnose your trouble exactly, and prescribe just the medicine indicated in your case, and still not get results. OVER FORTY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE has taught us to be extremely careful about dispens ing the right strength drugs—compounded juSt as your Doctor wants them. THIS IS YOUR PROTECTION AT OUR STORE Thomas Drug Store Prescription Druggists. PHONES 41 and 718 THOMASVILLE, QA