The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 04, 1922, Image 3

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MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 4, 1422. DAILY TIMER-ENTERPRISE THOMAEVILLE, OEORQIA Legal Advertising court house door In ThomaeviU*, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day In December, 1112 to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, the authority foe *"* hereinafter stated: One Foster Plano No. (lit. Levied on as the property of W. X. Owens, to satisfy an execution from the City Court of ThomasviUe, Ga. In fa of C. C. Cocroft, and against W. J. Owl This the 1st day of November. 1222. GORDON E. DAVIS, Sheriff, THOMAS COUNTT, Georgia. LAND SALS homes County, by virtue, of a security deed 1 delivered on the 1st day iber 1920, to R. J. March, by "am Wilson, to secure the certain promissory note of * r —* 1922. I se- default J. 'Murch his OEORQIA, Thomas Coui cur'lty deed provides terest* of mid note, mid heirs or ^assigns, paper published id Sam Wilson, payment of a certain pro even date and due Nov:— — Interest payable .annually. The^sal^ se- _-'j. ,, Mu_ ere authorised after s-Sd: .... property conveyed In mid security deed for the purpose of paying mid note. The said Hattie and Sun Wilson hav ing defaulted In the paymei * eat of said note as provide*. the undersigned. R. J. Murch, will expose for sale, at public outcry, betw* legal hours of sale before the corn door In the county of Thomas, ThomasvUle, state of Georgia, on t Tuesday In December 1922, for tl pose of paying said debt, th^property i follows, ninety-one i hundred and. Diet ng Tweaty-Tlve 'U follows: North f lands of Wilber Green: East by lands ’ Georgia, containing 1 County Georgia. ’ said sale will be applied the pgymsitt'of said debt, and the ler. If any, will be paid to the sail' and Sam Wilson. 1st day -Of November 1922. R. J. MURCH. a power of sal*. _ jnderslgned'by deed made ■ed to It'by Coleman L. Griffin, Jh.H. If if, and recorded In the he cleric'of the superior court -county, Georgia, In Book 2-N, is undersigned will sell at to the highest bidder for the^ath district * jiderd a off the north by lands south by I lot Number Three of D. A. Autrey and W. L. Thlgpei by lands of T. 'J. Clark; so - * of J. H. HancoCk; west by .. L. Thigpen. Being the same lands con veyed by warranty deed from John H. Griffin to Coleman L. Griffin (named In mid deed C. L. Griffin), dated July 9, As per survey of F. J. Bivins, C. E.. made February 19, 1917, plat of which is hereto attached and made a part of deed for purposes of description. GBORGIA, Thomas County: To All Whom It May Cones J. C. Woodham having. In ""**"** *** **** __ &e >> Mtat* of Liddta MamU Scott, Uto of said county, this ilnlstratlon Scott, lacs oc mill county, .. the creditors and next of kin of be and ^pgmr^at administration should granted to J. C. r* Masell Scott estate. Witness my h this Sth day of mss. If any they can, why ‘ministration should not b# C. Woodham, on Lyddia i” my hand and official signature ' ly of November, 1922. WM. M. JONES, Ordinary. SOUTH GEORGIA NEWS CITATION rSajPeonce >rm, applied to me for pen r administration on the es lolloway, late of mid cour Ite the creditors and ne. i. H. Holloway, t me# within tha show * GEORGIA, Thomas ( granted to Mrs. Mattie Holloway, "slloway estate. nem my hand and official signature this Sth day of November, 1922. WM. M. JONES, Ordinary. •TAT*< • GEORGIA, COUNTY OF THOMAS Under and by virtue of l ssted in the undersigned by deed made _nd delivered to It by Emmett R. Peacock, dated Oct. ISth. 1921, and recorded ‘ Thomas County, Georgia, In Book 2 >llo 216, the undersigned will sell at ibllc outcry to .the highest bidder for ah, on the First Tuesday In December 22, before the Court Hoi lomasville, Thomas County. . _. resn ths legal houra of Sheriffs sales, o following described property, “* All that tract or parcel of land lying and being the County of Tl consisting of N1b«._ .... " to. In ths Northeast and Central por no of land lot Number Three Hundred Ninety-seven (297), bounded North by of O. C. Mathews and Georgs Cols; South by lands of M. R. Peacock, A. Parrish and Mrs. Stallings; West by lands of Jerry; i dividing 11ns on the » gold as ths property debtednem referred to In said dead, an e particularly deocrlbsd as follows: - —'—'—* ota for the sum < red A No 100 Dollars. II. with Interest t* » Dec. 5th, per annum; also .... "‘ng. Said notes bslng 1 to ths undersign* mmstt R. Peacock, and the of principal and Interest due tr ale being 9X701.99 Dollars, tegvth- the cost of this proceeding. De- r been made by the mid Em- - peyanat of tiu luring Oct 1st i still remalnlni principal ani sjrtrjs ran; vsesss Emmett R. Peacock. This 4th day of November, 19L_. PHOENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE WAYCR088 SCHOOL FINANCE SITUATION RESULT OF RAPID GROWTH OF THE CITY Waycross, Ga., Dec. 4—Financial stringency of the Waycross public schools ia seen here to be an evidence of the unusually rapid growth of tha Each year the Board of Edu cation has found it more difficult to operate on the amount received from the 6 mills school tax. How ever, the citizens of Waycross, see ing that something had to be dons quickly for the relief of the schools to prevent their being closed for the rest of 1922, have raised oi of the 12,000 required in the last few days. Since 1912 the Board of Educa tion has been forced to borrow additional funds to operate. For 1012 the deficit was |22.70; for 1013, $1,283.69; for 1014, $3,- 869.49; for 1915, $860,24; for 1916, $1,000; for 1917, $4,600.36; for 1018, $3,176.04; for 1919, $6,- 795-83; for 1920, $10,920.08; for 1921, $27,657.24. From 1012 to 1022 the enrollment has more than doubled, 2024 children now attend ing classes. , School bond issue to change tha millage for educational purposes from 6 to 10 mills will probably be during the first part of 1923 which will remedy conditiona as they exist here. OEFEN08 THE CENTRAL DIXIE HIGHWAY ROUTE Waycross, Ga., Dec. 4. Ordinary C. L. Mattox, of Ware County, is an ardent defender of the Central Dixie Highway which passes through Waycross. Sometime ago ho saw gq article in one of tho State papers which knocked the Waycross route pretty badly. Sits Mr. Mattox down and writes the one who was supposed to have quoted as saying that tho road from ben to Jacksonville consisted large ly of “sand three feet deep." Weeks pass and Mr. Mattox has no reply from “B. M. Winter, of Baltimore,” the supposed critic, as named in the article. Finally the letter was re ceived stamped “Unclaimed," post marked “Baltimore, Md." '1 didn’t think there was anybody there by that name," said Mr. Winter KQn resided at the time of executing d -deed. laid tend will be raid as the property said Coleman L. Griffin, to pay thi ednesa referred to In raid deed, and particularly described aa follows: —.——— »— •*-- *um of Two No/100 Dol- with Interest to December Indebted™ One principal lars, U datcd match IsTiSItI' , 1929. I > said Coleman r 'th^indS?»ned n y — —- -----—- ‘ “VKVLBtSS _ -with the cost of *“~ loeding. Default L. Griffin, $2,990.00, U said Oeleman L. Grlffli t of aald jontalaed operative. The p be applied first to debtedneaa, and I to tho aald Colaw. -— This 22nd day at November. 1122. PROENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. I CHARTER > COUNTT: petition of Southern 8s* respectfully represents: t: Heretofore, to-wlt, on the 9th day chartered Jjy the _ Superlo: thereaft* e right of succeaslo aforesaid charter <5j ?hl%; J original c >ner repreaenta that e^paymenLof aaldjn- ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL* GEORGIA. Thomas County. ^ , # By vlrtuo of an order of tho Court of Ordinary of aald County, will be m public outcry, on tha first Tuesday 1 camber, 1922, at tha Court House U County of Thomas, between the hours of sale, tha following real c sltuata in tho Eighteenth (II) District of Thomas county, to-wlt: All of land lot number 114. beln sous, more or leas; all of that 124 * mors or less, of land lot number 127; being all of aald land lot lying oast of Barnett's Creek and north of Ochlockneo River: all of that 60 acres, more or loss, of land ’** number 111. being all of aald land lying east of Barnett’s Creek; also al ii'jvt s£ts.!nr*-.. BsriSLSrs'g >1‘Ag April 12, 1212, and reconled In Book l-M. .s; x , asi i H-.-ss« acres, more or lees, of land lot number 127, and being all of aald land lot lying west ofjtarnett’s Creek. * Mrs. Addle Whlddon Administratrix of Batata r* AmnuuHn il y WhWdo, LAND SALK GEORGIA. Thomas County: By virtu# of an. order of the Court e Ordinary of aald county, will he rald a public outcry eo tho first Tuesday li December, 1922, at tha court bouse li paid county, between the usual bears af sale, tbs following pine timber en the following described tota ef land, situate u Thomas county, to-wit: All that timber—known _ ----- estate—consiatlng of ‘Sta^Wl^fabout^MO i in let S7L All that timber-known as tho Howell • tie eenaletlnr **“ ' — m), also 6e a M in tot 272; neing apprr about throe In the Boat Georgia. ThlTNovimber 9th. 1921. A. C MILLIGAN. Administrator Estate of Z. W. Howell. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK GEORGIA. Thomas County: . , By vlrtuo of aa order ofthe Court of Ordinary ef raid county, wfflto raid at publlo outcry on tho first Tuesday la December, 1922. at tha court house to aald county, between the usual hours of sale, thefoitowing real estate situate to Thomas county, to-wlt: All of that one-half (1-2) acre, mere or lose, with the appurtenances thereon, situate la the town ef Metes, to Thomas county, Georgia, and betagknown an tha south half of tha northwest quarter ef Block "B", la aald town: aald lot facing west thirty-nve <«*> yard* more or lose. re or lose. wia m Of equal width seventy (T9) yards, and bounded north by lands of Ithe !EfclfcBjoy waD estate and tends of H. W. Monorlef. and south by lands of the L IL Aultman ’ oWSk nsffss-asau’WSajK d*Two ‘hfundred* 0,000) Dollars Ing petitioner Fifty *Thou»- es hereto a mdf(»2 ertlfled _ the^ Corporation showing that ^the appll- been authorised by WHEREFORE, petitioner prays a shatter for Twenty (20)* Tran to iffect from the date of the explratl __ he old charter, and that the raid chatter ia amended so as to authorise an Inc if Ha maximum capital stock not t :eed Two Hundred A Fifty Thoi (1250.000) Dollars. SOUTHERN l By E. E. Mack. ; Hus and Dekle, Attorneys for Petitioner. GEORGIA, Thomas _ . L Oscar Groover, do certify that I am Clerk of the Superior Court of Thomae County and that tho foregoing petition for renewal of, and amendment to Its charter by Southern Saw Mill Company la a true and correct copy of tho ori"’--’ petition of filo in this office. OSCAR OROOV1 Clerk Superior Court Thomas C* Georgia. DEPOSITORY. jnaavllle. Ga., Nov. zo, ms. In compliance with Section 2 of the [Happrored Aug., 17th 1919, which reada “That aald Commissioners, prior to tho it day of January 1917, and blonnlaiiy lereafter, shall give thirty days notice by publication in the official organ of ■aid County, Inviting proposals In any chartered bank In said County for tho aafo keeping and disbursement of tho County funds of aald County for tho next ceding two years, and shall award ame to tha bank offering the largest int ef Internet on monthly balances who shall furnish bonf 1 laughing jovially. CHARLESTON, 8. C„ MAYOR AODRE88ED WAYCROSS ELK8 Waycross, Ga., Dec. 4.—Hoa John P. Grace, Mayor of Charleston, and editor of the Charleaton Ameri- made the memorial address at the annual memorial service of Way- Lodge No. 869 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Sundaj afternoon at a local theater. Ths entire membership of the Waycroaa lodge was present at the service. SOUTH OEORQIA FARMERS PUN BIO MELON CROP Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 4—That South Georgia farmers are going to grow watermelons next year in large quantities is indicated by reporta which have ju»t been received here by the agricultural department of the A. B. and A. railway. During the season of 1021, the farmer* who grew watermelon* sold their crops at exceedingly remunera tive price*. Thi* lead to the plant- ing of greatly increased acreage in melon* during tho season of 1923, The demand for seed was eo great that in all probability, as agri culturists point out, much poor seed was used. This in connection with the most unfavorable season experienced by Georgia watermelon growers i n (a decade brought about a condition which had three phases agriculturists say, namely: First Melons produced in some ses from poor seed and consequent ly of poor quality. Second. The general quality of the melons produced owing to ths unfavorable season was poor and the melons were small. Third. The market trended bear- li from the start as ths trade ex pected a heaby production and was dull and slow. Needless to»say, growers declare, the season of 1922 proved unprofit able to the growers unprofitable be cause the quality of the melons pro- poor and the melons were Tough Grass And Poor Feed Make Cows Go On Strike Milk is High in Price Because it is Scarce.—The Consum- er Blames the Dairyman and the Dairyman Blames t he Cow. MEMPHIS. Tenn.—We * ns the annuel slump In n rlthout a correapondlns 6 nand by the consumer, noush mUk at Urie^eea nodHy^the price *oee up. ,-rIcee raleed. Therefore displeasure by accusing th ailing production to boi dairyman comes back ’ jwntr puts-his’ c* rhlch is so palatable and dlgea- t It la practically all turned Into has perfected a dairy feed after feeding many years of constant testing and prov- by J. \ Ing by a targe force of expert*. It Is Phone l (Advertisement) which 1 *! greedily. Happy Cow Feed — throughout tl feeding Happy ^Co “ going ^ Happy Cow Feed II in the A. B. and A. agricultural da-'years he has been located in Wash- partment. ington and New York as talesman 'For example the peanut market and sales director of the investment i poor in 1921 and came back in security field. 1922. | For administrative convenience, ‘The peach market went bad in the executive offices of the Associate 1920 and came back in 1921. j e d Bankers Corporation are located Syrup was almost unsalable In at 35 Wall Street, in New York 1921 and has come back in 1922. I City, according to Mr. Hunnicutt, view of the situation just and branches will be established at mentioned the hand of opportunity important centers throughout the points to tho splendid possibility that country. those who stick by tho wotenoelon ] The Aisod.tcd Bonkers Corpora, game through 1923 and prodqcs tio „ j, „ naUon .i institution of ns. good melons will profit from their Ioctoled bo „ k> or£ ,„i zcd to floanee faith and efforts. ! the excess credit requirement of It is stated hero that the territory mem ber banks' customers, to trade In South Georgin pnrticulariy well bank „, acce pt a ncea association adapted to tho growing of water- j ar , men nationa , reput ,tion In the melons begins with Taylor, Macon, bank |„, tlM, W. P. HUNNICUT REPRESENTS ASSOCIATED BANKERS Atlanta, Go., Dec. 4.—W. P. Hunnicutt, well and favorably known through Georgia has been appointed southern representative of the As sociated Bankers Corporation, with headquarters in Atlanta. Mr. Hunni- ' .’as private sectary for a num- i her of years to former U. S. Senator ' Hoke Smith. During the last few EDDIE LEWIS Hal Cleaning Work* Ladles, Men and Children W# have the equipment, exper ience and a desire to pleas*. 322 WE8T JACK80N ST. GLASS If you have PAINS, c ill the Docior If you have BROKEN WINDOW PANES Call Us WATT SUPPLY CO. Phone 63 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY The Best Fruits the Markets Afford AND OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT Exclusive Agents Park and Tilfords Fine Candies 108 N. Broad St. Telephone 121 . Thought or Two About the Care of Your Fall Suit Here’s a thoug ht or two concerning your Fall Suit, whether It’s a new one or last year's. The new one will need regular cleaning and press ing, If it la to look Its best and last its best. The old one can be made into a splendid second-best and the new one saved for special occasions. In this work of renewing the life of a suit that nhows the marks of last year’s service, we ore right at home. We clean, press, repair and give sunshiny fresh ness to each garment. Our service w 111 help you to keep clothes in use that you might otherwise discard. Thus we add to the value of your wardrobe and you get more pleasure and satis faction from your apparel. Think this ov er, but not too long. Early In the Fall we are not so rushed as later. Hence can give ex tra time and care to your clothing. Fhone and have our driver call today. ThomasviUe Laundry rjveo hy the Treerarer ef raid County,, P° or mna ine melon « were the premium on which bead abaD he paid • difficult to sell because of tbd Ufaturbed condition, of th. conditioned as the bond heretofore given by the Treasurer.” Therefore, notice U hereby given tl th* County Commissioners at the regv meeting In January 1122 will proceed th* selection of a County Depository required by the above quoted law. HOMER WILLIAMS S. L. HBALD, Clerk County Commissioners. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals wQl be recelred by th* Board of Commissioners or Thomas County at tha court house, ThomasvUle, Ga« at 10 (Tea) a. m. oclock on tho 4th day of December 1123, for tho construction of a fill approach over the Ochlocknee river at Chastain, Ga* near tha county llna 4.5 acres of clearing and grabbing. 23,100 cu. yds. borrow excavation. Lump sum for claying fill slopes IT deep. Particulars as to the work may b« obtained from office of Board of Coun ty Commlsalonan at tha Court House, ThomasvUle. G4L Said work shall bo paid for as same yrogroesea. to-wlt: 90 per cent of 'Past experience has shown that after a very unprofitable season, tha next following season most always sees a sharp rise in the price, as ths unprofitable season causes numerous growers to abandon the planting of the crop, and also induces those stay ing in the game to give it exceptional care," aald a n expert on watenpeloni 15th day of the anccaoding month. Tha remainder shall be paid within SO days of final completion and ac ceptance. Work must start within 10 days of award of contract and must bo com pleted within 190 working days. Proposals mqat be accompanied by a bidder's bond or certified check for I per cent bf (he amount bUL Right la reserved to reject any or all blda and fo waive all formalities. This the 9th day of November, 1922. BOOTH WILLIAMS.- GLOVES Dress gloves ii Chamoisette o r Kid, in— Chamut Brand, Meyers’ Make, H. & P. Gloves, Neyret’s Gloves Silk, French 98c to $3.98 Warm Knitted Needs in Winter Underwear YOU WILL JUST LOVE THE WONDER FUL SMOOTHNESS, THE PERFECT FIT AND THE DESIRED WARMTH OF THESE KNITTED GAR MENTS. PRICED TOO AT PLEASING FIG URES. 25% Discount off on all Ladies Coats SWEATERS Sweaters for dress wear, sports wear and for every wear, in a multitude of weaves and gay colorings, —for children— 98c to $7.90 25% Discount off on all Ladies Coats THE FAIR Thomasville’s Cash One-Price Outfitters