The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 06, 1922, Image 1

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WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy Tonight and Thursday. Prob ably Rain Thursday. Little Change In Temperature. Oailfi ADVERTISING FORMS OUSE HIRER. M. DAILY VOL. XXXIV. No. 15. TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 6, 1922. »5.00 PER ANNUM PEBRY, FIE, HI LOCATED NEAR THE GJI. LINE AT BUDGE Wanted for Murder of Young School Teacher Near Perry, Fla., Last Week and Is Said To Be With Relatives in Decatur County. Perry. Fla.. Dec. 6.—Sheriff Lips comb of this county loft today for place near BalnbTldge, Ga., following a report that Charlie Wright, negro, who la an escaped convict, wanted In connection with the murder of Ruby Hendry, 22-year old school teacher here Saturday, la hiding at the home or a relative there. Miss Henry was beaten in the bead within a few yards of her home and her throat cut with a razor. A train crew discovered the body beside the OALL REFUSED BEGGAR, WAS SHOT BY HIM Kansas City, Dec. 6.—Ward Fowler aged 2, was wounded Inst night when, he said a beggar shot him following his refusal to give anything to the man. The police are holding a man who gave his name as Stacy Prlstow and who said he lives In Alabama. 10 PLEASED HIM GET BEQUESTS Actresses, Boot Blacks, Hat Boys and Others to Number Of 102 are Made Beneficiar ies of Wealthy Frisco Man Who Died Recently. San Francisco, Cal., Dec! 6.—Ac- resses, bootblacks, hatboys. and In fact everyone who left a good Impres-, on the soul of the man who re membered little acts of kindness and courtesy, were made beneficiaries In the will of the lute Joseph Disagno. whose quarter of * million dollar es tate, was ordered distributed to 102 persons. Among the benotlclarles Is Marjorie Rumbeau. actress, who will receive fourteen hundred dollars. Another Is Harry Morgan, check boy at a local club, who geta seven hundred doll; HEAVY FINES AND MORGUE VISITS ARE BECOMING FREQUENT FOR AUTO VIOLATORS PRIVY COUNCIL HELD AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE <ny Associated I Ye-el London, Dec. 6.—The historic P'lvy Council was held In Buckingham ace this evening, and dealt chiefly with the establishment of Ireland as an Independent commonwealth. King George signed the proclama tion giving effect to the new Irish Free State, and also a proclamation appointing Timothy & H. Healy, as the first governor general of Ireland. OIL SITUATION DISCUSSED (By Associated Press) St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 6.—The oil situ ation In various parts of the world as It affects International relations, was the main topic for discussion today at the formal opening of the third an nual convention of the American Pe troleum Institute. The nomination o' twenty directors by the board of coun cillors was the order of (business at the morning session. > WRECK ON C. AND 0. (By Associated Press) Montgomery, W. Va.. Dec. 6—One trainman was killed end another In jured seriously, near Gauley Bridge today when a Chesapeake and Ohio passenger train, bound for Washing ton struck a rock. No passengers were hurt, the railroad report said. The engine, baggage car and two coaches left the tracks and went over an embankment. I. W. W. PLANS GENERAL STRIKE ON THE PACIFIC Loa Angeles, Cal.. Dec. 6.—The In dustrial Workers of the World plan a strlko at all Pacific coast ports, be ginning with New Year's day, accord- i Information which police sold was contained In literature seized by them and operatives from the Dis trict Attorney's office In a raid made In the harbor district on an alleged I. W. W. meeting lust night. COAL DISCUSSIONS REOPENED TODAY Chicago, dll., Dec. «.—Negotiations were reopened today between the soft coal operators representing the na tion's union output and a delegation of ratters for the purpose of agreeing on somo method o' drifting n wage scale for Iho miners next January. Casting asldo sectional differenc e the operators are reported to have agreed to a plan to present to tho miners for approvnl. LAFOI.LETTE ATTACKS PROPOSED PACKER MERGER Washington, D. C-. Dec. 6.—An at tack on the proposed merger of the Armour and Morris’ meat packing concerns was made In the Senate to day by Senator LaFollette, who de clared the packers were seeking im munity In advance from the Presi dent and government officials. NEW SPANISH MINISTRY IS NOW PLANNED Madrld^Dec. 6.—Marques de Alhn- comas, prominent Liberal leader, ha* accepted the Invitation of King Alton- form a new ministry, conditional however, upon the reaulta of tomor conference of Liberal leaders. automohIIi8ts, are becoming effective In many parts of the Middle West to curb the steadily mounting toll of au tomobile victims, a digest from re ports from several states shows. Fines alone, reports indicate, are not proving effective. In Chicago and Cook county, de spite the Increasingly heavy fines, i toll from auto accidents in the fiscal year ending November 30th viis seven hundred and thlr*.y six .Ives ■ompnred with six nundreJ au'l sixty U. S. OPERATIOlfOF MUSCLE SHOALS IS URGED BY FARM BLOC WashInTto^T^C.^D^'e.-A gov ernment controlled < duce nitrate for wn cheap fertilizer for the farmers, was proposed today as a solution of the -Muscle Shoals question, by Represen tative Dickinson, leader of the farm bloc, who Introduced a bill to put Ills plan into effect. The bill provides for a "Federal Chemical Corporation." consisting of the Secretaries of the War and Agri culture Departments nnd three mem- rs to be appointed by the President be given power to complete and op ate Muscle Shoals. PHILUPS KNOWS NOTHING OF HIS WIFE’S ESCAPE BUTLER NOMINATION WILL BE FOUGHT IN THE COMMITTEE TOMORROW President Returns Denny and Other Nominations That Failed at the Special Session Of Congress to Tf Today for Action. (H. Awtateil Pr,„> Washington, D. C., Dec. 6.—Preil dent Harding today returned to the Senate the nominations of George V. Denny, to be Collector of Customs at Savannah. Walter Cohen, to be Comp troller of Customs at Sew Orleans. Clinton Richard, to he Comptroller of Baltimore. All ol these nominations failed of action at the pedal session of Congress. ARGUMENT ON CONFIRMATION PIERCE BUTLER TOMORROW Washington, D. C.. Dec. 6.—Argu- ents opposing the confirmation of Pierce Butler. St. Paul attorney. Associate Justice) of the Supreme Court, probably Will be heard ow. behind closed doors by the Sen- ite Judiciary subcommittee. Senate led shipstend of Minnesota, is to I the first witness. not indicated today wheth< LaFollette and Norris, who prevented consideration of bis noml nation during the special session ol would present protests to the subcommittee. IRISH FREE STATE TOOK PUCE AMONG COMMONWEALTHS OF THE WORLD TODAY (By Associated Press) Dublin. Ireland, Dec. 6.—-Ireland took her place today among the world's commonwealths, and the pro visional government and parliament ceased to function, their place being taken by the permanent parliament and the cabinet of the Irish Free State and the new commonwealth be ing formally proclaimed as the estab lished government. The President's nomination of thir ty senators was a part of the day's business. The lower House elects the remaining thirty. When the Senate is constituted lat er In the week, both houses will be addressed by Governor-General Healy. night, appeared at the office of her attorney late yesterday and word to the sheriff's office, h. ready to be interviewed about the cape Phillips made a statement in which said he knew nothing about the escape or where his wife had gone, He gave a detailed account of his movements for the past 24 hoi ALLIED CONTROL OF DARDANELLES PLANNED BY NEAR EAST DELEGATES Position of the Turks is Said To Be Subject to Revision On This Important Phase of The Proposition .as Regards The Straits. SIX KILLED WHEN TWO PLANES COLLIDE NEAR NEWPORT NEWS TODAY Newport News, Va., Dec. C—Two of Iters and four enlisted men were tilled this morning when a Martin KMrfier plane collided with a Foker chile making a landing. The dead are Major Gearheart, Cap- USE AT ADI EARLY DATE IN Japan Has Followed Out Plans of the Washington Disarmament Meeting and Things Are Now Ready for Transfer. (Dr Aiwiclated Pekin, China, Dec. 6.—China Japan tonight completed settlement of the Shantung controversy as out lined by the terms of the Washlngtoi treaty. China agrees to pay Japan forty million yen for the Shanti ■allroad and sixteen million yen iddltfon for all public properties to taled In the Kiachow district. Tl civil military administration will 1 rned over to China December tent PRINCE ANDREW IN ROME Rome, Dec. 5.—Prince Andrew •eeoe. ha« arrived here from Brlndl- , where ho landed yesterday. It expected he will bo received by Pope In private audience before Ing for London. tain Doyle. Staff Sergeant Marick. j ItD MCI I AT AIM IICAHC Privates Illunka. Rolan and Jordan. MR. MULL AGAIN HCAUj The bomber. It was said over tl telephone, was in the air when tl Major took off in the Foker. ■ His m chine struck the tail of the bomber and both machines fell to the earth, e Major. Captain and Sergeant caught In tho wreckagn burned to death, while the privates killed when they Jumped from the planps. Private Jordan's home is a ep. Georgia. EMMETT HOUSER WINS IN HOUSTON COUNTY ELECTION THE GEORGIA BAPTISTS Atlanta. Ga., Dec. 6.—Dr. John D. Moll, of Athens, was unanl- as President of the Georgia Bap tist convention when that ibody convened here for the 101st an nual session. I#ausanne, Dec. 5—The Entente plan for keeping open the Straits * the Dardanelles in tipie of peace and war. provides foe the appointment of an International commission of con trol composed of the greet powers. In cluding the United States, ns well as Turkey and the countries bordering on the Black Sea. Ix?rd Curzon of Great Britain In the name of the Allies' presented the de tails of this comprehensive project to the Near East Conference today. A change of front on the part of the Turkish TW o MACON WOMEN « | SERIOUSLY BURNED position on Straits' control probably • ‘ ~ would be found nearer in accord with! Macon. Oa.. Dec. 6.—Two women. the Allied plan than that of the Ru* Mr. Cleo Ming, the 2-year-old bride of Perry, Ga., Dec. 6.—Incomplete returns this morning indicate the overwhelming election of Emmett Houser, of Fort Valley, as Ordin ary for Houston county. He Is a member of the state legislature and was one of the leading advo cates of the plan for the creation of Peach county, which amend ment was defeated In the recent primary elections. 2,954 PERSONS WERE RESCUED BY THE U. S. [ N YOUE HOME tW« some room—maybe yourz of the kiddies, living room, dia. ing room or kitchen—where you’d like to change the color of the woodwork. That's the place and job for riXAK*. THS LAST1NO FINISH [What’s more, you can have your favored color scheme #—mahogany, walnut, moss green, cherry, light or dark oak or any of six plsajing Come in and let us Show you what you can do with it< Wc’ro tho FIXALL store. MASH-MILT0N DRUG CO “A Good Place to Trade.” Phone. >05 and 106 In his statement Phillips suid he > the county jail Monduy morn- visit his wifo. While he was he asked him to take a mess* her attorney, Bertram Her rington. Upon leaving the jail he Herrington's office and de livered the message, the nature of which he did not divulge. Then he said he went to a local hotel and engaged a room paying a ik’s rent in advance, after which went to the home of Mrs. Phil lips' mother nnd sisters, where he hud been staying. He left there, he add- il, telling the woman he was mov ing down town, but without giving them his new address. Phillips explained he had an "argu ment” with the family and o n that account had decided to move. Tho first inkling of Mrs. Phillips _ riI , anring , ne escape, which came to him, he de- ended last Jun< dared, reached him through yester- J today by the United States Coast papers. j Guard. The total exceeded hv 1.33.3 j His first move upon learning of j the number saved during the previous lh« Jail break «aa ta telephone lta»l year. lias Ur, Hoik. and ai.l.ted In puttlni Herrington, he said, and after con-' * — — I , .... „ ,, ... . ... ....... veins with him over the wire for . BUYS RAILROAD FOR I A ! , b “ " - few minutes, he went to Herring- i TWENTY THOUSAND were w *° r ° us * W. G. Ming, a farmer on the Mansfield estate near Macon, and Miss Susie Thigpen, 16-year-old daughter, of Free' man Thigpen of Dublin, were In a serious condition last night at the Mu- con Hospital, as a result of burns sub- COAST GUARD FORCE , * lned MonJi,v nls '"- J They were preparing |upper when (By Associated rresa) ; the oil stove on which they were cook- Washington, D. C\. Dec. 6.—Rescue j ing burst Into flames and the blazing ' two thousand, nine hundred and L|l saturated their clothing. Miss fifty-four persons from positions ol j Thigpen rushed Into the yard scream- peril. during the twelve month period; | n g. and Mrs. Ming followed her, beat- reported j j ng t he (iam,. s with her bare bunds. AGENDA CENTRAL AMERICAN CONFERENCE IS PREPARED «Uy Associated Press) Washington. D. C.. Doc. G.—Tha Central American Conference today received the final draft of Its rules of procedure, and faced the question of Including In the agenda for discus sion, a proposal for a union of Central American countries. TO PUT AGENT AT WORK Washington, D. C., Dec. 6.—The epartment of Justice yesterday ad* sed Senator Harris of Georgia, that they would put a n agent at work on in investigation of the charges that i combination of producers exists to ■ontrol the supply and price of ealeium-arsenate, used by the farm- ) fighting the boll weevil, which destroys cotton. Special Assistant Fowler advisee Senator llnnis that the department i« anxious to aid the farmers of the South all it possibly can in this mat. nd as quickly as an agent can be procured a thorough investigation >f the situation will be made. Sertator Harris requested the At- orney General and the Federal Trade Commission to make an investi n, but the latter said they were without funds. SEE MOSCOW PLAYERS Many- Sacrificed Their Last Penny To Get a Seat at the Play in Which the Russian Actors Were Featured By Special French Permission. (By Associated Tress) Paris. Dec. 6.—Former grand dukes, duchesses, ambassadors and other celebrities of the Russian Imperial -eglme. some of whom sacrificed their ast penny to buy a aeat, were among he crowd at the opening performance here last night of the Moscow art the- players who recently were per mitted to enter France by special per mission of the government. SHRINERS AT COLUMBUS Macon/Ga.. Dec. A special train J Shrlners of A1 Sihah Temple, head- d by Potentate C. A. McAlister, left today for Columbus, where a cere monial will be staged late today, pre ceded by « 9>lg barbecue. There were 15ft Nobles In the Macon party. MILLION CUT OFF PROHI ENFORCEMENT BUDGET Washington. D. C.. Dec. 6 —Nine llllon dollars for the enforcement of prohibition or a quarter of a million s less than was authorized last Is provided tor In the 1923-24 ury supply bill reported by the appropriations committee of tho The committee report stated that slight decrease In the prohibition organization, bureau officials did not believe the reduction will handicap their work to any appreciable extent. HARDIN0 URGES COMPLETE ELIMINATION MADDEN PLAN IVaslilniSlon!'’d'c!.'Dec* 6.—EllmUk Ion of the Madden amendment to e shipping bill, giving Congresa ntrol over extension of government d to shipping companies, was urged • President Harding today In a let- r to Chairman Jones of the Senate immerce Committee and was read tho committee when it took up the measure. STANDARDIZING COTTON IN GEORGIA PLANNED (Rr Aiimiiiia Athens, Ga.. Dec. 6.—A plan to get concerted action for the standard!- of the cotton staple in Georgia will be presented to the conference of bankers, cotton growers and textile men In Atlanta Thursday. It was de cided at the cotton conference at tho state college here today. At the Atlanta meeting, au effort will be made to effect permanent or ganization of the state cotton Inter office nnd there continued the conference, which resulted hours later in a message to the sher- lained at the Ming home during the , night ah. Ga,. Dec. fi. -Gw .. , • «f 8avannah. acting tor «. ,lf, olBv.. tut PblHIp. .a. W,. Tute „ ta , Saval 1,1. ,”7 ' i' ““T'' Railway for twenty thou, A. L Mnnnintntt, chief of the ,„ publll . „ nvd criminal investigation department of the sheriff’s office, said last night he was satisfied Mrs. Phillips either was in Lower California, or was making yond a doubt,” he declared. “Every her way there. point she could possibly hide there is “If she docs we will get her be- being watched.” When brought to the hospital yei terday evening, examination showe Mrs. Ming’s burns to be most serloui her back, shoulders and arms being seared. Miss Thigpen sustained hums on the lower part of the body. Physi cians stated last night that Miss Thig pen will recover but it will be several days before Mrs. Ming will be out of TWO NEW ONES Junior French Patent Vanip Colonial, Black Brocaded Quarter Turn soles Heel.— Price $6.50 Patent Vamp Black Brocaded Quarter, One Strap Style. Price $6.50 These are both new and are GOOD SHOES. Come in and get yours while we can fit you. Smith=Harley Shoe Co. ut-riaiA V Clothes J The Right Way to Buy Clothes Y OU may think that all wa’ra hera for la to tail something; * but wa’ra doing something more Important than that. , Our business la, first of all# to havo a good supply of the right thlngs-to-wear for men; to buy them and sell them, as nearly as wa can at the right prices; but chiefly to help you gat tha thing you want, tha thing that’s “Just right” for you. Halplng man buy la a lot mors Intarastlng than Juat sailing ’am aomathlng. Juat drop In and saa how wall It works. NEYV SUITS DAILY FROM Hart Schaffncr & Marx. Kirschbaum and Fitform LOUIS STEYERMAN d SONS The Shop of Quality On the Comer The Origt nal Home of HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES -