The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 05, 1922, Image 5

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TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 5, 1922. DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRI9E. . DAILY TIMES-ENTERPAISE Have Your Battery BY US JAS. GRIBBEN PHONE 461 We Repair—Recharge and Give Free Service On All Makea of Battieriea Christmas Specials i lot, Poly Cronie Candle sticks and Candles 98c each complete 1 lot, Smoking Stands $2.50 each Others from $3°° to $25.00 each 1 lot Priscilla Sewing Boxes $675 each 1 lot, Poly Crome Framed Mirrors ... .$i.75> each I lot, Fine Electric Lamps from $12.50 to $50.00 each 1 lot, Mahogany Clocks ... ,$to.oo and $12.00 each Also the Finest Line of Toys, Dolls and Christmas Presents Shown in Thomasville W. Feinbreg & Son Thomasville’s Leading Furniture Store Golden Bros., Co. Phone 184 Gifts for Xmas Select a Gift from our Stock and you will be well pleased, both in price and quali ty. Our line consists of CANDY CIQAR8, PIPE8 STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLE8 WHITE IVORY G00D8 LEATHER G00D8 FLASH LIGHT8 JEWELRY Our line of jewelry is all guaranteed to be best quality. Come in and get first choice. Ray-o-llte Flashlights Sparks Pharmacy ■ Goodness Phone 115 Goodness knows they’re good. Service - Service - Service Don’t lose half a day having your car repaired. Just leave it with us at nig ht and it will be ready for you the next morning. : S S t S : Gas. Oils. Grease and Accessories at all hours. C. Dewey Norwood Greatest of All Desert Thrillers Two women — a French dancer and a proud society beauty—th rowing conventions to the winds and fighting for a man's love in the hot wastes of the Sahara. Wild adventures, gay Arabian revels, tear* and tempestuous romance. All thrilllngly blended In a picture ten times better than "The Sheik.” Pro duced on a scale as sweep Ing as its name. With a cast of real stars. H0UR8: 3, 5, 8, 9:49; Afte moons 10 and 25c; Nights, children under 12, 10c; Adults 30c. LIQUOR VIOUTORS SENTENCED New York, Dec. 5.—Seven men, In cluding two former prohibition en forcement agents, convicted last week of substituting 160 barrels of glnget ale for Canadian whiskey while the. shipment was being moved from New York railroad station to a steamship last April, yesterday were sentenced by Federal Judge Mack to years each in Atlanta penlnten- tiary. The enforcement men. Harry Meade and William Walsh, also fined |2,000 each. All those sentenced, who charged with conspiracy to swindle the government out of duties, violation of the Volstead act and bribery of gov ernment officials, were released in hail pending appeal. IRISH NOW USE AIRPLANES Cork, Dec. 6—An airplane for the first time has been brought into action against the Irregulars, with disastrous results to sixty of them, well entrench ed in ambush near Drimoleague. A call for reinforcements from na tional troops brought an airplane ta the scene. Sighting the irregulars, it bombed them out. They endeavored to make their escape, som neighboring woods, but the airplane circled over them and raked the flee- g men with machine gun fire. It Is believed that a great major Ity of the Irrogulars were killed wounded. The nationals had one n killed. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Old English Wax Wasn’t Made If so it would have been used to beautify the inter ior of the palaces of Kings and Queens. IT IS MADE NOW and we have it, so use some in your little palace and note the wonderful rich glossy finish it will give your floors, piano, furniture and wood work. You will be proud of them. And say, it can’t be beat for polishing that car. JAMES WAIT & BHD. Rev. C. R. Jenkins to Leave Tomorrow- Rev. C. R. Jenkins will leave tomor- w for Columbus, where he has been appointed pastor of St. Luke’s Metho dlst church of that city. Mr. Jenkins has been for the past •ar, presiding elder of the Thomas ville district, a position that he has filled with great success, but It is un derstood to have been his desire to be placed In a pastorate once more. He considered one of the leading men the South Georgia Conference and fvas for some time president of We* leyan College ftt Macon. While his duties necessarily took him away from Thomaaville a great deal, Mr. Jenkins mado numbers o! friends here, who regret very much to hare him leave. His popularity was not confined to his own denomination and he will be generally missed here Judge J. 8. Montgomery has sold r Mrs, J. L. Daugherty, her homo on Young street, to Mr. Charlie StegalL Mr. Stegall Is an employe of the coun ty In the road department and will make Thomasville hts permanent home. WEATHER REPORT Thomasville, Ga., Dec. 5, 1922. Weather forecast for Thomasville and vicinity: Mostly cloudy and cool er tonight and Wednesday. Probably local rains. Observations at 1. P. M. Standard Time . 75* 1p.m. Highest temperature for this month, 29 years record (1913) 83' Lowest temperature today 80 Lowest temperature for this montn. 29 yean record (1894) 13' Mean temperature today 69' Normal for tbla date 54* Departure since first ot month + 82* Departure since January first +580* Relativo humidity 8 a. m. 97% Relative humidity 1 p. m 62% Relative humidity 8 p. m. yester day 85% Rainfall past 24 hours ,001ns. Rainfall since first ot month .001ns Rainfall since January first 4LSlina Departure since first ot mo. —0.50 Ins. Departure since Jan. first —5.97 Ink Wind direction 1p.m. West Wind velocity 1 p. m. 6 ml. per boon O. M. IIADLEY. Rev. I. P. Tyson and Family Leave- Rev. I. P. Tyson left today for Cor dele, where he has been appointed presiding older of the Cordele district Mr. Tyson has been pastor of the Methodist church here for the past year and during that time has done a great work for the church in the way of building it up, and many new mem bers have been added to It. His value as a worker has been realized by the; conference and bis promotion to the position of presiding elder will mean' :h laTger Held in which to work.! Mr. Tyson and his family leave Thom asville with the best wishes of the] friends they have made during their j residence here, for success and happi- ln their new home. Football Game Friday— In the football world, ot former days, are going to play against the high school team Friday afternoon. They have arranged this game for the purpose of raising a fund sufficient buy sweaters for the team, and the I letters, which will be awarded accord Ing to the school regulations, to those players participating in a majority ot * the games. The High School Athletic Associa tion has not funds sufficient to buy these sweaters with the regulation letters, so the all-stars are going to make a valiant effort to give three hundred folks a run for their money In a game Friday afternoon. The ef fort Is merely one to raise this fund and It is hoped that the record crowd of the season will be out to assist in this worthy cause. The all-stars are planning for tho game with zest and spirit and have started practicing every night for the j Tho line-up will include such i ■players as Andrlshok, Mays, Groover, I Norton. Neels, of Plunkets. and Brit ton, J. Searcy, Roscoe Milton. Joe and Charles Way, Harold Turner, Heeth j Varnedoe, Alexander. Ansley Cheshli Child Welfare Association to Meet Tomorrow— The Child Welfare Association hold its regular meeting at the Public Library on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. There gram, as this meeting Is for the especial purpose of discussing the work that has been accomplished this year and to round out the unfinished plans that are being made to prepare a merry Christmas for the fifteen or twenty little destitute children that have enjoyed the protection of Child Welfare this year. In all fairness to the association. It Is urged that not only the mothers and ull members of this organization be present, but as many of the public as might be Interested to hear a detailed account of the expenditures of the money earned at various times by Child Welfare and of the donations given In the names of this cause. There has been a splendid work done by some ardent and interested members, whose loyalty to the cause will place them In the advanced army that Is fighting a mighty battle against Ignorance, disease, immorality and pitiful want. Let each member association assume her part of this precious task, even though that part be merely attending the meetings, for Interest thereby manifested courage and strength to those who undertake the most active part In the cause. Appeal Is made to every member, ho, by their presence and by their Fforts, have brought this most neces sary organization to Its present flour ishing condition, to come out on Wed nesday and know what has been done. Every one who would like to show •me appreciation of the Child Wei-1 fare Association's efforts, and who' would like to be helpful In giving these little unfortunates n glimpse of what believed "our own," are entitled the birthday of the Holy Child,, , Who also was born amid poverty and ' v [' 6y e *lLJ|’ e , , t * \ Vaughan, and Coach Rawson. The line-up has not yet been fixed, but it will be some machine when It gets [going against the local contingent of Swap your old furnlturo and get new J Bchoo i j a( j 8 . In tho placo of It. Empire Furnlturo 1 ! Will there bo a Vlctrola In your homo this Christmas? A New Firm For Cilro- ! s „ nd i ng commltle.7 In today's advertising columns Is FoP Baptist Church— 1 annonucement of the formal open-1 The following standing committees j Ing of J. L. Oliver a Son, of Cairo,, |j aV6 |, een name( j f or the First Baptist I Grady county's largest store, begin- i church . to ier ve during the year 1923: “ nlng Wednesday and continuing Cthers-Joseph j erger , j r ., Pau j! through Saturday of this week. Searcy, Shelton Chastain. Frank Mo I The pretty stone and pressed br'.-k pougald. structure of this enterprising cone. -. j collectors—J. W. Horne, chairman; j which has Just been completed, is ajj^ 0 . Fleetwood, J. A. Ritchie, B. B | Broughton, W. B. Cochran, J. T. Dixon. I W. E. Beverly. Lee E. Kelly. Baptism—W. E. Beverly, chairman; F. Y. Speight, Elmo Chastain, Sr, 1 Mrs. W. N. Hamilton, Mrs. J. S. Mont- . gomery. Mrs. C. M. Robinson. j Communion—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horne. Music—Miss Lucy Lester, chairman: Mrs. L. H. Jergcr, Miss Irene Davl* R. O. Fleetwood. Building and Grounds—William Mi) ! ler, chairman; Ardla McDougald, J. : White, Mra. W. M. Harris, Mr* j Taylor Mitchell. Mrs. J .A. Mitchell. Lookout—Mrs. J. C. Neel, chairman; Mrs. B. F. Herring, Mrs. B. W. Stone, j Mra. J. W. Blanton, Mra. F. Y. Speight Mrs. H. H. Vann, Mra. C. F. Groover, j Mlsa Theo Quarterman. i Benevolence—The Ladles' Aid So-, ciety. Dr. S. L. Cheshire. Dr. C. K < Wall. i Orphans' Home—C. A. Cochran, j b cordially 1: Fttfjji Meats all kinds /f 'ffi Bread ; and [Butter Bacon and Ham good {service .. .A call THE£ ECONOMY MARKET J. W. Blanton, Proprietor. Phonepo. 2-8-7 110 N. Broad SI. Our Sale Will Last A Few More Days Get Your Shoe Supply Now SEE WINDOW DISPLAY AND NOTE THE LOW PRICES Warshaw’s Cut Price Shoe Store FIREMEN must often de stroy your property in order to conquer the flames. Wherever fire gets a foothold there follows financial loas of soma degree. A Hartfo rd Fire Insurance Company policy stands between you and this lose. The property owner pro tected by a Hartford Contract need not fear that his do'lars will go up In smoke.. J. T. CULPEPPER & SON AGENTS Thomasville, - • • Georgia. distinct credit to the Grady capital, and its three floors allow pie space for the firm’s fourteen dl» tinct departments. The firm’s motto, "We Sell Every thing,” Is carried out to the letter a) most, as the departments Indicate. Indications point to large crowds at tending the special opening, as the ■ale feature is not being stressed. Music will be rendered and refresh ments will be served at stated hours during the four days. Souvenirs will be given at all times. Wardens and Vestrymen Elected— meeting ot the congregation of jSL Thomas Episcopal church held last night at Parish House, which was at tended by a large number of the mem bers the wardens end vestrymen for the coming year were selected. Rev. Robb White acted as Chairman of the meeting and Mr. T.,T. Caldwell, secre tary. The following were named: C. Balfour Senior Warden, C. M. Chap- Junior Warden.! Vestrymen L. H. Jcrger, B. H. Wright, A. W. Moller, J. V. Hawthorn, R. Ci Balfour, Jr., E. R. Jerger. I eur line ef Xmi my you to visit Oi chairman; John Stegall, George Cocb ran. J. F. Knapp, Mra. J. F. Knapp Mrs. Elmo Chastain. Janitor, Heat and Lights—J. Montgomery, W. R. Harris. Education—B. B. Broughton, S. H [ Mills. Miss Daisy Neel. Stranger*—The deacons. SALE OF £ Men’s Work Pants | SUITABLE FOR HUNTING | $1.25 1 Wednesday—Dec. 6th. Extra Quality WE ASK YOUR INSPECTION PRESSING CLEANING-DYEING PHONE 111 Ansley-Pittman Company