The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 04, 1922, Image 6

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DAILY HME*SMTtRPfUU, 7H0MA8VILLE, GEORQIA MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 4, 1122. ■ H. GOLDSTEIN'S SPECIALS FOR 10 DAYS ONLY Men’, Overcoats, at $4.98 Ladies' $25.00 Coatj at $16.75 Ladies’ Suits, at $9.90 Baby Blankets, pair 49c Chiffon Broadcloth, 54-inch, yd. $2.79 54-inch Prunella Skirting, yd $2.95 54-inch Storm Serge yd. $1.39 H. GOLDSTEIN'S DANGER POINT AT THE LAUSANNE CONFERENCE IS NOW NEAR AT HAND le, Dec. 4—A review of the ■econd week of the Near East confer ence shows clearly that the negott* tlons hare reached a point of danger; the question of capitulations, or special' prudence which satisfied the foreign! ES powers and finally induced them defl-' nltely to abolish the foreign tribunal privileges. Japan has, therefore, urged Turkey to be patient The Turks argue that complete ad- mlnstratlve sovereignty is perhaps the most solemn article of the new Otto j man national pact A prominent Turk Dyeing Dyeing Dyeing WE DYE TO LIVE— Send os your Cleaning and Pressing. All work guaranteed. Ladies' work a specialty. We are now in position to do all kinds of tailoring -coat-lining, ets. Troy Tailoring Co. Phone 43 205 West Jackson Streot If you have recently recovered your shingle roof without dipping the shingles with— PEE-GEE SHINGLE STAIN it is still NOT TOO LATE to correct your mis take. :::::::: t A brush coat or two of stain or— Pee-Gee Roof Paint In red, gray or green will give wonderful returns on a small investment. :::::: Your roof if neglected requires the heaviest upkeep expense of any part of your home. THEN WHY NEGLECT? privileges, enjoyed by foreigners In Turk.,, Whies »M Uk.n „„ S.turd.,, (rom ^ „ may mate or break the conference, r J . _ v ^ _ thl, 1. .o became .n aiamae to j be bctor6 "If Americans and other foreigners like to be under the authority Turkish courts, then let them Turk arrested in New York he would American court and clilon on capitulation me, eo wound Turkish national pride, that the Turks “ ' 7 . .... ’ . . . should exist In Turkey.” ma, doa tkol, fe.o. and so back to The Turltl ,h po.m„ n weakened b, ‘ n, ora - the fact that complete unity of front Ererybod, reall.e. the extreme delk | by trea , ba , 8een erected against the Turks 'on this problem. cacy and danger of the negotiations o capitulations. The Turks have reject ed all suggestions of the powers. In cluding the United States, that the special privileges enjoyed by foreign era past shall be retained, more «s- < peclally any attempt to have foreign j jj e “ Url ff"from U consular court* try cases Involving foreign reeidents or foreign property. Both Ismet Pasha and Dr. Rlsa Nnr, plenipotentiaries from Angora, Inform ed the correspondent of the Associated Press yesterday that they would resist any attempt to place Turkey ternatlonai standing than "smaller and less Important states, like Greece and Mexico.” They could lnalst on com plete administrative Independence. Dr. Rlsa said: "We hear that the powers, Including (he United State* thinking of substituting "Judicial guarantees’ for the hateful expression, ‘capitulations.’ In so far aa foreign tribunals are concerned this will not do; It means the same thing under • different name. Any way we object to a transitory period whereby Turkey would be supposed gradually to eman cipate herself from the ancient regime of capltaulatlon. We want complete freedom The leading European powers have received important help from Japan In their struggle to keep the foreign courts In Turkey. Japan herself suf fered the same humiliation as Turkey, and sympathises with the Turkish at titude. But Baron Hayasbl has made the point that It took Japan two de cades to sstabllsh a system of Juris- However, Russia la expected to side with her ally, Turkey. Another capitulation difficulty lies in fixing the customs tariff. The pow- permlt Turkey to increase 15 per cent, but I Robison Hdw. Co. 117-119 E. Jackson St. Phone 168 lliiiil II 1 1111 Place Your Order for Thanksgiving Fruit Cake The STONE Kind 1, 2, and 4 pounds each. With W. P. Grantham Phone 11 the Ottoman state wants complete .freedom to make iti own tariff sche dule. The present echedule is prao tlcally prohibitive tor the great bulk of British end French goods. It re mains to be seen whether the threat ©f the foreign powera to expend no capital In Turkey will Induce the Turks to change their recalcitrant at titude. In an attempt to give public strength to their position the Turkish delegates have widely distributed a pamphlet written by Ahmed Rustem Bey, tor mer ambassador at Washington, In { which he warns the world that mod- Turkey will never submit to haw Ing foreigners disregard Turkish law iwblle living on Turkish soli. He won ders whether England and the United States, “whose ethnical pride is strengthened by religious prejudice,” ever permit Turkey to enter the •acred circle of the Occident on a footing of fraternal equality.” Listen to Reason With the wisdom of a sage, Poor Richard said: “If you will not hear Reason, she will surely rap your knuckles.” The advertising you find in this paper is 100 per cent reason. Ignore its messages, and you neglect opportunity, overlook vital information and put yourself in a way to get your knuckles severely rapped. Heed them, and you cannot fail to profit. Sometimes, the advertisements keep you from making an unwise purchase by pointing out the reasons why one ar ticle suits you better than another. And ALWAYS they identify for you goods of unques tioned value. When a store or manufacturing concern puts its name on goods and tells you about them, you may be sure that they worth consideration. It does not pay to advertise merchandise that is not good. IT’S WORTH WHILE TO HEED THE VOICE OF REASON. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS I NEW BERN SCENE OF NEW FIRE OUTBREAKS! New Bern, N. C., Dec. 4—Two ! more firca broke out here yester-) day, one believed to have been of incendiary origin, and for a time iti feared that something like the ! holocaust of Friday, which laid waste I fifty blocks, would be repeated. Both occurred early in the morning J and the first one in Kennedy’s phar. j macy, was soon out. The other, which I officials said appeared to have been j deliberately started, was confined J to a storage warehouse of Griffith street after a desperate fight of an j hour. I The building and its contents of! oil, lumber and other inflammable j material was in a light blaze before j the alarm was turned in nnd firemen found the flnmes leaping seventy or , feet high and threatening to | endanger the Norfolk Southern Rail way shops, many dwellings and a ‘ lumber mill, ‘ ' .7' (j -J&t | Hundreds of persons tnrned out to 1 aid the firemen and after it was over ■ relief work for the suflerers from I Friday’s fire was resumed. During j the day several thousand persona, estimates ranging as high as 5,000, came to New Bern to see the burned i but idle curiosity did not ap- to be the only motive that prompted the visitors for hundreds of automobiles bore bundles of clothes and bedding, now the great* t need of the 1,800 or more pen ns affected- While spectators were wandering Hart Schaffner & Marx dress clothes are popular Men know they're right in every detail -or the label of these makers wouldn’t be in them. We’ll show you many models at very reasonable prices. PHONE 300 Headquarters for Hart. Schaffner and Marx Good Clothes the Norwegian language suggested that special legislation would hardly be necessary to prevent ita wide* spread use in Georgia. «°monuL?*toN^ 3£EJ TINKHAM COMES BACK ages of sympathy and offering aid I 1 WITH SAME OLD HARPING me from many part* of the conn-, „ j. Washington, D. C., Dec. 4.—. “If there is anything we ca n do, Representative Tinkham, Republican cammand us,” was the tenor of all Masschuaetts, made public yesterday the telegrams. Local citizens have * letter to President Harding corn- subscribed $15,000 and the Elks of, mending his reported intention to Charleroi, Pa., sent in $500 yester- 1 refer in his message to Congress to day. ."widespread disrespect for law as Approximately 1,000 tents have • exemplified by defiance been sent here Camp Glenn, . the edge of tho burned area r© |“ b « enforced equally and impartially, sembled a tented city. Today plans “With the greatest respect,” Mr* will be made for cleaning up the Tinkham wrote, "may I draw your ruins and for obtaining portable 1 attention to the fact that, whereas houses to meet the requirements of eighteenth .amendment is per- citizens who suffered, most of whoa ' misaiv0 in its authorization to Con- are negroes, who generally were S^css*° legislation to enforce it; without insurance. .the second section of the fourteenth city of London during the last year is shown in the census figures, the interval between the census ol 1911 and that of 1921 the female excess in London rose from 1,127 to 1,165 as compared with 1,000 males., In actual figures the females excess in London is 841,365; an increase in ten years of 72,362. The effect of on the female population is shown by the fact that nearly 26, 000 of this increase, or about 36 per cent is accounted for by widows. While the enumerated population of London fell nearly one per cent dur ing this period; widows increased in number to 12 per cent. Although there was a considerable re from Fort Bragg and eighteenth amendment ” and auggest- increase in the number of persons be- 1 i, N. C., and last night in & that * u P® 1 *® of t °® c°n**itution tween the ages of ninety-five and hundred in this period, the centenarians fell from twenty, five males and fifteen females, to sixteen, six males and ten females. Attack Chickens at Night! One of the worst enemies of chickens is the bed bug! They bite Good order prevailed, according amendment, which commands Con-1 the chickens and inject a poison to officials, and members of the local reduc ® representation in (liquid. Your chickens are in danger field artillery company are satiating proportion to disfranchisement, is] of being infected with the typhus the police in patrol work while, m * nd » tor F ,nd prescriptive and if germ! Wipe out all bed bugs NOW distribution of supplies is’ being now scandalously nnd completely Guard against this menace. Use helped in by the crew of the coast unenforced and nullified.” j Royal Guaranteed Bed Bug Liquid, guard boat Pamlico- All patrolls are I Mr. Tinkham asserted that “with ( 25c. Sold and guaranteed by Ingram under orders to arrest any persons fl *grant and widespread disfran* Drug store, found under the influence of liquor, .chisement established by indisputable (Advertisement) evidence now before Congress and NORWEGIAN LANGUAGE NOT PROHIBITED IN GEORGIA ! . m «„ d m.nt unenforced, the very | ‘tenure of the office you hold and representation of the lower house of Congress fa tainted with unconstitutionality.” Mr. Tinkham suggested that the President call attention of Congress “to its present unconstitutional composition.” Atlanta, Ga., Dec. ernment of Norway hss asked Secre tary of State McLendon if Georgia has enacted any laws discriminating against the use off the Norwegian language in this state. Attaches of the office have made search of the statutes. They found laws prohibiting the use of vile language, obscene language, offensive language, abusive language, and a few others, bat nothing against the Norwegian language. Those who have cither aeen <*r heard WOMEN IN LONDON NOW, GREATLY OUTOiMBER MEN London, No?. 8.—(By MaQ)—k record increase in the number of fe males as compared with males* in the THEATER IN AUSTRIA TURNED OVER TO ACTORS Salzburg, Australia, Nov. 1. (By Mail) The municipal theater of Sails, burg has ben turned over to Its starf, actors, musicians, stage hands and all to be run at a cooperative concern, The city had advanced a loan a< working capital. The experiment to interesting Vienna in view of a re. port that the government's new fl. panda! reform plan will compel the Grand opera and the State prams Theatre, both world farrons and al ways subdized, tq place themselves on a self-supporting basis. Wall Papering, INTERIOR DECORATING PAINTING TINTING MIRROR SILVERING David S. Pittman 518 West Clay Street PHONE 533-J. WINESAP APPLES These apples will not rot. BUY THEM BY THE BOX From your retail dealer. Buy the ALL AMER ICAN BRAND. F.B. Harris Co. Distributors Digtrit