The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 04, 1922, Image 5

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I" 1 1 im'IMIliBM MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 4, 1922. DAILY TlMEt-ENTERPRIBE, DAILY TIME8-ENTERPRIBE Christmas Specials i lot, Poly Crome Candle sticks and Candles ..98c each complete 1. lot, Smoking Stands $2.50 each Others from $3 00 to $25.00 each 1 lot Priscilla Sewing Boxes .. z....... $6.75 each 1 lot, Poly Crome Framed Mirrors ... .$1.75, each 1 lot, Firie iElectriq Lamps from '.. $12.50 to $50.00 each 1 lot, Mahogany Clocks ,.. .$10.00 and $12.00 each Also the Finest Line of Toys, Dolls and Christmas Presents Shown in Thomasville W. Feinbreg & Son ThomasvMle's Leading Furniture Store Golden Bros., Co. Phone 184 Gifts for Xmas jj Select a Gift from our Stock ijr and you will be well pleased, both in price and quali ty. Our line consists of CANDY CIGAR8, PIPE8 STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLE8 WHITE IVORY 000D8 LEATHER GOODS FLA8H LIGHT8 JEWELRY Our line of jewelry is all guaranteed to be best quality. Come in and get first choice. Ray-o-Hte Flashlights Sparks Pharmacy S and Batteries Phone 115 Goodness knows they’ri Service - Service - Service Don’t lose half a day having your ear repaired. Just leave It with us at nig ht and it will be ready for you the next morning, t t t t t t Gas, Oils. Grease and Accessories at all hours. C. Dewey Norwood Telephone 319. South Madison St. In The Year of 1500 Old English Wax Wasn’t Made If so it would have been used to beautify the inter ior of the palaces of Kings and Queens. < IT IS MADE NOW and we have it, so use some in your little palace and note the wonderful rich glossy finish it will give your floors, piano, furniture and wood work. You will be proud of them. And say, it can’t be beat for polishing that car. JAMES WAIT &m '"THE GRANT} JL Today and Tomorrow JL' Greatest of All Desert Thrillers Two wom«n — a French dancer and a proud society beauty—throwing conventions to the winds and fighting for a man's love In the hot wastes of the Sahara. Wild adventures, gay Arabian revels, tears . and tempestuous romanca. All thrllllngly blended In a picture ten tlmee better than “The. 8helk.” Pro duced on a scale as sweep Ing at Its name. With a cast of real stars. HOURS: 8, 6, 8, 9:48; Afternoons 10 and 25c; Nights, children under 12, 10c; Adults 80c. SWEDEN TO USE AUTO TAX TO BUILD BETTER ROADS Stockholm, Oct. 20. (By Mail)— Swedish motorists will begin to pay taxes on their vehicles and tire* January 1, 1923. Tourists front foreign countries, however, may still bring their own cars into the country *oam about at will for as much as twelve months withoat any charge whatsoever. The new anto tax, which is to be applied to the repairing and im provements of roads in Sweden, is levied on cars and tires according to their weight Each car using rub ber tires is taxed 8 kronor for every hundred kilograms or fraction thereof, which amounts to about $1 per hundred pounds. The tires taxed 1.50 krona for every kilogram of weight. Tires in use at the begin- ing of next year will be exempt, and In the case of pneumatic tires, two extras will be exempt Doings At tha “Y" For the Week— Monday, 4:80 p. m.—Junior " Girls. 8:00 p. m.—Men’s class. Tuesday, 4:30 p. m.—Boys’ class. 8:30 p. m.—Senior "Y” girl*. 7:30 p. m.—Basketball practice. Thursday 6:30 p. m.—Senior Glrltf class. 8 p. m.—Men’s business clast. Friday, 4:30 p. ra.—Boys’ class. 7:30 p. m.—Boy Scouts. Saturday 10 a. m.—Prep class. Sunday, 10 a. m.—Men’s Bible class. Georgia Baptist Convention to Meet In Atlanta— The Georgia Baptist Convention will eet In its one hundred and first nual session at the Tabernacle Baptist church In Atlanta, December 6-9. The messengers from the Thomasville church are: W. M. Harris, Horne, B. W. Stone, W. B. Beverly, B. J. Kalncald, Mrs. B. J. Kincaid, J. A. White and Mrs. H. H. Vann. Mass Meeting Of . -P~' Voters Tonight— The meeting of voters of Thomaa- ville tonight will begin at 8 o’clock at the city hall, at which time executive committee will be chosen for the next two years. The matter seems to have attracted very little I» terest in view of the tact that politics quiescent and very few candidates in the field. Vr. Culpepper, chain i, will preside, and a date for the primary will probably be fixed togeth- er with the selection of a new commit- The present committee consists of J. T. Culpepper, president; Miss Louise Hayes, Mrs. J. W. L. Tates, W. H. Plstt, Harry Wyche, and R. a Fleetwood. WEATHER REPORT Thomasville, Ga., Dec. 4, 1922. Weather forecast for Thomasvllls and vicinity: Unsettled and warmer tonight Tuesday, local rains. Observations at 1. P. M. Standard Tlmi 1 p. l . 78* Highest temperature for this month, 29 years record (1918) .... 83* Lowest temperature today 56* Lowest temperature for this monta, 29 years record (1894) IS* Mean temperature today 66* Normal for this date — —54* Departure since first of month + 47* Departure since January first +665* Relative humidity 8 a. m. ............ 99% Relative humidity 1p.m. — 88% Relative humidity 1p.m. yester day 76% Rainfall past 24 hours .00 ina Rainfall since first of month .00 Ina Rainfall since January first 4L21 Ina Departure tinea first of mo. —0.40 Ina Departure since Jan. first —5.87 Ina Wind direction 1p.m. Southwest Wind velocity 1 p. m. 8 ml. per hour. O. M. HADLEY, Meteorologist LOCAL NEWS NOTES Navy Rellsf Ball In Washington A Brilliant 8uccesa— The Navy Relief ball Is annually looked upon as one of the mo a tinctlve and beautiful of the growing list of benefit balls given in the early season, and the eve last night in the Hotel Washington beggared ell previous balls of the clety in beauty and sprightliness. The gold ballroom was given the necessary military air by long festoons of bunt ing bearing the Stars and Stripes crossed over the celling, the flag of the Secretary of the Navy hung back of the box he occupied and here and there an arrangement of American Adding brilliancy to the assembly were the many uniforms of the Nav and marine officers and the uniforms of the naval attaches of various hassles and legations. There also was the air of comradeship among the guests found in the branches of 1 service and In keeping with It, 1 Secretary of Agriculture. Mr. Wall: Immediately led his daughter, Miss Mary Wallace, onto the floor for the dance, Instead of going direct to his box. Splendid supper arrangements also, added charm as well’As comfort to the bull and there were flowers In profusion on all the Idng tables serv ig as buffets. Box Parties. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Joseph Strauss entertained the Misses Sedg- ley. Judge and Mrs. William Bailey Lamar and Rear Admiral and Mrs. Theodore F. Jewell.—The Washington Post. Evangelistic Meetings to Continue— The services conducted at the Pres byterian church by Rev. W. F. Sharpe will be continued through Wednesday of this week. Song service starts promptly at 7:30 o’clock, followed im mediately by the evangelistic message. Rev. Sharpe has shipped his tent to Florida, and expects to start meetings there next week. The subject of ths message tonight will be "New Birth.” Come and bring someone with you. Bazaar to I Held Don’t forget that bazaar to be given by the Woman’s Guild of St. Thomas Episcopal church -tomorrow in the former Ferrill furniture itore on Broad street. An appetising lunch will be served at noon and other eatables will be on hand at any time during the day and also In the evening. Home-cake cakes and candy will also he sold. In adltlon to the eatables to be sold there will be a number of fancy ar ticles that will make very acceptable Christmas presents. Extends Thanks to Citizens— Mr. J. F. L’Hommedleu, "Y” secre tary, wishes to extend thanks to all of the citizens of Thomasville who tertalned the boys of the conference in their homes, to those who use of their cars, and to all for the many courtesies extended the boys while here. The conference was a wonderful iss In every particular and the dial co-operation of the citizens a great factor in making It so. The boys themselves were delighted with the meeting, with Thomasville, and In fact with everything, and ex pressed great regret that the confer e had to end. They of young fellows and Thomasville will always be glad to welcome them here. Christmas Seals Start Sale This Week— The sale of Christmas Seals will start this week and the ladies in charge have obtained permission to it a booth i n the post office and le in the front of Neel’s store. These Seals are s< villa every year and , benefit of the Nntionnl Tuberculosis of the c,tjr fund, to be used in fighting tubercu losis in America. These Seals first sold under the auspice? of the Red Cross but in 1919 the Tuberculosis Association took the entirely independent of the Red The seals cost almost nothing and go to add to the attractiveness of Christmas packages as well help in the great work of the Tuberculosis Association. The Girls Scouts will as usual make a house to house canvass for the seals. Clean Up Yuor Presmlsea For Christmas— The club women In Georgia have cided to have two weeks In December ’clean-up weeks,” and they Ing that In every city and town the people follow out this Idea. To have a clean town the streets should he clean, the yards clean, and in fact Just everything clean. Noth ing gives a better feeling than to sea everything looking spick and span all around one. December Is an especially fine month for cleaning up things, as Christmas will be more attractive with everything around looking bright and fresh. Let everybody get busy and have their yards, sldwalks and premises generally clean and fresh for Chrl«t- as. If you go to cleaning up things ound your premises It will Inspire your neighbor to do likewise, and so you may be the means of starting a . ^ good work. r ” fopH'jh'g f Let white and colored In all parts Mr. and Mr. Arthur P. Wright Arrive— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Wright, arrived this morning from New York e for the present with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wright, at their home in Fletcherville. Mr. Wright, and Miss Eunice Bayliss were married on Wednesday, the 29th, on November in New York, the ceremogy being performed at the Church of the .Transfiguration, in the presence of relatives and friends. Thomasville friends of this popular young couple are according them a most cordial welcome and many congratulations. Brighten up tnat room with new wall paper. You will find exactly what you want hare, and rapid and expert work men to hang It, tee. James H, Brown, Wall Paper, Phone 151. now and have everything around them In apple pie order for Chrlatmas and they will be proud to show their town to visitors. Business and Professional Women’s Club Meets Tuesday Evening— The Business and Professional Wo men’s Club will hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening Dec. 5, 1922 at 8:00 p. m. at the store of Mrs Wells . All members please take no U3H35 OT ' Firesh Meats all kinds Bread and [ Butter Bacon and Ham good [service call THEg ECONOMY MARKET J. W. Blanton, Proprietor. PhonegNo. 2-8-7 110 N. Broad SI. Our Sale, Will Last A Few More Days Get Your Shoe Supply Now SEE WINDOW DISPLAY AND NOTE THE LOW PRICES Warshaw’s Cut Price Shoe Store FIREMEN must often de stroy your property in order to conquer the flames. Wherever fire gets a foothold there followe financial loss of some degree. A Hartford Fire Insurance Company policy atanda between you and this lots. The property owner pro tected by a Hartford Contract need ngt fear that his dollar* will go up in smoke.. J. T. CULPEPPER & SON AGENTS Thom&ftville, ... Georgia. Baptist Church "Over the Top”— The fall round up of the Baptist 75 Million Campaign has Just closed, and the First Baptist church of Thomas vllle Is rejoicing that it Is "over the top,” with 1106 to spare. Registration Books Close Today— The registration books of the city of Thomssvllle close this afternoon at 6 ’clock. It is expected that the list will fall off materially from previous years, even though the woman are registering in larger numbers than before. Up to 8:30 o’clock this after noon there were 630 names on the list The treasurer has been a very busy man today. A crowd was la the office practically throughout tha hours of opening. The list may reach 800. although this Is considered doubtful, gad leek vralL «f Lawhead. SALE OF Men’s Work Panls SUITABLE FOR HUNTING $1.25 Tuesday—Dec. 5th. Extra Quality WE ASK YOUR INSPECTION PRESSING CLEANING-DYEING PHONE 111 Ansley-Pittman Company | II PHONE 111. 101 1.3 SOUTH BROAD ST. j | (Next t*H*eM4ll*ee’Dmg Company)